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for the better part of two
By Mark Z. Barabak, days, Trump appeared de-
Jenny Jarvie flated as he read his re-
and Evan Halper marks. He did not take ques-
tions from reporters. In a de-
ATLANTA — Joe Biden parture from the wall-to-
kept up a steady march wall coverage of his presi-
toward the White House on dency, several of the major
Thursday, gaining signifi- television networks cut away
cant ground in two battle- before Trump had even fin-
ground states with enough ished.
electoral votes to settle his He was more pugnacious
prolonged contest with on Twitter. “Stop the count!”
President Trump, who re- Trump demanded, as teams
peated his baseless as- of lawyers around the coun-
sertions of fraud and Demo- try set out to do so. Several of
cratic cheating. the suits were quickly dis-
Biden narrowed the gap missed.
in Georgia and Pennsylva- [See Votes, A8]
nia as millions of ballots con-
tinued to be tabulated

nationwide despite a flurry
of lawsuits filed by the
Trump campaign aimed at

keeping election officials
from completing their
Biden entered the day

with 264 electoral votes, six
shy of the 270 needed to win
the presidency.
As of early Friday, he

trailed Trump by just 665
votes in Georgia, which has
16 electoral votes, and
Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times moved within 19,000 votes of

PROTESTERS gather at the Philadelphia convention center to support continued vote counting. Joe Biden overtaking Trump in Penn-
moved within 19,000 votes of overtaking President Trump in Pennsylvania and within 665 votes in Georgia. sylvania, which awards 20. In
both states, the bulk of bal-
lots still to be counted were

Democrats’ cast in Democratic-leaning

Making a brief appear-
ance in his hometown of
President doubles
down on unfounded
House hopes Wilmington, Del., Biden
urged patience as the elec-
tion pushed through its sec-
ond day of overtime.
claims of fraud as vote
counting continues.

meet cold reality “Each ballot must be

counted,” he said at the
Queen theater, a historic
performing arts center
By Chris Megerian
and Eli Stokols

downtown. “That’s what WASHINGTON —

have gained two GOP seats. we’re ... going through now. Speaking publicly for the
Republicans flip seven To control the House, 218 … Democracy is sometimes first time since election
seats are needed. In the cur- messy. It sometimes re- night, a somber-faced Presi-
seats with more still rent Congress, Democrats quires a little patience as dent Trump stepped behind
left to call — a far cry have 232 to Republicans’ 197. Evan Vucci Associated Press well.” a White House lectern
According to an estimate by TRUMP RENEWED allegations of voter fraud Biden expressed confi- Thursday evening to spread
from projections. election handicapper the without offering any evidence to support his claim. dence, as he did Wednesday, baseless accusations of vot-
Cook Political Report, Re- that he and his running er fraud as his reelection ap-
By Sarah D. Wire publicans could end up with mate, California Sen. Ka- peared in increasing doubt.
a net gain of between five
The tally continues mala Harris, would prevail. Even by the president’s
WASHINGTON — After and 10 seats. More than Joe Biden moved closer Thursday to winning the presi- He once again avoided any standards, he delivered an
confidently predicting three dozen races have yet to dential election. Some key states that remain undecided: declaration of victory, clos- extraordinary stream of
Democrats would expand be called. ing with a call for calm and falsehoods and a dramatic
their House majority, In a private call with an endorsement of the elec- display of desperation as his
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is hav- Democrats on Thursday, 270 to win tion’s integrity. path to winning a second
ing to explain why it looks as Pelosi (D-San Francisco) “The process is working,” term seemed to shrink by
though they will actually
lose seats.
Democrats will keep the
House majority, but the
spoke about the “challeng-
ing election” and “tough
races,” according to a partic-
264 214 Biden said. “The count is be-
ing completed and we’ll
know very soon.”
A subdued Trump re-
the hour.
But Trump was notably
deflated as he read from pre-
pared remarks in a subdued
losses there come as Demo- “We held the House. Joe Georgia Pennsylvania sponded hours later at the voice, suggesting the pos-
crats appear likely to take Biden is on a clear path to be (16 electoral votes) (20 electoral votes) White House, where he re- sibility of losing to former
the White House and im- the next president of the Trump .................2,448,183 Trump .................3,285,965 newed accusations of voter Vice President Joe Biden is
prove their numbers in the United States. This has been Biden ........................2,447,518 Biden .......................3,267,923 fraud without offering any sinking in. He departed from
Senate. a life or death fight for the evidence to back up his the briefing room without
99% of expected vote in 95% of expected vote in
Republicans flipped sev- very fate of our democracy. claim. taking questions.
en Democratic House seats We did not win every battle, “If you count the legal In his comments, Trump
so far, mostly in districts but we did win the war,” she
Nevada North Carolina votes, I easily win,” he said. insisted that election offi-
(6 electoral votes) (15 electoral votes)
President Trump had said. “If you count the illegal cials in multiple states were
carried in 2016 and then were That was a very different Trump .........................592,813 Trump .................2,732,084 votes, they can try to steal tampering, fabricating or
won by Democrats in the tone from the one expressed Biden ........................604,251 Biden .......................2,655,383 the election from us.” manipulating ballots since
2018 midterm. Democrats [See House, A8] 84% of expected vote in 94% of expected vote in After keeping from sight [See Falsehoods, A9]

■ ■ ■ INSIDE ■ ■ ■

Lyft reaches out to unions ‘Stop the count!’

‘Count the votes!’
How wide a left turn
After his Prop. 22
With the election in
overtime, President
for L.A. politics?
Trump presses a mixed
victory, the company message. NATION, A6 alignment of local politics or
president says he’d Trump’s support Progressive push a unique moment brought
about by extraordinary
like a deal with labor. is underestimated may be the start of times.
By Taryn Luna Polls in 2020 are slightly a larger alignment Voters have the chance to
more accurate than nor- dramatically reshape L.A.
— or simply a one-off. City Hall in 2022 when they
mal. But accuracy varied
SACRAMENTO — Lyft a lot by state. NATION, A6 cast ballots for mayor, eight
President John Zimmer is By Dakota Smith City Council candidates, city
extending an olive branch to Protesters push and Julia Wick attorney and city controller.
his labor foes. their narrative While L.A. has long been
After the company he co- In a year dominated by dominated by Democrats,
founded notched a decisive Trump’s backers take up massive street protests over the more establishment
victory on Proposition 22 in his wild, unproven and racial injustice and wrench- players are now being chal-
Tuesday’s election, he said increasingly desperate ing losses from the pan- lenged from the left in a bat-
he’s ready and willing to re- allegations. NATION, A9 demic, Los Angeles voters tle also playing out among
turn to the California Capi- A referendum on upended the political status Democrats at the national
tol and work out a deal quo on Tuesday by backing a [See Turn, A14]
that allows the unions that nation’s decency slate of progressive candi-
opposed his campaign to A President Biden can dates and measures.
represent workers in the in- Noah Berger Associated Press “Make America Great The question now is
dustry. LYFT CO-FOUNDER John Zimmer says he’s ready Again,” George Skelton whether the leftward push is
[See Lyft, A11] “to move forward and build a stronger safety net.” writes. CALIFORNIA, B1 the beginning of a larger re-
A2 F R I DAY , N OV E M BER 6, 2020 LAT IMES. C OM


In healthcare,
virus’ toll hits
nursing hardest
underlying health condition
Medical workers of all that increased their vulnera-
bility, such as hypertension,
stripes are at risk in asthma, heart disease or di-
the pandemic. But abetes. Almost three-quar-
ters were identified as obese,
nurses face the highest a powerful risk factor for a
risk of hospitalization. serious case of COVID-19.
And more than half — 52% —
were Black Americans.
By Melissa Healy In part because Black
people are heavily repre-
The sudden appearance sented among “essential
of a deadly new pathogen is workers,” coronavirus infec-
always bad for the men and tion rates have run three
women who care for the af- times higher in counties
flicted, and a new report with predominantly Black
shows that the coronavirus populations than in coun-
that causes COVID-19 is no ties that are predominantly
exception. white, and COVID-19 death
In a three-month period rates are six times higher.
Caltech early in the COVID-19 pan- The long-standing health in-
CALTECH ASTRONOMER Christopher Bochenek with a tracing device he developed near Delta, Utah. demic, when personal pro- equities that contribute to
tective equipment was often higher rates of diabetes,
scarce and scientists’ under- asthma, hypertension and

No E.T. behind radio burst standing of the virus was in

its earliest stages, health-
care workers were hospital-
ized and died at rates that
were atypically high for their
obesity among Black Ameri-
cans are also driving their
COVID-19 mortality rate, re-
searchers say.

Scientists find the source of a fleeting pulse. Cake pans helped. ages and genders.
Researchers scoured a
The new report was pre-
pared for the Centers for
sample of 6,760 adults hospi- Disease Control and Preven-
have enormous magnetic to millions of times more smaller chunk of the sky, and talized for COVID-19 be- tion by COVID-NET, a net-
associated press
fields that buzz and crackle powerful than anything we it was able to pinpoint the tween March 1 and May 31 work of researchers tracking
with energy, and sometimes have detected in our galaxy,” source to the magnetar in and found that 5.9% of those COVID-19’s impact from
A flash of luck helped as- flares of X-rays and radio said coauthor Daniele the constellation Vulpecula. patients were healthcare more than 250 acute-care
tronomers solve a cosmic waves burst from them, ac- Michilli, an astrophysicist at Because the bursts are workers. Just over two- hospitals in 14 states. Their
mystery: What causes pow- cording to McGill University McGill and part of the Cana- affected by all the material thirds of them were in jobs findings were published
erful but fleeting radio astrophysicist Ziggy Pleu- dian team. they pass through in space, where they would likely have Monday in the CDC’s Mor-
bursts that zip and zigzag nis, a coauthor of the Cana- Scientists think these are astronomers might be able direct contact with patients bidity and Mortality Weekly
through the universe? dian study. so frequent that they may to use them to better under- — especially nursing. Report.
Scientists have known The magnetic field happen more than 1,000 stand and map the invisible- Despite being mostly fe- At a time when health-
about these energetic pulses around these magnetars “is times a day outside our ga- to-us material between gal- male and typically younger care workers are stretched
— called fast radio bursts — so strong any atoms nearby laxy. But finding them isn’t axies and “weigh” the uni- than the general pool of hos- to the limit, COVID-19
for about 13 years and have are torn apart and bizarre easy. verse, said Jason Hessels, pitalized COVID-19 patients, threatens to hobble a crucial
seen them coming from out- aspects of fundamental “You had to be looking at chief astronomer for the the healthcare workers had workforce. The researchers
side our galaxy, which makes physics can be seen,” said the right place at the right Netherlands Institute for rates of serious illness and said their findings under-
it harder to trace them back Caltech astronomer Casey millisecond,” Chatterjee Radio Astronomy, who death that were similar to scored that adequate sup-
to their source. Making it Law, who wasn’t part of the said. “Unless you were very, wasn’t part of the research. those seen in older patients plies of personal protective
even harder is that they hap- research. very lucky, you’re not going Astronomers have had as — especially men, who have equipment, scarce through-
pen so fast, in a couple of mil- There are maybe a dozen to see one of these.” many as 50 theories for what proved to be more vulnera- out the pandemic, were cru-
liseconds. or so of these magnetars in Even though this is a fre- causes these fast radio ble to the disease. cial to keeping healthcare
Then in April, a rare but our galaxy — apparently be- quent occurrence outside bursts — including aliens — More than a quarter of workers healthy and on the
considerably weaker burst cause they are so young and the Milky Way, astronomers and they emphasize that the COVID-19 patients who job.
coming from inside our own part of the star birth process have no idea how often these magnetars may not be the identified as healthcare Doctors have been highly
Milky Way galaxy was spot- — and the Milky Way is not bursts happen inside our ga- only answer, especially since workers became sick visible in calls to shore up
ted by two distinct tele- as flush with star births as laxy. there seem to be two types of enough to be admitted to the stocks of protective safety
scopes: one a Caltech gradu- other galaxies, said Cornell “We still don’t know how fast radio bursts. intensive care unit. Roughly gear. But in the new study,
ate student’s set of hand- University astronomer lucky we got,” Bochenek Some, like the one spot- 16% required the assistance they were far less likely than
made antennas, which in- Shami Chatterjee, who said. “This could be a once- ted in April, happen only of mechanical ventilation to nurses to have been hospi-
cluded actual cake pans; the wasn’t part of either discov- in-five-year thing or there once, while others repeat breathe. And 4.2% died dur- talized for COVID-19.
other a $20-million Canadi- ery team. could be a few events to hap- themselves often. ing their hospitalization. Less than 3% of health-
an observatory. This burst, in less than a pen each year.” Michilli said his team has The median age of the care workers counted in the
They tracked that fast ra- second, contained about the Bochenek’s antennas traced one outburst that hospitalized healthcare study were physicians. By
dio burst to a weird type of same amount of energy that cost about $15,000. Each is happens every 16 days to a workers was 49, 13 years contrast, nurses and certi-
star called a magnetar that’s our sun produces in a “the size of a large bucket. nearby galaxy and is getting younger than the median fied nursing assistants
32,000 light-years from month, and still that’s far It’s a piece of 6-inch metal close to pinpointing the age for the entire group of amounted to close to 4 in 10
Earth, according to four weaker than the radio pipe with two literal cake source. 6,760 COVID-19 patients. healthcare workers who
studies published Wednes- bursts detected coming pans around it,” he said. Some of these young And although men who de- landed in the hospital.
day in the journal Nature. from outside our galaxy, said They are crude instruments magnetars are only a few velop severe cases of (Phlebotomists, home
It was not only the first Caltech radio astronomer designed to look at a giant decades old, “and that’s COVID-19 generally out- healthcare aides, hospital
fast radio burst traced to a Christopher Bochenek, the chunk of the sky — about a what gives them enough en- number women, 72% of the housekeeping and mainte-
source, but the first emanat- graduate student. He quarter of it — and see only ergy to produce repeating healthcare workers hospi- nance staff, and other work-
ing from within our galaxy. helped spot the burst with the brightest of radio fast radio bursts,” Cornell’s talized for COVID-19 were fe- ers rounded out the list,
Astronomers say there handmade antennas. flashes. Chatterjee said. male, reflecting women’s though no other single
could be other sources for These radio bursts aren’t Bochenek figured he had Tracking even one out- larger numbers in nursing group accounted for more
these bursts, but they are dangerous to us, not even maybe a 1-in-10 chance of burst is a welcome surprise and related healthcare than 6.6% of hospitali-
now sure about one guilty the more powerful ones from spotting a fast radio burst in and an important finding, he fields. zations in the study.)
party: magnetars. outside our galaxy, astrono- a few years. But after one said. But other factors placed For nurses up and down
Magnetars are incredibly mers said. year, he hit pay dirt. “No one really believed the hospitalized healthcare the hierarchy, such findings
dense neutron stars, with 1.5 The ones that come from The Canadian observa- that we’d get so lucky,” Chat- workers squarely in groups are particularly important.
times the mass of our sun outside our galaxy and trav- tory in British Columbia is terjee said. “To find one in at high risk of developing se- “This is not rocket sci-
squeezed into a space the el millions or billions of light- more focused and refined our own galaxy, it just puts vere disease. ence,” said healthcare ex-
size of Manhattan. They years are “tens of thousands but is aimed at a much the cherry on top.” Nine out of 10 had an pert Barbara Resnick of the
University of Maryland’s
School of Nursing, who was
not involved in the new
study. “Nurses are providing

You’re on a special diet? Step up to the plate direct care to patients, and
you have to be up close and
personal for a lot of what
they do. They spend the
those ages 20 to 39 (13%). most time with patients, es-
About one-sixth of 8 Compared with the pecially the nursing assist-
2007-08 survey, diets de- ants. Bathing, dressing and
U.S. adults said they scribed as “weight loss or giving medications — you
were on some kind of low calorie” grew in popu- can’t do that from six feet
larity, and remained the top away.”
food regimen in 2019, category of special diet. While doctors have rela-
mostly for weight loss. Low-carbohydrate diets tively brief encounters with
gained in popularity, while patients, nurses are more
low-fat and low-cholesterol likely to spend more time in
associated press
saw a decline. close contact with those sick
The findings were based with COVID, Resnick said.
If it seems as if more and on the CDC’s ongoing Na- Across the country,
more people are on diets tional Health and Nutrition nurses have sat by the bed-
these days, you might not be Examination Survey, in sides of sick patients in lieu
imagining it. which participants were of families, or held phones
About one-sixth of asked: “Are you currently on connecting patients with
American adults said any kind of diet, either to their loved ones who have
they’re on a special diet to lose weight or for some other been barred from visits dur-
lose weight or for other health-related reason?” ing the pandemic. That
health reasons, according to Becky Ramsing, a regis- means they’re probably ex-
a report published Tuesday tered dietitian and senior posed to a higher dose of the
by researchers from the U.S. program officer at Johns coronavirus — a factor in
Centers for Disease Control Hopkins Center for a Livable causing more severe illness,
and Prevention. That’s more Future, said that the dietary Resnick added.
dieters than there were a changes people make in Roughly 17 million U.S.
decade ago, a government hopes of losing weight can residents are employed in
Los Angeles Times
survey found. vary greatly. And in some the nation’s healthcare
The report found that MANY DIET trends often focus on banning particular foods, a dietitian said. But cases, she said people might sector. The new study is
17% of Americans said they to make lasting changes, people should consider their overall patterns of eating. not understand why the based on a sample of hospi-
were on diets during the 2017- choices they’re making ar- talized patients in 98 coun-
18 survey period, up from 14% chronic conditions, such as 8 More women (19%) re- along with people’s years of en’t leading to weight loss. ties in 13 states. It’s not clear
a decade earlier. Over the diabetes and heart disease, ported being on a diet than education. Researchers re- “They won’t eat bread, whether the sample reflects
same period, the obesity and that special diets are a men (15%). ported that 14% of those who but then they’ll go eat a lot of the country as a whole. Nor
rate for adults in the U.S. way many people try to man- 8 The heavier people didn’t finish high school said other things that are higher is it clear whether health-
rose from 34% to 42%. age them. Hunnes cau- were, the more likely they they were on a diet, as were in calories,” she said. care workers will continue to
The percentage of Ameri- tioned, though, that many were to report being on a 17% of those who finished Many diet trends often be hospitalized and die at
cans who said they’re on a people might not consider special diet. The report high school and 19% of those focus on banning particular rates seen in the pandemic’s
diet is lower than expected, the way they eat to be a diet. found 23% of Americans who who graduated from college. foods, Ramsing said. But to early months.
given the prevalence of diet- The researchers, from were obese said they were on 8 18% of non-Latino white make lasting changes, she But if the trends seen in
related diseases in the coun- the CDC’s National Center diets, compared with 17% of Americans, 16% of Latino said people should consider the study continue, more
try, said Dana Hunnes, a for Health Statistics, also people who were overweight Americans and 15% of Asian their overall patterns of eat- than a million healthcare
professor of public health looked at survey responses and 8% of people who were and Black Americans said ing. workers could be hospital-
and nutrition at UCLA. between 2015 and 2018 to de- normal weight or under- they were on diets. That will also help ad- ized with COVID-19, and
The report noted that termine other characteris- weight. 8 A higher percentage of dress another pitfall of diets, more than 42,000 of them
about half of American tics of people on special di- 8 The odds of being on a people 40 and older said they she said: They’re hard to could die by the time the
adults have diet-related ets. Among their findings: special diet also increased were on diets (19%) than stick to over time. pandemic is over.


Pope moves to
take control of
Vatican finances
Its financial holdings are
Francis’ action follows now to be held by the Vati-
can’s treasury office, known
bungled management as APSA and incorporated
of investments by the into the Holy See’s consoli-
dated budget, Francis
secretariat of state. wrote.
The outcome is essen-
associated press
tially that which was sought
years ago by Cardinal
ROME — Pope Francis is George Pell, Francis’ first
giving the Vatican secretari- economy minister who
at of state three months to clashed with the secretariat
transfer all of its financial of state over his financial re-
holdings to another Vatican forms and efforts to wrest
office following its bungled control of the department’s
management of hundreds of off-the-books funds. Pell
millions of dollars in dona- boasted in 2014 that he had
Claus Bjoern Larsen Ritzau Scanpix tions and investments that “discovered” hundreds of
AT THE Norden mink farm in Boerglum Kloster, Trine and Peter Brinkmann Nielsen, right, lower the flag to are now the subject of a cor- millions of dollars that were
half-staff after Denmark’s decision to cull the minks in farms to prevent the coronavirus’ spread to humans. ruption investigation. “tucked away in particular

Farmers lament culling of minks

Francis summoned the sectional accounts and did
secretary of state, Cardinal not appear on the balance
Pietro Parolin, his deputy sheet” — a reference to the
and the Vatican’s top fi- secretariat of state’s in-
nance officials for a meeting house asset portfolio.
Wednesday and gave them a Pell had to abandon
in 12 people who were in- evaluated by the interna- farms and more than 1 mil- three-month deadline to those reform efforts in 2017
associated press
fected by minks in the north- tional scientific community lion animals have been complete the transfer, Vati- to face trial for sexual abuse
ern part of the country, an- and [is] thus unclear.” culled. can spokesman Matteo in his native Australia, but
COPENHAGEN — Dan- nounced plans to cull all The coronavirus evolves In August, the Dutch gov- Bruni said. he was acquitted and re-
ish fur farmers say they’ve minks in the country and constantly and, to date, ernment announced that it The Vatican released the turned last month to Rome.
been dealt a major blow after promised to compensate there is no evidence that any is bringing forward the man- letter that Francis wrote to Francis moved against
the world’s largest mink fur farmers. of the mutations have af- datory end of mink farming Parolin on Aug. 25 in which his own secretariat of state
exporter decided to cull all 15 But Fur Europe, a Brus- fected COVID-19’s impact on in the country by three years he announced he was strip- amid a yearlong investiga-
million minks in Denmark’s sels-based umbrella organi- people. amid a growing number of ping the secretariat of state tion by Vatican prosecutors
farms, to minimize the risk zation representing national Denmark, which pro- coronavirus infections at fur of its ability to independ- into the office’s $413-million
of them re-transmitting the associations in 28 European duces an estimated 17 mil- farms. The industry already ently manage the money. investment into a luxury
coronavirus to humans — a countries, said there was no lion furs per year, “is clearly was working toward a total Francis cited the “repu- residential building in Lon-
decision that has also raised indication mink farming was taking a precautionary ban on all Dutch mink farms tational risks” incurred by don’s Chelsea neighbor-
eyebrows among health ex- an important factor in trans- stance,” said Ian Jones, a by 2024. That has now been the department’s invest- hood.
perts. mitting the virus. The group professor of virology with brought forward to the ments in a London real es- Prosecutors have ac-
“I do not think there is a urged Denmark to release its the University of Reading. spring of 2021. tate venture and other cused several officials in the
mink profession in the fu- research for scrutiny among Last month, Denmark In southern Sweden, the speculative operations that department of abusing their
ture,” breeder Frank Ander- international scientists. started culling millions of virus was found in 10 mink have lost the Holy See tens of authority for their involve-
sen told Danish broadcaster “Experts and public au- minks in the north of the farms total and the Swedish millions of dollars, some of it ment in the deal, as well as
DR on Thursday. “I hope thorities agree that mink country after COVID-19 in- news agency TT said there money from the Peter’s several Italian middlemen of
that they have evidence be- farming plays no significant fections were reported were no plans to cull the ani- Pence donations from the allegedly fleecing the Vati-
hind [their claim] and that it role in the spreading of among the stock there. mals. Hakan Henrikson, faithful. can of tens of millions of dol-
is the right decision,” said COVID-19,” the group said. Nationwide, at least 207 out chief veterinarian with the Francis’ decision was an lars in fees.
Andersen, who has run a Medical experts were of the 1,139 fur farms in Den- Swedish Board of Agricul- embarrassing blow to the The scandal has exposed
mink farm with his father for also puzzled by the Danish mark have now been in- ture, said the mutation re- secretariat of state’s stand- the incompetence of the
the last 15 years near Hjoer- claim of a mutated virus. fected. ported by Denmark has not ing as the most powerful Vatican’s monsignors in
ring in northern Denmark, James Wood, head of vet- In the Netherlands, an- been seen in Sweden. Holy See office, reducing it managing money, since they
and has about 15,000 ani- erinary medicine at Cam- other mink fur producer, In Denmark, breeder Jes- to essentially any other de- signed away voting shares in
mals. bridge University, said the only minks on a farm found per Christensen said far- partment that must pro- the deal and agreed to pay
The government said true significance of the re- to be infected are culled. In- mers would have to wait and pose a budget and have it ap- exorbitant fees to Italians
Wednesday that a mutation ported mutations in Den- fected minks have been see what compensation is of- proved and monitored by who were known for their
in COVID-19 has been found mark “[has] not yet been found at a total of 69 Dutch fered. others. shady dealings.

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A4 F R I DAY , N OV E M BER 6, 2020 LAT IMES. C OM

Indicted Kosovo president resigns
its border Leader, charged with
war crimes, says he
controls wants to protect the
integrity of his office.
associated press
associated press

PRISTINA, Kosovo —
PARIS — French Presi- Kosovo’s President Hashim
dent Emmanuel Macron Thaci, a guerrilla leader dur-
said Thursday that France ing Kosovo’s war for inde-
is reinforcing its border con- pendence from Serbia in the
trols after a series of attacks late 1990s, resigned Thurs-
in the country in recent day and will face charges for
weeks. alleged war crimes and
Macron said the number crimes against humanity at
of police officers and troops a special court based in The
in charge of border controls Hague.
will double to 4,800. They will Thaci said he was taking
focus on fighting illegal im- the step “to protect the in-
migration and smuggling tegrity of the presidency of
activities, he said during a Kosovo” and to preserve the
visit to a frontier post in Le historical truth of who was
Perthus, at the border with the perpetrator, and who the
Spain. victim, in the conflict.
“We see very clearly that “We are a freedom-loving
terrorist actions can actu- people and not vengeful,”
ally be led by some people the 52-year-old Thaci said at
who use migratory flows to a news conference in
threaten our territory. So we Pristina, Kosovo’s capital. Visar Kryeziu Associated Press
must reinforce our controls “That is why no claim may HASHIM THACI, who fought for Kosovo’s independence from Serbia, will face charges for alleged war
for reasons of national secu- rewrite history. Kosovo has crimes and crimes against humanity at a special court in The Hague. He has denied committing any crimes.
rity,” Macron said. been the victim. Serbia has
He notably referred to been the aggressor.” the KLA “fought for the lib- current term ends in April, The prime minister of rights body, that included al-
the Islamic extremist attack Thaci was indicted in eration of our country ... and when the national Assembly neighboring Albania ex- legations that KLA fighters
at Notre Dame Basilica in June along with nine other as such it has the support of of Kosovo was expected to pressed his country’s sup- trafficked human organs
the city of Nice that killed former rebel leaders by a the international communi- elect a new president. port for Thaci in “this battle taken from prisoners and
three people last week. The special Kosovo court and an ty.” Amnesty International’s for Kosovo and the inviola- killed Serbs and fellow eth-
chief suspect, Ibrahim associated prosecutor’s of- Thaci held a ceremony at Balkans researcher, Jelena ble justice of the liberating nic Albanians.
Issaoui, is a 21-year-old fice based in The Hague, his office to hand over his Sesar, said the indictment of war.” Prime Minister Edi Sesar, the Amnesty In-
Tunisian who transited which were set up five years presidential duties to parlia- Thaci and the nine others Rama described the indict- ternational expert, said that
through Italy in September ago to investigate and try ment Speaker Vjosa Os- would give hope to “thou- ments as resulting from an a “culture of impunity” had
en route to France. Issaoui is former ethnic Albanian reb- mani. The government said sands of victims of the “absurd process.” persisted in Kosovo as it has
in a French hospital after be- el leaders for alleged war the “constitution and the Kosovo war who have waited Exact details of the 10- taken nearly 10 years for
ing wounded by police as crimes. The charges include laws in power guarantee a for more than two decades count indictment against those suspected of criminal
they arrested him. murder, enforced disap- clear transition of powers to find out the truth about Thaci, Veseli and the others responsibility to be brought
In addition, Macron said pearances, persecution and and exercising the responsi- the horrific crimes commit- have not been released. An- to court.
he will push for changes to torture. bilities without any institu- ted against them and their nouncing the existence of After the war, Thaci cre-
make controls at the Euro- The 1998-99 war killed tional vacuum.” loved ones.” the indictment this year, the ated the Democratic Party
pean Union’s external bor- more than 10,000 people — Osmani, 38, the second The European Union is- Specialist Prosecutor’s Of- of Kosovo and served stints
ders more efficient. “Attacks most of them ethnic Albani- woman to serve as head of sued a statement welcoming fice alleged that the men as foreign minister, deputy
in France, in Austria a few ans — and 1,641 people re- state out of postwar Thaci’s cooperation with the were “criminally responsible prime minister and prime
days ago in Vienna, show us main unaccounted for. It Kosovo’s six presidents, Hague-based legal institu- for nearly 100 murders.” minister before becoming
that the terrorist risk is ev- was brought to an end by a called for unity in a late after- tions, saying it “strongly At the time, the prose- president in 2016.
erywhere, that [terrorist] 78-day NATO air campaign noon speech that held Ser- supports the work of the cutor’s office said it made Kosovo-Serbia ties are
networks are global ... which against Serbian troops. In bia responsible for the lives Kosovo Specialist Cham- the existence of the indict- still tense despite nine years
forces Europe to intensify its 2008, Kosovo declared its in- lost during the war. bers and the Specialist Pros- ment public because of what of negotiations mediated by
response,” he said. France dependence from Serbia, a “A sustainable peace in ecutor’s Office.” it called repeated efforts by the European Union and
will present its proposals at move that Serbia refuses to the region asks that the vic- “Full cooperation with Thaci and Veseli “to ob- supported by the United
a European summit in De- recognize. tims and the aggressors are these institutions is es- struct and undermine” the States.
cember. Among those charged not equalized,” she said. sential as an important work of the court, and said The indictment was an-
The country raised its se- with committing crimes dur- “We, Kosovo’s Albanians, demonstration of Kosovo’s the two men were believed to nounced in June when Thaci
curity alert to the maximum ing and after the war is Kadri have been the victim of the commitment to the rule of have tried to overturn the was en route to a meeting at
level after the Nice attack on Veseli, a former parliament hegemony of a genocidal re- law, which in turn is a core el- Kosovo law that created the the White House with Serbi-
Oct. 29. speaker and an opposition gime, while Serbia has been ement for Kosovo’s progress court. an counterpart Aleksandar
It was the third attack party leader, who said he the state that committed on its European path and for The formation of the Vucic. That meeting was
since Charlie Hebdo repub- planned to travel to The these crimes.” [the] EU’s engagement with court and prosecutor’s office held with Kosovo’s prime
lished the caricatures of the Hague on Thursday and was Thaci was elected presi- the Western Balkans as a followed a 2011 report by the minister instead in Septem-
Muslim prophet Muham- resigning from “all public po- dent in February 2016. His whole,” the statement read. Council of Europe, a human ber.
mad in September as the tri- litical activities.”
al opened for those charged Both Thaci and Veseli
in the 2015 attacks at the pa- have denied committing any
per’s offices and a kosher crimes.
supermarket. The gunmen
in that attack claimed alle-
giance to the Islamic State
extremist group and Al
Thaci, a commander of
the Kosovo Liberation Army
during the war, said he was
proud to have belonged to
U.N. plans summit to push for
global effort against pandemic
Qaeda, which both recently that force, calling it “the
called anew for strikes most sublime value of the Al-
against France. banian nation.”
Herve Cazaux, border He called the indictment
police director in Le Perthus “the smallest price we have
region, said police have ar- to pay for the freedom of our
rested 11,200 people seeking people.”
to cross illegally from Spain The government said in a Session in December
so far this year, compared statement that all defend-
with 5,500 last year. ants should be considered is a ‘belated first step’
This is in part explained innocent unless the court toward coordinated
by France’s spring pan- decides otherwise.
demic lockdown, under “No one may judge our response to COVID.
which the borders were fight for freedom,” the gov-
associated press
closed until June 20, he said. ernment said, adding that

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Death Pollsters miss, but not by too much
of poll Support for Trump
worker was underestimated,
but polls’ accuracy

probed varied a lot by state.

By David Lauter

associated press
turns from quick-counting
O’FALLON, Mo. — A sub- states like Florida and Texas
urban St. Louis election offi- flowed in Tuesday night,
cial who worked at a polling pollsters quickly became
place on election day despite targets in America’s easily
a positive test for the co- triggered political culture.
ronavirus has died, raising With Democratic chal-
concerns for the nearly 2,000 lenger Joe Biden running
people who voted there. well behind poll-created ex-
A spokeswoman for St. pectations in those states,
Charles County, Mo., said accusations of “collapse”
Thursday that the person, and “disaster” peppered the
whose cause of death is not nation’s pollsters. President
yet known, was an election Trump added to the fu-
judge supervisor Tuesday at sillade Thursday by accus-
the Blanchette Park Memo- ing them of deliberately re-
rial Hall polling site in St. leasing false results to dis-
Charles, about 25 miles courage his supporters from
northwest of St. Louis. voting.
The county’s health de- But as states have
partment and election au- counted more results, the
thority recently learned that picture has shifted: Polls did
the poll worker tested pos- underestimate Trump’s Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times
itive Oct. 30 for the co- vote, but by a relatively small SUPPORTERS of President Trump protest the vote count in Philadelphia. When all ballots are tallied, Joe
ronavirus and had been ad- amount — less, for example, Biden is on track to win the popular vote by about 5 points. Nationwide polling averages had him up by 7 or 8.
vised to quarantine 14 days. than they underestimated
“The election judge President Obama’s strength search at the nonpartisan which Democrats benefited “that’s not true” in all places. “The idea behind the
nevertheless failed to follow in 2012, when he ran for re- Pew Research Center. from a wave of anti-Trump “In the Midwest, it’s the op- question is that people have
the advice” and worked election. Research indicates that voting, this year a pro- posite,” because many of the a relatively good sense … of
throughout the day on Tues- Biden leads the popular lying to pollsters is rare, but Trump surge matched the voters who show up only the political views of their
day, spokeswoman Mary vote, which is what polls failing to reach enough opposition, as mobilization sporadically are white resi- friends and family,” said
Enger said in a news release. measure, by about 2.6 per- Trump voters and get them by both sides drove turnout dents of rural areas. Wändi Bruine de Bruin, a
“Authorities have informed centage points and seems on to answer questions appears to an unprecedented high of Another problem may in- professor of public policy at
the County that this individ- track to win by around 5 to be a continuing problem, roughly 160 million. volve Trump’s polarizing na- USC who has been studying
ual has died, although a points once all ballots have Kennedy said. That high level of voting ture. Pollsters work to avoid the social-circle question.
cause of death has not been been tabulated. The na- The places where larger created a challenge for poll- language on surveys that After 2016, when surveys
given at this time.” tional polling averages on polling errors occurred — sters, said Patrick Murray, might cause people who underestimated Trump’s
No details about the election eve showed him Florida, Texas, parts of the director of the Monmouth hold unpopular beliefs — or vote, pollsters took steps to
worker, including his or her winning by 7 to 8 points. A Midwest — are also where University Polling Institute, who think their beliefs are try to more accurately mea-
age or gender, were released. difference of 3 to 4 points some of the most competi- a highly regarded nonparti- unpopular — to balk at a sure the voters they had
Contact tracing has be- would be smaller than the tive congressional races san polling operation. question. Avoiding that is missed. In the 2018 midterm,
gun, and county health offi- average error over the last took place. As a result, the “Polling is an imprecise hard when the controversial polls were extremely accu-
cials have contacted the couple of decades. polling problems, which af- science in part because only issue is the president him- rate.
other nine election workers Polling errors were dis- fected campaign polls as two-thirds of eligible voters self, Murray said. That reassured pollsters,
at the site, who were advised tributed unevenly across the well as public surveys, show up” even in high-turn- People who feel strongly but now that the problem
to be tested, Enger said. country, however. In some proved troublesome espe- out races, Murray said. “We about Trump believe that has recurred, “it’s not clear if
The infected poll work- states — Colorado, Minne- cially for House Democrats. don’t know who we’re their view of him “says some- the fixes actually fixed any-
er’s duties did not “typically” sota and Virginia, for exam- Overly rosy polls for polling” — whether they’re thing about who they are,” thing,” said Vanderbilt Uni-
include handling iPads or ple — polls hit close to the Democrats — and overly truly likely voters or not. and “that could play a role” versity political scientist
having close contact with mark. Those three have pessimistic ones on the Re- In this presidential cycle, in their willingness to an- John Sides.
the 1,858 voters, such as tak- among the highest shares of publican side — raised ex- Monmouth reported a range swer questions, he said. But, Sides added, much
college graduates in their pectations that Democrats of results in each state it Indeed, an experimental of the commentary about
populations, pointing to a would carry districts where polled based on high- and question on the USC Dorn- polling exaggerates its prob-
‘You may act particular problem pollsters
have faced in the Trump
they ended up going down to
defeat. That generated
low-turnout scenarios. Even
though the turnout was ex-
sife poll this year points in
that direction.
lems. Research has found no
evidence that polling errors
surprised that you years: difficulty counting the anger that spilled into public tremely high, the low-turn- The poll’s main question, have gotten worse over the
blue-collar white voters who view Thursday during a out scenarios were closer to which asked people the last three decades; some evi-
don’t have a face have been the president’s tense conference call of accurate, Murray said. probability that they would dence suggests polls have
mask on properly strongest supporters.
In other states with large
Democratic lawmakers.
Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-
Although it’s too early to
know for sure, the reason
support Trump or Biden,
projected Biden would win
gotten more accurate.
The public may need to
and then populations of such Trump Ill.), the head of the House seems to be that the elector- the popular vote by nearly 11 “better calibrate” expecta-
voters, errors were bigger. Democrats’ campaign oper- ate ended up not only bigger points — a significant miss. tions about what polling can
apologize as you “Polls that were way off ation, faced tough com- than expected but also more The experimental ques- deliver, Sides said.
put the mask on.’ either did not interview
enough Trump voters or
ments from her peers and
blamed poor polling for
Republican than polls’ turn-
out models had assumed,
tion asked people to esti-
mate how others in their so-
“If you start your post-
mortem with the expecta-
— September email
they did interview enough Democratic losses. “Voters Murray said. cial circle would vote. It tion that a 3-point error is
to poll workers in
Trump supporters but [the looked more like 2016 than Democrats often think ended up showing Biden normal, that’s helpful,” he
St. Charles County, Mo.
supporters] lied about their projected,” she said. that if more people vote, it ahead in the popular vote by said. “You should never start
vote,” said Courtney Ken- That much appears true. automatically helps their 4.1 points, very close to the with the assumption of
nedy, director of survey re- Unlike the 2018 midterm, in candidates, he said, but likely final tally. zero.”
ing voter identification, En-
ger said.
County officials urged
anyone who was at the
precinct on election day to
watch closely for symptoms
and call a hotline if they have
St. Charles County Direc-
Trump steps on his own message on votes
tor of Elections Kurt Bahr
said election workers were ing that any vote that ar- public relations problem for
required to wear masks or By Noah Bierman rived after election day “will the president, who has bled
face shields. In addition, and Chris Megerian not be counted.” Twitter credibility during his four
Plexiglas barriers separated flagged it as misinformation, years in office with contra-
workers from voters. WASHINGTON — Presi- a frequent occurrence for a dictory and often false
It’s unclear when the dent Trump’s fruitless calls president who has leaned statements.
county required workers to Thursday to “stop the heavily on baseless claims of During the campaign,
wear masks. In September, count” underscored a major voter fraud. Trump insisted the outcome
the election authority drew problem for him: He needs He amended that mes- needed to be settled on elec-
criticism for an email urging some states to keep count- sage during his Thursday tion day, Nov. 3, even though
poll workers who had signed ing ballots if he has any shot night statement as he tried most elections require days
up for the November elec- of winning reelection. to square his contradictory to count ballots. The chal-
tion to “act surprised” if vot- Trump’s growing litiga- message with another un- lenge grew this year because
ers asked why they weren’t tion in states faces a similar founded claim that counting a record number of Ameri-
wearing masks. problem. It may work as a ballots amounted to stealing cans, mindful of the
“You may act surprised messaging strategy to show the election. COVID-19 pandemic, cast
that you don’t have a face he is still fighting. But it is As the president re- mail-in ballots instead of
mask on properly and then unlikely to provide him a le- mained largely holed up in voting in person.
apologize as you put the gal remedy if more states tip the White House, his cam- But as Trump fell behind
mask on,” the email stated. toward former Vice Presi- paign hosted a flurry of news Biden on election night, and
“Wear your mask correctly dent Joe Biden. conferences in contested Fox News projected Biden as
until the voter leaves the Trump has long believed Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times states — three in Philadel- the winner in Arizona, his
polling place. Please do this that splashy threats about A SUPPORTER of President Trump stands outside phia, one Las Vegas, one in advisors unsuccessfully de-
every time a voter says litigation — even if they were the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Phoenix and another in At- manded that the call be re-
something to you.” based on thin claims or if he where election ballots are being tabulated. lanta — using such surro- scinded and that media or-
Bahr said in an interview failed to follow up on them in gates as Richard Grenell, ganizations should wait un-
in September that the email court — would give him lev- the rightful winner, he call, but did not provide any Trump’s combative former til all votes were counted.
was poorly worded but was erage, make headlines or ap- looked and sounded sub- evidence to back up the national intelligence direc- Trump lacks the consis-
meant to avoid a debate that ply pressure. dued, and did not take ques- claim. tor. tent message to make the
would slow down the voting “I’ve claimed certain tions from reporters. Trump was trailing Bid- Trump’s two adult sons public relations case.
process. Phone calls to his states and he’s claiming His campaign secured a en in Arizona and Nevada and other close allies were His supporters banged
office on Thursday went un- states and we can both claim court order on Thursday al- when he sent out a tweet livid that so few elected Re- on windows and chanted,
answered. the states, but ultimately I lowing the president’s team early Thursday demanding publicans had echoed “Stop the count!” outside an
Missouri is among sev- have a feeling judges are go- to more closely observe the that counting stop. He Trump’s unsupported election office in Detroit.
eral Midwestern states see- ing to have to rule,” Trump processing of ballots in needs to catch up in at least charges that the election Hours later, another group
ing a surge in coronavirus said Thursday night in a Pennsylvania. But the cam- one of them to keep Biden was being stolen. of Trump supporters gath-
cases. The state reported statement rife with false and paign followed up with an- from reaching the necessary “The total lack of action ered outside an election of-
3,553 new cases and 18 unsubstantiated claims of other motion in federal 270 electoral votes. from virtually all of the ‘2024 fice in Phoenix, chanting,
deaths on Thursday. fraud. “But there’s been a lot court, arguing that local offi- In addition, Trump GOP hopefuls’ is pretty “Count the vote!” Trump
All told, Missouri has re- of shenanigans and we can’t cials had failed to comply would need to hold on to his amazing,” Donald Trump Jr. was similarly out of sync
ported 196,576 confirmed stand for that in our coun- with the earlier order. shrinking leads in tweeted. “They have a per- with his own advisors.
cases and 3,106 deaths. The try.” Several hundred thou- Pennsylvania and Georgia, fect platform to show that Even as he demanded
positivity rate of 15.2% is But as his path to reelec- sand ballots remain un- where Biden is well within they’re willing & able to fight that counting stop, former
triple the benchmark rec- tion narrows, he has won counted there, and Trump’s striking distance. Trump but they will cower to the White House advisor
ommended by the World only limited concessions in lead has been steadily appeared headed to victory media mob instead.” Kellyanne Conway urged pa-
Health Organization. court and has not provided shrinking. in North Carolina, another He later tweeted that his tience.
The state also set a new evidence of wrongdoing that Trump’s campaign said battleground state where a father should “go to total “We can’t wait three
record for hospitalizations, could strengthen a legal case it would file another lawsuit winner has not been proj- war over this election.” hours, three days, three
with a seven-day average of to move the results in his fa- alleging there was illegal vot- ected. The drawn-out ballot weeks, to get a result?” she
1,721 — 49 more than the vor. Even as he insisted ing in Nevada, where the Trump issued a follow-up counts present a tough said on Fox News. “What is
record set a day earlier. Thursday night that he is race remains too close to all-caps tweet falsely claim- math equation and a messy the rush all of a sudden?”


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 9PV 9HUJOV 9K Inc.  :HU[H of Msision Viejo

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Dr Robert S Glass Westminster Optometry,

  )LHJO )S]K Incorporated

■■■ ELECTION 2020 ■■■

Biden urges calm as he makes gains

[Votes, from A1]
Trump also seemed to be
losing some of his unflinch-
ing Republican support.
Several lawmakers casti-
gated Trump for his com-
ments challenging the legiti-
macy of the vote. The New
York Post, which has often
served as mouthpiece for
the president, rejected his
assertions in a tweet that
read, “Downcast Trump
makes baseless election
fraud claims in White House
After the tumult of the
presidential campaign,
Thursday offered a relative
lull. There was sound and
fury, but nothing fundamen-
tally changing the shape of
the contest.
Protesters supporting
both candidates gathered
outside locations where vote
counting was underway.
There were demonstrations
and counter-demon-
strations across the country.
But the wreckage and
ruin that many feared did
not materialize.
Instead, there was the
quiet but deliberate work of
whittling down mountains
of mail-in ballots.
Biden urged his support-
ers to vote before election
day, to avoid the risk of
crowding into polling places
amid the COVID-19 pan-
demic. Trump discouraged
his backers from mailing
their votes, urging them to
show up on Tuesday. In
many states, those ballots Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times
were counted first, which is A SUPPORTER of President Trump dons a Joe Biden mask to mock the Democrat outside Philadelphia’s convention center, where votes
why the president jumped are being counted. “Each ballot must be counted,” Biden said in his hometown of Wilmington, Del. “Democracy is sometimes messy.”
out to an early lead in con-
tests that have since moved many top Republicans
Biden’s way. stayed silent or condemned
At one point Trump was Trump’s false claims.
ahead by about 300,000 votes That left it mostly to the
in Georgia and more than president’s die-hard sup-
700,000 votes in Pennsylva- porters and commentators
nia. But those leads steadily on sympathetic news outlets
dwindled as mail ballots to make his case.
from the states’ heavily Maryland Gov. Larry
Democratic metropolitan Hogan, who briefly consid-
areas were tabulated. ered challenging Trump in
There was one bright the Republican primaries,
spot Thursday for Trump: was blunt in his criticism.
Arizona, where Biden’s lead “There is no defense for
fell to fewer than 50,000 votes the President’s comments
after an updated count was tonight undermining our
announced. Democratic process,” he
The Associated Press tweeted. “America is count-
and other news organiza- ing the votes, and we must
tions called the state for the respect the results as we al-
former vice president based ways have before. No elec-
on an analysis of returns tion or person is more im-
that were tabulated and portant than our Democ-
where the outstanding votes racy. “
would come from. Even Sean Spicer,
But it was a thin reed of Trump’s first White House
hope for the president. press secretary, said in a Sir-
Even if he pulled ahead to iusXM interview that he had
win Arizona’s 11 electoral seen no evidence of mass
votes, he would still need to fraud. “You can’t just throw
prevail in some combination a term out there without be-
of Georgia, Nevada, North ing specific,” he said.
Carolina and Pennsylvania Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times
to reach 270 electoral votes. TRUMP SUPPORTERS protest outside a Maricopa County vote-counting center in Phoenix. Biden’s lead in Barabak reported from San
Biden is ahead in Nevada, Arizona fell under 50,000 votes after an updated count was announced. The state holds 11 electoral votes. Francisco, Jarvie from
and Trump leads in North Atlanta and Halper from
Carolina. ularities and seeking to president — including the sertion, saying he personally marily dismissed in Michi- Washington. Times staff
That did not stop the bring the vote counting to a former acting director of na- spoke with a plaintiff in gan and Georgia. writers Michael Finnegan in
president from waging an ef- halt. tional intelligence, Richard Trump’s suit who alleged With some exceptions — Philadelphia, Chris
fort to disenfranchise mil- At a news conference Grenell — claimed without someone improperly cast House Minority Leader Kev- Megerian in Washington,
lions of Americans. Lawyers Thursday morning outside proof that Nevada’s election her ballot. “We reviewed the in McCarthy of Bakersfield, Brittny Mejia in Las Vegas
for Trump filed lawsuits in the Clark County Election was riddled with fraud. ballot, and in our opinion it’s Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and and Melanie Mason in
several states, alleging un- Department in North Las County Registrar Joe her signature,” Gloria said. Lindsey Graham of South Wilmington contributed to
specified voting irreg- Vegas, representatives of the Gloria disputed the as- Other lawsuits were sum- Carolina among them — this report.

After high hopes, House Democrats lose seats

[House, from A1] ing the moderates, whose states across the finish line.
in the days leading to the 2018 wins gave Democrats Or the heavy focus on Texas,
election, when Pelosi and the majority again. where they ended up not
Democratic Congressional Despite prodding from winning a single new House
Campaign Committee progressives, she refused to seat, though one is still un-
Chairwoman Cheri Bustos bring up legislation to en- called.
(D-Ill.) boasted to reporters dorse “Medicare for all,” or Rep. Jared Huffman (D-
that Democrats would in- massive climate change pro- San Rafael) said it shouldn’t
crease their majority. tections — mostly to protect have been a surprise that
Pundits spoke of Demo- moderates from having to Democrats faced an uphill
crats winning five to 15 new defend such a vote. She re- battle in keeping the 30 seats
seats. Before election day, sisted calls to impeach they won from Republicans
Bustos told reporters Trump that started nearly in 2018.
Democrats were confident the day he was inaugurated “I think we allowed our
as they reached deep into until moderates with na- exuberance to run a bit
Trump country. As it turned tional security experience ahead of a rational and cold-
out, Bustos ended up only said they were on board. blooded view of the political
narrowly winning a nail-bit- In the end, however, reality,” Huffman said. “Ob-
er of a race for her own seat. those efforts weren’t enough viously with the benefit of
Pelosi on Thursday told to help all of the vulnerable hindsight, you have to ques-
her colleagues that Trump’s Democrats. tion if we spread our ambi-
presence on the ballot this Bustos blamed bad tions too thin instead of hav-
year made it more difficult to polling for the disappointing ing a more focused defense
retain some of the seats they losses, according to people of our front-liners.”
flipped two years ago. on the call. She promised an Not all the incumbents
“In 2018, we won 40 seats. election postmortem would who lost were moderates in
We went deep into Trump be completed. Some have districts that Trump won in
districts when Trump was quietly indicated it would be 2018. Two Democratic con-
not on the ballot. But clearly best if she doesn’t seek an- gresswomen from the Miami
with Trump on the ballot, we J. Scott Applewhite Associated Press other term leading the par- area of southern Florida also
knew it would be a steeper HOUSE SPEAKER Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) had to explain why ty’s campaign arm. lost their races to Republi-
climb,” Pelosi said on the Democrats failed to expand their majority as she had predicted. “I’m furious. Something can challengers.
call. “So far, of the 30 dis- went wrong here across the Rep. Donna Shalala, a
tricts that Democrats cur- lator who tied herself closely sives and moderates, a bat- Others in close races entire political world,” Bus- Clinton administration vet-
rently hold that Trump won to Trump. Oklahoma Demo- tle Democrats would like to have said the failure to reach tos said, according to people eran, was defeated by televi-
in 2016, we have won or are crat Kendra Horn lost her avoid with a narrower major- a compromise with Republi- on the call. “They all pointed sion broadcaster Maria
ahead in 70% of those races.” suburban Oklahoma City ity. cans to pass a coronavirus to one political environment Elvira Salazar. Rep. Debbie
Among those losing district to Stephanie Bice, a On the Thursday call, stimulus relief bill hurt — but voters who turned out Mucarsel-Powell lost to well-
Tuesday was Democratic Republican state senator, moderate members who them. look a lot like 2016.” known Miami-Dade County
Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, a who criticized Horn for not lost, or nearly did, blamed For two years, Pelosi has Others pointed to Demo- Mayor Carlos Giménez.
water rights lawyer in a rural standing up to Pelosi in their progressive colleagues, navigated the competing cratic spending to make in-
New Mexico district. She Washington. saying the talk of “defunding needs and demands of pro- roads into places such as Ar- Times staff writers Jennifer
was defeated in a rematch The losses threaten to re- the police” or “banning gressives and moderates. kansas, hoping the presi- Haberkorn and Tracy
against Yvette Herrell, a Re- ignite familiar intraparty fracking” was used in attack Oftentimes her top priority dent’s unpopularity would Wilkinson contributed to
publican former state legis- fighting between progres- ads during the election. has appeared to be protect- push their candidates in red this report.
■■■ ELECTION 2020 ■■■

rules for
By Matt Pearce

With Democrat Joe Bid-

en on the verge of victory and
gaining or leading in vote
counts in key states, the
Trump campaign has made
unsubstantiated claims of
fraud and threatened a vari-
ety of legal counterattacks to
avoid defeat.
One of the most impor-
tant tools that could tilt the
outcome of a race is a re-
count of the votes. But rules
for triggering recounts vary
by state. Here’s a look at the
rules, according to research
by the National Assn. of Sec-
retaries of State.
Arizona: The secretary of
state “canvasses” — ac-
counts for the ballots cast,
reconciles errors and con-
firms valid votes — and cer-
tifies the results on the
fourth Monday after the
election and issues the cer-
tificate of election. Recounts
are triggered if a canvass
finds a race is within a 0.1%
margin of victory.
Georgia: The secretary of
state canvasses and certifies
election results no later than
14 days after the election,
with the governor certifying
electors no later than 15 days
after the election. A candi-
date can request a recount if
Chip Somodevilla Getty Images
trailing the winner by less
than 1%. The request must PRESIDENT TRUMP walks into the White House briefing room, where he would deliver a stream of election-related falsehoods extraor-
be made within two business dinary even for a president known for untrue statements. His remarks to reporters prompted some television networks to cut away.
days of certification.
Nevada: The secretary of
state and the state Supreme
Court canvass returns on
the fourth Tuesday in No-
vember, with the governor
issuing a certificate of elec-
Trump strays far from the truth
tion. A losing candidate can [Falsehoods, from A1] he said. an election,” he insisted. some election offices to de- Vice President Mike
file a recount request within polls closed Tuesday night, “Fake polls were de- “They’re trying to rig an nounce the counting, and Pence voiced his support for
three days of the canvass. although he offered no cred- signed to keep our voters at election.” his media allies unleashed Trump on Twitter, saying
ible evidence to his charge of home, create the illusion of Mail ballots were a par- unproven conspiracies and “we must count every
Pennsylvania: County offi- widespread malfeasance. momentum for Mr. Biden” — ticular target for Trump. increasingly unhinged state- LEGAL vote.”
cials canvass and send re- He refused to acknowl- a rare example of Trump at- He spent months during ments. Few Republicans
sults to the secretary of state edge that many states often taching an honorific to his the campaign claiming Mark Levin, a conserva- stepped forward to directly
by the Tuesday after the take days to tally tens of mil- opponent’s name rather without evidence that they tive talk radio host who is denounce Trump in the im-
election, after which the sec- lions of legal ballots, includ- than a derogatory nickname were fraudulent, while close to the president, urged mediate aftermath of his
retary canvasses and certi- ing those sent by mail, and — “and diminish Republi- Democrats urged their sup- Republican-controlled state comments.
fies the results. The gover- suggested they were some- cans’ ability to raise funds.” porters to submit ballots by legislatures in swing states “There is no defense for
nor issues a certificate of how invalid. And he repeatedly tried mail to avoid crowded won by Biden to disregard the President’s comments
election to the winner. A re- “If you count the legal to undermine public faith in polling places during the the will of the voters and tonight undermining our
count is triggered if the mar- votes, I easily win,” Trump the electoral process by de- pandemic. nominate pro-Trump elec- Democratic process,”
gin of victory is within 0.5%, said, pointing to the leads he scribing the counting of Now Trump is furious tors next month. tweeted Larry Hogan, the
and must take place by the held Tuesday while millions votes as deceitful. that millions of mail-in bal- Stephen K. Bannon, Republican governor of
third Wednesday after the of votes were still uncount- Trump warned of “dis- lots are being counted in the Trump’s former senior ad- Maryland. “America is
election and finish by the fol- ed. “If you count the illegal turbing irregularities” and battleground states he visor, suggested on his pod- counting the votes, and we
lowing Tuesday. votes, they can try to steal workers “doing a lot of bad needs to beat Biden, par- cast that the president must respect the results as
Wisconsin: County officials the election from us.” things,” such as “duplicating ticularly in Georgia and should do more than just fire we always have before. No
canvass and send results to No winner has been de- ballots,” although no such Pennsylvania. FBI Director Christopher A. election or person is more
the state election commis- clared, and Trump’s cam- incidents are known to have “We were winning in all Wray and Dr. Anthony important than our Democ-
sion within 14 days after the paign has vowed to fight in occurred. the key locations by a lot, ac- Fauci, the government’s top racy.”
election. The commission court in an effort to prevent He also seemingly played tually, and then our num- infectious-disease expert. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-
canvasses and certifies re- Biden from securing victory. the race card. bers started miraculously “I’d put their heads on Utah), one of the few Repub-
sults on Dec. 1. A candidate It has filed or threatened liti- “Detroit and Philadel- getting whittled away in se- pikes,” Bannon said. licans in Washington to oc-
can request a recount if the gation in at least four states, phia, known as two of the cret,” Trump said of the And the president’s eld- casionally criticize Trump,
margin of victory is within but that has yet to stop the most corrupt political counting of ballots Wednes- est son, Donald Trump Jr., tweeted a statement saying
1%; it must be sent and re- ballot counting, as he has de- places anywhere in our day and Thursday. tweeted that his father “counting every vote is at the
ceived by the first business manded. country — easily — cannot Republican and Demo- should “go to total war over heart of democracy.”
day after all the county re- Some of the lawsuits had be responsible for the out- cratic poll watchers play a this election to expose all of Trump has long targeted
sults have been submitted. limited success, such as in- come of a presidential race,” role in every state’s vote tab- the fraud, cheating, dead/no the nation’s election ma-
creasing his team’s ability to Trump said, citing two cities ulation, and none of it is longer in state voters, that chinery. When polls sug-
Michigan: County officials watch ballot processing in known for their large Black done in secret. Some states has been going on for far too gested he might lose to Hilla-
canvass and transmit re- Pennsylvania. But it’s un- populations. provide live video feeds so long.” ry Clinton in 2016, he claimed
sults to the secretary of state likely that any will tip the re- The president accused the public can watch. Trump Jr. and his young- the election was going to be
within 14 days of the election. sults of the race. state and local officials re- Trump’s incendiary re- er brother Eric also accused rigged.
A bipartisan, governor-ap- Trump blamed pollsters sponsible for conducting marks, which prompted Republicans of failing to When he won, he falsely
pointed board of state can- for conducting what he elections as being “part of a some television networks to fight hard enough on his fa- claimed that immigrants liv-
vassers canvasses those re- called “suppression polls” to corrupt Democratic mach- cut away, amounted to deep- ther’s behalf, suggesting the ing in the U.S. illegally were
sults within 40 days of the deliberately reduce enthusi- ine.” He even falsely claimed ening the partisan divisions family would remember the only reason Clinton won
election. Candidates may re- asm among his supporters the election apparatus in of a nation already tense their perceived disloyalty. 3 million more votes overall.
quest a recount in a precinct and make it harder for him Georgia is “run by Demo- from the cliffhanger election “Have some backbone. His administration
if they believe there was to win. crats” although the gover- that has moved into over- Fight against this fraud,” launched a commission to
fraud or error in that “Media polling was elec- nor and secretary of state time. Eric Trump tweeted. “Our investigate voter fraud but
precinct that prevented tion interference in the are Republicans. The president’s support- voters will never forget you if did not come up with any evi-
them from winning. truest sense of that word,” “They’re trying to steal ers have gathered outside [you’re] sheep!” dence of malfeasance.

Demands to stop (or continue) the vote tallies

In north Phoenix, about Wednesday night, several in hell, Fauci!” Jones hol- center where election work- rally Thursday night. “We
As Trump supporters 200 pro-Trump demon- people were seen with fire- lered on a bullhorn, drawing ers were counting ballots. need as many patriots as
strators chanted “Four more arms. Some Trump sup- cheers, as he condemned Dr. He spoke from behind a possible there.”
rally in battleground years” and waved signs say- porters carried firearms at Anthony Fauci, the coun- police barricade near a cou- In Las Vegas, shortly be-
states, Biden backers ing “Count the Votes” out- the GOP headquarters try’s top infectious disease ple of dozen people waving fore 6 p.m., at least 50 people
side the state GOP head- event Thursday. expert. “America is awake blue Trump banners and had gathered outside the
assert their voices too. quarters. County officials tweeted and we are never backing flags. “This is the opportuni- election department. A man
“Count the votes” is a Thursday that they were set- down, and I want to salute ty to shed light on what’s go- nearby screamed about
By Tyrone Beason, pro-Biden chant in the East- ting up a “free speech zone” these amazing people out ing on inside this building.” mail-in ballots he said he’d
Michael Finnegan ern states where the presi- outside the complex where here for days in defiance of Pro-Biden protesters received, stating that he
and Matt Pearce dent leads, and a pro-Trump votes are being tabulated, tyranny. You are amazing.” nearby screamed, “Count hadn’t gotten one in 25 years
one in the Western states “which will allow protesters In Philadelphia, counter- the votes!” but got three this year.
PHOENIX — With Presi- where the president trails. to be seen and heard while protesters were blasting “There’s a lot of disinfor- All active registered vot-
dent Trump’s reelection Wearing a red “Latinas also ensuring that our Elec- Earth, Wind & Fire music mation about what’s going ers in Nevada were sent a
hopes looking worse by the for Trump” T-shirt, Clarice tions staff can do their jobs and dancing outside the on in this facility right now,” ballot in the mail for this
hour, pro-Trump demon- Chavez, 55, said that she was and leave the building with- convention center where the said protester Mike Bee, a 31- year’s general election.
strators held rallies in criti- a seventh-generation Arizo- out the threat of intimida- ballot counting was taking year-old waiter. “It’s going to “They’re trying to steal
cal battleground states nan and that everything she tion.” place, forcing Trump’s ad- be a long process, and we this thing,” a man told Paula
across the U.S. on Thursday knows about the politics of On Thursday, Rep. Paul visors to scream in order to should be patient and count Speight, who held a sign that
as vote counters tabulated her state tells her that a vic- Gosar (R-Ariz.), one of the be heard at their news con- every vote.” read “Thou shalt not steal
the outcome of the 2020 tory here for Trump is a cer- previous night’s rally attend- ferences. In downtown Atlanta on the vote.”
presidential election. tainty. ees, went on Twitter to urge Trump’s campaign Thursday afternoon, a small Speight said she came
Trump’s supporters have She claimed, without giv- “Phoenix patriots” to gather slowed down the vote count- group of Trump supporters out to protest because
taken up the president’s ing substantiated evidence, again at the election office ing on Thursday after it won gathered outside State Trump has “fought hard for
baseless claims of fraud and that Democratic election of- “to ensure a fair vote count.” a court order allowing its Farm Arena to protest the us.”
his demands to variously ficials in battleground states His requests: “No open poll watchers to observe the counting of absentee ballots.
stop counting or keep count- such as Arizona are trying to carry. Bring American flags. ballot tabulation more (Biden was gaining.) Times staff writers
ing votes, depending on thwart Trump. Trump flags. Bibles.” Right- closely — six feet from the “Four more years!” they Finnegan, Beason and
whether he’s ahead. As of “We know what the frog is wing conspiracy theorist Al- election workers. shouted. “Four more years!” Pearce reported from
Thursday evening, the Re- going on across the country,” ex Jones also arrived at the “Listen guys, democracy “We can’t just stand by Philadelphia, Phoenix and
publican continued trailing Chavez said. scene and fired up the crowd dies in darkness,” Corey and allow this election Los Angeles, respectively.
Joe Biden in Arizona and Ne- At pro-Trump demon- with a characteristically Lewandowski, a Trump to be stolen,” conservative Staff writers Brittny Mejia
vada and his lead over the strations at state govern- wild speech. campaign advisor, told a activist C.J. Pearson in Las Vegas and Jenny
Democrat was dwindling in ment and Maricopa County “Burn in hell, Joe Biden! cluster of news media mem- tweeted, with the hashtag Jarvie in Atlanta
Pennsylvania and Georgia. election buildings on Burn in hell, Bill Gates! Burn bers outside the convention #StopTheSteal, for another contributed to this report.
A10 F R I DAY , N OV E M BER 6, 2020 LAT IMES. C OM

A struggle to rein in false election claims
Twitter’s civic integrity
Group alleging fraud policy says that it plans to
take action on “misleading
grew to 360,000 information about election
before Facebook shut outcomes,” which includes
“disputed claims that could
it down. Other social undermine faith in the proc-
firms also scrambled. ess itself, such as unverified
information about election
rigging, ballot tampering,
By Sam Dean vote tallying, or certification
and Suhauna Hussain of election results.”
Kat Lo, a researcher who
Efforts by President studies online content mod-
Trump and his supporters eration at the nonprofit
to sow doubt in the integrity Meedan, said one of the big
of election results continue challenges of the election is
to pose challenges for Face- when misinformation is am-
book and other social media biguously presented, such
companies, as the vote- as the type of claims made in
counting process remains the Stop the Steal group. For
underway. example, one user posted a
Twitter has worked to re- screenshot of a ballot
strict tweets from the presi- tracker, showing their ballot
dent that spread false narra- had not been received, and
tives undermining the elec- implied it was part of some
tion, flagging many of his widespread conspiracy.
posts as potentially “When a post can be fea-
misleading, but baseless sibly contested, platforms
claims of election fraud have have a difficult time deciding
continued to percolate how to police that type of
across the platform at thing,” Lo said.
speed. Of the tech platforms, Lo
On Facebook, Trump’s said, Twitter has the most
supporters are picking up well-developed strategy for
the president’s message and dealing with misleading in-
running with it, prompting Jeff Chiu Associated Press formation.
the platform to announce A FACEBOOK spokesperson said the Stop the Steal group “was organized around the delegitimization of the Twitter slaps on fact-
new measures to tamp down election process, and we saw worrying calls for violence from some members of the group.” checking links and in some
on election misinformation cases places a screen en-
Thursday afternoon. Wednesday, variations on asked members to provide taking during this period of the election was being stolen tirely over an offending
A Facebook group called the theme could be heard on contact information, antici- heightened tension, we have from the president surged tweet. By contrast, Face-
Stop the Steal 2020, which the streets of U.S. cities pating that the platform removed the Group ‘Stop online over the course of the book still centers content
attracted more than 360,000 where votes were being might soon shut it down. the Steal,’ which was cre- day Wednesday, peaking be- that it flags as questionable.
members before it was sus- counted. In Detroit, Trump New members were ating real-world events,” a fore 9 p.m. Pacific before see- While Twitter has moved to
pended by the social giant supporters gathered at a prompted to enter their con- Facebook spokesperson ing another bump Thursday block retweets, Facebook
Thursday, provided a nota- vote-counting place, chant- tact information at a sepa- said in a statement. “The morning, according to the does not prohibit sharing.
ble example of how the false ing at election workers to rate website before being al- group was organized around media intelligence platform “Preventing information
narrative is spreading. “stop the count.” That night, lowed to join. There, mem- the delegitimization of the Zignal Labs. from being as shareable, as
The group was created a crowd gathered outside a bers were greeted with a election process, and we saw The phrase “Stop the viral, is a crucial part of
Wednesday by Women for Phoenix election center, message pushing the con- worrying calls for violence Steal” itself was mentioned harm mitigation,” Lo said.
America First, a political chanting “count the votes” spiracy theory meant to from some members of the more than 1.2 million times YouTube, she said, has
nonprofit founded in 2019 to and “stop the steal,” some undermine the election: group.” over the same time period, struggled to develop and en-
organize protests against openly carrying firearms. “Democrats are scheming to The social media com- and continued to spread on force a policy to address gray
the impeachment proceed- Posts claimed without disenfranchise and nullify pany declined to answer ad- Twitter on Thursday after- area content.
ings against Trump. The evidence that big chunks of Republican votes. It’s up to ditional questions about the noon. In a statement, the “I’m most impressed
group has gone on to organ- votes were missing or in- us, the American People, to timing of the decision, but it company said that it was with Twitter, Facebook is
ize anti-lockdown protests valid, accused poll workers fight and to put a stop to it.” broadly aligns with election- “proactively monitoring” doing alright, YouTube is
across the country. of being biased against con- After asking for members’ related misinformation the hashtag and that it was doing awful,” Lo said.
The “Stop the Steal” servatives, or implied that names, emails, and states, policies that Facebook laid flagging specific tweets that Even if platforms are be-
phrase first gained traction it’s taken days to count votes the website also asked for a out in preparation for what contained misinformation. ing more proactive, much of
on social media on election because of malicious activity donation. was expected to be a long Twitter declined to provide a their efforts focus on high-
day and was boosted that by Democrats. Facebook suspended the vote-counting process. rationale as to why the hash- profile figures, and it’s “any-
night, when Trump tweeted As the Facebook group’s group before 11 a.m. Thurs- Social media posts and tag itself — which asserts body’s guess” if they are be-
the unsubstantiated claim membership ticked into the day. other online media with that there is a theft under- ing as proactive with moder-
that “they” are “trying to hundreds of thousands of “In line with the excep- hashtags or phrases push- way — did not qualify to be ating the rest of their users,
STEAL the election.” On users, the group’s creators tional measures that we are ing the false narrative that flagged across the board. Lo said.

Why cold-shoulder your customers at a time like this?

DAVID LAZARUS Ashton’s decades of loyal
patronage and is looking
It continues forward to selling her more
to astonish tickets. But, no, it won’t
that some show even a small amount
companies of flexibility amid a global
are refusing to pandemic that’s disrupted
show long- travel worldwide.
time custom- Again, this isn’t about a
ers even the refund. It’s about allowing a
most modest customer to use a credit
flexibility she’s already earned amid
amid a global pandemic extraordinary circum-
that’s already killed about stances.
235,000 Americans. Ashton said it’s not
I mean, really? about the money in her
Times are tough, to be case. “It’s the principle.”
sure. Businesses are scram- To me, it’s about busi-
bling for as much revenue as nesses finally being in a
they can get their hands on. position to act on many
But it seems decidedly years of lip service about
shortsighted to strong-arm how much they value the
loyal customers at a time loyalty of customers — and
when people need help, and coming up short.
when a little compassion A Southwest spokesman
can go a long way toward declined to comment when I
ensuring future profits. asked about the fairness of
I say all this after speak- terminating a longtime
ing the other day with Bar- customer’s travel credit
bara Ashton, 76, who had during a pandemic.
gotten nowhere pleading But after I reached out to
with Southwest Airlines to the airline, an executive
allow her to extend about Al Seib Los Angeles Times contacted Ashton and said
$156 in unused travel credit A PLAYA VISTA couple had to go to great lengths to get Southwest to extend the expiration date on credits her credit will be extended
past a Sept. 17 deadline. they couldn’t use because of the pandemic. “It’s the principle” more than the money, Barbara Ashton said. for six months.
The Playa Vista resident Good enough, Ashton
described herself as being a “By mid-July, with no involved travel insurance tion organizations” rather pany’s “regret” about Ash- told me afterward.
satisfied Southwest cus- end in sight for the pan- companies keeping people’s than a desperate need for ton’s “continued disap- “I feel like they did what
tomer for more than 40 demic, I could see that we money even though related cash. pointment.” they should do,” she said. “I
years. She called the carrier would not be flying before cruises were canceled. “Our top priority re- “I understand that, like feel like I’m not losing my
“my go-to airline, whenever the expiration date,” she Needless to say, this is a mains, and always will be, many of our customers, money.”
possible, because of the told me. miserable time to be in the the safety of our employees you’ve had concerns about I’m glad it worked out.
excellent customer service Ashton said she con- airline business. The four and customers,” the airline’s traveling, and I’m saddened But I’m also troubled that it
and the flexible policy on tacted Southwest over the largest U.S. carriers racked chief executive, Gary Kelly, to learn that you were un- requires so much effort to
changing flights.” summer and was instructed up at least $10 billion in said in a statement. able to apply your travel get a business to do the
Ashton said she and her by a service rep to call back combined losses in each of Carriers say their air- funds towards travel com- right thing.
husband had used the cred- after the Sept. 17 deadline the last two quarters. filtration systems reduce pleted by the expiration “We are committed to
it, known as Southwest had passed to arrange an The third quarter is coronavirus risk. Some date,” the rep said by email. taking care of our employ-
“travel funds,” to book a extension. typically a strong one for healthcare experts say the She also voiced regret ees and customers while
round-trip flight from Los Her husband did just airlines because it includes jury’s still out. about “any confusion” re- protecting the financial
Angeles to San Francisco to that a few weeks ago. He summer travel. But Ameri- In any case, Ashton took sulting from the summer- health of our company
see family members in early told me he was informed by can Airlines reported a Kelly at his word. She wrote time call in which the airline through the most challeng-
March. Southwest that no exten- quarterly loss of $2.4 billion. to him with details of her said the couple should ing time in our nearly 50-
As the coronavirus sions were being given. The Southwest lost nearly $1.2 experience and a polite phone back after the expira- year history,” Southwest’s
spread, the couple decided service rep explained that billion. request that the airline tion date had passed to CEO said in announcing
to forgo the flight and drive the airline has to “protect Although carriers say honor its earlier pledge to arrange more time. that huge quarterly loss.
north instead. Ashton has the integrity of our proc- they’re hoping things will extend travel credits. “Regrettably, we remain Those aren’t mutually
an autoimmune disorder esses,” he said. turn around with holiday “They wouldn’t lose any unable to meet your request exclusive goals. And cus-
called polymyalgia rheu- The $156 in credit was travel in the current quar- money,” she told me. “We’re to reinstate the expired tomers will remember who
matica that makes her gone. ter, they’ve estimated it will not asking for a refund. funds,” the rep said. “We’re was there for them when
vulnerable to sickness. Her I’ve written about the take years to recover from We’re just seeking an ac- truly grateful for the loyalty times were tough.
75-year-old husband, Bruce, difficulties some people the financial hit they’ve commodation as the world you’ve shown us over the And who wasn’t.
has hypertension. have faced in seeking experienced as a result of goes through a catastro- years. It’s always our pleas-
Flying didn’t seem wise, refunds for air travel, the pandemic. phe.” ure to serve you, and we David Lazarus’ column runs
all things considered. cruises and hotel bookings Southwest says it will Ashton added: “It’s the hope to have an opportunity Tuesdays and Fridays. He
Ashton said she knew that were canceled because start selling middle seats right thing to do. It’s the to welcome you and Bruce also can be seen daily on
the travel funds would ex- of a once-in-a-generation again beginning Dec. 1, human thing to do.” onboard soon.” KTLA-TV Channel 5 and on
pire in mid-September, but public health disaster. basing its decision on “sci- In response to her email How’s that for a kick in Twitter @davidlaz. Send
she assumed it would be One of the more eye- ence-based findings from to Kelly, a senior-level serv- the teeth? your tips to david.lazarus
safe to travel by then. opening developments trusted medical and avia- ice rep expressed the com- Southwest is grateful for

Lyft chief willing to deal with unions

[Lyft, from A1] an untested form of repre-
“We’re ready to work with sentation in California.
labor leaders and all inter- Tuesday’s election results
ested parties who want to dealt a blow to organized la-
move forward and build a bor and gave app-based
stronger safety net,” Zim- companies the upper hand,
mer said in an interview with but the measure also cre-
The Times. “If there’s a way ated new roadblocks.
we can work more together, Some in labor argue that
which to me seems totally at- the language Uber and Lyft
tainable and seems better, included in Proposition 22,
then we should pursue that.” requiring a seven-eighths
Zimmer’s desire for vote of the Legislature to
peace may seem unusual af- make future amendments,
ter his company joined Uber, all but nixes any hope of leg-
DoorDash, Instacart and islators settling the dispute.
Postmates in spending an Labor unions are also con-
unprecedented $200 million sidering lawsuits to chal-
to win the ballot fight and lenge that provision of the
keep ride-hail and delivery measure in court.
drivers classified as inde- Although both legislative
pendent contractors, a tri- houses maintained their
umph for business and turn- Democratic supermajority
ing point in the conversation on Tuesday, with Senate
about the future of work. President Pro Tem Toni
Lyft’s offer also came just Atkins picking up at least
hours after labor threatened one seat and Assembly
to expand its fight against Speaker Anthony Rendon
ride-hail and delivery com- losing one, reaching the sev-
panies, a reminder of the gulf en-eighths threshold to
between labor and business change the measure would
on how to treat a workplace be politically difficult and re-
behind the wheel. quire support from several
Zimmer has two poten- Republicans.
tial paths forward. He and Representatives for Uber
his allies can use the mo- declined to comment on the
mentum of their election win Al Seib Los Angeles Times possibility of a deal. When
to end the feud with unions RIDE-HAIL passengers at LAX. “The obscene amount of money these multibillion-dollar corporations spent asked what it would take to
and strike a deal on a frame- misleading the public doesn’t absolve them of their duty to pay drivers a living wage,” said one labor leader. bring unions and the indus-
work for an independent try together again, Zimmer
workforce with union repre- cussion, you can never re- corporations, proving they share a willingness to negoti- payers for the nearly half a pointed to Newsom. The sit-
sentation that can be repli- solve an issue,” Aloise said. had a new way to write their ate, or can agree to what ex- billion these companies uation could give the gover-
cated in other states or at Labor and rideshare and own employment classifica- actly a deal would entail, re- have cheated from our state nor another opportunity to
the federal level. Or they can delivery companies have tions and avoid paying a full mains unclear. unemployment fund,” said forge a deal after his previ-
continue an expensive and been fighting in California suite of worker benefits — Labor conceded on Tues- Art Pulaski, the executive ous attempts failed.
bitter battle with labor in over worker classification even in a deep-blue state day night before Uber and secretary treasurer of the Wedged between labor
California and around the for several years. Unions that is a labor stronghold. Lyft were officially declared California Labor Federa- unions and tech companies,
country. helped pass Assembly Bill 5 “People wanted to see where the winners of the Pro- tion. “The end of this cam- the governor remained neu-
Some in labor were skep- in 2019 to require more com- voters stood and this helps position 22 ballot measure paign is only the beginning tral on Proposition 22. Days
tical about a deal and view panies to treat their workers clarify that,” Zimmer said of contest with 58% of the vote. in the fight to ensure gig before the election, he said
the latter path as more likely as employees and provide Proposition 22’s approval. But the statement from the workers are provided fair his neutrality afforded him
unless a compromise be- benefits and job protections. Parties on all sides say a California Labor Federation wages, sick pay and care the benefit of being in a bet-
tween labor and the app- Gov. Gavin Newsom deal could allow for some read more like a declaration when they’re hurt at work.” ter position to broker a com-
based companies is bro- urged a compromise to form of sectoral collective of war than an opening for Among concerns that promise “if there is a need, a
kered in another state. grant Uber and Lyft an ex- bargaining and the creation new conversations. stalled earlier negotiations, desire.”
But Rome Aloise, vice emption to the state law. of employer-funded port- “The obscene amount of unions worried that any spe- “We need political leaders
president-Western Region When those talks between able benefits for industry money these multibillion- cial employment rules cre- and third parties to pull us
for the International Broth- the app-based companies workers. Zimmer said voters dollar corporations spent ated for Uber and Lyft could together,” Zimmer said. “I’ve
erhood of Teamsters and and unions halted, the com- settled the debate about misleading the public open the door for other com- tried. I’ve listened and I will
president of Teamsters panies responded with treating app-based workers doesn’t absolve them of their panies to stop classifying continue to do so. And I
Joint Council 7 in California, Proposition 22. as independent contractors. duty to pay drivers a living their workers as employees if think if there are parties, like
said the union could be open Closely watched across Whether the different wage, provide PPE to pro- they don’t want to pay tradi- the governor ... they have a
to continuing conversations. the country, the passage of factions of organized labor tect workers as the pan- tional benefits. Some ques- willing and ready partner in
“If you don’t have a dis- the measure sent a signal to at the California Capitol demic deepens or repay tax- tioned sectoral bargaining, Lyft and myself.”


Stocks rise as investors look

past uncertainty of election
associated press
Major stock indexes
Daily Daily % YTD %
Stocks rallied again on Index Close change change change
Wall Street as a post-elec-
Dow industrials 28,390.18 +542.52 +1.95 -0.52
tion wave of buying contin-
S&P 500 3,510.45 +67.01 +1.95 +8.66
ued, keeping the Standard
& Poor’s 500 index on track Nasdaq composite 11,890.93 +300.15 +2.59 +32.52
for its biggest weekly gain S&P 400 2,037.13 +55.34 +2.79 -1.25
since April. Russell 2000 1,660.05 +44.97 +2.78 -0.50
Even with the presi- EuroStoxx 50 2,907.40 +20.13 +0.70 -14.56
dential election not yet
Nikkei (Japan) 24,105.28 +410.05 +1.73 +1.90
called, investors were bank-
Hang Seng (Hong Kong) 25,695.92 +809.78 +3.25 -8.85
Dave Getzschman For The Times ing on control of Congress
GOPUFF co-CEO Yakir Gola called his online firm’s deal for BevMo “a better and remaining split between Associated Press
faster and strategic way” to enter the California market. Above, a BevMo store. Democrats and Republi-
cans, which could mean the might be “more clear,” said big chance of legislative sur-

Quick-delivery service GoPuff continuation of low tax

rates, lighter regulation and
other business-friendly poli-
Jackson Wong, asset man-
agement director of Amber
Hill Capital. He added, “In-
prises,” she said.
Split control of Washing-
ton also carries potential

to pay $350 million for BevMo cies.

Tech stocks helped lead
the way amid rising expecta-
tions that a split Congress
vestors are cheering for that.
That’s why the markets are
performing well.”
Stocks also climbed
downsides. Gridlock may
lessen the chances of the
U.S. government coming to-
gether on a deal to deliver a
would not be as aggressive across European and Asian big shot of stimulus for the
GoPuff is still figuring out riod last year, according to about targeting Big Tech for markets Thursday. economy, for example.
By Andrea Chang how to best combine the two Nielsen data. antitrust issues. The S&P Wall Street’s rally was The yield on the 10-year
companies, with a target The shift in drinking hab- 500 rose 1.9% on Thursday, widespread, with nearly 90% Treasury held steady at
Need a case of Chardon- completion date of some- its comes as consumers bringing its gain for the week of stocks in the S&P 500 0.77%. It had been above
nay paired with a side of time next year. When that spend more time imbibing to 7.4%. higher. Qualcomm jumped 0.90% earlier this week, when
toothpaste, batteries and happens, GoPuff customers at home instead of at bars The Dow Jones industrial 12.8% for the biggest gain in markets were still thinking a
dog food? Soon you’ll be able will be able to add BevMo and restaurants, said average closed up 542 the index after it reported Democratic sweep was pos-
to get that delivered to your products to their delivery or- Danelle Kosmal, the market points, or 2.0%, at 28,390, and stronger revenue and profit sible that could lead to a big
door, courtesy of BevMo — ders. research firm’s vice presi- the Nasdaq composite fin- for the latest quarter than stimulus package for the
and its new owner. Gola said the company dent of beverage alcohol. ished 2.6% higher, at 11,890. analysts expected. economy.
The beverage chain an- hasn’t yet decided whether Large liquor store chains Small-company stocks also That’s been the strongest The pandemic continues
nounced Thursday that it to open fulfillment centers in such as BevMo and ecom- had a strong showing. The trend through this earnings to weigh on economies
had agreed to be bought by California, or use some of the merce sellers have both ben- Russell 2000 small-cap index season, which is close to around the world, with case
GoPuff, a Philadelphia on- real estate in BevMo’s stores efited from the trend, she finished up 2.8%. wrapping up. S&P 500 com- counts rising at troubling
line delivery company, for to house GoPuff products. It said. Apple, Microsoft, Ama- panies are on pace to report rates across much of Europe
$350 million. could be “a combination of BevMo already offers lo- zon, Facebook and Google’s a drop in profits of roughly and the United States. Sev-
The deal, which is ex- things,” he said. “We’re still cal delivery and online ship- parent company, Alphabet, 8% from year-earlier levels. eral European governments
pected to close within 30 working on that.” ping; GoPuff sells alcohol in all rose about 1% to 3.6%. That’s much milder than the have brought back restric-
days, will bring together a Currently, there aren’t some of its markets, but it’s They’re the five biggest nearly 21% decline Wall tions on businesses in hopes
household name with 161 plans to close any BevMo “not a significant amount,” stocks in the S&P 500 by Street was forecasting at the of slowing the spread.
stores in the West and a fast- stores, which are in Califor- Gola said. market value. start of last month.
growing upstart with no Cal- nia, Washington and Arizo- Nationally, online alcohol Shares in cannabis com- Still, many analysts warn
ifornia presence. na. sales currently represent a panies were sharply higher volatility may lie ahead. Big
“The plan all along was to GoPuff has about 3,000 small percentage of overall after voters in several states swings could return as the
get into California,” Yakir
Gola, GoPuff ’s co-founder
employees and Concord,
Calif.-based BevMo has
alcohol spending, according
to Nielsen data.
cleared the way for legal
marijuana for adult or medi-
threat of a contested, drawn-
out election still looms.
and co-chief executive, said about 2,000. Gola declined to But that, too, is changing cal use. Tilray jumped 30.3%, Trump’s campaign has
in an interview. “This is just a provide financial figures for — and GoPuff stands to ben- though the stock is still filed legal challenges in some
better and faster and strate- the companies, which are efit. down nearly 55% this year. key swing states, though it’s INVENTORY, EQUIPMENT &
gic way for us to enter the privately held. “Shifts in shopper behav- Broadly, markets are see- unclear whether they can located in a 110,000 sqft facility.
market.” “It’s a very sensible deal,” ior during COVID have ing split control of Congress shift the race in his favor. A
Although it is little- said Anthony LeCour, who helped to fuel online growth as a case of what Mizuho long court battle without a • CONVENTION EXHIBITION
known in Los Angeles, GoP- specializes in food and bev- for alcohol,” Kosmal said. Bank calls “Goldilocks Grid- clear winner of the presi- EQUIPMENT
uff operates more than 200 erage as head of consumer Online alcohol sales were up lock.” dency could raise uncer- • EVENT PLANNING FURNISHINGS
micro-fulfillment centers investment banking at Wed- more than 400% year over Investors see cause for tainty and drag down stocks, • DECORATIVE ITEMS
serving more than 500 cities bush Securities. The compa- year in the second quarter, optimism if either Biden or analysts say. • PARTY PLANNING FIXTURES AND
around the country. It spe- nies complement each she said. President Trump ultimately But concerns about big FURNISHINGS
cializes in quick-turnaround other, he said, and both are GoPuff was founded in wins the presidency, and changes in tax policy during MANUFACTURED CUSTOM
delivery: For a flat rate of in categories — alcohol sales 2013. Last month, the com- what they want most of all is the next administration EXHIBITION SYSTEMS
$1.95 (there’s also a subscrip- and home delivery — that pany announced that it had just for a clear winner to have mostly abated now that
tion option), customers can have seen business boom raised $380 million at a $3.9- emerge. Stocks “fear uncer- control of Congress looks as
get thousands of items — during the pandemic. billion valuation. tainty rather than the actual if it will remain split, said NOVEMBER 30TH, 2020
cleaning supplies, food and Since the beginning of The funding round was outcome,” strategists at Megan Horneman, director CONTACT:
electronics among them — March, U.S. alcohol sales in led by Accel and D1 Capital Barclays wrote in a report. of portfolio strategy at Ver-
delivered in 30 minutes or “off-premise channels” — Partners; Luxor Capital and But the expectation that dence Capital Advisors. 310.798.3123
less. In several markets, such as supermarkets and li- SoftBank Vision Fund, a Biden has a chance of win- “History tends to tell us
GoPuff deliveries are avail- quor stores — are up 22% previous investor, also par- ning has also raised hopes that investors like gridlock
able 24/7. compared with the same pe- ticipated. that U.S. foreign policies because there’s really not a


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ELECTION 2020 of us. I’m in, and I’ll do this

work on my own dime.

L.A. elections are the winner

Sandy Pollack
West Hollywood

ith so much attention fo- Far too often, reelection is a cakewalk.
Whatever the final
cused on the presidential L.A.’s elected leaders have rarely faced quali-
result is, it is quite clear
election, it might be easy fied, well-funded challengers. The big donors
that there was no “blue
to overlook the two Los — labor and business groups — line up early wave.” The numbers are
Angeles City Council behind incumbents, and few challengers feel surprisingly very close
races that were on the ballot this week. But they can compete, so they skip the race or across the board.
don’t. This year’s local election broke re- wait until there’s an open seat. As a result, Many people who sup-
cords and upended the status quo. In short, L.A. has many noncompetitive races, which ported Biden did so be-
it was a pretty good year for democracy. means less debate over the future of the city Jay L. Clendenin Los Angeles Times cause they were really
Usually the days after an L.A. election and lower voter participation. SUPPORTERS of President Trump and Joe Biden voting against Trump. It
are full of hand-wringing and lamentations It’s far too soon to declare an end to non- converge along Santa Monica Boulevard on Nov. 3. appears that national
about the tiny number of Angelenos who competitive races. But this year has shown support for the progressive
cared enough to vote. It got so bad that in
2014, the Los Angeles Ethics Commission
recommended staging an election day lot-
that the change in election dates can help
level the playing field. Raman said that she
chose to run this year in part because of that
4 million of us agenda is not as strong as
has been portrayed in the
tery with a $1,000 jackpot to persuade peo- change. It’s refreshing to see this new wave The next president will
Re “Facing who many of us are in Calif.,” column, Nov. 5
ple to vote in future council races. of voters challenge the power of incumbency serve a very polarized
There was no need to dangle cash prizes — even when we like the incumbent. (The Erika D. Smith notes that about 4 million Californians nation and must tread
this time. Turnout skyrocketed. Times endorsed Ryu for reelection, in part voted for President Trump and asks, “How is this even slowly and carefully when
possible?” Her bewilderment is telling. dealing with virtually every
One obvious factor was the huge interest because of his efforts to reduce the corrupt-
Many Trump voters like his policies but dislike the way issue. Now is not the time
in the presidential election. More important ing influence of campaign donations.)
for radical proposals and
was the effect of the ballot measures voters The question now is how this shift in he conducted his presidency. Their support has nothing to
programs from either side.
passed in 2015 to move L.A.’s municipal and elections and turnout will influence city pol- do with racism or white supremacy.
Neal Rein
school board elections from odd-numbered icy. Raman ran and won with strong back- To name just a few reasons: A recent Gallop poll found
Westlake Village
to even-numbered years to coincide with ing from progressive activists, and she’s laid that 56% of Americans believe they are better off now than
presidential and gubernatorial elections. out ambitious and expensive proposals to they were four years ago, and he appointed three Supreme
Court justices and hundreds of federal judges who we
This is the first year L.A. voters have seen a
consolidated election, and participation
develop a non-law enforcement alternative
to the Los Angeles Police Department, pro- hope will enforce the proper separation of powers, rein in Suppression? It
was even better than election reformers had
vide public broadband and create a network
of homeless access centers across the city.
the administrative state and uphold the Bill of Rights.
Trump also deserves credit for the pre-pandemic
happens in Calif.
Turnout in the Council District 4 runoff Ridley-Thomas has said his top priority is economic boom, and he made decisions that were in our Re “California’s grim vot-
more than quadrupled compared with 2015, addressing the city’s homelessness crisis by nation’s interest. ing-rights past,” Opinion,
with more than 110,000 votes counted so far. providing more affordable housing and Trump’s voters recognized that electing former Vice Nov. 3
In Council District 10, more than 70,000 bal- more extensive prevention and intervention President Joe Biden meant they would get the policies of
lots were cast in the runoff between Los An- services. Sen. Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and I wouldn’t give Cali-
geles County Supervisor Mark Ridley- It’s hard to see how these new council Sen. Bernie Sanders. All of these are valid, non-racist fornia an A-plus on voting
Thomas and attorney Grace Yoo; that’s a members will be able to carry out those reasons why 4 million voters in California chose Trump. rights just yet.
fivefold increase over the 2015 election. Rid- plans in the near term. The city is facing a Vickie Anderson In 2018, California
Los Angeles changed the way we vote in
ley-Thomas won the seat vacated by Coun- $400-million to $600-million budget short-
person, making it harder
cilman Herb Wesson. fall, and Mayor Eric Garcetti has asked de-
for people who like to go to
Consolidated elections also tend to bring partments to prepare for the possibility of
I grew up in Louisiana themselves enough time to the polls on election day.
out a more diverse electorate, including a layoffs. City leaders have held off making and lived in Texas as a arrive at a polling location We used to be able to walk
greater number of young voters, renters and furloughs and major budget cuts in the des- young adult, and I have that day, not a day or a to our polling place, and
Latinos — and this election appears to fit perate hope that Joe Biden would win the many Republican friends week later. only had to wait behind two
that pattern. That’s good. Democracy is not presidency and support a federal bailout of and family whom I dearly Today, in bad weather, or three people.
served when so few Angelenos vote. cities and states. Still, the city would need love. None is bigoted or we allow enough time to In 2018, I had to drive to a
Tuesday’s election is significant for an- $800 million in federal aid to make up the cruel; they are good, intelli- meet airline schedules, polling place where I waited
other reason: It could be the first time in 17 revenue lost since the COVID-19 pandemic gent, honest people. It doctor’s appointments and in line for an hour. Other
years that a City Council incumbent loses began. Next year’s financial picture could be didn’t matter to me if they the like. A postmarked family members had to wait
reelection. As of Thursday, urban planner equally dire if the economic fallout from the voted for George W. Bush letter won’t change that for two hours, and some
and activist Nithya Raman was in a strong pandemic continues. or other Republicans. fact. people in other communi-
position to unseat Councilman David Ryu. Will all those engaged voters remain en- Trump is a different Miss the time and you ties waited a lot longer.
Raman was leading with 52% of the vote, al- gaged constituents? We hope so. There’s a lot story. This election is about miss the flight. It’s as sim- The 2020 primary and
though ballots will continue to be counted of important work ahead for the City Coun- so much more than being a ple as that. general elections were
for at least two more weeks. cil, and the more eyes on City Hall, the better. Democrat or a Republican. Richard Stegemeier worse, with even fewer
It’s about basic decency Anaheim polling places in more
and humanity. far-flung places.
No matter who wins this :: Voting in person should

Now, saner heads must prevail

election, I feel like we have be easy and quick, like it
all lost. We’ve found out Trump’s declaration of used to be. If it is not, that
that half of Americans can victory well before the vote is voter suppression.

look past and even approve count is completed and Deborah Mackey
wo fundamental elements of ceptable act of intimidation in that context. of all the horrendous certified is cinematic. Santa Clarita
American society are on display Remember, Trump earlier this year things the president has I am reminded of
this week: voting and protesting. cheered on armed protesters who entered done. How can anything Humphrey Bogart’s char-
Unfortunately, both those ex- the state Capitol in Lansing, Mich., to pro- Trump “accomplishes” be
important enough to re-
acter in “The Caine
Mutiny” — to paraphrase,
Rushing death
pressions of democracy have test COVID-19 restrictions and a state mask
veered off track in disturbing ways. mandate, tweeting, “Liberate Michigan!”
elect a man filled with so
much hatred?
“Who stole the straw-
berries?” while nervously
This election has, to state the obvious, And he mocked Democratic Gov. Gretchen
This election says much fidgeting his fingers. Re “Virus reshaping death
been unusually fraught. It’s a referendum on Whitmer after federal agents disrupted an
about who we have be- Similar? Yes it is. certificates,” Nov. 3
one of the most divisive presidents in mem- alleged plot by self-styled anti-government come, and it’s devastating. Kim MacConnel
ory, conducted during a pandemic among a militia members to kidnap her and try her Debra Young Krizman Encinitas As a practicing physi-
populace distressingly split over issues of on charges of treason. Santa Monica cian in Los Angeles for
race, class and geography at a time of great Whitmer later argued, rightly, that :: more than 45 years, I would
distrust of essential institutions, beginning Trump’s words made a tense situation :: like to add another piece of
with the government. worse and endangered elected figures in This is how a loser information to the reason
Now, three days after the election day that state. And introducing firearms into Recent polls suggest sounds when he’s going why physicians often don’t
that capped weeks of voting, we still do not moments of public contention is a recipe for that an important part of down: list an infectious disease as
know the outcome. That in itself is neither disaster, which the nation saw play out with Trump’s base is non-col- “The sun was in my the primary cause of death
good nor bad (though definitely frustrat- shooting deaths in Wisconsin and Oregon lege-educated white males. eyes.” on the death certificate,
ing). But President Trump, trailing in some during protests over police violence against This implies that, in gen- “My shoelaces were too even though they know or
tallies, stepped to the podium in the White Black citizens and broader issues of sys- eral, college-educated tight.” suspect it is.
House briefing room Thursday afternoon temic racism. white males are not part of “The dog ate my home- The reason is the influ-
and again claimed that Democrats were Former Vice President Joe Biden (whose his base. Why is this? work.” ence of mortuaries.
“trying to steal the election.” He also called team also built a legal brigade) said Thurs- While some believe it “Stop counting the On numerous occa-
ballots that arrived after election day “il- day that “democracy sometimes is messy. It reflects the liberal politics ballots in Pennsylvania sions, I have been per-
on college campuses, I see and Georgia.” suaded by a mortuary not
legal votes,” ignoring state grace periods for sometimes requires a little patience as well,”
a different reason: The “Keep counting the to list it first, as it would
ballots mailed before the polls closed. and reiterated his position that “each ballot
preponderance of college- ballots in Arizona and then have to be reported to
Having previously sought to subvert the must be counted.” But on Twitter, Trump
level coursework requires Nevada.” the Los Angeles County
ability of Americans in key precincts and absurdly claimed Pennsylvania, Georgia students to back up their How can Republicans Department of Public
states to exercise their civic duty, Trump’s and North Carolina “for electoral purposes” conclusions with evidence, possibly be expected to be Health and would require
team has launched lawsuits that would stop (whatever that means), adding, “we hereby proof or at least a persua- taken seriously when even additional time and paper-
officials in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia claim the State of Michigan if, in fact, there sive argument. College Trump has said that if work, which might delay
and Nevada from counting votes. was a large number of secretly dumped bal- professors evaluate these everyone was able to vote, the internment and thus
We believe in the right to turn to the lots as has been widely reported!” claims for adequacy. his party would lose? upset the family.
courts to redress a grievance or correct a That magisterial assertion drew a warn- Members of a group Peter Maradudin Since the death certifi-
wrong, but here Trump and his army of law- ing label from Twitter: “Some or all of the who have internalized the Seattle cate is commonly not felt to
yers are trying to use the courts to undercut content shared in this Tweet is disputed and need for evidence before be a critical document, and
democracy. We hope judges recognize might be misleading about an election or reaching a conclusion are, I the physician certainly
gamesmanship when they see it and resist in-
terfering in situations that do not call for it.
other civic process.” Might be misleading?
And now the U.S. Justice Department —
believe, less inclined to
support Trump.
Democrats, just does not want to add to the
stress of the surviving
Meanwhile, public distress over Trump’s which under Atty. Gen. William Barr has Howard K. Morton
Newport Beach
listen to voters family, the request of the
mortuary is usually hon-
verbal assault on the voting process has morphed into part of Trump’s personal le-
added fresh energy to months-long protests gal team — has informed its attorneys scat- Re “No blue wave as tally ored, thereby moving the
— including in Los Angeles — over racial in- tered around the country that they have the goes on,” Nov. 4 infectious disease diagnos-
justice that were touched off by high-profile authority to send armed federal agents to Who’s really This has been a difficult,
is to a lower category of
cause of death or removing
shootings of Black people by police. Some of state and county ballot-counting sites to in-
those protests again spun off acts of vandal- vestigate potential voter fraud, a favorite trying to cheat? emotional time for so many
of us. What Democrats
it altogether.
This is unfortunate, for
ism Wednesday night, an unacceptable mu- Trump bugaboo that, of course, is not Re “Legal assault aims to must not do is pat them- reasons clearly stated in
tation of our right to peacefully gather and grounded in reality. So far there’s no indica- block Biden win,” Nov. 5 selves on their backs, take the article.
make our voices heard. tion that the government has deployed a deep breath and prepare Robert Davidson, MD
And in response to the slow vote count, those agents, and we urge it to resist such a President Trump and to do it all over again in four Los Angeles
Trump supporters have been mobilizing. In blatant act of intimidation. his backers are pointing years.
some places they have acted within their This escalation of domestic tensions the finger and blaming the Thousands of young,
rights and American tradition, such as gath-
ering peacefully outside a vote-count site in
needs to end. Saner heads must prevail even
if the president cannot, once again, control
Democrats for trying to
steal the election.
smart, caring people have
gotten involved in politics.
Trump and truth
Las Vegas. But elsewhere things got dicier. his impulses to goad, exaggerate and desta- Yet, they are the ones Let’s take advantage of this Re “Complaint about
Trump supporters besieged a counting cen- bilize. Our history of peaceful transfers of screaming “stop the count” extraordinary opportunity. COVID news,” letters, Nov. 4
ter in Detroit on Wednesday, demanding ac- power must also include a peaceful embrace in Pennsylvania and filing Many would be willing
cess to watch the count (there were already of the right to vote, and that includes letting lawsuits against multiple to visit “red” counties and I read letters from the
a few hundred observers inside the facility), election officials do their jobs and tally the states. Three fingers are really talk to people to find president’s supporters
and another one in Phoenix, where a few pro- results in peace. Democracy under the pointing back at them. out what they need, want complaining that the me-
testers openly carried firearms, an unac- threat of violence is hardly democracy at all. Who is trying to steal and expect from their dia are anti-Trump. To
the election? government. Let’s not ask paraphrase Harry Tru-
Sheryl Kinne if they voted for former Vice man, the media are not
Van Nuys President Joe Biden or anti-Trump; they just tell
against President Trump. the truth and President
:: Let’s not ask them to rank Trump’s supporters think
EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong issues that they think are it’s anti-Trump.
EXECUTIVE EDITOR Norman Pearlstine
There is nothing am- important. William Elmelund
Scott Kraft, Kimi Yoshino biguous about the legal Just ask and listen. West Hollywood
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS definition of election day. It Responses will be difficult
Shelby Grad, Shani O. Hilton, was established by the 28th to rank and analyze, but we
Julia Turner
EXECUTIVE SPORTS EDITOR Congress in 1845 as the have four years to get this
Christian Stone “Tuesday next after the right. We should know by
ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORS first Monday in the month now that traditional Please send letters to
John Canalis, Angel Jennings, Amy King,
Loree Matsui of November.” It did not polling is ridiculous and For
say any day in November. worthless. submission guidelines, see
Sewell Chan EDITOR OF THE EDITORIAL PAGES In those horse-and- So many young people or call
FOUNDED DECEMBER 4, 1881 Sue Horton OP-ED AND SUNDAY OPINION EDITOR buggy days, people allowed want a better world for all 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.


Lessons from this harrowing election

has been under siege in the 2020
A historically high turnout election cycle has to be a focus of
the postmortem on this election. In
does not change the fact addition, reversing this trend of
that voter suppression still voter suppression and disenfran-
chisement needs to be the corner-
drives the system. stone of any strategy to improve
our system of elections.
Even the best recommenda-
By Franita Tolson tions for electoral reforms will fail

to achieve their true potential ab-
he divisiveness of re- sent some remedy for voter sup-
cent elections reveals pression. One of the commendable
that the American po- accomplishment of this election cy-
litical system has been cle is that more Americans voted
largely unable to com- than in any presidential election in
municate the preferences of grow- history. But arguably, turnout
ing multiethnic and urban constit- could have been higher if we al-
uencies in our society. The election lowed all eligible voters to cast bal-
on Tuesday was no exception, with lots and if we counted those ballots
the presidency hinging on a hand- accordingly. Yet, the story of
ful of states in which the national America has always been one in
popular vote winner has razor-thin which our democracy is deemed a
margins that will determine victory success when voters can cast bal-
or defeat in the electoral college. lots in significant numbers, despite
No matter the outcome of this the artificial barriers to voting, the
election, the postmortem will in- disenfranchisement of those who
volve assigning significant blame cannot overcome these barriers
for what pundits had assumed and the refusal of the courts to vin-
would be a decisive election with a dicate their rights.
clear winner. Instead, it turned out Another commendable accom-
to be a nail-biter in the few states plishment is that America is on the
that mattered. The pundits will verge of electing an individual to
blame the polls. They will accuse the vice presidency who reflects
the campaigns of ignoring key con- our ever-changing demographics.
stituencies. They will rant about Sen. Kamala Harris would be the
the electoral college, which first woman, the first African
trumped the will of the people in American and the first Indian
2000 and 2016. American to win this national of-
However, all the blame game fice. But her success would come
does is gloss over the key structural only because voters persisted, not
failure in our system of elections because the right to vote is treated
that, even in conditions of historic as sacred.
voter turnout, permits states to David Goldman Associated Press Indeed, it would be unfortunate
suppress that turnout and disen- STATES have significant discretion to create unnecessary burdens that make it harder to cast a if this election’s milestones are
franchise a significant number of ballot. Those efforts need to be a focus of the postmortem on this election. overshadowed by America’s failure
voters for no good reason. to protect the right to vote. Unless
Voter suppression and disen- would still make it difficult for seg- in a number of decisions that retain Additionally, much of the post- we confront this reality, it is this leg-
franchisement cannot be ex- ments of their populations to cast pre-COVID-19 requirements for election debate has involved claims acy of voter suppression and disen-
plained by a polling error or politi- ballots. casting a ballot. Despite the global that legally valid ballots should be franchisement that will define the
cal strategy gone awry. This is a I fear that in the days to come, pandemic, the Supreme Court has discarded if they haven’t been future, and every subsequent elec-
first-order issue of democratic le- this election’s impact on the voters made it difficult for the lower counted by election day. Will we tion cycle will be shaped by the dif-
gitimacy because states make it will be lost because important courts to, for example, extend bal- confront the hard reality that a sig- ficulties voters now face.
needlessly difficult for people to questions will go unasked and un- lot receipt deadlines and relax wit- nificant portion of the population
vote in a system that holds itself answered. For example, states ness requirements for absentee believes that lawful votes should Franita Tolson is a professor of
out as a democracy. As such, hav- have significant discretion over ballots. Will we discuss the need to not count? Or will we comfort vot- law and vice dean for faculty and
ing more reliable polling or running elections that has been used to curb this discretion? Or will we ers with platitudes about civic re- academic affairs at the USC Gould
more targeted campaigns won’t suppress the votes of otherwise eli- commend individuals for voting sponsibility when their votes are School of Law. She is the author of
solve this problem. Neither will fix- gible citizens. The U.S. Supreme despite the barriers placed before thrown out, even after thousands the forthcoming book “In
ing the electoral college. Even if we Court has thus far been unwilling them, while ignoring that one can- waited in line for hours to cast their Congress We Trust?: Enforcing
let the people pick the president di- to ease these burdens on voters, not count votes that were never ballots? Voting Rights From the Founding
rectly, some combination of states siding with state elections officials cast because of these barriers? The fact that the right to vote to the Jim Crow Era.”

An online generation that Biden took the lead, so

can’t spot misinformation why aren’t Dems dancing?
By Sam Wineburg and Nadav Ziv librarian at Cal State Chico. Versions of it are VIRGINIA HEFFERNAN Best of all, campaigns have material

used by universities across the United States, deliverables. You know when they’re done.
he 2020 election has once again including at other schools in the Cal State s it’s become clear this week Losses can be notched, victories cele-
demonstrated how easy it is to and University of California systems. that Joe Biden might win the brated, even gloated over. By contrast, in
spread misinformation online. The CRAAP test assumes that websites White House, Democrats have movement politics, a campaign must
And universities across the U.S. are like print texts — the best way to evaluate been taking the fantastic news always be subordinated to the Big Picture,
are failing in teaching students them is to read them carefully. Except skilled as we usually do: with disap- a goal so all-encompassing that by defini-
how to identify it. Many colleges offer students web searchers do the opposite. When profes- pointment. tion it can never be fully realized.
guides to evaluate the trustworthiness of web- sional fact-checkers land on an unfamiliar And I’ve been right there with them. Liberals are inveterate movement
sites. But too many of them base their advice site, their first move is to leave it by opening The fact that even one person could still joiners. They see the promised land some-
on a report from 1998. That’s nine years before new tabs and checking other sources. support Trump is horrifying. Tens of mil- where way, way, way off in the distance.
the first iPhone, and 18 years before Russian There’s good news too. Our study shows lions? Damned tragic. And, even when success in a campaign
interference sparked an urgent discussion on that students who followed the same method For the love of God, how in the world seems close at hand, they brood on nothing
how we interpret information online. as professional fact-checkers upped their could Biden not even win Florida? With all but the infinite road ahead.
There’s something deeply wrong with us- chances for success. They learned that the those old people worried about COVID-19? Enough with the perfect. Enough with
ing advice on the internet of 20 years ago to Seattle Tribune was fake news and discov- Are voters insane? sniveling.
teach students how they should interact with ered that the “nonpartisan” Employment And forget about the Senate. Mitch As of this writing, Biden and Harris are
the internet of today. That demands 21st cen- Policies Institute was managed by a PR firm McConnell won again? Lindsey Graham likely to win a hard and momentous cam-
tury skills. that also represents the restaurant industry beat the infinitely meritorious Jaime Har- paign, fought through the napalm clouds
In a report released last month that we co- and opposes raising the minimum wage. rison? The final two nails in the U.S. coffin. of Trump’s poisonous and twisted holy
authored for the Stanford History Education Some institutions, including Rowan Uni- I was brooding when a former Republi- war. They made it a clean and excellent
Group, we saw what happens when educa- versity and the University of Louisville, are can, the journalist Windsor Mann, inter- fight, rousing a coalition of the decent, the
tors provide students with outdated advice. creating materials based on what fact-check- vened. He had voted for Biden — his first disciplined and the clear-eyed who had
Most of the 263 college students we tested ever vote for a Democrat. He doesn’t yet never worked with so much solidarity
floundered when trying to discern fact from know the folkways of the left. before. It was a campaign, not a move-
fiction online. It’s wrong to use advice on “I am so tired of the ‘I’m depressed’ & ment. And the coalition should inspire
Students viewed a post of a “news story” ‘this is a sad day for America’ tweets,” he some awe: a massive American majority.
from the Seattle Tribune, a satirical site the internet of 20 years ago texted first thing Wednesday morning. “I Here’s what we know if Biden’s lead
whose masthead proudly proclaimed that
“any resemblance to the truth is purely coin-
to teach students about refuse to feel bad for saving our democracy.
“Trump out of the White House. That’s
holds: In a few months Trump won’t be in
office. America’s disgrace will start to fade,
cidental.” Two-thirds failed to identify the interacting with the internet what matters. It’s like liberals want to win and its spirits will start to rebound. We
story as satirical. hearts and minds more than they want to won’t have to endure these loathsome
On another task, students examined a site of today. win elections.” people in power anymore: Bill Barr, Jared
offering “nonpartisan” research that argued Good freaking point, Mr. Rock Ribs. Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Don Jr., Mike
against raising the minimum wage. The site is Now let’s hope the votes come in. Pence, Stephen Miller.
actually run by a PR firm that also represents ers do. Their lesson plans equip students with What Windsor put his finger on gets We can reenter the Paris climate agree-
the restaurant industry. Nine in 10 students strategies to be intelligent digital consumers. past a rehash of the observation that Dems ment. Dr. Anthony Fauci will deliver brief-
never made that connection. And even modest interventions — in one case are intrinsically self-defeating. Our wailing ings on the pandemic. Our leaders will
Why are intelligent students falling for just 150 minutes in two college classes — can and gnashing of teeth arises from a long- know their ABCs: Wearing masks works,
misinformation they could easily identify lead to marked improvements. standing reluctance to accept that politics systemic racism is real and the climate
with a quick search? It’s not that they lacked We’re in the midst of an infodemic that im- is about campaigns, not movements. crisis is dire.
strategies. It’s that the strategies deployed perils our students’ ability to make informed The great American pragmatist Rich- We won’t hear from the mainstage
were forged during the internet’s Paleolithic decisions. Changing course will require multi- ard Rorty made the case for the former in a about how, when you think about it, white
era. To students’ detriment, many of these ple tactics. First and foremost, we need to cut 1995 essay. When I first read it, I resolved to supremacy is kind of cool. Or how bleach
strategies remain prominent on colleges’ and the CRAAP and stop teaching ineffective heed his cautions and accept its consola- cures COVID. Or how HunterBidenBuris-
universities’ guides for web credibility. strategies. We need to create a menu of regu- tions for the rest of my days. But this week maQAnon gibberish is coming for your
Students displayed an almost religious larly updated courses that teach students how I forgot that resolution. washing machine.
faith in the meaning of domains — particularly to recognize misinformation, empowering Rorty argued that those who want to We can reunite with our allies as allies
dot-orgs. “Reliable sources have .org at the them to be engaged and thoughtful citizens. improve the world must stop seeking and address threats from our enemies.
end of the URL,” said one sophomore. Numer- Additionally, we need to work together “membership in a movement” and instead As I write this, more and more extraor-
ous college internet guides suggest that dot- across departments and specializations “throw themselves into lots of campaigns.” dinary implications of a Biden presidency
orgs are credible because they are restricted to rather than mainly putting this challenge on As movements, he cited Christianity, become obvious. Are we entering para-
nonprofits. That’s just plain wrong. Anyone the shoulders of college librarians. Overhaul- Marxism and nihilism. Movements are dise? Of course not. But if we recognize
can purchase or acquire a dot-org, including ing a 20th century curriculum for a digital 21st very cinematic. They deeply engage hearts, what nonsense is behind Trump’s desper-
for-profit companies such as Craigslist and century requires a group effort. minds and Instagram. They promise infi- ate election litigation threats, we will real-
hate groups such as Stormfront. Doctors who develop a patient’s treat- nite rewards — and require surrender and ize we are on the brink of closing out a very
Students similarly turned to a site’s ment plan without considering medical ad- self-purification of the individual. But, significant campaign. The one in which
“About” page to determine credibility. One vances are negligent. And universities are Rorty wrote, movements are too amor- millions upon millions of American voters
prominent university says an About page can derelict when they teach or provide source phous to succeed or even to fail. Rather, strategized, mobilized and peaceably
“help determine a mission, point of view, or evaluation strategies without considering they disperse, with some tributaries end- voted out a tyrant.
agenda.” A media outlet tells readers to be how today’s internet functions. ing in a whimper, others in banality, and I’d burst into tears of joy at the
skeptical if the About page’s language is Because when anti-vaccine content goes still others in Stalin. prospect, but my ex-Republican friend
“melodramatic and seems overblown.” But mainstream, when Holocaust deniers peddle Campaigns, on the other hand, don’t says wrong again.
dispassionate language is just as dangerous digital pseudo-histories, and when issues offer us possibilities like rebirth through “Spike the football. Gloat,” Windsor
when it confers legitimacy on a shady site. such as gerrymandering and police brutality Jesus Christ or the creation of Mao’s “new told me.
Students should be told that, like Instagram are litigated online, no one can afford to shel- socialist man.” Their strength, according to I don’t have a football. But if Biden
profiles, About pages present curated por- ter in place. Rorty, is goal-oriented specificity, such as prevails, I’ll blow out my sad sack “self-
traits of how people and organizations want “the unionization of migrant farm workers care” candle and open my front door and
to be perceived. Sam Wineburg is a professor of education at in the American Southwest, or the banning shout, “We won!” into my heavily Trumpist
One of the most common tools for teach- Stanford University. His latest book is “Why of big trucks from the Alps, or the over- neighborhood. I’ll turn up Aretha Franklin.
ing web credibility is called the CRAAP test Learn History (When It’s Already on Your throw (by votes or force) of a corrupt gov- I’m just getting started.
(standing for Currency, Relevance, Author- Phone).” Nadav Ziv is a junior majoring in ernment, or the legal recognition of gay
ity, Accuracy and Purpose), popularized by a international relations at Stanford. marriage” — remember, it was 1995. @page88
A14 F R I DAY , N OV E M BER 6, 2020 LAT IMES. C OM

■■■ ELECTION 2020 ■■■

Voters could reshape City Hall in 2022

[Turn, from A1] ter Tuesday.
level. “There are candidates
Locally, voters appeared with bold ideas and then
to favor more progressive there are elected officials
candidates on election day who have to be in touch with
and back stronger action on reality,” Waldman said.
racial justice and a more hu- “You can’t start giving
mane approach to home- away free rent, you can’t
lessness. start giving away free util-
The large voter participa- ities. You have to be reason-
tion seen in L.A. County has able.”
been credited to the presi- Mark Ryavec, president
dential race and a new elec- of the Venice Stakeholders
tion schedule that synchro- Assn., said it’s his view that if
nizes local races with guber- Ryu and Lacey lose, it’s be-
natorial and presidential cause neither is a particu-
elections. At the same time, larly strong politician. He
issues including police re- doesn’t see those losses as a
form were at the forefront of bellwether for how residents
voters’ minds. will vote in 2022.
It remains to be seen if In some sections of
progressives and reformers Venice, there is long-stand-
— groups probably helped ing unhappiness with City
by a larger turnout of young- Hall over the city’s handling
er, poorer and non-white of homelessness and more
voters on Tuesday — will recently, the increase in
also leave their stamp on the crime.
2022 city election. The elec- Ryavec predicted that
torate in local L.A. races has the rise in crime will lead to
historically skewed toward “law and order” candidates
older homeowners and gen- on the ballot in two years.
erally been pretty white. Erick Huerta, an activist
Skeptics note that L.A.’s Myung J. Chun Los Angeles Times and host of the local issues
finances are already reeling GEORGE GASCÓN is among the three candidates who challenged establishment figures in Tuesday’s elec- podcast “Órale Boyle
from pandemic-fueled tax tion. He appeared to be winning his race against Jackie Lacey for Los Angeles County district attorney. Heights,” sees Tuesday’s re-
losses and that City Hall sults far differently.
may not have the money to Gascón, former San Fran- former on police issues, was incumbency has historically “Any [City Hall] incum- He described the success
carry out ambitious plans. cisco district attorney. ahead of Lacey, according to carried an enormous politi- bent is going to have some of progressive candidates —
But others believe this Political consultant Eric results updated Thursday. cal advantage. problems, partly because of Raman as well as Sasha
week is just the beginning. Hacopian expects many The Times’ analysis “We have to know that the strength of the prog- Renée Pérez, a young com-
“I don’t think that this is a progressive candidates — showed Gascón generally ‘progressive,’ in the context ressive movement that has munity organizer who’ll be
one-off or some kind of and even those further to the performed stronger on the of a city like Los Angeles, has its own issues that it really the next mayor of Alhambra
fluke,” said Isaac Bryan, who left — will run for City Coun- Westside and in South Los to mean more than just a ti- wants to see,” Sonenshein — as part of the same mo-
helped run the committee cil in 2022, inspired by the Angeles than Lacey. Lacey tle,” Bojarsky said. “We have said. mentum that drove New
for Measure J, which voters apparent victory of new- pulled in more votes on the to look beyond labels and “Also, establishment can- York Democratic Rep. Al-
backed Tuesday. The mea- comer Nithya Raman in a edges of Los Angeles County take enough interest that we didates can’t win just with exandria Ocasio-Cortez’s in-
sure will divert more county Hollywood, Silver Lake and and the western San Fer- know who people are.” endorsements from major surgent bid for Congress in
money to social services and Los Feliz City Council dis- nando Valley, areas that She cited the example of players.” 2018.
jail diversion programs. trict race. have typically skewed more L.A. County Sheriff Alex Vil- Still, progressives have He characterized anger
“All of these races dem- “There’s going to be chal- conservative, the data show. lanueva, who ran as a prog- fallen short in recent years. at the Trump presidency as
onstrated the values of L.A. lengers galore next cycle,” Donna Bojarsky, a long- ressive reformer in a long- In the northwest San Fer- a pivotal driver of political
County are now going to be Hacopian said. “There’s no time Democratic political shot bid to unseat then-in- nando Valley — an area with engagement at the local lev-
reflected in our elected offi- question about it.” consultant and founder of a cumbent Sheriff Jim Mc- a reputation as a relatively el.
cials. We are tired of the cor- Still, Raman’s campaign nonprofit dedicated to Donnell in 2018. Villanueva’s conservative part of L.A., de- Looking to the future,
ruption in City Hall,” Bryan relied on both grass-roots building civic engagement in tenure has been deeply spite having more Demo- Huerta speculated that
said. “We are tired of speak- support and a big war chest L.A., said she would be cau- controversial and brought crats than Republicans — some of the ferocity of that
ing only in rhetoric and not to pull ahead of City Council- tious about calling the re- rebukes from the groups City Councilman John Lee energy might dim in L.A. if
in policy.” man David Ryu — a formula sults a progressive wave. that once endorsed him. has twice defeated a more the country sees a Biden
Activists argued that that will be difficult to repli- “You could also say there Raphael J. Sonenshein, a progressive candidate in the presidency, with “some folks
Tuesday’s results were the cate, he said. was an anti-incumbent local government expert last two years. taking the back seat” as the
culmination of years of work, Raman was one of three vote,” Bojarsky said, charac- who runs the Edmund G. Stuart Waldman, presi- national situation registers
including regular protests candidates who challenged terizing anti-incumbency as “Pat” Brown Institute of dent of the Valley Industry as less of an emergency in li-
held downtown in an effort establishment figures in a “major factor” in several Public Affairs at Cal State and Commerce Assn., chal- beral L.A.
to oust L.A. County Dist. Tuesday’s election, a group races. L.A., said Tuesday’s election lenged the notion that City
Atty. Jackie Lacey, who ap- that included Gascón and That sentiment is a far shows incumbents will prob- Hall was suddenly going to Times staff writer Ben
peared to be losing her race state Sen. Holly Mitchell. cry from what’s typically ex- ably have to recalibrate in enact sweeping changes Welsh contributed to this
to challenger George Gascón, seen as a re- pected in L.A. politics, where coming elections. sought by some activists af- report.

LGBTQ candidates notch

milestone wins across U.S.
associated press

NEW YORK — Across

the nation, LGBTQ candi-
dates achieved milestone
victories in Tuesday’s elec-
tion, including the first
transgender person being
elected to a state Senate and
the first openly gay Black
men winning seats in Con-
The landmark wins came
not only in blue but also red
states such as Tennessee,
where Republican Eddie
Mannis, who is gay, and Kathy Willens Associated Press
Democrat Torrey Harris, MONDAIRE JONES , right, bumps elbows with a
who identifies as bisexual, supporter after his election to the U.S. House.
won seats in the state House
to become the first openly state Senate race with more cial justice advocate, be-
LGBTQ members of that than 70% of the vote and will came the first LGBTQ per-
Legislature. become the first openly son to win a seat in the state

A team. A family. An assist According to the LGBTQ

Victory Fund, which recruits
transgender state senator in
the country.
Senate. Shevrin Jones, a gay
former state representative,

with everything that matters.

and supports LGBTQ can- “It is my hope that a accomplished that same
didates, that leaves only young LGBTQ kid here in feat in Florida’s Senate. And
Alaska, Louisiana and Delaware or really anywhere in New York state, Jabari
Mississippi as states that in this country can look at Brisport, a gay math

That’s the Power of WE. have never elected an

LGBTQ legislator.
“Torrey and Eddie sent a
the results and know that
our democracy is big enough
for them, too,” McBride said
teacher, became the first
openly LGBTQ person of
color elected to the Legisla-
clear message that LGBTQ as her victory was confirmed ture.
Imagine life with a complete support system. It’s like candidates can win in a deep Tuesday night. McBride in- In Oklahoma, Mauree
red state while being their terned at the White House Turner, a Democrat who is
an extended family working together and making things authentic selves,” said the under President Obama and Black, Muslim and identifies
Victory Fund’s president, in 2016 became the first as nonbinary, won a seat in
easier. Meals, prescriptions, medical appointments, former Houston Mayor An- openly transgender person the state House.
nise Parker. “Their presence to give a speech at a major “I have continuously
personalized care, even a hobby or two, in the state Legislature can party convention. lived a life where folks doubt
dilute the most toxic anti- Two other Democrats be- my voice or the power that I
all taken care of—with smiles at Ask about our LGBTQ voices and lead to came the first openly trans- have,” Turner said. “I
every turn. Having it all, and Exceptional more inclusive legislation.” gender people to win seats in wouldn’t have gotten far if I’d

an extra hand when you need it. SAVINGS In New York, attorney
Mondaire Jones won in a
their states’ Houses: Taylor
Small in Vermont and
let something like that de-
bilitate me.” There also were
SPECIAL! suburban congressional dis-
trict, and Ritchie Torres, a
Stephanie Byers in Kansas.
Byers, a retired high
some notable losses.
In Texas, Gina Ortiz
That’s Assisted Living at The Village member of the City Council, school band teacher, ex- Jones, a Democratic former
won in the Bronx. Together, pressed hope that her vic- Air Force intelligence officer
at NorthRidge senior living community. they make history as the tory would encourage other who is lesbian, had been
first gay Black men elected transgender people in con- seen as having a strong
to the U.S. House. Both are servative Kansas. chance of winning a sprawl-
Please call 818.477.4081 Democrats; Torres identi- “It helps those people ing, 800-mile congressional
fies as Afro-Latino. who are transgender to rein- district that runs from San
to schedule your The two “will bring force that they are people Antonio to El Paso. The seat
personalized tour. unique perspectives based who matter, they are people had been held by Rep. Will
on lived experiences never who are important and Hurd, the House’s only
before represented in the they’re people who can be Black Republican, who
U.S. Congress,” Parker said. successful in their lives,” she opted not to seek reelection
CARF-ACCREDITED INDEPENDENT With the addition of told the Wichita Eagle. and endorsed Tony Gonza-
AND ASSISTED LIVING RESIDENCES Jones and Torres, there will Before Tuesday’s elec- les, the GOP candidate who
be nine openly LGBTQ tion, there were four other prevailed on Tuesday.
9222 Corbin Avenue, Northridge • 818.477.4081 members of the House come
January. Seven LGBTQ in-
transgender lawmakers in
state Legislatures nation-
And in southwestern
Michigan’s 6th District, Jon cumbents all won their re- wide, according to the Vic- Hoadley, seeking to become
election races. tory Fund. the state’s first openly gay
In Delaware, Democrat In Georgia, Democrat congressman, lost to 17-term
Sarah McBride won her Kim Jackson, a lesbian so- GOP Rep. Fred Upton.
".2) %,20&+$ ,--,/12+&16 / #" 

CALIFORNIA F R I D A Y , N O V E M B E R 6 , 2 0 2 0 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

■■■ ELECTION 2020 ■■■


A win to
restore RISE IN
nation’s COVID-19
decency CASES
in sacramento Health officials renew
If Joe Biden call for precautions as
really has been the daily case count
elected presi-
dent, then we reaches a high not
truly can begin seen since Aug. 15.
to “Make
America Great
Again.” By Luke Money
This coun- and Colleen Shalby
try was great until Presi-
dent Trump was elected, Los Angeles County
running on a once-incon- logged 2,065 new co-
ceivable demagogic mes- ronavirus infections Thurs-
sage that the USA’s days of Photographs by Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times day, a single daily case count
greatness were behind her. SUPPORTERS of President Trump cheer on motorists on Tuesday in front of the Republican Party’s head- one health official said
He then steadily proceeded quarters in Newport Beach. The president has long counted on a foundational support among the wealthy. hasn’t been seen in the re-
to prove his claim, fractur- gion for months.

Newport stands by its man

ing the nation and sullying Over the last two days,
its image overseas. health officials have an-
One of the best things nounced roughly 3,900 new
about the election — regard- coronavirus cases in the
less of whether Biden is county, a total reflecting
victorious — is that a major- what has long been warned:
ity of American voters de- The disease is still spread-
cided that incivility, bullying
and lying were not accept-
In Trump-loving city, faithful like president’s economic policies ing, and residents need to
take precautions to keep the
able in their president. We number of infections from
demand common decency climbing further. On Thurs-
and, at minimum, a passa- By Hailey day, there were 25 additional
ble role model that our Branson-Potts deaths.
children can look up to, Though a spike in cases
regardless of politics. Karina Veliz knelt on the last month was attributed to
The worst thing about ground and carefully posed a backlog of reported tests,
the election — only to be her tiny white dog, Coqueta the most recent increases
outdone if Trump somehow La Diva, next to a “Vote” sign are not associated with de-
manages to triumph — is in the grass and snapped lays in reporting, public
that the majority is slim. photos for her pet’s Insta- health officials said. The last
More than 69 million Ameri- gram. time the daily case count
cans at last count — includ- “Mommy and Daughter was this high was Aug. 15, ac-
ing more than 4 million Voting to Make America cording to The Times’
Californians — apparently Great Again,” she captioned tracker.
decided that the president’s a photo of herself outside the L.A. County’s seven-day
abhorrent behavior was not Newport Beach Civic Center average of coronavirus cases
very important to them and on Tuesday with Coqueta, has also increased from
was tolerable. an 11-year-old Maltese wear- about 940 new cases a day in
“Seeing this guy in action ing a seersucker skirt, red early October to more than
for four years lying, verbally toenail polish and an “I 1,275 each day as of last week,
brutalizing people, mocking Voted” sticker. health officials said.
people with [disabilities], Like many residents of In announcing an elevat-
how could nearly half the mega-rich Newport Beach, ed number of positive cases
American voters say, ‘That’s Veliz, a real estate agent who on both Sunday and
fine with me?’ ” asks Demo- wore a black Chanel face Monday — days when the
cratic consultant Garry mask to the polls, voted for county typically reports
South. NASRO MOHAMED , left, and Mohamed Sabul, residents of Irvine, join fellow Trump because she is de- fewer new cases because of
“A lot of people don’t like supporters of President Trump outside the Republican Party headquarters. lighted by what his policies reporting lags over the week-
the way he behaves, but have meant for her wallet. end — Public Health Direc-
they believe he is better for “Business owners want tor Barbara Ferrer said “if

O.C. GOP won some by

them,” answers Bob Shrum, to pay less in taxes. They that trend holds true, we’re
a former Democratic strate- work hard,” said Veliz, who is going to see higher numbers
gist who now directs the soon opening a luxury pet the rest of the week.”
Center for the Political boutique. “We had a great In another troubling
Future at USC. “They are economy” before the pan- trend, the projected trans-
willing to tolerate him be-
cause their stock portfolios
keep going up.
“They think he’ll be a
better steward of the econo-
taking gloves, masks off demic, she said. “Everything
was growing.”
It is a sentiment widely
felt in this coastal cradle of
wealth where Trump’s well-
mission rate has again sur-
passed 1.0 in L.A. County.
That means the number of
people who could contract
the virus from one infected
my.” GUSTAVO ARELLANO since the Great Depression. heeled supporters have person is probably rising.
That’s certainly what I Orange County’s march toward libe- clung to hope this week with It’s estimated that 1 in 670
constantly hear from For the last four years, report- ralism largely continued in this election. the election results up in the residents are infected with
Trump supporters. ers and politicos have de- Trump lost yet again. A slate of Bernie air. On Tuesday, they the virus, county health offi-
But, come on. At one of scended upon my native Or- Sanders supporters won their races for thrilled as the president cials reported Wednesday.
the most sacred times in our ange County like detectives at Santa Ana’s City Council and school board. seemed headed toward a Last week, that estimate
democratic system — elec- a murder scene. Democrats made inroads in city councils, polls-busting victory. By was 1 in 1,000.
tion night — this president The victim: O.C.’s reputa- school boards and the state Senate, where Wednesday, uncertainty “I thank all of our busi-
goes on TV and calls the tion as a GOP kingmaker. conservative lion John Moorlach of Costa crept in. By Thursday, opti- nesses, schools and resi-
vote counting “a fraud on In 2018, Orange County voters picked an Mesa is on course to lose his seat to UC mism waned. dents who continue to make
the American public … an all-Democrat congressional delegation for Irvine law professor Dave Min in yet another But by and large, their COVID-19 safety measures
embarrassment to our the first time ever. It came in the wake of stunning upset. faith in the president re- part of their daily routine,”
country.” Hillary Clinton’s victory here over Donald The conservative powerhouse that Ron- mained unshaken. And after Ferrer said in a statement.
America’s authoritarian Trump in 2016 — the first time we didn’t go ald Reagan once described as “where all the four years in the intensely di- “Unfortunately, the con-
[See Skelton, B2] for a Republican presidential candidate good Republi- [See Arellano, B4] [See Newport Beach, B5] tinued significant increase
in cases reflects many in-
stances where basic preven-

Slanted ‘news’ clouds Stockton mayoral campaign

tion measures were lacking,”
she said. “Unless we can all
[See Cases, B2]

trailed Republican Kevin

Young incumbent risks Lincoln 52% to 48%, though
county officials said many Cafe attack seen
losing after unproven mail-in ballots remained to as hate crime
attacks from a site run be counted, leaving the pos-
Men making ‘pro-
sibility of a reversal.
by man with a grudge. Though Tubbs won his Armenia statements’
first mayoral election in 2016 targeted Beverly Hills
By Anita Chabria with 70% of the vote and an eatery, police say. B5
endorsement from Presi-
Stockton Mayor Michael dent Obama, this time he Season’s first
Tubbs, a Democratic rising has been dogged by a social rainfall coming
star with a national reach, is media page whose founder A notable cool-down
trailing in a reelection bid to acknowledges he harbors a this weekend could
an upstart Republican con- grudge against Tubbs — and include precipitation,
tender — a potential upset which has hounded the in- wind and snow. B3
driven in part by a local so- cumbent, and other local po-
cial media page that has be- litical figures, with years of Missing girl, 14,
come a kingslayer if not a accusations of corruption
kingmaker in this San and misdeeds.
found in closet
Joaquin Valley city. As the city’s local news- Three adults arrested
Tubbs, the city’s first paper, the Record, has in connection with the
Black mayor and a favorite struggled with staff cuts in weeklong incident in
in progressive circles for recent years, the social me- Max Whittaker For The Times Calaveras County. B3
championing ideas such as dia page, the 209 Times, MICHAEL TUBBS , a Democratic rising star, has faced attacks by the 209 Times,
Lottery ...................... B4
universal basic income, [See Stockton, B4] a website and social media page that has filled the hole left by cuts to local news.

SPORTS INSIDE: After coach Donahue left UCLA, successors have found going tough. B6

L.A. County
reports a rise in
COVID cases
[Cases, from B1] nardino and Imperial coun-
get back to protecting each ties are in the purple tier.
other, our recovery will Given that cases are on
stall.” the upswing in L.A. County,
The rise comes as the Simon said he doesn’t “think
country enters what experts we’re going to get to that
have said will be a particu- next tier anytime soon, but
larly dangerous period of the we’re obviously watching
pandemic. the numbers closely.”
Officials have said that “We have mixed feelings
private gatherings are about jumping into the next
greatly contributing to the tier,” he said. “On the one
state’s increase in cases and hand, we want to open
that residents should con- things up as much as pos-
tinue to follow oft-recited in- sible. At the same time, we
fection prevention proto- don’t want to do anything
cols: Practice physical dis- reckless that will result in a
tancing, wear masks in pub- new surge and then require
lic, stay home when you’re that we move backward
sick, and regularly wash again.”
your hands. With no end in sight, offi- Sam Hodgson San Diego Union-Tribune
Falling temperatures will cials acknowledge that Cali- NATHAN FLETCHER, left, shown with San Diego mayoral candidate Todd Gloria, is the lone Democrat on
increasingly push people in- fornians may be under- the five-member San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Two other Democrats are expected to join him soon.
doors — where the co- standably experiencing

Democrats poised to lead

ronavirus can more easily some pandemic fatigue,
spread — and approaching growing weary of living
holidays will tempt resi- under restrictions that have
dents to gather with family been in place for nearly eight
and friends outside their months.
households, heightening Ghaly said residents
their infection risk.
“We do worry, with the
colder weather, more people
being inside, the fatigue,
people wanting to socialize
more, the holidays coming,
should be applauded for
their efforts.
“We know that the pan-
demic has altered our way of
living,” he said. “We’ve all
made sacrifices — some
San Diego, bring change
all of that creates a mix of cir-
cumstances that could lead
we’ve been OK with, others
have been really hard — and County supervisor candidates plan to focus on COVID, climate
to an accelerating increase,” each of these sacrifices has
Dr. Paul Simon, chief science helped us slow the spread of “Two years ago I won an leagues to develop a better implement change into pol-
COVID in our state. And I By Charles T. Clark election breaking through climate action plan. And she icy so that the commitments
would say Californians have the red wall,” Fletcher said. wants the county to do a that were made to the voters
‘We have to keep done an incredible job.”
But, he emphasized, resi-
ego Democrats have made
“As a county we have taken
positive steps forward, cer-
deeper dive into allocating
behavioral health resources,
are fulfilled,” Fletcher said.
Although many things
these efforts up. dents need look no further major strides over the last tainly around mental health to look at housing issues are bound to change, the
than other parts of the U.S. decade to expand their influ- and drug treatment. But from a regional perspective Democratic supervisors
As we know, cases to see how quickly the co- ence in local politics, but one now we’re going to be in a po- and to better connect resi- highlighted some areas they
can begin to ronavirus can roar to life.
“We have to keep these ef-
goal that has long evaded
their grasp has been a ma-
sition to really move, to sub-
stantively change the focus,
dents to their county gov-
expect the board to operate
similarly to past boards.
skyrocket forts up,” he said. “As we jority on the county Board of the culture, the direction “I’m absolutely commit- Fletcher said he expects
know, cases can begin to sky- Supervisors. and the investment of ted to making sure our resi- the new board to continue
quickly.’ rocket quickly.” That appears to have fi- county government in a way dents are actively engaged in operating in a fiscally re-
That’s a reality facing nally changed. that will significantly benefit the process and they feel sponsible way, making “tar-
— Mark Ghaly, much of the nation now as With 370,000 ballots out- the people of San Diego.” county government is much geted investments” and
California Health and Human the coronavirus continues to standing Wednesday, Although county super- more transparent for them,” working collaboratively de-
Services Secretary surge to staggering heights. Democrats have already visor is technically a nonpar- Vargas said. “Building spite party differences.
Daily new confirmed co- captured a second seat on tisan post, political parties healthier communities is “I think we all come at
ronavirus cases in the U.S. the five-member board are often involved in super- not just a slogan, but some- this in the spirit of collabora-
officer of the L.A. County De- have risen 45% over the past while building a seemingly visor campaigns. The board thing we can work on to- tion,” Fletcher said, adding
partment of Public Health, two weeks, to a record seven- insurmountable lead in the shapes spending priorities gether.” he thinks he’ll work well with
said during a briefing Thurs- day average of 86,352, ac- race for a third seat. for the county’s more than Fletcher pointed to in- either Steve Vaus or Joel An-
day. cording to data compiled by In the District 3 race, $6.4-billion budget. creasing county government derson, two Republicans
Recent data show that Johns Hopkins University. which includes coastal San Lawson-Remer said transparency and acces- locked in a nail-biter of a race
California has seen an in- Deaths are also on the rise, Diego, Solana Beach, Enci- Wednesday she is excited sibility as priorities. He also to fill East County’s District
crease in its statewide pos- up 15% to an average of 846 nitas and Escondido, Demo- about changes on the board, expects the newly reconsti- 2 seat.
itivity rate for infections deaths every day. crat Terra Lawson-Remer, but she declined to discuss tuted Board of Supervisors “When there are dis-
from 2.6% to 3.3% over the Collectively, the country an economist and former her priorities until more to contrast with previous agreements, that’s what vot-
past 14 days. reported roughly 103,000 senior advisor in President votes are tallied. boards in its attitude about ing takes care of,” Fletcher
Despite the uptick, Cali- new cases on Wednesday, Obama’s Treasury Depart- During their interviews, climate change. said. “It’s a healthy thing in
fornia Health and Human the most in any one day to ment, has widened her lead Fletcher and Vargas laid out In recent years, county democratic bodies to have
Services Secretary Dr. Mark date, according to the over Republican Supervisor some of their top priorities supervisors have spent some dissent and disagree-
Ghaly said the state’s rate COVID Tracking Project. Kristin Gaspar. for the newly constituted nearly $1 million in legal fees ment.”
still compares favorably Daily new case loads And in the race for Dis- board, which will assume of- defending its climate action Vargas praised her pred-
with the rest of the country, topped 1,000 in 34 states — trict 1, representing the fice in January. plans. Courts have ruled ecessor, Supervisor Greg
as the test positivity nation- also a record, according to South Bay, Democrat Nora Vargas, who will be the against the county six times Cox, for already reaching out
wide is about 6.7%. the latest project data — and Vargas, a healthcare advo- first Latina elected to the over the last decade for fail- to help with the transition.
“Although we’re seeing the number of hospitalized cate and Southwestern Col- board if results hold, said a ing to meet state climate She said she too is optimistic
some trends up here in Cali- COVID-19 patients peaked lege trustee, has a sizable top priority will be helping standards. that the board’s Democrats
fornia, those trends are in 16 states, including many lead over Democratic state mitigate the effect of the Fletcher said he also be- and Republicans will work
modest, steady. We’re in the Midwest. Sen. Ben Hueso. COVID-19 pandemic and lieves the new board will together effectively.
watching them closely, and Simon called breaking Neither Hueso nor Gas- pushing for better health eq- change its approach to land “The children who are go-
certainly [they are] not the the 100,000-daily-case barri- par have conceded. uity and accessibility. use issues, cannabis policy, ing to sleep hungry every
same as many of the states er nationwide “a very sad In interviews Wednesday, She noted that District 1 the county’s jail medical sys- night don’t care about Re-
throughout the nation,” he milestone.” Supervisor Nathan residents have been dispro- tem and the working rela- publican or Democrat,” she
said during a briefing “It’s a number, but we Fletcher, currently the lone portionately harmed by the tionship with Gov. Gavin said. “What they care about
Wednesday. can’t forget the sort of per- Democrat on the board, and pandemic, saying it’s impor- Newsom. is whether you’re actually
However, the statewide sonal pain, suffering and Vargas said they feel excited tant for the county to get He said San Diego looking out for them, same
number of COVID-19 hospi- trauma that thousands and and emboldened to take the more rapid testing sites to County has clearly changed as their teachers and people
talizations has also in- probably millions of people board in a different direction the region. significantly over the last who have been waiting in
creased by 13.5% over the are experiencing,” he said. and tackle some of the re- She also said she plans to several decades, as have vot- line for years to get housing.”
past 14 days, and the number gion’s greatest challenges introduce an initiative to in- ers’ expectations.
of patients in intensive care The Associated Press using a more progressive crease child-care access and “Our job as elected repre- Clark writes for the San
has grown by nearly 20%. contributed to this report. lens. wants to work with her col- sentatives is to make sure we Diego Union-Tribune.
Though Ghaly said those
numbers are not inherently
surprising — “we always
know when we see increases
in our case numbers that
roughly three, three-and-a-
half weeks later, we’ll see
that manifest in hospital in-
California Democrats overplayed their hand
creases” — a significant and
sustained surge in new pa- [Skelton, from B1] not by Biden — about “Med- trailing by roughly 3.6 per-
tients “will put our hospitals adversaries must have been icare for all” probably centage points at last count.
in a difficult position during celebrating. scared off voters, especially It was sponsored by labor
flu season and when we’re Even if Trump is ousted when Trump bellowed unions and strongly sup-
trying to keep up with all from the Oval Office, it was “socialism.” ported by Democratic lead-
other routine healthcare.” not the exhilarating election In California, the na- ers including Gov. Gavin
Aside from the poten- night that many Democrats tional hesitation to side Newsom.
tially devastating health ef- had anticipated. with Democrats was re- “Sacramento Democrats
fects, any growth in infec- They had envisioned a flected in the outcome of ought to be asking them-
tions also jeopardizes the Biden landslide that would five ballot propositions. selves whether they’re out of
ability of California counties sweep in Democratic con- Two measures placed on step with Californians,” says
to relax coronavirus-related trol of the Senate and add the ballot by the Democrat- Republican consultant Rob
restrictions on businesses, seats to the party’s House dominated Legislature were Stutzman, a “never
schools and other places majority. But Republicans rejected. One was Pro- Trumper.”
and activities. could retain Senate control position 16, which would “On policy stuff, Cali-
California’s four-tier, col- and chip away at Speaker have repealed the ban on fornia is not as liberal as
or-coded reopening Nancy Pelosi’s slim House affirmative action in public some of the California lead-
roadmap is based on two majority. education, contracting or ers,” asserts moderate GOP
metrics: the seven-day aver- The GOP also seems on employment based on race, consultant Ray McNally.
age of daily COVID-19 cases the verge of winning back Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times ethnicity or gender. The Regardless of the Demo-
per 100,000 residents and the two or three House seats in JOE BIDEN and his wife, Jill, after he addressed the second, Proposition 18, crats’ weaker than expected
testing positivity rate. California that it lost two election results Tuesday in Wilmington, Del. would have allowed many showing nationally, Biden
Counties can move into years ago. Democrats, how- 17-year-olds to vote. still beat Trump by roughly
less-restrictive tiers if their ever, have apparently added era of social media? They population is uninsured. Voters passed Pro- 2 to 1 in deep blue California.
numbers improve or back- to their massive majority in worked by energizing vot- They’re preaching to a position 22, which repealed But one-party rule can
slide if conditions worsen for the state Senate. ers. But national polling crowd that is already in- the major part of a bill the be dangerous. In Sacra-
two consecutive weeks. But how did Trump add didn’t show it. sured. People ask, ‘What Legislature passed to re- mento, Democrats need to
Two counties moved to his rock-solid base, de- Shrum believes that does that have to do with quire many companies to discipline themselves
backward Wednesday: bunking the Democratic many people polled were me?’ ” reclassify independent against veering too far left of
Shasta regressed to Tier 1, thesis that his support “shy voters who didn’t think In 2018, running on contractors as employees. the electorate — as they did
the most restrictive “purple” couldn’t grow beyond its it was socially correct to say healthcare worked for The measure will allow with those ballot measures.
tier, and Plumas moved 2016 level? they were for Trump.” Democrats. But campaign ride-hail and delivery driv- For America to become
back to Tier 3, or “orange.” “Trump was able to “In retrospect,” South consultants, like generals, ers to keep working inde- great again, we need to
San Diego County, cur- identify supporters and get says, “it may have been a often make the mistake of pendently, a major defeat revive the democratic sys-
rently in the “red” Tier 2, also them out to vote in sort of an mistake for Democrats fighting the last war. for labor. tem envisioned by our
is at risk of regressing to Tier old-fashioned way,” Demo- across the board to make The Democrats’ running In rejecting Proposition founders. That system
1. While in that category, a cratic strategist Bill Carrick this election all about health against Trump’s mishan- 25, voters scuttled legisla- encourages politicians to
county’s schools, many busi- says. insurance.” dling of the COVID-19 pan- tion that eliminated the compromise, gradually
nesses and public facilities Those big campaign About 92% of Americans demic did seem to work. requirement of cash bail for improving our opportuni-
either cannot operate in- rallies with all the un- already have health insur- During the presidential release from jail. ties and conditions while
doors or can do so only in a masked Trump zealots that ance — about 68% through primaries, however, the Proposition 15 would being a beacon of freedom to
strictly limited capacity. many Democrats belittled their employers. Democrats Democratic candidates’ have raised commercial the world.
L.A., Riverside, San Ber- as no longer needed in the act as if half the American liberal yakking — although property taxes and was We lost that with Trump.


Missing girl, 14,

found hiding in
closet; 3 arrested
sionally drove by the proper-
By Faith E. Pinho ty where she had last been
seen, leading the homeown-
A weeklong search for a ers to ask for law enforce-
missing 14-year-old in Cala- ment patrols to protect
veras County ended Oct. 30 them from “being harassed
when authorities discovered by local townspeople.”
a trapdoor leading to a “They were painting
makeshift sleeping area themselves as the victims
under a home where the girl when they were, in fact, vic-
had gone to spend the night timizing,” he said.
and found the teen hiding in Although detectives had
a closet, sheriff ’s officials already searched the house
said. when the child was first re-
Three adults were ar- ported missing, “new infor-
rested in connection with mation” led them back to the
the Sacramento-area inci- property eight days later, ac-
dent, which was initially re- cording to a news release.
ported as a missing person’s Detectives obtained a
Irfan Khan Los Angeles Times case, authorities said. search warrant to secure the
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Edison has been at the center of the investigation into the Bobcat fire. Last Isaiah Haggard, 20, and suspects’ electronic devices.
month, the utility told regulators that tree branches may have caused a spark by touching a conductor line. his mother, Annie Pearl Ab- “They believed there was
ernathy, 41, both of West some communication be-
Point, were charged with fel- tween the occupants and”

Edison is sued by ex-worker ony child endangerment,

contributing to the delin-
quency of a minor and pro-
viding false information to a
peace officer, court records
the girl, Stark said.
When sheriff ’s deputies
returned to the property
Oct. 30, Haggard and Aber-
nathy met them in the front
show. They were being held yard and insisted the girl

Retiree seeks compensation after the Bobcat fire destroyed his home in lieu of $100,000 each, but
their bail was lowered to
was not there. Inside the
house, deputies found a man
$20,000 each, according to who was not identified who
the agency was not aware of structure and ensure that ertson said, although the the Calaveras County Sher- had a warrant for an unre-
By Hayley Smith the lawsuit. surrounding trees and vege- state did push for the estab- iff ’s Office. lated, minor crime and cited
“We at Edison keep in our tation were trimmed and lishment of a $10-billion wild- Another West Point man, him, said Stark, who added
Richard Passmore was thoughts all those who have kept at a safe distance,” the fire fund in 2019 to help keep whom sheriff ’s officials iden- that there were also other
celebrating his fourth been affected, and currently suit says. “Had Edison acted utility companies from going tified as Jose Tinocopureco, children of Abernathy’s in-
month of retirement from are being affected, by wild- responsibly, the Bobcat fire bankrupt. 34, was arrested on suspi- side.
Southern California Edison fire,” Abel said. could have been prevented.” Edison, a privately cion of contributing to the Officials found the miss-
when flames from the Bob- In October, the company The suit also said the owned public utility, is one of delinquency of a minor and ing girl hidden in a closet,
cat fire began creeping filed a letter with the Califor- agency failed to implement a the largest electric utilities providing false information crouching beside a cross-
toward his Juniper Hills nia Public Utilities Commis- public safety power shutoff in the nation, according to to a peace officer. He has bow, Stark said.
home. sion notifying regulators that could have prevented a the suit. Robertson said the since been released from “Detectives located [the
The 63-year-old watched that tree branches in the vi- fire from sparking after the complaint also allows room custody, sheriff ’s officials girl] deep within the corners
as smoke rolled into the val- cinity of the dam may have National Weather Service is- for subcontractors, such as said. of two adjoining closets as
ley. He knew it was time to created a spark when they sued warnings about strong tree-trimmers and vegeta- Before the girl was re- she was intentionally hiding
leave when he heard bull- came into contact with a 23- winds, high temperatures tion managers, to be added ported missing by her family, amongst densely hanging
dozers creating fire breaks foot conductor line owned by and low humidity around as co-defendants if they are she was given permission to clothes,” a news release said.
and saw planes dropping re- Edison. the time of the fire. found to have played a role. spend a few nights at her She “was removed from the
tardant on the other side of The company had previ- Passmore said he pur- Robertson is also repre- friend’s West Point home, closet and found to be un-
his hill. ously said a circuit at its Dal- chased his home in 1997 and senting about 1,700 plaintiffs southeast of Sacramento, harmed.”
From the safety of a ton Substation “experi- paid it off 3 ½ years ago. He in other cases against Edi- authorities said. When her The girl spoke with depu-
friend’s house, he watched enced a relay operation,” in- cancelled his bank-required son for its alleged role in the grandmother arrived to pick ties and did not require im-
as flames lapped at his dicating a disturbance just homeowner’s insurance 2018 Woolsey fire, which the teen up on Oct. 22, the mediate medical attention,
neighborhood through aeri- five minutes before the fire when the loan was paid off, burned 96,000 acres, and the adults in charge told the Stark said. It was unclear
al footage on TV. Another was first reported. and was planning to sell the 2017 Thomas fire, which woman she had already left. why she was in the closet,
friend called him a few days “The fire was caused by, property and move to Idaho. burned 281,000 acres. The girl’s family immedi- but authorities said she was
later with a report. ironically, the company that “That’s still my plan,” he Combined, the two fires ately called sheriff ’s depu- “intentionally hiding.”
“It’s gone, Rich,” his I retired from,” Passmore said Thursday, “but now I destroyed more than 2,700 ties, who came to the house “I don’t think it matters
friend said. said. just have to go about it in a structures and killed at least to investigate, according to a what she was doing,” Stark
Passmore’s home, along The Bobcat fire de- different route.” five people, according to news release. said. “The suspects in this
with more than 80 others in stroyed at least 170 homes Five additional plaintiffs numbers from the California Deputies interviewed case failed her at every turn.
the Antelope Valley, was de- and structures as it burned were named in the lawsuit, Department of Forestry and Abernathy, Haggard and Ti- They could have gotten her
stroyed by the fire, which for weeks, according to data including two brothers Fire Protection. nocopureco, the latter of help.... They took advantage
burned more than 155,000 from the U.S. Forest Service. whose Llano home was de- Abel, the Edison spokes- whom was a tenant in the of a 14-year-old girl.”
acres after igniting Sept. 6. It also forced thousands of stroyed by the blaze along man, said the company has house, Sgt. Greg Stark said. The officers also found a
Now, Passmore is the evacuations, choked the re- with livestock and an urn reached some settlement “Occupants at the resi- trapdoor leading to a hiding
lead plaintiff in the first law- gion with ash and smoke containing the ashes of their agreements around the dence told deputies that spot on the dirt floor under
suit against Edison — his and, at one point, came mother. Three other Juniper Thomas and Woolsey fires, [the girl] had left and was the house, according to the
former employer — for its al- within 5 feet of the historic Hills residents are also seek- and that it will “continue to last observed walking down news release, where they dis-
leged role in the blaze. Mt. Wilson Observatory. ing damages from Edison. explore reasonable settle- the driveway,” a sheriff ’s re- covered the girl’s phone
“Mr. Passmore devoted It was one of the largest In California, utilities can ment opportunities with lease said. among makeshift bedding.
his entire 36-year career fires in L.A. County history. be found liable for wildfire other parties.” The Times is not naming “We’re not sure if she was
working diligently as a meter Edison filed its report damage under the state’s in- “No admission of wrong- the girl to protect her pri- sleeping there only [or] if she
reader for Edison, only to with the utilities commis- verse-condemnation law, doing or liability was made vacy. was there continually being
have Edison burn down his sion after Forest Service in- which is the “flip side of emi- in reaching these settle- Detectives launched a concealed, but it’s pretty ob-
home after he retired,” the vestigators requested some nent domain,” said Pass- ments,” he said. broad investigation into the vious that she was sleeping
court documents say. of their equipment for in- more’s attorney, Alexander Passmore said he lost missing teen, interviewing in a hole under a house,”
The complaint was filed spection, according to the “Trey” Robertson. nearly everything in the fire, friends and acquaintances, Stark said.
Thursday in Los Angeles letter. A representative from “Where a government or and he doubts he will collect canvassing the area and Child Protective Services
County Superior Court. the Forest Service said quasi-government agency on all of his losses. searching through the girl’s temporarily took custody of
Edison has been at the Thursday that its investiga- does something to damage “Things happen — peo- cellphone records. Mean- Abernathy’s other children
center of the investigation tion is ongoing. your land, like burn it from a ple get sick, people get in ac- while, Stark said, the girl’s after their mother was ar-
into the fire’s start since The lawsuit alleges that wildfire, they then have to cidents, and you just have to family members occa- rested, Stark said.
September, when federal of- Edison failed to maintain pay fair market value for the deal with whatever your cir-
ficials first began to focus on clearances between its ener- property that they damaged cumstance is,” he said. “We
utility equipment near Cogs- gized conductors and vege- or destroyed,” he said. all have a load to carry.”
well Dam. tation, as required by code. Attempts by utility com-
Reached by phone
Thursday afternoon, Edison
spokesman Chris Abel said
“Edison had a duty to
properly construct and
maintain its electrical infra-
panies to challenge inverse
condemnation through the
courts have failed, Rob-
Times staff writer Joseph
Serna contributed to this
L.A. allows businesses
to enforce mask order
Coming: a big change in the weather By Hayley Smith

The Los Angeles City

left with little recourse when
customers weren’t compli-
ant. One woman’s anti-mask
tirade went viral after she re-
Council voted Wednesday to fused to mask up in a North
authorize businesses to Hollywood Trader Joe’s, and
Region could see refuse to admit or serve pa- a taco restaurant temporari-
trons not wearing a face cov- ly closed its two locations af-
its first rainfall of the ering. ter employees were har-
season, forecasters say. The proposal was first in- assed by customers over its
troduced by Councilman “no mask, no service” policy.
Herb Wesson in July. “Any business owner or
By Lila Seidman “Small-business owners operator in the City of Los
and their employees are risk- Angeles is authorized to
After the election, even ing their lives to stay afloat refuse admittance or service
the weather is polarized in the midst of this economic to any person who refuses or
these days. and public health crisis,” fails to wear a Face Covering
Dry and warmer-than- Wesson said at the time. when on the premises of the
normal temperatures across “Wearing a mask saves lives, business or when seeking or
Southern California will and this simple, common- receiving service,” the ordi-
make way for a notable cool- sense law will save lives and nance states.
down this weekend that may allow us to beat this virus Los Angeles County is in
include rain, gusty winds sooner rather than later.” the “purple” tier of the
and mountain snow, the Na- The council adopted the state’s color-coded reopen-
tional Weather Service re- ordinance unanimously, ing system, meaning the
ported. with no discussion. Wesson, highest risk of local infec-
After an unseasonably who is trailing in his bid for a tion.
warm day Thursday — with Dania Maxwell Los Angeles Times seat on the L.A. County As of Wednesday, the
temperatures in the 80s and RAIN clouds over downtown Los Angeles. Parts of L.A. County could see rain for Board of Supervisors, was county has reported more
90s in some inland areas — a the first time in months, and temperatures will plunge into the 60s by Saturday. not present. The ordinance than 307,000 cases of corona-
low-pressure system is ex- will expire when the city’s virus and 7,076 deaths.
pected to move from the Pa- Stewart said. evations. into the Sierra Nevada. The coronavirus declaration of The county’s positivity
cific Northwest into Califor- Rain could arrive Friday Southern California’s area has been experiencing emergency is lifted. rate, or the percentage of
nia on Friday, followed by a and stay into Saturday, with mountains are expected to record or near-record high Masks have been manda- tests that come back pos-
second system over the a slight chance of showers see snowfall above 5,000 feet, temperatures for the last tory in the city since May, itive, is also climbing, in-
weekend. Sunday, Stewart said. Stewart said. week. when Mayor Eric Garcetti is- creasing to 2.7% from 1.8%
“Tomorrow we’re in for a Downtown L.A. and The California Depart- The about-face comes af- sued an order requiring face two weeks ago, according
big change,” said Kristen nearby areas could see up to ment of Transportation will ter weeks of punishing heat coverings when outside the to the state’s coronavirus
Stewart, a weather service a quarter-inch of rain, said require motorists to use and dry winds that have home or near other people. dashboard.
meteorologist in Oxnard. Stewart, who described the chains on their tires in sparked destructive In deeply Democratic Los Wesson’s office did not
Parts of Los Angeles coming weather system as mountainous areas. wildfires up and down the Angeles, residents have gen- immediately respond to a re-
County could see rain for the “the first rain event of the Elsewhere, the same sys- state. erally taken to the mask quest for comment.
first time in months, and season.” tem is predicted to bring a mandate, especially inside
temperatures will plunge The storm could also foot of snow to the Lake The Associated Press stores. City News Service
into the 60s by Saturday, bring fresh snow to higher el- Tahoe region as it sweeps contributed to this report. But businesses had been contributed to this report.
B4 F R I DAY , N OV EM BE R 6, 2020 S LAT IMES. C OM

Slanted ‘news’ clouds race

[Stockton, from B1] its youngest.
named for the local area Helped by a philan-
code, has amassed nearly thropy, Tubbs has launched
100,000 followers on Face- a basic income experiment
book and 118,000 on Insta- in Stockton and brought in
gram. Motecuzoma Patrick $20 million in nonprofit
Sanchez, one of the founders grants to fund a scholarship
of the 209 Times, said it has program to increase the
millions of interactions with number of local high school
viewers on its website and graduates who attend col-
social media pages every lege. He pushed the city to
month, making it one of the start a chapter of Advance
area’s most popular sources Peace, a violence reduction
of information. Kevin Lincoln program. The 209 Times has
San Joaquin County has KEVIN LINCOLN , a alleged corruption in all
about 760,000 residents, pastor and former Mar- those endeavors, though
with roughly 310,000 in ine, is leading Stockton there have been no official
Stockton. About 50,000 Mayor Michael Tubbs. indications of wrongdoing.
voted in the mayor’s race. Lincoln, Tubbs’ challeng-
Local political pundits alleging that Tubbs has mis- er, is a former Marine who
said the 209 Times has clout appropriated millions of dol- serves as a pastor and iden-
with voters and damaged lars earmarked for city pro- tifies as Latino and Black —
Tubbs’ reputation by attack- grams, lied about his in- his grandfather emigrated
ing him with relentless, and volvement with an unpopu- from Mexico. He has never
unfounded, allegations of lar idea to use the county held political office, though
corruption. fairgrounds as part of a he ran for an Assembly seat
“He was wounded by the state-funded site for home- in 2016.
209 Times,” said Michael less people, and put person- Lincoln said the 209
Fitzgerald, a former metro al interests ahead of his Times “definitely strikes a
columnist for the Stockton elected role. chord with the readers in our
Record who has followed Daniel Lopez, Tubbs’ city and provides more in-
local politics for three dec- spokesman, said the allega- sight with regards to the is-
ades. tions were “outright lies.” sues,” but he believes it was
It “just created this false “209 Times is a perfect ex- his message of “bridging the
narrative about Tubbs, and ample of what you are seeing gaps of division of our city” Raul Roa Times Community News
they just kept pounding that in the country. It’s ‘pick your and voter outreach that has TITO ORTIZ, shown at a Huntington Beach rally last month, has called the co-
narrative,” he said. own news,’ ” Lopez said. He put him ahead. ronavirus a “political scam.” He won a seat on the City Council this week.
The 209 Times has run took particular issue with “I have done everything I

GOP stays alive in O.C.

articles, often with no proof, recent allegations that could to engage the people of
Stockton had received and Stockton,” Lincoln said.
misused $60 million in state Sanchez said that he de-
funds meant for reducing cided to target Tubbs in the
homelessness. 209 Times in part because
Lottery results
Tonight’s Mega Millions
Estimated jackpot: $142 million
Sales close at 7:45 p.m.
“To address our chal-
lenges we need an informed
public,” he said. “How can
we have a dialogue around
homelessness, for example,
Tubbs opposed him when
Sanchez, a local organizer,
lobbied to reopen a library
branch that had been closed
because of the city’s finan-
by downplaying virus
For Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020
when the 209 Times per- cial troubles. Tubbs voted [Arellano, from B1] his political agenda, but for ture mostly shows her
SuperLotto Plus
Mega number is bold suades residents that we’ve against the idea when it cans go to die” is now sup- allowing workers at his maskless, even if she’s talk-
been given $60 million for came before the Stockton posedly dead, according to restaurant to not wear ing to older constituents.
8-28-30-41-42—Mega 8
this issue, when in reality we City Council. progressive activists. But masks and operating “the Yet the congressional candi-
Jackpot: $23 million
only have $6.5 million? I’m “It was a personal prom- there’s still life in the O.C. indoor dining room and bar date had the gall during one
Winners per category: sure a good number of ise that I told him, ‘Anyone GOP corpse. as if the pandemic has never commercial to proclaim she
No. of Amount Stocktonians reading this who votes against this li- The cure? Pretending happened.” “delivered on coronavirus”
winners of prize(s)
article will learn for the first brary opening, I am going to the coronavirus isn’t a thing. Both easily won their without exactly spelling out
5 + Mega 0 —
5 1 $34,095 time that the $60-million vote against you.’ So four COVID-19 has walloped races. what she did.
4 + Mega 11 $1,549 number is fake, yet some will years later, it’s a promise I Orange County, with more Orange County’s two The best that can be said
4 242 $117 still believe regardless.” kept,” Sanchez said. “The than 61,000 cases and nearly most prominent political about Steel’s approach to
3 + Mega 535 $47 Sanchez, the 209 Times way that we see it is basically 1,500 deaths. But in the coronavirus skeptics also the coronavirus is that she
3 11,449 $10 founder, said the goal of his we are the primary reason coastal cities that remain happen to be in the lead for hasn’t gone on a podcast to
2 + Mega 6,692 $10 publication isn’t to be fair or Michael Tubbs is losing.” the Republican Party’s last far-more-prominent seats call it a form of “population
1 + Mega 33,096 $1 balanced, though it identi- Though Sanchez con- true stronghold, residents and have introduced a new control” and a “political
Mega only 49,501 $1 fies itself as a news and me- cedes his site is one-sided, he and politicians have waged era of wackiness to the scam” that would disappear
dia company on Facebook. disputed that his stories in- war against its inconven- annals of the O.C. GOP. by election day.
Powerball It also sells political and clude false information, ience to their blessed lives. In the 48th Congres- That would be mixed
Powerball number is bold
other advertising. pointing out they some- Restaurants have sional District — which martial arts legend Tito
23-32-33-45-49—Powerball 14 “We are not journalists. I times include documents proudly flaunted public stretches from Seal Beach Ortiz, who just won a seat
Jackpot: $137 million looked at it like we were a obtained through California safety guidelines restricting to Laguna Beach and en- on the Huntington Beach
California winners per category: guerrilla group up against Public Records Act re- indoor dining. Cities and compasses all of Hunting- City Council.
No. of Amount the mainstream army,” quests, though often with- school boards filed lawsuits ton Beach and Newport Ortiz is such a political
winners of prize(s) Sanchez said. “We are not out response from the tar- against California Gov. Beach — Michelle Steel novice that the Surf City
5 + P-ball 0 —
asking their side of it. We are gets of their accusations. Gavin Newsom’s shut- leads incumbent Harley native originally announced
5 0 —
telling you what we know. We Sanchez said he’s “created a downs. Protests against the Rouda by a couple of thou- he wanted to run for Hunt-
4 + P-ball 3 $10,909
4 44 $371
never tried to hide our bias.” new way to deliver news, simple act of wearing a sands of votes. If she wins, ington Beach mayor, even
3 + P-ball 88 $193 Stockton observers say which is a crowdsourced mask draw thousands. the Orange County supervi- though the position isn’t
3 2,669 $7 Tubbs also faced other ob- form of information.” In polite society, such sor would make history as elected. He freely shook
2 + P-ball 2,188 $8 stacles to reelection — in- Another activist involved callous disregard for public the first Korean American hands and mugged for
1 + P-ball 15,949 $5 cluding opposition from po- in the 209 Times, Frank health gets you shunned. congresswoman. photos with maskless sup-
P-ball only 37,938 $4 lice and firefighters unions. Gayaldo, said “truth can be In Orange County? It Her platform has largely porters during campaign
Winning jackpot ticket(s) sold in other The local police union gave very controversial.” gets you elected. rested on the usual GOP events, and recently told a
states: None $25,000 to Lincoln, accord- Tubbs is not the first poli- Dr. Jeffrey Barke, who canards of low taxes, border reporter that the ventilators
ing to campaign filings, and tician Sanchez’s site has retained his board seat in enforcement and trashing that keep alive COVID-
For Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020
its president, Charles Har- gone after. In 2018, it helped the services district that sanctuary cities. But Steel afflicted victims were actu-
Fantasy Five: 3-13-24-25-38 ris, said the union thinks unseat San Joaquin County oversees the unincorpo- has also become prominent ally “speeding up the proc-
Daily Four: 6-9-7-4 Lincoln will be better at “ac- Sheriff Steve Moore, who rated community of Ross- as a coronavirus quote ess” of the sickness.
tually tackling the issues at faced multiple scandals in- moor, is a far-right darling machine — although her All this happened
Daily Three (midday): 5-5-2 hand of homelessness and volving his role as coroner for casting doubt on the rhetoric is more Michael months after Ortiz told a
Daily Three (evening): 9-2-0 quality of life in Stockton.” and sexual harassment effectiveness of masks to Scott from “The Office” group of cheering Hunting-
Tubbs also received complaints in his office. It combat the spread of the than Winston Churchill. ton Beach residents that
Daily Derby:
blowback involving a plan to has also been repeatedly coronavirus and insisting its In April, Steel sent out a “antifa [and] Black Lives
(5) California Classic
(2) Lucky Star build housing with low-in- critical of San Joaquin fatality rate “is in the ball- news release opposing Matter” promised to visit
(7) Eureka come units on a closed golf County Dist. Atty. Tori Ver- park of a bad seasonal in- Newsom’s beach closures by Surf City to “burn this city
Race time: 1:45.50 course in a wealthier part of ber Salazar. fluenza.” boasting that Orange down” and “rape the women
Stockton. Recently, the 209 Times Down in the southern tip County was “flattening the and the children.”
Results on the internet: At the same time, Tubbs’ posted pictures of a Tracy of Orange County, San curve” on coronavirus cases Ortiz finished in first profile has grown on the na- mayoral candidate from a Clemente Councilman Gene and had kept hospitaliza- place.
General information: tional political stage, and he gay dating app, implying James won reelection with tion rates stable. A month Neither Steel nor Ortiz
(800) 568-8379
is considered an up-and- that the app was associated tough-guy Facebook talk later, both figures skyrock- returned a request for com-
(Results not available at this number)
comer in Democratic circles. with human trafficking and such as saying he “will no eted. ment. It appears both will
Though he grew up on that participation on it was longer be complicit with the She then earned national win and make headlines,
Stockton’s poor south side problematic. tyranny of Sacramento” and ridicule this summer for but it’s also a last true gasp
with a single mother and an The candidate, Dan its coronavirus policies. insisting that the Centers for this type of craziness.
Celebrities’ choice incarcerated father, he at- Tavares Arriola, is now a In Newport Beach, in- for Disease Control and Joining Ortiz on the Hunt-
tended Stanford University City Council member and cumbent Councilman Will Prevention advocated for ington Beach City Council
and returned to Stockton af- the first openly LGBTQ O’Neill took the bold stance “species discrimination” will be two progressive
ter graduation. elected official in Tracy. He in February of opposing the because the agency advised Democrats. And even if
He successfully ran for said associating the dating transfer of any coronavirus- Americans not to put masks Steel wins, her margin will
City Council at age 22 in site with human trafficking infected patients to a facility on their pets. “If it’s not be so thin that the Demo-
2012, receiving a $10,000 cam- was homophobic. ... in neighboring Costa healthy for the dogs,” Steel crats will have an easy time
Long-distance and local moving. Free paign contribution from “For organizations like Mesa. Meanwhile, City concluded during a Board of picking her off during the
2-month storage for new customers. Oprah Winfrey. Four years the 209 Times to spread dis- Council candidate Noah Supervisors meeting, “it’s 2022 midterm election....
Discounts for online order. Free later, he ran for mayor and information is incredibly Blom got an F from the not healthy for us to be If the coronavirus is
won, becoming both the concerning and hurtful to Orange County Register wearing it.” finally gone by then, city’s first Black mayor and our community,” he said. over the summer— not for Steel’s campaign litera- amirite?

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St. Stephen Presbyterian By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
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Trump faithful make no apologies in Newport

[Newport Beach, from B1] Mexico, as a 15-year-old with at home, trying not to stress.
visive Trump era, no a first-grade education, He had stayed up until
amount of fact-checking, raised seven children on a about midnight, “praying
presentations on Trump’s landscaper’s salary and and hoping something hap-
many dishonest statements eventually became an pens where we win.”
or concerns about his char- American citizen. Duarte, a “I’m putting it in God’s
acter seemed to hold sway. 54-year-old insurance agent, hands,” he said.
For all the talk about grew up in a mostly white Rotellini kept busy with
Trump’s rural base and the Orange County neighbor- clients all day and was
disaffected, working-class hood and said he let a lot of catching snippets about the
white voters who sent him to casual racism slide. tightening election on Fox
the White House, the presi- But in the Trump era? No whenever she could.
dent has long counted on longer. He’s become more “I’ve got a knot in my
a foundational support outspoken, hanging a flag stomach and it’s not the
among very rich people, for a presidential candidate good kind,” she said in a text
even in urban, coastal Cali- for the first time ever this message. “Haven’t really
fornia, the heart of the so- year. In recent days, wrapped my head around
called liberal resistance and passersby have screamed anything yet.”
a time-honored bogeyman obscenities about Biden and Halliburton said he had
for the right. President Obama and yelled enough faith in the country
It is, after all, easier for at Duarte: “Go back to Mexi- to not be anxious as the race
politicians of all stripes to co!” tightened. He watched Fox
squeeze fundraising money On election night 2016, on Wednesday. His wife
from the upper echelons. Duarte wept in his living flipped between that and
And conservative rich peo- room after Trump won be- CNN.
ple tend to like a government cause “I knew it was going to “If Biden is the one, we
that keeps its paws off their be hard on people that look then need to support Biden
wallets to the greatest ex- like me. And, unfortunately, over the next four years” and
tent possible. I was right.” start planning for 2024,
Joe Biden has said he will Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times After the polls closed on knowing Biden is likely too
raise taxes for people mak- RANDY DUARTE , who supports Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, Tuesday, the streets of New- old to seek a second term, he
ing more than $400,000 — stands amid his flags. His neighbor upstairs is a backer of President Trump. port Beach were ghostly qui- said.
unnerving voters in places et. Outdoor tables set up “I think this country’s got
such as Newport Beach, points. ual identities.” appeared the president amid the COVID-19 pan- enough of a solid footing
where a cash-strapped Outside the Newport “It’s not the way it’s por- would need successful law- demic were mostly deserted. that it’s not the end of the
Trump hosted a high-dollar Beach Civic Center Tuesday trayed,” the 40-something suits more than anything Giant television screens world,” he said.
fundraiser featuring the morning, Jennifer Rotellini, who declined to give her last else). were visible inside homes all Duarte and his wife spent
Beach Boys last month. a 49-year-old real estate bro- name said of Trump’s sup- Trump, he said, “looks at along Balboa Boulevard; election night watching
“Many wealthy people ker, said she cast a ballot for porters. “We’re all Ameri- us, the American people, as each showed an election MSNBC, checking Twitter,
support Trump because he Trump largely because of cans.” She added that his stockholders, and he’s night map. eating pizza and drinking
cut taxes and they benefited the economy and the stock Trump is “not racist,” noting going to give to us what he As an uncertain Wednes- three bottles of wine. There
from that,” said Fred market. The child of Demo- that his Mar-a-Lago Club in said he was going to.” day dawned, Trump flags were no tears. By Thursday,
Smoller, an associate profes- crats, she said the party has Palm Beach, Fla., accepted Halliburton, a 78-year- gently swayed from the bal- as the election tilted more
sor of political science at moved too far left in recent Jewish and Black members old Air Force veteran with conies of tightly clustered toward Biden, Duarte was
Chapman University in Or- years and that she is when other clubs in the af- homes in Newport Beach, homes on exclusive Lido getting giddy.
ange. “Many of them own a alarmed by what she called a fluent city did not. Georgia and Tennessee, Isle, where narrow streets “Confident Joe will win!”
substantial amount of stock, growing reliance on govern- Inside the GOP head- said that “once you live in a were lined with Land Ro- he said in a text message.
and they’ve seen their port- ment assistance such as wel- quarters, people perused country that’s somewhat so- vers, Porsches and BMWs. A “Preparing ‘You’re Fired’
folios soar.” fare and food stamps. Trump merchandise, in- cialist or hardcore socialist, sign outside one home read: memes for the big celebra-
“If you start throwing “People get too comfort- cluding MAGA masks and a you realize how valuable and “No Biden — Socialism — tion!”
around the word ‘socialist’ able,” she said. “People need tank top that said, “Ew, Li- wonderful this country is.” Communism.” On Thursday afternoon,
enough, people in Newport to get up and work hard.” berals.” Another shirt had As the sun set in Newport Just across the bridge Veliz was watching Fox and
Beach will call that a danger- Of Trump, she said, “We the iconic skull of the Marvel Beach Tuesday, Randy connecting the man-made constantly refreshing her
ous leveling,” Smoller add- all cringe a little with how he character the Punisher with Duarte sat on his front porch island to the rest of Newport electoral college maps on
ed. “They don’t want to speaks. I don’t have to like Trumpian blond hair and across the street from his Beach, a homeless Black her phone while Coqueta sat
share.... They have a lot to the guy. But I like his poli- the words: “Punishing Libe- polling place, the Marina woman sat on a bench over- next to her in a sweater. She
lose, so they supported cies. I love that he’s not a rals Since 2016.” Park Community Center. looking the yachts in New- worried about riots and vi-
Trump.” politician. It’s a breath of Wearing a Hawaiian shirt His street-level home fea- port Bay, her belongings in a olence as the election
Newport Beach — the fresh air.” and waving a huge red tured a blue Biden flag and a bag beside her. She mut- dragged on and planned to
home of John Wayne, whose On Tuesday afternoon, Trump flag outside, Erle sign depicting Trump as a tered to herself. Three young stock up on groceries and
yacht the Wild Goose has Jesse Spence, who de- Halliburton III — whose poop emoji with the words white men, one in a Bass Pro household essentials, just in
long been a fixture on New- scribed his surname as grandfather founded the oil “Dump the Turd November Shops shirt, laughed at her case something bad hap-
port Bay, and the setting for “Spence, like Pence,” stood and gas giant Halliburton — 3rd.” The tenant above him as they walked past. They re- pened.
the TV teen drama “The outside the local GOP head- said he was confident that in — his neighbor for two dec- peatedly yelled an expletive “I’m very anxiously wait-
O.C.” — is both whiter and quarters on Pacific Coast the end a “major undercur- ades — flew a red Trump at her. ing to hear,” she said. “I don’t
richer than the country as a Highway in a red MAGA hat. rent of Trump support” flag. On Wednesday, Spence think there will be normality
whole. It is 80% white, com- He waved an enormous would lead to a Trump vic- Duarte’s father came to kept a casual eye on Fox in the next few weeks or
pared with 40% of Orange Trump flag and smiled at tory. (By late Thursday, it the U.S. from Michoacán, News and was “just chilling” months.”
County and 60% of the passing motorists — includ-
United States. The typical ing a man in a black Jeep
value of a single-family home with a flag depicting Trump
in Newport Beach, accord- as a muscly, machine-gun

ing to Zillow, is nearly toting Rambo.
$2.9 million — 10 times the “There’s a lot of wealth in Place a paid notice
typical U.S. single-family Newport Beach,” the 26- Search obituary notice archives:

home value of $298,000. year-old Spence said, “and
Orange County, the Trump is very good with
birthplace of Richard Nixon business.”
and the longtime GOP cita- Spence, a surfer who
del that Ronald Reagan works at Trader Joe’s, said MAEDA, Arnold Tadao
called the place where “all he never believed pollsters July 17, 1926 - September 10, 2020
the good Republicans go to who predicted a blowout win Arnold Tadao Maeda (94), born in
Santa Monica to Toyoshige and Sasami
die,” has swung blue in re- for Biden. He said the main- Maeda, passed away peacefully on
cent years. As of Thursday, stream media have lied September 10, 2020 in Los Angeles.
Biden was leading Trump about Trump’s character During WWII at the age of 15, Arnold
54% to 44% with a margin of and not paid enough atten- and his family were among 1000
persons living in the Santa Monica/
more than 124,000 votes, ac- tion to the business dealings Venice/Malibu areas who, based
cording to the Orange of Biden’s son, Hunter, on their ancestry, were forced by
County registrar of voters of- whom Trump’s allies have ADAMS, Arthurlene Smith DIETZEL, Karl F. GUSS, Annelle Mullis GARCIA, Bertha Flora Executive Order 9066 to assemble at
fice. sought to portray as cor- August 11, 1934 - October 8, 2020 January 17, 1918 - October 28, 2020 February 11, 1938 - September 27, 2020 February 27, 1957 - October 31, 2020 the NW corner of Venice and Lincoln
Arthurlene Smith Adams, Educator, Karl F. Dietzel passed away Catherine “Annelle” Mullis Guss Bertha passed Blvds with only what they could
In 2016, Hillary Clinton rupt. Administrator, Mother & Grandmother passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, peacefully, surrounded carry. From there they were bussed
unexpectedly October 28, 2020 at the
became the first Democratic Standing beside Spence, was born & raised in Mooringsport, age of 102. Born on January 17, 1918 September 27, 2020 in her home in by her family, at home to Manzanar Internment Camp, one
presidential candidate to a woman named Amber said Louisiana. Described as elegant, in The Dalles, Oregon youngest son Scottsdale, Arizona at the age of 82. in Thousand Oaks, CA. of 12 camps across the US where
sophisticated, strong & organized, she of Ferdinand and Eleanore (Hillgen) Annelle was born in Santa Monica, Bertha fought against cancer: Uterine 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry
carry Orange County since she lined up on Via Lido last were interned. Arnold graduated from
joined her parents, Girleatha Vera and Dietzel. California, daughter of the late Donald carcinosarcoma. Loving mother of
the Great Depression, beat- month to wave to the presi- Joe Frazier Clark in Los Angeles, CA in Mullis and Mary Scoles Mullis. She was Monica Garcia Norlander and Eric Manzanar High School in 1944 as class
ing Trump by nearly 9 per- dential motorcade before 1952, graduated from the University of In 1927, at the age of nine, his family preceded in death by Michael Lee Guss Xavier Garcia, grandmother of president.
centage points. But in New- Trump’s fundraiser and that Southern California (BS, MS) & married moved from Oregon to Pasadena. Karl and Curtis Lee Guss. Alana Garcia Norlander and 4 canine After the war, Arnold worked as
Paul Augustus Adams on August 29, attended St. Phillips Catholic School Annelle is survived by her sister grandchildren. Beloved former spouse a chick sexor, technical illustrator/
port Beach, Trump beat she was joined by “people of 1959. They divorced 25 years later. An of Eric Florencio Garcia. Cherished instructor and insurance agent. He
through 8th grade and then went Susan; son Greg, daughters Kristin and
Clinton by 14 percentage all races, colors, creeds, sex- Assistant Principal with LAUSD, she onto John Marshall Jr. High for two Tracy; seven grandchildren Katherine, sister of 20 siblings. In lieu of flowers, served as president of the WLA Chapter
retired in 1997. Recognized by LAUSD’s yrs. Then attended Pasadena Junior Haley, Morgan, Mattson, Parker, please donate to the Foundation of the Japanese American Citizens
Board of Education, the California College (PCC) lower division for 2 yrs., Dominique and Nicholas; two great for Women’s Cancer, https://www. League, was active in the WLA United
State Senate & Delta Sigma Theta and upper division Junior College for granddaughters Emerson and Eva and Methodist Church, and was a charter
Sorority, Inc, she is survived by her 2 yrs. where he graduated with an AA her beloved cat, Lily. support-us/donate/ member of the Venice Japanese

Cafe attack is a hate

children, Karen Adams Horton (Earle degree. Annelle attended the University American Memorial Monument
III) and Derren Clark Adams & five of California, Santa Barbara and GOLDEN, Bruce Committee. Throughout the years his
grandchildren: Sahara Sasha Horton, He served in the military (US ARMY Los Angeles where she was an Mount Sinai Memorial Parks - interests included Aikido, bowling,
Earle C. Horton IV, Hannah Adams- Medical Administration Corps) from active member of Pi Beta Phi. While Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076 golfing, fishing and trips to Las Vegas.

crime, police say

Claros, Jaz Adams, and Liam Adams & December 2, 1941 until February 1946. attending college, Annelle met Curtis. He is survived by his wife Kimiko
other family & friends. He applied for, was accepted by and The two wed on July 19, 1958. While Maeda; children, Susan (Cory)
graduated from Officers Candidate raising their four children, Annelle Nakashima and Richard Maeda;
School (OCS). He served 2 yrs. in also ran the family store Francis-Orr grandsons Jason and Spencer
the European Theater of Operations in Beverly Hills. Known to be one of Nakashima; brother Brian (Lucia
BASH, Rae Wilk (ETO). His unit, the 30th Medical the most talented engravers in Los Brandt) Maeda; sister-in-law Natsuko
June 1928 - November 2020 Depot Company was awarded the Angeles, Annelle had a keen eye Akiyama and other relatives.
Meritorious Service Unit plaque for for fine design and craftsmanship. A private family service was held
No customers were din- Raised in Minnesota, Rae came to with Rev. Gary Oba of WLAUMC
By Matthew Ormseth ing at the restaurant at the LA in her twenties, and later moved superior performances. At the time of Along with her exquisite taste, she
his discharge he had reached the rank was known for making long lasting, officiating.
to Marina del Rey to be in her favorite
time, and his parents were place, by the ocean. She is survived by of Captain. Karl was always a great impactful relationships. Annelle’s
In an incident Beverly the only ones present, he her daughters, Susan and Alex. patriot and supporter of our country vivacious and warm personality
and its Military. attracted friends and customers from
Hills police called a hate said. all walks of life.
crime, a group of men on The men then entered Annelle had an affinity for collecting
HAWKINS, James Harold
In 1946, Karl was employed by
Wednesday night vandal- the restaurant, throwing BERNS, Richard Howard Pacific Bell as a “Yellow Pages” her “treasures” (from Hermès scarves
September 22, 1931 - October 30, 2020
ized a restaurant and as- chairs at his parents, the son Mount Sinai Memorial Parks - salesman, worked for 30 years and to fine china). She was extremely Loving husband to Joanne Tunney
Simi Valley 800-600-0076 retired in 1976. At retirement, he gifted at needlepoint and now her Hawkins for over 66 years, father to
saulted its employees while said. His father, who had Katherine (Rene’) Berger, Loretta was the General Directory Production works of art serve as coveted heirlooms
making “pro-Armenia state- turned to shield his mother, Manager, in charge of all of Pacific for family and friends to remember Hawkins, James Hawkins, Jr., William
ments.” was struck in the back. The Bell’s telephone directories from her by. She had a passion for animals (Joanna) Hawkins, grandfather to
CARR, Bonnie J. Ventura to San Diego. of all kinds; she always had cats and Sarah (Mike) Gonzalez, Pieter (Erin)
Between six and eight two fled through the back of she loved to watch horse racing both Berger, Kate (Ryan) Madry, Anna
men believed to be in their the restaurant and took Mount Sinai Memorial Parks - (Joe) Ziemann, James C. Hawkins,
Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076 Karl married Barbara Wimmer on in-person in her younger years, and on
20s or 30s carried out the at- shelter in a nearby business. April 17, 1941 and they celebrated TV later on. Annelle enjoyed travelling Keegan, Addison, Weylin, and Imogen Hawkins; Great grandfather to nine TUVERSON III, Arthur W
tack about 8:30 p.m., police The men vandalized the in- 50 yrs. of marriage in 1992. Barbara and exploring world, Australia being
with two babies on the way. What January 2, 1946 - September 3, 2020
said. Although authorities terior of the restaurant and passed in 1997. Four years later (2001) her favorite country to visit. She
Karl married artist Carmela Marchese was passionate about learning from gave him the most joy in life was Art passed peacefully, surrounded
did not name the restaurant stole a few iPhones his par- who brought a renewed joy to his life. different cultures with a specific spending time with his large and by his family at his home in Las Vegas.
and said only that it was on ents had left behind, the son PUBLIC NOTICE She passed way December 27, 2017. interest in art. loving family. He was always engaged, Art fought courageously against
Annelle will be remembered as authentic and faith filled. He was a his cancer for 10+ years. Beloved
the 300 block of South Bev- said. proud veteran of the Korean War and husband of Cynthia, and esteemed
Karl enjoyed cards, playing games, many things - “Mom”, “Grammie”,
Life Tributes
erly Drive, a man who identi- For the last few months, camping, photography, tennis, golf, “Arny”, “Great”, but much to her a true patriot. He was a hard worker brother of Kathy Hillyard and Kris
fied himself as the son of the the son said, anonymous traveling (he’d visited 60 countries), dismay never “Gramcracker”. She from building and repairing radios McNamara. Loving father of Arthur,
owners of Cafe Istanbul said callers to the restaurant IN MEMORIAM | OBITUARY NOTICE gardening, writing, his family and always knew a “shortcut” (which often during high school to his professional Andrea, Vanessa, Ryan, Matt and
friends. took much longer than the regular career building instrumentation for Anneliese, as well as friend of his
his parents’ restaurant had have made death threats route); she taught us how to take aircraft and spacecraft. He was always in-laws and cherished grand-father to
been the target. The cafe’s against the owners and Because of the current health
Karl is preceded in death by his two time and appreciate “the views”. She available for a conversation about his 16 grandchildren. Art graduated
emergency, we understand the USC Trojans or the LA Dodgers, from Arcadia High School in 1963.
windows were covered with vowed to “burn down your that some funeral services
sisters Louise D. Allen and Eleanore always emphasized the importance
D. Rogers and brother Laurence A. of a thank you note; her sense of for a friendly game of cribbage or to He continued on to Citrus Junior
plywood Thursday, and restaurant while you’re eat- are being delayed until further give practical life advice. He will be College, and then graduated from the
signs affixed to the wood ing breakfast with your fam- notice. Dietzel. Karl is survived by 6 nieces gratitude and appreciation for proper
and nephews and 25 grand nieces etiquette will not be forgotten. She missed. Donations can be made to University of Southern California. He
read, “Armenians attacked ily.” We’d like to help you honor and nephews. He made an indelible always communicated with a sense the Dominican Sisters Vision of Hope, then graduated from USC Law School
this business.” “This cannot be ac- your loved one. When you positive impact on all their lives. of urgency; everything she had to; OC Hydrocephalus, in 1970. He quickly became a member
place an obituary with The relay was done so in a high-priority; Homeboy Industries, of the prestigious ABOTA in 1978.
The son, who asked that cepted,” he said.; or the Shortly after in 1980, he opened his
Times, we will publish a second Our world is sadder without him but fashion. Most of all, Annelle will be
his name not be used be- Beverly Hills detectives funeral service announcement oh so much richer because of him. remembered for her key catch phrase: Cloistered Carmelite Nuns, Alhambra. law firm with brother-in-law Steve
cause he feared for his and and a specialized technology at no charge on a future date of “It is what it is.” It is with this in mind There will be a Zoom memorial mass Hillyard, Tuverson & Hillyard, which
his family’s safety, said unit in the Police Depart- your choosing. At his request, a small private that we mourn a great loss. on Saturday, Nov. 7th at 10:00 a.m., grew quickly to 150+ employees. He
memorial will be held. Ashes scattered Please contact Cabot and Sons Funeral was a highly respected and successful
masked men began destroy- ment are reviewing surveil- The family requests that any Home for details. medical malpractice defense lawyer,
To place your notice to go:
at sea.
ing the restaurant’s outdoor lance video in an effort to memorials be made to John Wayne he took 150+ cases to jury trials,
dining area Wednesday identify suspects, the police In lieu of flowers, those so inclined Cancer Institute (
MCCORMICK, Vincent D winning 95%. As a graduate of USC, Art
obituaries may wish to consider making a make-a-donation/). Originally from Baltimore, MD, Vince continued to be an active participant in
night, flinging chairs and said in a statement. moved to CA in his early 40s. He resided both the university and their athletics
donation in Karl F. Dietzel’s memory to:
shattering dishes. “They In a statement, Beverly Or email: in the Long Beach and Seal Beach programs, especially football. Above
were chanting that they Hills Mayor Lester Fried- Missionaries of Charity areas. He loved to be by the ocean, it all, Art was a true family man with a

Honor a life
wanted Turks to die, that man called the incident an (Mother Teresa) was his favorite place. He is survived playful wit about him. He had a keen
335 East 145th Street by family in MD. A private memorial sense of adventure, loved traveling
they were here to kill Turks,” “unacceptable act of hate at sea will be held in February 2021. and experiencing all life had to offer. In
The Bronx, New York 10451 go to
the son said. and violence.” Expressions of sympathy may be lieu of flowers, please send donations made in the form of donations to the to the Prostate Cancer Foundation at
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.


Reed Saxon Associated Press

COACH TERRY DONAHUE , being carried off the field in 1988 after his 100th victory at UCLA, led the Bruins to four Rose Bowl appearances, winning three times.


Donahue won a school-record 151 games as representative of UCLA and he
was able to put together a real good
miss training camp. Hundley went
on to spark Mora’s early success
UCLA football coach, a standard that his staff of teachers,” said Gary
Bernardi, a former longtime Bru-
that included two 10-win seasons.
“If I have a regret, it’s that I ne-
successors have found difficult to live up to ins assistant coach who worked
under Donahue, Toledo and Dor-
ver got to really coach Hundley,”
Neuheisel said. “He was my recruit,
and are you willing to do the things rell. “College football was a little bit he was a guy that I knew was going
By Ben Bolch that those who deem the football more forgiving in the sense that to be a great player; I should have
program hugely important are there wasn’t social media.” probably played him even though
It will be a reminder of the fleet- willing to do?” Neuheisel said, tick- Toledo said he didn’t enjoy simi- he wouldn’t have played until the
ing highs followed by sustained ing off Alabama, Clemson and Toledo Dorrell lar support after Guerrero arrived middle of the season.”
frustration that has tormented Ohio State as examples of fiefdoms in April 2002. The new athletic di- Kelly’s recruiting has been aver-
UCLA football with every coaching that have made football king. rector fired Toledo eight months age by Pac-12 standards, most of
hire in the quarter century since As evidence of UCLA’s differing later despite Toledo’s historic early his best players having been
Terry Donahue’s departure. expectations, Neuheisel retold the success and the Bruins winning brought in by Mora. The lack of tal-
On one sideline will stand Karl story of the school’s marketing de- eight games with a freshman- ent has been reflected in a 7-17
Dorrell, a throwback to when the partment buying a full-page news- heavy roster during his final sea- record that represents the worst
Bruins did most everything on the paper ad upon his hiring in 2008. son. A series of public ordeals, in- two-year start of any UCLA coach
cheap and had the results to The ad declared that the football cluding a handicapped-parking since James J. Cline went 2-10-3
match. monopoly in Los Angeles was over, placard scandal involving 19 play- from 1923 to 1924. Cline did not
On the other sideline will stand a not-so-subtle reference to USC’s ers, contributed heavily to Toledo’s make it to a third season.
Chip Kelly, whose school-record dominance under coach Pete Car- dismissal. Kelly’s losses have come despite
$23.3-million contract was sup- roll. Toledo said he was scapegoated the usual-suspect UCLA excuses
posed to trumpet a new era but has Neuheisel added a never-be- Neuheisel Mora by the scandal given that it also in- being off the table. The Bruins are
led only to lavish disappointment. fore-told postscript, saying that volved other UCLA teams out of no longer a chintzy operation
UCLA’s season opener against Dan Guerrero, UCLA’s athletic di- Not much Bruin public view. known for handing out below-mar-
Colorado on Saturday at Folsom rector at the time, apologized UCLA has been to only one Rose “It wasn’t just football but we ket contracts, mostly to coaches
Field in Boulder will symbolize the afterward, explaining that he Bowl and compiled losing re- took the hit — I took the hit,” To- such as Dorrell and Neuheisel who
Bruins’ failures in their search for didn’t want to put too much pres- cords in 11 of 24 seasons since ledo said, adding that Guerrero had ties to the school. A novice
the next Donahue, who logged a sure on a new coach. Terry Donahue left as the win- told him he wanted to bring in his head coach at the time of his UCLA
school-record 151 victories over 20 “His point was, ‘We’re not a pro- ningest coach in what would own coaches. hiring, Dorrell acknowledged after
seasons and became the Pac-12’s gram that’s going to win 10 [games become the Pac-12 Conference. A Coaching longevity is increas- his debut that he didn’t know
winningest coach with 98 confer- in a season]. We’re a program that look at the year-by-year records ingly rare across the Pac-12, Kyle where to stand on the sideline.
ence victories. if we can just get to win six or win under each of his successors: Whittingham’s 16-year run at Utah UCLA has flexed new financial
The Bruins have churned seven, then we’ll see where we can an outlier in a conference where might in recent years, giving Kelly a
through five coaches since Don- go from there,’ ” Neuheisel said. Bob Toledo teams have burned through an av- record sum, constructing the $65-
ahue left in 1995, posting losing re- “And I remember walking out of Year W-L Bowl game erage of 5.3 coaches since Donahue million Wasserman Football Cen-
cords in 11 of 24 seasons, while ap- that office going, ‘We have a prob- left UCLA. Bernardi said the pres- ter and spending $5.4 million on
pearing in (and losing) just one lem.’ ” 1996 5-6 None sure to extend scholarship offers to nontravel football meals during
Rose Bowl. The program hasn’t Guerrero, who hired every 1997 10-2 Cotton Bowl high school prospects earlier than one fiscal year.
been consistently relevant nation- coach that has followed Donahue 1998 10-2 Rose Bowl in the past has led to more recruit- Kelly acknowledged the school
ally since appearing in (and win- besides Bob Toledo, declined to 1999 4-7 None ing misses that have resulted in had fully supported his bid to lead
ning) seven consecutive bowl comment for this story. If six- and higher coaching turnover. the Bruins to their first winning
games under Donahue, including seven-win seasons are the marker 2000 6-6 Sun Bowl UCLA and USC also no longer record since 2015.
three Rose Bowls. of success, then UCLA undeniably 2001 7-4 None have a stranglehold on players in “They’ve done everything,”
Since then it’s been a jumble of thrived under Guerrero before his 2002 8-5 Las Vegas Bowl* their own backyard. Teams that Kelly said. “You look at the support
losing seasons and Las Vegas retirement in June, logging five of regularly appear in the College that we get, they built a brand-new
Bowls. the former and two of the latter. Karl Dorrell Football Playoff have become mag- building just before we got here,
“It’s not been the glory years, I’ll The Bruins have enjoyed pock- nets for top Southern California we’re on the cutting edge when it
Year W-L Bowl game
tell you that,” Rick Neuheisel, who ets of more satisfying success since high school players, quarterback comes to the scientific stuff we do
went 21-29 in four seasons with the Donahue retired from coaching. 2003 6-7 Silicon Valley Bryce Young heading for Alabama in the weight room to nutrition, so
Bruins, said with a chuckle. Toledo posted a school-record 20- Football Classic and quarterback D.J. Uiagalelei there’s a lot of things that the
A former UCLA quarterback game winning streak from 1997 to 2004 6-6 Las Vegas Bowl enrolling at Clemson, among oth- school has done and I’m proud to
who led the Bruins to victory in the 1998, the Bruins one disputed Brad 2005 10-2 Sun Bowl ers who have left the area. be a part of this school.”
1984 Rose Bowl under Donahue, Melsby fumble in the pre-instant “You remember the old Batman Kelly touted the academic
2006 7-6 Emerald Bowl
Neuheisel returned to his alma replay era away from playing in the series where you’d see the villain standards that some of his prede-
mater after prosperous coaching first Bowl Championship Series ti- 2007 6-7 Las Vegas Bowl* and Batman would always get in a cessors lamented, calling them a
stints at Colorado and Washington tle game. fight and they’d put ‘Pow!’ and positive. UCLA also recently cre-
that included another Rose Bowl Jim Mora looked like he might Rick Neuheisel ‘Zap!’ up on the screen, but the vil- ated a master’s degree program in
triumph with the Huskies. be the next great UCLA coach Year W-L Bowl game lain’s lair was always tilted?” the school of education that has
His success with other Pac-12 when he won 29 games in his first 2008 4-8 None Neuheisel said. “It feels like that enrolled three graduate transfers.
schools and failure with the Bruins three seasons before suffering a same tilt is toward these same But something’s as wonky as
2009 7-6 EagleBank Bowl
raises a question: Is there some- precipitous decline leading to his schools that keep going to the play- the nearly empty Rose Bowl of re-
thing about UCLA that makes it dismissal in 2017. Even Dorrell, who 2010 4-8 None off.” cent seasons when considering
harder to win than it should be giv- declined to comment on his UCLA 2011 6-8 Kraft Fight Hunger Donahue, now 76 and battling where the Bruins were under Don-
en a sturdy recruiting base, ster- coaching tenure, went 10-2 in 2005 Bowl* an undisclosed form of cancer, suc- ahue and where they have been
ling academic reputation and before regressing considerably ceeded in part because he was a pi- under his successors. Their best
shorts-in-January weather? over his final two seasons. Jim Mora oneer in national recruiting, enlist- hope might come not in Kelly but
“Oh, I think it’s too coincidental Sustaining success wasn’t easy Year W-L Bowl game ing Bill Rees to scour the country new athletic director Martin
for it not to be a little systemic,” for Donahue either, at least not at for talent while boosting the expo- Jarmond, who has stressed the im-
2012 9-5 Holiday Bowl
Neuheisel said of UCLA’s strug- first. sure his team already received portance of a thriving football pro-
gles. An assistant promoted to re- 2013 10-3 Sun Bowl from its nationally televised gram.
Neuheisel prefaced what he was place Dick Vermeil at age 31, Don- 2014 10-3 Alamo Bowl games. The Bruins snagged Jona- “Hopefully he can raise the kind
about to say next with a disclaimer ahue won nine games in his first 2015 8-5 Foster Farms Bowl than Ogden from Washington, of funds and get the kind of runway
because he didn’t want it to sound season but persevered through D.C., Kevin Williams from Texas afforded him from those above him
2016 4-8 None
like he was making excuses for his some early struggles, including and Eric Ball from Michigan. to build this as it should be built,”
own shortcomings, which he felt four consecutive losses to USC. 2017 6-7 Cactus Bowl* Neuheisel’s UCLA demise Neuheisel said of Jarmond, “be-
were exacerbated by a lack of sup- The backing of Charles E. Young, might have come partially as a re- cause UCLA’s a special place and
port from the administration. the Bruins’ chancellor at the time, Chip Kelly sult of the star he landed but didn’t everybody will come look and
“I just think that you have to helped Donahue ignore the howls Year W-L Bowl game play. The coach refused to use there’s no reason it can’t be a
make a decision as an athletic de- of those calling for his job. 2018 3-9 None quarterback Brett Hundley during launching pad for one of the big
partment within a university com- “They were very patient with his first college season in 2011 be- boys.
munity as to what level of impor- Terry Donahue, the administra- 2019 4-8 None cause Hundley was coming off a “But you have to make the de-
tance you’re going to place on it, tion, because he was such a great * — Did not coach in bowl game knee injury that had forced him to termination you want to be one.”

Licensed to thrill, Smith finds calling

recess, all the teachers said ond win came two weeks later
The rookie from he’d step on people to get at Dover International Speed-
there first. Everything was a way. Smith’s voice cracked
Huntington Beach competition for him.” with emotion in a postrace in-
gets his shot at Truck Zane Smith takes that terview after his Michigan
same killer instinct onto the win.
Series points title. track, where he has gone toe- “It hit home, all the people
to-toe with more experienced who have invested in me and
By Mike DiGiovanna rivals in NASCAR’s Truck Se- everything my family has sac-
ries — he’s one of four finalists rificed,” Smith said. “I don’t
The ink on Zane Smith’s for the points title with Grant come from a wealthy family by
driver’s license was barely dry Enfinger, 35; Brett Moffitt, 28; any means. My mom is a mid-
when the Huntington Beach and Sheldon Creed, 23 — and dle-school lunch lady and my
native got his first speeding stared down some of the big- dad runs an off-road race
ticket as a 16-year-old in his gest names in the sport. team.
adopted hometown of In the May 26 North Car- “It’s really, really hard to
Mooresville, N.C., five sum- olina Education Lottery 200 make it in this sport legiti-
mers ago. truck race at Charlotte Motor mately off talent, and when
“I think it was the second Speedway, Smith came from you start getting an idea that
day after he passed his driv- last place to make memorable you might actually make it, it’s
er’s test,” Mike Smith, Zane’s passes of NASCAR Cup stars pretty unreal.”
father, recalled this week. “He Chase Elliott and Kyle Busch Smith’s 2020 performance
was going 95 mph in a 40-mph before finishing third behind earned him another deal with
zone.” the two. GMS to race NASCAR trucks
Young Zane was doing “I’m the baby in the field, in 2021. His ultimate goal is to
what came naturally. From and they definitely race you Jason Minto Associated Press race NASCAR Cup cars on
the time he began racing BMX harder because of it,” Smith ZANE SMITH , 21, celebrates after his second career victory, at Dover Interna- Sundays.
bikes at age 3, go-karts from said by telephone from North tional Speedway. Smith is a finalist for the Trucks Series points championship. “Not only to be there, but
ages 6 to 12, entry-level stock Carolina. “But I tend not to to be with a good team and
cars as a teenager to the 180- take too much crap. I nor- time racing in the North Car- super late-model champi- “And there are a lot of competing for wins and cham-
mph NASCAR trucks he now mally don’t get mad or even. I olina area that he moved onship at the World Series of wakes out there. It’s better to pionships,” Smith said. “The
drives, Smith, 21, has been typically get ahead.” there, living first in a family Asphalt Stock Car Racing at be in front, except everyone problem with our sport is
built for speed. Mike Smith isn’t sure how motor home and then a small New Smyrna Speedway in has that same mind-set, and it there’s 40 drivers, and nor-
In fact, the day he was or why Zane developed into house his parents bought in Florida. gets very aggressive at times.” mally when you’re in there,
slapped with that moving vio- such a good driver, but he has Maiden, N.C. He spent 2016 to 2018 racing Smith bought a 2,600- you’re there for a long time. So
lation, he was returning from a shop filled with more than “When you’re 14 years old, in the Automobile Racing square-foot house in you have to get in at the right
a race in which he hit top 200 trophies as proof of Zane’s it’s pretty damn cool,” Smith Club of America Series and Mooresville, N.C., known as time and you have to be good.”
speeds of more than 100 mph gift. said of trailer park living. K&N Pro Series, both “Race City USA” because so Much bigger money, fame
in a super late-model stock “Is it God-given ability? I “There was a pond there, so NASCAR feeder circuits. He many NASCAR drivers and and prestige would come with
car. don’t know,” Mike Smith said. you’d go fishing whenever you drove in eight NASCAR Xfin- team members live there, in a NASCAR Cup spot for
Five years later, Smith, “Why was Michael Jordan so wanted. It could have been a ity Series races, mostly at 2019. He has a girlfriend and Smith, who said he’s had to
now a rising star on the good? Zane has great hand- tent and I would have been short tracks, in 2019. two dogs. He was only 20 when “scratch and claw and work
NASCAR circuit, will attempt eye coordination, good reac- cool with it.” Last November, Smith the 2020 season began but felt my ass off since I was 7 years
to become the second rookie tion times, the ability to proc- His mother, Debbie, usu- was signed by GMS Racing to pressure to perform. old to be where I’m at.”
driver to win the Gander RV & ess information quickly. And ally stayed with Smith in the run the full 2020 NASCAR “I had a feeling that I had But at least that speeding
Outdoors Truck Series points his determination to win has house, but not always. truck series, earning a salary to do something special here,” ticket didn’t set him back. In a
championship when he runs been big.” Smith, who was racing and percentage of his win- Smith said, “or I’m going to judicial action unique to
his No. 21 Chevrolet Silverado That was evident to Roy Legend and super late-model nings. have to pack up ... and go North Carolina, traffic viola-
in Friday night’s Lucas Oil 150 Dehban, who runs ProAm cars as a 15- and 16-year-old, NASCAR trucks run a lit- home.” tors are allowed to plead
at Phoenix Raceway in Avon- Racing in Riverside, and Tim learned to be self-sufficient, tle slower than cup cars, with Smith won two of 23 races, guilty to a first offense and re-
dale, Ariz. Casey, owner of Brea-based arranging transportation to maximum speeds of 180-200 had six top-five finishes and quest a “prayer for judgment”
“This whole thing is in- La Paz Products, who helped and from tracks, preparing mph, and can be unwieldy at was named rookie of the year. from the judge. If granted, the
credible — it’s been an unreal fund Smith’s racing career meals, sticking to his workout times. After his passes of Busch and fine is waived.
ride,” said Mike Smith, 54, with annual six-figure invest- schedule and filling free time. “They’re a handful in dirty Elliott at Charlotte, “it was in- “I told Zane, if you walk
who runs a race shop and an ments since Smith was 5 years “He stayed there weeks at air — when you’re in traffic,” sane how much exposure I got into a California court and tell
off-road racing team in Hunt- old. a time by himself,” Mike Smith said. “It’s similar to how on social media,” Smith said. them you want to do a prayer
ington Beach. “He’s worked Smith attended Spring Smith said. “It was crazy. a plane or a boat handles. “I finished third but it was like for judgment and ask the
super hard to get to where he View Middle School in Hunt- There are stories we probably When you’re in someone else’s I won.” Lord to forgive you, they’re go-
is, and he’s so determined. ington Beach through eighth can’t even tell.” wake, it makes for a rough He notched his first career ing to look at you funny,” Mike
When he was a little kid and grade, but by the time he was Smith gained national ac- ride. When you’re in your own win at Michigan International Smith said. “But that is actu-
they lined up at the door for 14, he was spending so much claim in 2015 when he won the wake, it handles a lot better. Speedway on Aug. 7. His sec- ally how he got out of it.”

Rain could be USC’s latest foil Martin

should be used to adjusting the virus since welcoming ronavirus outbreak — and
There’s a 60% chance
of precipitation when
on the fly. Since spring prac-
tice was shut down in March
by the novel coronavirus,
athletes back to campus in
June. Football workouts
were paused for two weeks
the cancellation that could
come with it — would almost
assuredly end the Trojans’
of triple
it opens season
against Arizona State.
change and the looming un-
certainty that comes with it
between late August and
early September when a
hopes of contention for the
College Football Playoff be-
have been pretty much the rash of cases tied to an off- fore they begin.
only constants across col- campus party infiltrated the “We’re at the Thursday of
By Ryan Kartje lege football. football and water polo pro- Week 1, saying prayers every Former Tampa Bay
Paul Sancya Associated Press

That rocky path to Pac-12 grams. But with 4,877 tests night,” Helton said. “Stay
They’d prepared for just football may finally smooth conducted at USC as of last healthy, stay safe, and we prospect used baseball
about everything. A quiet, out Saturday, when the con- Friday, only 21 positives had continue to move forward.”
‘We’re at the bat to kill father, two
empty Coliseum. An unusu-
al, early start time. Constant
ference’s seven-game season
kicks off more than two
been reported since testing
began in mid-June. Etc. Thursday of Week 1, others in Corona.
testing and social distancing
and endless safety proto-
months after it was origi-
nally scheduled. But even
Helton praised his play-
ers’ efforts to stick to proto-
USC’s expected starters
should have a mostly clean
saying prayers By Nathan Fenno
But at the start of a
with daily testing in place
and games being played, the
cols, but after months of
good fortune in that regard,
bill of health heading into
the season. Running backs
every night. Stay Former Tampa Bay Rays
shortened USC football sea- threat of a season suddenly he said he has constantly Markese Stepp (turf toe) healthy, stay safe, prospect Brandon Martin
son defined by the unexpect- being derailed will likely warned his players not to get and Vavae Malepeai (ham- was convicted of murdering
ed, coach Clay Helton did linger until Dec. 19, when the too comfortable. string) are expected to play and we continue to three men with a baseball bat
not anticipate the rain. conference title is scheduled “It’s something where we Saturday, as are edge rusher at his family’s Corona home.
Add that to the list of ex- to be decided. have to try to be as consis- Drake Jackson (hamstring) move forward.’ After four hours of deliber-
traordinary circumstances The league was reminded tent as humanly possible,” and linebacker Kana’i ations, a Riverside County Su-
USC could face when it fi- of that razor-thin margin for Helton said. “You have to try Mauga (hamstring). … USC — C LAY H ELTON, perior Court jury found Mar-
nally debuts on Saturday at error this week, when on as hard as you can to be able will release its initial depth USC coach tin guilty of first-degree mur-
9 a.m. against Arizona State. Wednesday, a California to put yourself in safe situa- chart Friday, while also an- der Wednesday in the Sept. 17,
Los Angeles hasn’t recorded player tested positive for tions. A lot of it comes down nouncing its captains for the 2015, deaths of his father,
a measurable rainfall in COVID-19. By Thursday to decision-making, to be 2020 season. … Six USC play- SEASON OPENER Michael Martin, uncle Ricky
nearly six months, but with a afternoon, the Saturday honest with you. Making the ers were named to the All- Andersen and alarm installer
better than 60% chance of game between Cal and great decisions of wearing a Pac-12 preseason first team: Barry Swanson.
precipitation, rain seems Washington had been can- mask, staying socially dis- Jackson, quarterback Ke- In addition to three mur-
likely to fall at some point celed because contact trac- tanced. Don’t put yourself in don Slovis, wide receivers der counts, the jury convicted
during the game. ing left Cal without the min- an atmosphere to get it, Tyler Vaughns and Amon-ra Martin of evading arrest, re-
So this week, Helton and imum number of schol- which not only hurts you in- St. Brown, offensive lineman sisting arrest, stealing an auto
his team were forced to ad- arship players necessary to dividually, but hurts your Alijah Vera-Tucker and de- 20 USC vs. and injuring a police dog.
just again, this time adding play, according to Pac-12 team. That’s going to be a fensive back Talanoa Hu- Arizona State The jury is scheduled to
wet footballs to their prepa- safety protocols. part of this thing.” fanga. Punter Ben Griffiths AT THE COLISEUM start hearing testimony Mon-
ration. USC has been largely suc- USC can play through a was named to the second Saturday, 9 a.m. day in the sentencing phase.
By this point, USC cessful in limiting spread of bit of precipitation. But a co- team. TV: Channel 11 Prosecutors are seeking the
death penalty.
The Rays picked Martin
from Corona Santiago High
TENNIS THE DAY IN SPORTS with the 38th overall selection
Thursday’s results from ATP World Tour Paris Masters in the 2011 draft. The short-

Raiders lose draft pick for violations

(seedings in parentheses): stop received an $860,000
SINGLES signing bonus and drew on-
Round of 16
Diego Schwartzman (6), Argentina, def. Alejandro Davi- field comparisons to New
dovich Fokina, Spain, 6-1, 6-1. York Yankees legend Derek
Milos Raonic (10), Canada, def. Marcos Giron, United
States, 7-6 (1), 6-2. cols. ... Detroit Lions coach and North Texas-Louisiana Galaxy midfielder Jeter.
staff and wire reports
Daniil Medvedev (3), Russia, def. Alex de Minaur (16), Matt Patricia wouldn’t dis- Tech scheduled for Sat- Sebastian Lletget was add- But Martin’s behavior
Australia, 5-7, 6-2, 6-2.
Ugo Humbert, France, def. Marin Cilic, Croatia, 6-3, 6-7 cuss quarterback Matthew urday were postponed be- ed to the national team ros- grew erratic in the years after
(4), 6-3. The Las Vegas Raiders Stafford’s status for Sun- cause of positive COVID-19 ter for friendlies with Wales being drafted, according to
Pablo Carreno Busta (9), Spain, def. Norbert Gombos,
Slovakia, 7-5, 6-2. and coach Jon Gruden were day’s game after Stafford cases and contact tracing . ... and Panama, replacing Josh court records and interviews
Rafael Nadal (1), Spain, def. Jordan Thompson, Austral- fined a total $650,000 and was put on the reserve/ The Nevada-New Mexico Sargent, who was with- with friends, including
ia, 6-1, 7-6 (3).
Alexander Zverev (4), Germany, def. Adrian Mannarino, docked a sixth-round draft COVID-19 list Wednesday. game scheduled for Nov. 14 drawn when his club team, punching his father in the face
France, 7-6 (11), 6-7 (7), 6-4. pick for repeated violations The Lions also put safety has been relocated to Sam Werder Bremen, refused to and putting his mother in a
Stan Wawrinka (12), Switzerland, vs. Andrey Rublev (5),
Russia, 1-6, 6-4, 6-3. of the NFL’s COVID-19 pro- Jalen Elliott on the reserve/ Boyd Stadium in Las Vegas release him because of headlock.
tocols. COVID-19 list. ... The Kansas because of “current state COVID-19 quarantine regu- The Rays released Martin
Round of 16 A person familiar with City Chiefs, Chicago Bears health protocols and guide- lations in Germany. in early 2015. He hadn’t played
Michael Venus, New Zealand, and John Peers (7), Aus- the punishment said Thurs- and Houston Texans closed lines in New Mexico,” the — Kevin Baxter in a game in more than a year.
tralia, def. Franko Skugor, Croatia, and Austin Krajicek,
United States, 6-4, 7-6 (4). day the team was fined their facilities after a Chiefs Mountain West Conference Two days before the mur-
Nikola Mektic, Croatia, and Wesley Koolhof (6), Nether- $500,000, Gruden was staff member and a player said in a statement. . ... Con- The Ducks signed right ders, Martin was placed on a
lands, def. Casper Ruud, Norway, and Taylor Fritz, United
States, 6-4, 7-6 (1). docked $150,000 and the each from the Bears and necticut has suspended all wing Jacob Perreault, the mental-health hold in Riv-
Hubert Hurkacz, Poland, and Felix Auger-Aliassime, draft pick was stripped be- Texans tested positive for men’s basketball activities 27th pick in this year’s draft, erside after he admitted to Co-
Canada, def. Robert Farah, Colombia, and Horacio Zeballos
(1), Argentina, 6-3, 3-6, 10-6. cause of how the team han- COVID-19. after a player tested positive to a three-year entry-level rona police officers that he
Bruno Soares, Brazil, and Mate Pavic (2), Croatia, def. dled Trent Brown’s positive for the coronavirus. contract. choked his mother and
Sander Gille and Joran Vliegen, Belgium, 6-4, 7-6 (3).
Nicolas Mahut and Pierre-Hugues Herbert (5), France, coronavirus test last month. The season opener threatened her with scissors.
def. Matwe Middelkoop, Netherlands, and Marcelo Arevalo- Yahoo first reported the scheduled for Saturday be- Carson Strong threw for The family was having a se-
Gonzalez, El Salvador, 6-3, 7-6 (4).
Lukasz Kubot, Poland, and Marcelo Melo (4), Brazil, def. punishments. tween California and Wash- ETC. 411 yards and three touch- curity system installed on the
Jamie Murray and Neal Skupski, Britain, 6-2, 1-6, 10-6. Brown was placed back ington was canceled follow- downs as host Nevada beat day of the murders to protect
on the COVID-19 list Thurs- ing a request from the Gold- Betts, Trout win Utah State 34-9. them.
day for a second time this en Bears due to a positive co- In another Mountain The murder weapon, a
COLLEGE season because he still has ronavirus test for one of their Silver Slugger West game, Colorado State black baseball bat, was en-
FOOTBALL complications from the ill-
ness after a positive test last
Mookie Betts and Mike
defeated visiting Wyoming
graved with Martin’s name
and left at the scene.
West month. The game between Air Trout were given the Silver When authorities appre-
Nevada 34, Utah State 9 Force and Army scheduled Slugger award as the top hit- ESPN announced it was hended Martin the next day,
Colorado State 34, Wyoming 24 The NFL and the union for Saturday was postponed ters at their positions in eliminating about 500 jobs police records allege he body-
TODAY’S GAMES (All times Pacific) were investigating the San due to an increase in their respective leagues. worldwide, including about slammed a police dog and
San Jose State at San Diego State, 6 p.m.
Francisco 49ers and receiver COVID-19 cases at the Air Trout is the first player to 300 through layoffs. fought officers.
South Kendrick Bourne for pos- Force Academy and the sur- win the award eight times The cuts were largely be- Martin, 27, has been jailed
Miami at North Carolina State, 4:30 p.m.
sible violations of the rounding community. ... before his age-29 season. cause of the impact of the without bail in Riverside since
Brigham Young at Boise State, 6:45 p.m. league’s coronavirus proto- Games between Tulsa-Navy — Jorge Castillo pandemic on its business. his arrest.


Flores near the end zone for Hall of Fame

But for some reason, his “A lot of people want to
Long overlooked, name never came up.” give all the credit to Al,” said
Flores quarterbacked Hall of Fame cornerback
former Raiders coach the Raiders during their Mike Haynes, a defensive
seems a sure thing for inaugural 1960 season, fixture on the 1983 Raiders.
beating out 10 others at “But a lot of it was really
Canton’s class of 2021. training camp to do so. And Tom. How many coaches
when illness sidelined him could really get along great
for the 1962 season, he with Al, somebody calling
worked as a sportswriter, you at 2 o’clock in the morn-
writing columns about the ing? But it really didn’t
Tom Flores tried being a team for the Oakland Trib- affect Tom’s attitude. He
junior high teacher, but the une. knew how to manage his
students were too out of A strong work ethic was relationship with the play-
control. never an issue for Flores, ers, knew how to manage his
So he coached the who grew up in the tiny relationship with Mr. Davis,
Raiders instead. Central California town of and I really think that’s why
“I’ll never do that again,” Sanger and was the son of a we won so many games.”
the two-time Super Bowl sharecropper who arrived Perhaps most impres-
winning coach said of his from Mexico at age 12. sive in their out-of-nowhere
stint as a substitute teacher. “My dad was a quiet rise were the 1980 Raiders.
“Too many hormones going man, like I am,” he said. “My They lost starting quarter-
on on that campus. Holy mom and dad wanted us to back Dan Pastorini to injury
Toledo.” grow up speaking English, and replaced him with Jim
It was all part of his so that’s all we spoke at our Plunkett, got off to a 2-3
winding path that at long home. The only time we start, yet wound up the first
last has brought Flores to spoke Spanish is when we wild-card team to win a
the doorstep of the Pro went to see my grand- Super Bowl.
Football Hall of Fame, parents, but all but one of “Little by little it kept
where he almost certainly them died by the time I was getting better,” Flores said.
will be enshrined next sum- 5.” “Our defense started to
mer. Flores would go on to Associated Press peak. By the time we got to
Flores, 83, is the lone become an unassuming COACH TOM FLORES gets carried away by the Los Angeles Raiders after their the playoffs, we were on a
coach named a finalist for pioneer, the first Latino dominating 38-9 victory over Washington in Super Bowl XVIII in Tampa. roll, offense and defense. We
the class of 2021. He was head coach in the NFL, were peaking at the right
selected in August by the Super Bowl winner, and In the offseason, in fact, about Al when I was at in 1969. time.”
Hall’s coach committee and later with the Seattle Sea- he did. He sold fireworks. College of the Pacific and he That was Flores on the Among the legendary
is in a good position to be hawks, team president and “I’d mainly sell to the Boy was at USC,” Flores said. Chiefs sideline, shrouded in players on that Raiders
approved by the required general manager. Scouts, the Kiwanis, the “Some of the things I heard a full-length coat, making defense were John Ma-
80% of voters when the “Every time he and I Boys and Girls Clubs,” he were not very good. When sure Hank Stram didn’t get tuszak, Matt Millen, Lester
48-member panel convenes cross paths, he takes the said. “There’s like a 1,000% Wayne Valley asked me tangled in the phone lines. Hayes and a future Hall of
at the Super Bowl. time to talk with me,” said markup on fireworks. You’d about him, I said, ‘What I’ve Flores makes a cameo in Famer in linebacker Ted
“What am I going to do, Washington Football Team buy $100 worth and it would heard is he’s a different guy, those famous NFL Films Hendricks.
pat myself on the back? No,” coach Ron Rivera, who has cost them a dollar.” a tough guy.’ I think Wayne shots of a miked Stram “Hendricks was a domi-
Flores said. “The pat on the a profound appreciation for Like those pyrotechnics, liked that. That was the bouncing down the sideline, nating player,” Flores re-
back is when you see some- the trail Flores blazed. “This Flores’ playing career al- kind of guy he wanted, I urging his players to “ma- called. “He would be my
thing that you developed goes back to from when I most went up in smoke in guess.” triculate” the ball down the pick as the best overall
and it worked. Like the end was playing until now. I’ve 1962 when he contracted Davis would not only field. defensive player I coached.
of a Super Bowl game when always admired him, who he tuberculosis. coach the Raiders but For much of his career, He would make a tackle for
you’re ahead with two min- is, and what he’s accom- “I was in isolation for 10 would maneuver his way Flores operated in the shad- a sack, he’d block a punt,
utes left and they crack the plished.” days,” he said. “Doctors into becoming their control- ows of larger-than-life per- block a field goal, get an
champagne. What a great After a football career at didn’t know what I had. ling owner. sonalities. Few in sports interception, knock down
feeling that is.” Fresno City College and Finally, they discovered it Flores coached wide attracted a brighter spot- passes. And that’s all in one
It isn’t just Raiders who College — now University — was a form of tuberculosis receivers for the Raiders light than Davis, who never game.”
applauded the Hall of Fame of the Pacific, Flores was and that I wasn’t infectious. from 1972 to 1978, winning a let Flores feel too secure in For Flores, an indelible
news. Opponents did too. ready to give up on football We had no insurance in Super Bowl as part of John his job — even during that memory from that Super
“I’m just so glad he’s to become a teacher. But in those days and twins who Madden’s staff in 1976, and championship 1980 season. Bowl came in the waning
going in,” said former New 1960, an opportunity came were a year old. But I wasn’t taking over as head coach “There were rumors Al moments, when he was
York Giants quarterback along with the Oakland worried about surviving.” three years later. was going to fire me,” Flores approached by Raiders
Phil Simms, now a CBS Raiders of the fledgling When the Raiders Coaching the Raiders said. “Al might have consid- offensive line coach Sam
analyst. “It has to mean a lot American Football League, needed a new coach in 1963, first in Oakland then in Los ered doing it. It was only my Boghosian, who had a simi-
to him. He just kind of gets and he decided to give it one owner Wayne Valley asked Angeles, Flores led his second year as a head coach. lar humble background,
washed away in the history last try. Flores what he knew about teams to Super Bowl victo- I had some serious meetings having grown up in Fresno.
of the game. “It was never an issue of, a certain assistant coach of ries at the end of the 1980 with him, then he kind of “Not bad for a couple of
“Everybody else who ‘Oh no, what happens if this the San Diego Chargers, a and 1983 seasons. backed off and left me alone grape pickers, huh?”
wins two Super Bowls, ‘Oh doesn’t make it?’ ” he said. young up-and-comer But his first Super Bowl for a while to figure it out.” Boghosian said. “We’re
my god, they’ve won two. “I figured I’d just move on named Al Davis. ring came as backup The pressures of the job world champions.”
Put him in the Hall of Fame.’ and do something else.” “I remember hearing quarterback for Kansas City were not lost on his players. Not bad at all.

Tony Avelar Associated Press

GREEN BAY running back Tyler Ervin is tackled by 49ers free safety Jimmie
Ward in the first half, when the Packers jumped out to a 21-3 lead.

Rodgers, Packers clean up

against the depleted 49ers
Packers 34, 49ers 17 pride. We went out and ex-
Quarterback throws Green Bay ..............................7 14 10 3—34
San Francisco .........................3 0 0 14—17
ecuted the way we expected
for four touchdowns First Quarter
The Niners were missing
GB—D.Adams 36 pass from Rodgers (Crosby kick),
in a rout of team that 11:42.
SF—FG Gould 22, :47.
almost all their key pieces
from that title game because
had dominated them. Second Quarter
of injuries and a positive co-
GB—Lewis 1 pass from Rodgers (Crosby kick), 7:01.
GB—Valdes-Scantling 52 pass from Rodgers (Crosby ronavirus test for receiver
GREEN BAY 34 kick), 1:53. Kendrick Bourne that also
SAN FRANCISCO 17 Third Quarter
sidelined three of his team-
GB—Valdes-Scantling 1 pass from Rodgers (Crosby
kick), 7:17. mates for “high risk” con-
associated press GB—FG Crosby 19, 2:01. tacts.
Fourth Quarter
That left San Francisco
GB—FG Crosby 53, 6:15.
SANTA CLARA — Aaron SF—James 41 pass from Mullens (Gould kick), 5:00. without quarterback Jimmy
Rodgers threw for 305 yards SF—McKinnon 1 run (Gould kick), :04. Garoppolo (ankle), All-Pro
and four touchdowns and First downs ...................................21 17
tight end George Kittle
the Green Bay Packers over- Total Net Yards .............................405 337 (foot), running back Ra-
Rushes-yards ..........................31-111 17-55
whelmed the undermanned Passing.......................................294 282 heem Mostert (ankle), re-
San Francisco 49ers 34-17 on Punt Returns ................................0-0 1-13 ceivers Deebo Samuel
Kickoff Returns .............................1-5 6-135
Thursday night. Interceptions Ret. ........................1-17 0-0 (hamstring) and Brandon
Rodgers connected on Comp-Att-Int..........................25-31-0 22-35-1 Aiyuk (COVID-19 list), left
Sacked-Yards Lost .......................1-11 1-9
deep shots to Davante Punts .....................................3-51.3 4-54.8 tackle Trent Williams
Adams and Marquez Fumbles-Lost................................0-0 1-1 (COVID-19 list) and key de-
Penalties-Yards ...........................5-45 4-33
Valdes-Scantling, and a Time of Possession ....................36:30 23:30 fenders Nick Bosa (knee),
short toss to Marcedes Lew- Individual Leaders Dee Ford (back) and Rich-
is in the first half to get the RUSHING: Green Bay, Jones 15-58, Ervin 8-24, Taylor ard Sherman (calf).
1-9, Williams 2-8, Rodgers 1-7, Lovett 3-6, Boyle 1-(mi-
Packers (6-2) out to a 21-3 nus 1). San Francisco, McKinnon 12-52, Hasty 4-3, Mul- “We knew it was going to
lead over the Niners (4-5). lens 1-0. be a challenge,” 49ers coach
PASSING: Green Bay, Rodgers 25-31-0-305. San
It was quite a reversal Francisco, Mullens 22-35-1-291. Kyle Shanahan said. “We
from the two meetings last RECEIVING: Green Bay, D.Adams 10-173, Jones 5- knew at the start of the week
21, Ervin 4-48, Valdes-Scantling 2-53, Tonyan 1-5,
season when San Francisco Shepherd 1-3, Lewis 1-1, Sternberger 1-1. San Fran- it would be a challenge. Los-
After 32 years, the long wait is over for Dodgers fans. outscored Green Bay by a cisco, James 9-184, Dwelley 3-52, McKinnon 3-16, ing those three guys yester-
Cracraft 2-13, Hasty 2-10, T.Taylor 1-9, Juszczyk 1-4,
Commemorate an unforgettable season with our combined 50-0 in the first Reed 1-3.
day would be a bigger chal-
halves on the way to lop- lenge. I still thought we
Dodgers World Series Magazine. sided wins in the regular sea- could have a game.”
Now available on newsstands and at son and NFC title game. years I’ve seen in a long time, Packers star running
“It was a different game,” so it’s not the same football back Aaron Jones returned Rodgers said. “They’re obvi- team we saw twice last year, from a calf injury and made
ously depleted on both sides but they still have possibly an immediate impact,
of the ball. They’ve had prob- the best middle linebacker touching the ball on the first
ably one of the worst injury in the game and a lot of four plays to gain 37 yards.


Chargers seek NBA players

to calm waters OK Dec. 22
after big falls return date
passer rating and touchdown
By Jeff Miller pass percentage. Basketball Players Associ-
Herbert already has set or Union’s approval ation (NBPA) has tentatively
Bryan Bulaga is in his 10th
NFL season, one of which
matched numerous franchise
and league records for rook- Jack Dempsey Associated Press translates into saving approved a start date of De-
cember 22, 2020 for the 2020-
ended with a Super Bowl ies, each touchdown pass ROOKIE Justin Herbert (10) is fourth in the NFL NBA more than $500 2021 NBA season and a 72-
with 303.3 yards passing per game but is just 1-5.
Therefore, the veteran
seeming to arrive in the con-
text of history. million in revenue. game schedule,” the NBPA
said in a statement Thursday
right tackle is experienced He has connected for all right.” night. “Additional details re-
and accomplished enough to scores with four wide receiv- By Dan Woike main to be negotiated and the
properly capture what has ers, three tight ends and a STANDINGS What’s next? NBPA is confident that the
happened to the 2020 fullback. Three of those tar- The Chargers will take an- It was less than a month parties will reach agreement
Chargers. gets — Tyron Johnson, Don- West W L T Pct. PF PA
other shot at ending their ago that LeBron James stood on these remaining issues rel-
“We show some great ald Parham Jr. and Gabe Seattle 6 1 0 .857 240 199 AFC West losing streak Sun- in the center of a largely evant to the upcoming sea-
things,” Bulaga said. “And Nabers — never had caught a Arizona 5 2 0 .714 203 146 day against Las Vegas at SoFi empty arena, the Larry son.”
RAMS 5 3 0 .625 193 152
then, you know, things kind of touchdown pass in the NFL. San Francisco 4 5 0 .444 225 207 Stadium. This franchise O’Brien trophy cradled in his The Lakers’ final mo-
go haywire.” Herbert also led the Char- North W L T Pct. PF PA hasn’t won a division game right arm. ments in the bubble, which
Haywire. That’s not a bad gers in rushing in one game Green Bay
since the regular-season fina- “I can’t believe you center JaVale McGee cap-
way describe a situation in and has scored two touch- Detroit 3 4 0 .429 177 206 le in 2018. cheated on me for the last four tured for a video blog he up-
Minnesota 2 5 0 .286 183 214
which a team has squandered downs on the ground. That’s An eighth straight loss years,” James said. “What is dated throughout the restart,
South W L T Pct. PF PA
leads of at least 16 points in the same number as Clyde Tampa Bay 6 2 0 .750 247 165
came last weekend against wrong with you?” will be less than two months
four consecutive games. Edwards-Helaire, the NFL’s New Orleans 5 2 0 .714 206 197 the Broncos, matching the The honeymoon phase for old by the time the team re-
Carolina 3 5 0 .375 179 193
The Chargers have set a third-leading rusher. Atlanta 2 6 0 .250 209 224 NFL’s current longest streak. the rekindled relationship ports for training camp at the
new NFL standard for failing Despite all the produc- East W L T Pct. PF PA Detroit also has dropped could be ending sooner than start of December.
to close out victories, drop- tion, Herbert is 1-5, not unlike Philadelphia 3 4 1 .438 186 205 eight division games in a row. James and the Lakers ex- There were pockets of
Washington 2 5 0 .286 133 165
ping three of those games — a baseball pitcher with a Dallas 2 6 0 .250 185 266 After traveling to Miami to pected. NBA players who wanted a
one in the fourth quarter, one sub-2.00 ERA and a dreadful N.Y. Giants 1 7 0 .125 145 199 play on Nov. 15, the Chargers They’ve got work to get longer offseason — even NBA
in overtime and one on the record. He has stood tall and AMERICAN CONFERENCE return home to face the New back to. Commissioner Adam Silver
final play. shined, while, all around him, West W L T Pct. PF PA York Jets, the league’s only The NBPA, the union that said a December start
When this happens in a failure storm has swirled. Kansas City 7 1 0 .875 253 152 winless team. represents the league’s play- seemed unlikely — but the fi-
baseball, a relief pitcher usu- Las Vegas 4 3 0 .571 187 203 They then travel to Buf- ers, approved the NBA’s plan nancial concerns of an even
Denver 3 4 0 .429 147 183
ally loses his job. As for the What’s not? CHARGERS 2 5 0 .286 179 185 falo in Week 12 before return- to begin a 72-game season further abbreviated season
Chargers, they did trade On defense, the Chargers North W L T Pct. PF PA ing home for consecutive Dec. 22, saving more than were too great to extend the
Pittsburgh 7 0 0 1.000 211 142
away defensive back repeatedly have gone from Baltimore 5 2 0 .714 203 132 games against New England $500 million in revenue for a offseason.
Desmond King this week dominating to doubled over. Cleveland 5 3 0 .625 206 237 and Atlanta, two teams that league that’s had its finances Besides, some league offi-
Cincinnati 2 5 1 .313 194 214
before the deadline. But that After halftime, it’s as if South W L T Pct. PF PA
today look quite beatable. upended due to the COVID-19 cials would say, eight teams
was unrelated to the blown they’ve collapsed under the Indianapolis 5 2 0 .714 198 136 pandemic. The agreement haven’t played since March
leads. weight of too much prosper- Tennessee 5 2 0 .714 208 184 came after a vote of player and more than half the league
Houston 1 6 0 .143 166 217 What about the representatives. was done playing by Sept. 1.
With a little more than two ity. Jacksonville 1 6 0 .143 154 220
months remaining, the 2-5 The Chargers have East W L T Pct. PF PA division? “3.5 weeks. Get ready “Good to see the light right
Chargers enter Sunday des- outscored their opponents Buffalo 6 2 0 .750 198 199 The Kansas City Chiefs bros,” Nets guard Spencer now,” Hawks guard Trae
Miami 4 3 0 .571 188 130
perate to quiet the chaos. 101-72 in the first half but been New England 2 5 0 .286 136 167 lost at home to Las Vegas in Dinwiddie tweeted. Young, one of the players who
A look at where they stand outscored 113-78 thereafter. N.Y. Jets 0 8 0 .000 94 238 Week 5, a result that still The plan returns the hasn’t played since March,
heading into their final nine They have surrendered Thursday’s game sounds like a typo. Patrick league closer to its typical tweeted.
Green Bay 34, San Francisco 17
games: several big plays and at least Sunday’s schedule
Mahomes and the rest re- schedule. The league and the The NBA and the NBPA
as many long drives in a ca- Las Vegas at CHARGERS, 1:05 p.m. main very much in charge of NBPA need to still agree on still need to agree on some fi-
What’s working? cophony of bad execution Baltimore at Indianapolis, 10 a.m.
Carolina at Kansas City, 10
the division, sitting at 7-1. COVID-19 protocols for the nancial considerations, in-
Throughout training and poor communication. Chicago at Tennessee, 10 The Raiders are next at upcoming season, which will cluding the percentages of
Denver at Atlanta, 10
camp and into Week 2, the When the Chargers make Detroit at Minnesota, 10
4-3 and Sunday at SoFi Sta- almost entirely be played in salaries that will end up in an
Chargers’ plan was to not mistakes, each seems to blow Houston at Jacksonville, 10 dium will play only their sec- home markets (the same escrow account.
New York Giants at Washington, 10
play Justin Herbert, possibly up spectacularly. Seattle at Buffalo, 10 ond AFC West game. quarantine rules that pushed The league also still needs
all season. That plan now An example: a main rea- Miami at Arizona, 1:25 p.m. The Broncos (3-4) and the Toronto Blue Jays to Buf- to announce the offseason
Pittsburgh at Dallas, 1:25
seems extraordinarily sus- son they gave up the deciding New Orleans at Tampa Bay, 5:20 Chargers (2-5) are looking up falo, N.Y., will likely force the calendar with dates for op-
pect. touchdown on the final play Monday’s game at a long road back into con- Raptors to relocate). tions to be picked up, for
New England at New York Jets, 5:15 p.m.
The rookie quarterback Sunday in Denver was be- Byes: RAMS, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Philadelphia. tention. “The Board of Player Rep- trades to be consummated
has done nothing more than cause one of their defensive resentatives of the National and for free agency to begin.
perform well enough to look ends lined up on the wrong Etc.
like a franchise cornerstone side of the formation. Jr. is on injured reserve and Herbert appeared on the
who could be leading the “Our issue is maybe you defensive end Joey Bosa has Chargers’ official injury re-
Chargers into the 2030s and have 10 guys executing and battled four injuries. port Thursday because of a GOLF
beyond. one guy might not execute Edge rusher Melvin In- right shoulder problem but
After veteran Tyrod Tay-
lor was knocked out of the
lineup just before kickoff in
a certain play,” defensive
coordinator Gus Bradley
said. “And it’s not one par-
gram has missed three games
and so has defensive tackle
Justin Jones.
was a full participant in prac-
tice. Still, his situation is no-
table. ... Bosa did not practice
Snedeker drives into
Week 2, Herbert grabbed the
starting job as if it should
have belonged to him all
ticular guy. Maybe guys are
taking turns a little bit.
That’s what we’ve got to work
Beyond that, only the de-
fense’s collective perform-
ance has been ailing, espe-
and remains in concussion
protocol, putting in question
his status for Sunday. ... Run-
Houston lead with 65
along. on.” cially in the second half, ning back Troymaine Pope
He is fourth in the NFL The Chargers will be with- where the Chargers’ leads also is still in concussion pro- March.
associated press
with an average of 303.3 pass- out safety Derwin James all have gone to die. tocol. ... Bulaga (back), right “I think that’s a big reason
ing yards per game and season and have had line- “Just a couple Xs and O’s guard Trai Turner (groin) why I played well today,”
eighth in passer rating at backer Drue Tranquill for we gotta clean up,” Ingram and defensive end Isaac HOUSTON — Brandt Snedeker said. “I love having
104.5. For the month of Octo- only five snaps. said. “Make the little plays … Rochell (neck) all were lim- Snedeker found a lot of fair- fans out here. I kind of feed off
ber, he led the league in Cornerback Chris Harris if we do that, we’re going to be ited. ways and greens at difficult their energy.”
Memorial Park, top-ranked Johnson had a 72 — bogey-
Dustin Johnson returned ing five of the last seven holes
from the coronavirus, and on his front nine — in his re-
FARMER’S PICKS fans were back too Thursday turn after a positive co-
Titans 27, Bears 24 at the Houston Open. ronavirus test knocked him
The Times’ NFL writer, Sam Farmer, examines this Snedeker shot a five- out of the CJ Cup and the
TV: None. DirecTV: 711.
week’s matchups. Lines according to under-par 65 in the afternoon Zozo Championship.
Line: Titans by 61⁄2. O/U: 461⁄2.
(O/U = over/under). Last week’s record 8-6 (.571); season Titans are favored despite getting lit up to take a two-stroke lead in Jason Day was tied for sec-
82-36-1 (.695). Using point spreads with the scores by Cincinnati. The defense is struggling, CHI at TEN the last event before the Mas- ond at 67 with Scottie Schef-
Farmer predicted, the record against the spread would and the offense is nothing special. Teams (5-3) (5-2) ters. He’s one of 37 players in fler, Harold Varner III, Carlos
have been 7-7 (.500); season 66-52-1 (.559). Off: Rams, aren’t afraid of Chicago’s Nick Foles, but Sunday, 10 a.m. the field this week set to play Ortiz, Michael Thompson
Cincinnati, Cleveland, Philadelphia. Times Pacific: at least the defense is good. Close one. at Augusta National. and Cameron Davis.
“Drove it great,” Snedeker Brooks Koepka, playing
Giants 23, Washington 21 said. “Around this golf course for the second time since a
Falcons 27, Broncos 23 you have to be in the fairway, two-month layoff, had a 72, as
TV: None. DirecTV: 705. TV: None. DirecTV: 712. otherwise it’s going to be a did playing partner Jordan
Line: Falcons by 4. O/U: 50. Line: Washington by 21⁄2. O/U: 421⁄2. long day for you.” Spieth.
Drew Lock should get a confidence boost Washington is rested and can crank up The tournament — at pub- Koepka served as a con-
from the comeback win over the Char- DEN at ATL the heat on quarterbacks. But despite NYG at WAS
(1-7) (2-5) lic Memorial Park for the first sultant on course architect
gers. The Broncos have some young, (3-4) (2-6) their record, the Giants are a better time since 1963 — is limiting Tom Doak’s renovation.
Sunday, 10 a.m. all-around team that finally has some Sunday, 10 a.m.
dangerous weapons. Atlanta’s defense is ticket sales to 2,000 a day. “I think every time Jordan
terrible, but Matt Ryan pulls it out. offensive weapons. It’s the first domestic PGA hit it in the water, he told me
Tour event to have fans since that was my fault,” Koepka
Ravens 31, Colts 24 Raiders 31, Chargers 27 the Players Championship in said.
TV: Channel 2. DirecTV: 706. TV: Channel 11. DirecTV: 713.
Line: Ravens by 11⁄2. O/U: 471⁄2. Line: Chargers by 1. O/U: 511⁄2.
Hard to know what Colts have, as they’re
an offensive grab bag every week. The BAL at IND
The Chargers haven’t proved they can
win close games. The Raiders just went LV at LAC
Ravens figure to bounce back after the (5-2) (5-2) (4-3) (2-5) First-round results Thursday from the PGA Tour Vivint Stewart Cink ............... 37-35—72 +2
on the road and pulled off an impressive Houston Open at Memorial Park Golf Course, Houston Martin Laird ................ 35-37—72 +2
Pittsburgh loss, and Philip Rivers is too Sunday, 10 a.m. victory at Cleveland. Justin Herbert Sunday, 1:05 p.m. (par 72; suspended for darkness, nine players DNF): Charl Schwartzel ....... 34-38—72 +2
Robby Shelton ........... 35-37—72 +2
much a statue to avoid that rush. might throw for 400 and not get the W. Brandt Snedeker ....... 32-33—65 -5 Kelly Kraft ...................35-37—72 +2
Cameron Davis .......... 31-36—67 -3 Dustin Johnson .......... 34-38—72 +2
Michael Thompson .... 32-35—67 -3 C.T. Pan ......................34-38—72 +2
Texans 30, Jaguars 21 Cardinals 23, Dolphins 21 Scottie Scheffler ........
Harold Varner III ........
David Hearn ............... 34-39—73 +3
Jhonattan Vegas ........ 35-38—73 +3
TV: None. DirecTV: 707. TV: None. DirecTV: 714. Carlos Ortiz ................
Jason Day ...................
Lucas Glover .............. 34-39—73 +3
33-40—73 +3
Line: Texans by 7. O/U: 501⁄2. Line: Cardinals by 41⁄2. O/U: 49. Adam Long ................. 33-35—68 -2
Jordan Spieth .............
Nate Lashley .............. 36-37—73 +3
Kevin Streelman ........ 35-33—68 -2
Neither team is very good, but at least the It’s Arizona’s offense, which is No. 1 in Sam Burns ................. 35-33—68 -2
Jason Dufner .............. 37-36—73 +3
Tom Hoge ................... 34-39—73 +3
Texans have a quarterback who can put HOU at JAC yards per game, against a Miami defense MIA at ARI Talor Gooch ................ 34-34—68 -2 Vaughn Taylor ............ 33-40—73 +3
(4-3) (5-2) Sepp Straka ............... 32-36—68 -2 37-36—73 +3
points on the board. If the Texans can (1-6) (1-6) that leads in points allowed. What’s Scott Piercy ................ 34-34—68 -2
John Huh ....................
Jamie Lovemark ........ 34-39—73 +3
Sunday, 10 a.m. more, it’s Kyler Murray vs. Tua Tagov- Sunday, 1:25 p.m. Adam Scott ................. 31-37—68 -2
slow running back James Robinson, they Greg Chalmers .......... 35-33—68 -2
Chris Kirk ....................37-36—73 +3
ailoa, Nos. 1-2 in Heisman voting in 2018. Brian Stuard ............... 37-36—73 +3
should put the clamps on QB Jake Luton. Matt Jones .................. 35-34—69 -1 Zach Johnson ............ 34-39—73 +3
Russell Henley ........... 35-34—69 -1 Danny Lee .................. 34-40—74 +4
Denny McCarthy ........ 34-35—69 -1 Ollie Schniederjans ... 35-39—74 +4
Vikings 28, Lions 23 Steelers 34, Cowboys 16 Shane Lowry ..............
Tony Finau ..................
Sergio Garcia ............. 37-37—74 +4
Luke Donald ............... 35-39—74 +4
TV: None. DirecTV: 708. TV: Channel 2. DirecTV: 715. Corey Conners ...........
Patton Kizzire .............
Scott Stallings ............ 36-38—74 +4
Camilo Villegas .......... 36-38—74 +4
Line: Off. O/U: Off. Line: Steelers by 14. O/U: 411⁄2. Pat Perez .................... 34-35—69 -1 Max Homa .................. 36-38—74 +4
Mark Hubbard ............ 34-35—69 -1
The Colts exposed the Lions on defense, Teams are operating in different worlds, Graeme McDowell ..... 35-34—69 -1
Sungjae Im ................. 35-39—74 +4
Brice Garnett .............. 36-38—74 +4
but Detroit can still move the ball. The DET at MIN and the undefeated Steelers should roll. PIT at DAL Russell Knox .............. 34-35—69 -1 Kevin Stadler .............. 35-39—74 +4
Vikings are at home and they have a (3-4) (2-5) But, just like the Giants gave the Bucca- (7-0) (2-6) Scott Brown ................ 34-35—69 -1 Troy Merritt ................. 37-37—74 +4
Dylan Frittelli .............. 36-34—70 E Bo Van Pelt ................. 36-38—74 +4
modicum of confidence now, even though Sunday, 10 a.m. neers a scare, beware the trap game. Still, Sunday, 1:25 p.m. Hideki Matsuyama ..... 36-34—70 E Henrik Norlander ....... 40-35—75 +5
Fabian Gomez ........... 35-35—70 E Beau Hossler ............. 37-38—75 +5
it’s a lost season. Big day for Dalvin Cook. Dallas doesn’t have the firepower. J.T. Poston .................. 33-37—70 E Kramer Hickok ........... 35-40—75 +5
Martin Trainer ............. 36-34—70 E Andrew Putnam ......... 39-36—75 +5
Satoshi Kodaira ......... 36-34—70 E Michael Kim ................ 34-41—75 +5
Seahawks 28, Bills 21 Buccaneers 31, Saints 24 Aaron Wise ................. 35-35—70 E Ted Potter Jr. .............. 38-37—75 +5
Scott Harrington ........ 33-37—70 E Wyndham Clark ......... 36-39—75 +5
TV: None. DirecTV: 709. TV: Channel 4. Keegan Bradley ......... 36-34—70 E Kevin Tway .................. 35-40—75 +5
Viktor Hovland ........... 36-34—70 E
Line: Seahawks by 3. O/U: 55. Line: Buccaneers by 4. O/U: 501⁄2. Mackenzie Hughes ... 32-38—70 E
Adam Schenk ............ 35-40—75 +5
Emiliano Grillo ........... 37-38—75 +5
Tom Brady, who didn’t play well in the Francesco Molinari .... 33-37—70 E Xinjun Zhang .............. 37-39—76 +6
What happened to Buffalo’s defense? Kevin Chappell ........... 35-35—70 E Bo Hoag ...................... 35-41—76 +6
After a strong start, it’s been largely opener vs. Saints, has never been swept NO at TB Andrew Landry .......... 33-37—70 E
SEA at BUF Sung Kang .................. 36-40—76 +6
by a division opponent. Won’t happen (5-2) (6-2) Cameron Tringale ...... 33-37—70 E Phil Mickelson ............ 39-37—76 +6
missing the last month. The Seahawks (6-1) (6-2) Charley Hoffman ....... 35-36—71 +1 Ryan Armour .............. 38-38—76 +6
here, either. Watch for Tampa Bay to Sunday, 5:20 p.m. Si Woo Kim ................. 34-37—71 +1
will be able to run, and Russell Wilson is Sunday, 10 a.m. Hudson Swafford ....... 33-38—71 +1
Kyoung-Hoon Lee ..... 36-40—76 +6
playing at too high a level for Bills. scheme something for Antonio Brown. Austin Cook ................ 36-35—71 +1
Graham DeLaet ......... 37-39—76 +6
Hunter Mahan ............ 39-38—77 +7
Padraig Harrington .... 34-37—71 +1 Lee Westwood ........... 38-39—77 +7
Sean O’Hair ................ 37-34—71 +1 D.A. Points .................. 36-41—77 +7
35-36—71 +1
Chiefs 35, Panthers 28 Patriots 23, Jets 18 James Hahn ...............
Maverick McNealy ..... 36-35—71 +1
Jimmy Walker ............. 36-41—77 +7
Danny Willett .............. 40-37—77 +7
TV: None. DirecTV: 710. TV: ESPN. Erik Barnes ................
Doc Redman ..............
Tyler Duncan .............. 38-39—77 +7
Matthew NeSmith ...... 35-42—77 +7
Line: Chiefs by 101⁄2. O/U: 521⁄2. Line: Patriots by 7. O/U: 411⁄2. Brian Harman ............ 35-36—71 +1 Keith Mitchell .............. 42-36—78 +8
Erik van Rooyen ........ 36-35—71 +1 36-43—79 +9
The Chiefs toyed with the Jets last week. Two bad teams. The Patriots have lost Luke List ..................... 33-38—71 +1
Sam Ryder .................
Alex Noren .................. 36-43—79 +9
Patrick Mahomes-to-Travis Kelce was CAR at KC four in a row and are rudderless, but they NE at NYJ Tom Lewis ................... 36-35—71 +1 Bronson Burgoon ...... 39-40—79 +9
Tyrrell Hatton .............. 37-34—71 +1
unstoppable. The Panthers could be (3-5) (7-1) should be able to beat the Jets on muscle (2-5) (0-8) Branden Grace .......... 35-36—71 +1
Grayson Murray ......... 39-46—85 +15
Sunday, 10 a.m. Henrik Stenson .......... 37-35—72 +2 Did not finish: Kristoffer Ventura, Justin Harding,
getting Christian McCaffrey back. He’s memory alone. Bill Belichick finds a way Monday, 5:15 p.m.
Lanto Griffin ............... 34-38—72 +2 Dawie van der Walt, Isaiah Salinda, Patrick Rodgers,
rusty, but Chiefs have vulnerable run D. to pull off the win. Brooks Koepka .......... 36-36—72 +2 Sam Fidone, Will Gotrdon, Ben Willman, Kyle Hogan
B10 F R I DAY , N OV EM BE R 6, 2020 S LAT IMES. C OM

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Much cooler: A strong front will move in with much cooler air and locally gusty winds Friday through the Stormy West: Rain and mountain snow will spread south from Oregon
weekend. Most places will get the most significant rain since spring, starting late Friday night and continuing into Northern and Central California as a storm generates strong wind
at times Saturday. Snow levels will lower to near 5,000 feet. A second wave of the storm system will swing over the Southwest. Showers will dampen parts of Florida. Unseason-
through on Sunday with additional showers. ably warm and dry weather will cover most other parts of the country.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts
Today 75/55 75/49 72/54 60/18 91/56 28/21
Cooler Cooler Cooler Partly sunny; cooler Partly sunny
Saturday Rain 60/49 A few showers 55/45 Rain 59/49 Windy 35/15 A shower 64/47
Sunday A few showers 60/42 Showers 56/39 A few showers 59/44 Snow, 1-3” 32/7 A shower 62/45
Monday Sunny; cool 63/44 Sunny; cool 62/41 Sunny; cool 61/43 Sun; cold 37/8 Sunny; cool 69/46
Tuesday Mostly sunny 65/46 Mostly sunny 64/43 Mostly sunny 63/46 Mostly sunny 43/13 Mostly sunny 70/48

Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available
Santa Clarita South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality
BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 77/47 Hesperia 52/40 Chicago
Santa Ojai 73/49 LOS ANGELES CO. 76/41 72/52
Barbara 75/46 Simi Valley New York
71/48 76/50 75/50
Burbank Monrovia 69/55
Ventura Camarillo 73/51
69/52 70/50 78/51 Denver
Pomona/ Yucca Valley
UCLA 82/44 74/50
Westlake 74/54 L.A. Downtown Fairplex Ontario San Bernardino Las Vegas
68/52 Woodland 75/55 80/52 82/49 Los Angeles
Village 79/53 86/54
Hills Whittier 75/55
76/48 Chino
79/46 Miami
Santa Monica Hills 82/55 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO. Houston
72/54 76/56 Fullerton 80/48 84/77
Surf and sea 75/57
POINT CONCEPTION TO MEXICO 72/57 Santa Ana U.S. cities
Inner waters: Wind southwest 5-10 Long 74/57 ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm
knots, becoming west at 15-25 knots Beach Newport Irvine 82/47 Springs High 100 in Chino, Calif. ETA
in the afternoon. Wind waves 2-4 71/57 Beach 75/57 91/56 Low 12 in Boulder, Wyo.
feet; swell south and west 3-6 feet. Mission Viejo
71/58 Temecula Thursday Today Thursday Today
Surf zone: The risk for strong rip Laguna 76/55 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
currents is high for Santa Barbara, 79/49
Beach San Albany 64 45 -- 67 42 Su Seattle 55 54 .48 52 40 Pc
Ventura, L.A., Orange and San Diego 72/57 Clemente Albuquerque 75 45 -- 71 49 Pc Tampa 87 67 -- 86 73 Pc
72/55 SAN DIEGO CO. Anchorage 21 6 -- 28 21 Pc Tucson 94 57 -- 92 70 Pc
Oceanside Aspen 65 30 -- 63 36 Pc Tulsa 76 51 -- 74 52 Su
Atlanta 71 47 -- 73 59 Pc Washington, D.C. 69 47 -- 74 49 Su
County Height Period Direction Temp Sun and moon 76/56 Austin 82 47 -- 80 50 Pc Wichita 73 46 -- 70 54 Su
Santa Barbara 3-6’ 19 sec W 64 Baltimore 71 38 -- 72 45 Su
Today’s rise/set
Ventura 3-6’ 19 sec W 65 Escondido Ramona Boise 76 44 -- 69 38 Cy World
Los Angeles 3-6’ 18 sec W 64 Los Angeles Co. Orange Co. Ventura Co. 79/51 79/47 Boston 70 46 -- 66 49 Pc Acapulco 87 71 -- 87 74 Pc
Orange 3-5’ 16 sec SSW 63 Sun 6:18a/4:56p 6:16a/4:55p 6:22a/4:59p Buffalo 67 56 -- 65 49 Su Amsterdam 55 39 .12 53 37 Pc
Moon 9:45p/11:42a 9:44p/11:40a 9:49p/11:47a Poway
San Diego 3-5’ 18 sec SSW 71 Burlington, Vt. 67 53 -- 65 48 Hz Athens 70 61 -- 67 58 Pc
76/56 Charleston, S.C. 78 56 -- 78 64 Pc Bangkok 90 77 -- 90 78 Su
Charlotte 72 36 -- 74 54 Pc Barcelona 64 52 -- 67 61 W
Tides San Diego Chicago 71 57 -- 72 52 Su Berlin 52 36 -- 54 41 Pc
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. 72/61 Cincinnati 66 49 -- 69 44 Su Cabo San Lucas 91 69 -- 90 69 Su
Nov. 8 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 30
Today 11:27a 5.0 Hi 7:56p 0.6 Lo Cleveland 70 53 -- 71 48 Su Cairo 77 67 -- 75 63 Pc
------ Hi ------ Lo Columbia, S.C. 77 39 -- 77 59 Pc Dubai 89 73 -- 92 72 Hz
Sat. 12:46p 4.7 Hi 9:10p 0.6 Lo
Almanac Columbus 68 43 -- 70 42 Su Dublin 49 41 .01 52 43 Pc
Thursday Downtown readings Dallas/Ft.Worth 78 58 -- 76 54 Su Havana 82 73 .14 82 71 Sh
------ Hi ------ Lo Denver 77 46 -- 74 50 Pc Ho Chi Minh City 93 77 -- 90 78 R
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Precipitation Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Detroit 66 52 -- 68 48 Su Hong Kong 82 70 -- 82 73 Hz
UV index High/low 91/59 95/57 91/67 24-hour total (as of 4 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 El Paso 85 56 -- 81 55 Cy Istanbul 63 52 .09 62 53 W
Minutes to burn for sensitive people Normal high/low 75/55 75/52 72/50 Season total (since Oct. 1) 0.00 Trace 0.03 Eugene 61 54 .11 52 34 R Jerusalem 64 59 .19 64 54 Pc
High/low a year ago 80/53 80/49 69/5 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fort Myers 85 67 Tr 84 73 Ts Johannesburg 74 57 .30 79 59 Hz
Las Vegas, 45 Phoenix, 45
Record high/date 94/2012 96/2012 98/1976 Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 0.80 1.01 0.99 Hartford 71 44 -- 72 45 Pc Kuala Lumpur 89 76 .25 88 75 Ts
Los Angeles, 45 San Francisco, 60 Record low/date 41/1881 43/2011 40/1956 Humidity (high/low) 74/14 74/15 89/25 Honolulu 86 75 .05 86 75 Pc Lima 69 61 -- 67 61 Pc
Houston 81 57 -- 79 57 Su London 50 35 .02 53 41 Fg
California cities Indianapolis 69 50 -- 70 45 Su Madrid 55 46 .71 68 53 R
Thursday Today Saturday Thursday Today Saturday Thursday Today Saturday Jacksonville, Fla. 77 62 .14 78 68 Pc Mecca 96 72 -- 92 71 Hz
Kansas City 75 52 -- 72 54 Su Mexico City 72 41 -- 72 46 Pc
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Knoxville 67 38 -- 72 46 Pc Milan 63 51 -- 62 44 Pc
Anaheim xx xx xx 77 56 61 51 L.A. Int’l. Airport 88 58 -- 70 56 60 51 San Diego 89 59 -- 72 61 65 58 Las Vegas 86 60 -- 86 54 Pc Montreal 70 30 -- 62 49 Cy
Avalon/Catalina 85 55 -- 67 52 56 50 Laguna Beach 78 53 -- 72 57 60 55 San Francisco 80 55 -- 61 48 60 49 Louisville 69 49 -- 72 46 Su Moscow 46 45 .23 45 39 Pc
Bakersfield 73 52 -- 70 49 55 46 Lancaster 82 38 -- 79 44 53 39 San Gabriel xx xx xx 77 52 57 46 Medford 73 43 -- 54 40 R Mumbai 95 79 -- 95 76 Su
Barstow 86 52 -- 85 50 58 43 Long Beach 95 58 -- 71 57 62 51 San Jose 79 53 -- 61 45 60 45 Memphis 72 52 -- 75 57 Su New Delhi 84 59 -- 87 57 Hz
Big Bear Lake 68 32 -- 60 18 35 15 Mammoth Lakes 66 19 -- 57 17 37 15 San Luis Obispo 92 59 -- 67 47 59 48 Miami 85 75 .68 84 77 Ts Paris 54 39 -- 54 45 Su
Bishop 80 37 -- 75 34 51 25 Mission Viejo 91 64 -- 76 55 59 52 Santa Ana 87 59 -- 74 57 63 53 Milwaukee 71 54 -- 68 54 Pc Prague 48 36 -- 48 31 Pc
Burbank 93 59 -- 73 51 56 45 Monrovia 92 65 -- 78 51 56 46 Santa Barbara 89 47 -- 71 48 61 45 Minneapolis 66 45 -- 72 58 Su Rome 68 57 -- 68 49 Su
Camarillo 96 55 -- 70 50 60 47 Monterey 86 50 -- 60 46 57 47 Santa Clarita 88 60 -- 77 47 55 42 Nashville 71 44 -- 74 49 Su Seoul 61 34 .01 62 53 Pc
Chatsworth 95 63 -- 75 50 55 44 Mt. Wilson xx xx xx 65 38 43 32 Santa Monica Pier 87 57 -- 72 54 59 49 New Orleans 75 53 -- 76 67 Su Singapore 90 77 -- 87 77 Ts
Chino 100 52 -- 82 55 60 46 Needles 92 65 -- 91 60 68 46 Santa Paula 98 54 -- 73 49 60 44 New York 67 52 -- 69 55 Su Taipei City 78 68 .10 86 79 W
Dana Point 83 55 -- 72 57 60 53 Newport Beach 74 57 -- 71 58 61 56 Santa Rosa 85 43 -- 61 36 64 37 Norfolk 75 50 -- 69 58 Pc Tokyo 66 54 -- 65 58 Pc
Death Valley 91 58 -- 95 58 68 48 Northridge 96 63 -- 79 46 55 43 Simi Valley 93 75 -- 76 50 56 42 Oklahoma City 74 46 -- 72 51 Su Vancouver 52 50 .10 49 37 Su
Del Mar 72 56 -- 71 59 62 57 Oakland 80 53 -- 64 48 61 49 Tahoe Valley 71 25 -- 48 17 37 17 Omaha 76 35 -- 74 56 Su Vienna 54 45 -- 50 34 Su
Escondido 96 57 -- 79 51 58 50 Oceanside 88 45 -- 76 56 63 45 Temecula 92 54 -- 79 49 54 45 Orlando 84 66 .02 84 71 Pc
Eureka 62 51 .01 53 42 53 42 Ojai 97 47 -- 75 46 59 41 Thousand Oaks 94 75 -- 73 50 58 45 Philadelphia 69 43 -- 72 49 Su Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Fallbrook 96 69 -- 76 51 58 48 Ontario 94 54 -- 79 53 56 47 Torrance 88 62 -- 72 57 61 52 Phoenix 99 62 -- 94 70 Pc foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz;hazy Sh
Fresno 76 51 -- 64 46 58 45 Palm Springs 98 72 -- 91 56 64 47 UCLA 92 62 -- 74 54 60 49 Pittsburgh 69 40 -- 70 42 Su showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow; Sf
snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy; Tr
Fullerton 95 57 -- 75 57 61 50 Pasadena 96 63 -- 76 51 56 45 Van Nuys 96 62 -- 75 49 59 47 Portland, Ore. 61 59 .46 53 37 R trace. Notes: National extremes exclude Alaska
Hemet 92 48 -- 82 47 55 43 Paso Robles 83 39 -- 65 41 61 39 Ventura 91 67 -- 69 52 59 48 Providence 69 43 -- 70 46 Su and Hawaii. Missing data indicated by “xx”.
Hesperia 82 51 -- 76 41 51 38 Pomona/Fairplex xx xx xx 80 52 57 46 Whittier Hills 96 49 -- 76 56 61 50 Raleigh/Durham 74 40 -- 73 56 Pc
Huntington Beach 82 52 -- 71 58 61 55 Redding 83 45 -- 60 40 62 37 Woodland Hills 97 57 -- 79 46 56 42 Reno 74 34 -- 56 30 W
Idyllwild 80 57 -- 68 35 41 36 Riverside 95 56 -- 80 48 55 39 Wrightwood 68 49 -- 64 36 38 30 Richmond 72 41 -- 71 51 Pc Forecasts by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2020
Irvine 87 55 -- 75 57 61 53 Sacramento 81 46 -- 65 40 61 40 Yorba Linda 96 63 -- 78 54 58 50 St. Louis 75 52 -- 75 51 Su
L.A. D’ntown/USC 91 59 -- 75 55 60 49 San Bernardino 93 58 -- 82 49 55 45 Yosemite Valley 78 48 -- 60 27 44 30 Salt Lake City 74 44 -- 75 53 Pc

Breeders’ Cup opens with kids’ day
in New Mexico.
NEXT: NOV. 15 VS. SEATTLE, 1:25 P.M., CHANNEL 11 Juvenile heads today’s “I’ve been very fortunate
to train for the Robisons for
RAMS card at Keeneland, a very long time,” Asmussen
with unbeaten Jackie’s said. “The association
LAS VEGAS started at Sunland Park in
1:05 Warrior the favorite. El Paso, Texas. We’ve had
Ch. 11 some very good horses, but
CHARGERS By John Cherwa Jackie’s Warrior is easily the
at The Breeders’ Cup, horse Horse racing connec-
Vancouver racing’s year-end corona- tions treat talking about the
3:30 tion, is hoping to carve out a Derby at the end of the previ-
GALAXY small space in the sports ous year much like some
landscape for two days baseball announcers treat a
PORTLAND starting Friday, a couple of Mark Humphrey Associated Press no-hitter.
3:30 weeks after the World Series THERE ARE FIVE Breeders’ Cup races today at When Nyquist won the
FS1 and a week before the Keeneland in Lexington, Ky., with nine Saturday. Juvenile in 2015, immediately
LAFC Masters. Not to mention two after the race, owner Paul
Shade denotes home game months after the Kentucky $35 million, but in light of the points-earning road started Reddam was asked by Laffit
Derby. pandemic and the associ- before the running of the Pincay III of NBC what he
Keeneland Racecourse in ated loss of revenue, the in- 2020 Kentucky Derby, when thought about the horse’s
Lexington, Ky., will host the crease was tabled for a year. the Iroquois Stakes was run prospects for the Derby.
14-race, $31-million event Next year, the Breeders’ Cup on the Derby undercard. “When is the Derby?”
that in the racing world is will be held at Del Mar. The Breeders’ Cup Ju- Reddam deadpanned.
TODAY ON THE AIR more important but less rec- The format changed two venile is the cornerstone of Asmussen also wouldn’t
ognizable than the Ken- years ago when it was held at Friday’s card, with 20 Derby go near talking about next
TIME EVENT ON THE AIR tucky Derby. Like most Churchill Downs, whereby points and a good shot at the year’s Triple Crown race.
AUTO RACING sports, it will be held without the five races Friday are all Eclipse Award for best male “We’ve got a lot on our
5 p.m. NASCAR, Truck Series, Lucas Oil 500 TV: FS1 the general public. Only es- for 2-year-olds. Older horses 2-year-old awaiting the win- plate right now, and that’s
COLLEGE FOOTBALL sential personnel and par- race Saturday, culminating ner. our focus,” Asmussen said.
4:30 p.m. Miami at North Carolina State TV: ESPN ticipants, which means own- in the $6-million Classic. As for a better Kentucky The 11⁄16-mile Juvenile has
6 p.m. San Jose State at San Diego State TV: CBSSN ers, trainers and jockeys, will The thinking is Friday Derby shot, not so much. a field of 14, with Jackie’s
6:45 p.m. Brigham Young at Boise State TV: FS1 be allowed on the grounds. would be the hype day for In the 36-year history of Warrior as the 7-5 morning-
COLLEGE SOCCER The total purse was sup- next year’s road to the Ken- the Breeders’ Cup, only line favorite. Normally, the
1 p.m. Virginia Tech at Virginia TV: FSW posed to increase this year to tucky Derby. In fact, the 2021 twice has the same horse field has several Southern
won the Juvenile and the California-based horses,
4 p.m. Louisville at Notre Dame TV: FSW
Derby: Street Sense (2006, some with a good chance of
5 p.m. Duke at North Carolina TV: ACC
2007) and Nyquist (2015, winning. Not so this year.
COLLEGE WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL WEEKEND SOCCER ON TV 2016). Only six times have Six-time Derby winner
4 p.m. Texas Christian at Oklahoma TV: Prime Some of the best televised matches from Europe this week- horses who have run, but not Bob Baffert has a one-time
4 p.m. South Carolina at Tennessee TV: SEC end will take place long before the sun rises in the Pacific necessarily won, in the Ju- starter, Classier, as his only
GOLF time zone. But if you can’t get up for those, a top-of-the-table venile gone on to win the entrant at 12-1.
7 a.m. Women’s Dubai Moonlight Classic, final round TV: Golf clash in France will kick off at a manageable hour. Derby. “He’s lightly raced, but he
10 a.m. Houston Open, second round TV: Golf The yoke of pressure and could be a superstar,” said
1 p.m. Champions Tour, Charles Schwab Cup, first round TV: Golf Ligue 1: After a slow start, Paris St.-Germain (7-2-0) has sky-high expectations Fri- Baffert, who has won this
2 a.m. (Sat.) PGA European Tour, Cyprus Showdown, third TV: Golf caught fire, winning seven straight in league play while day belongs to Jackie’s War- race four times. “It’s a tough
round outscoring opponents 23-1. That’s taken it back to the top of rior, unbeaten in four races, race.”
HORSE RACING the standings, where it is protecting a three-point lead over including two Grade 1 wins. Also shipping in from
10 a.m. America’s Day at the Races TV: Prime third-place Rennes (5-1-3) heading into Saturday’s match in “He’s the most accom- California is Rombauer
Parc des Princes (BeIN Sports, noon PST). PSG’s Kylian plished [2-year-old] I’ve had (15-1) for trainer Michael Mc-
11 a.m. Breeders’ Cup Series: Future Stars Friday TV: NBCSN
Mbappe leads the league with seven goals. to this point,” said Hall of Carthy. He has one win and a
2:30 p.m. Trackside Live! TV: TVG
Fame trainer Steve As- second in the American
6 p.m. The Quarters, Los Alamitos TV: TVG
EPL: While much of the early-season focus in England has mussen, who has had his Pharoah at Santa Anita in
PREP FOOTBALL been on the teams from Liverpool, Chelsea (3-1-3) has begun share of good horses but has his three starts. Hot Rod
5 p.m. St. Thomas Aquinas (Fla.) vs. American Heritage TV: ESPN2 climbing up the standings by earning points in five straight not won the Kentucky Derby Charlie (30-1) for Doug
(Fla.) matches. It will put that streak on the line against winless with 20 starters. O’Neill is also entered. He
SOCCER Sheffield United (0-6-1) on Saturday (Channel 4, Universo, “We’ve had some really broke his maiden in his
9 a.m. Turkey, Gaziantep vs. Besiktas TV: beIN1, beINes 9:30 a.m. PST). On Sunday second-place Leicester City (5- nice ones, but he’s the first to fourth try at Santa Anita on
Noon France, Strasbourg vs. Marseille TV: beIN1 2-0) has a chance to move into first with a win over Wolver- win the Saratoga Special, Oct. 2.
Noon Spain, Elche vs. Celta TV: beINes hampton (4-2-1) at home (NBCSN, Telemundo, 6 a.m. PST). Hopeful [Stakes] and The horse thought to
1:30 p.m. Ecuador, Quito vs. Orense TV: GOLTV Champagne [Stakes] since have the best shot to beat
4 p.m. Ecuador, Olmedo vs. Barcelona TV: GOLTV While you were sleeping: If you have insomnia, work nights Dehere did it [in 1993]. Obvi- Jackie’s Warrior is Reinvest-
5:30 p.m. Mexico, Puebla vs. Atletico San Luis TV: TUDN R: 1330 or just like recording the action, two games will begin in the ously, he’s a very accom- ment Risk (9-2) for Chad
wee hours that might be worth checking out. In the Premier plished 2-year-old. We’re Brown. He finished second
7:30 p.m. Mexico, Juarez vs. America TV: KFTR, TUDN,
UniMas R: 1330 League, Everton (4-2-1), which has fallen to fourth with con- very proud of that.” to Jackie’s Warrior in both
secutive road losses, returns to Goodison Park on Saturday The horse was purchased the Hopeful and Cham-
4:30 a.m. England, Everton vs. Manchester United TV: NBCSN
to face a Manchester United (2-3-1) team that hasn’t scored a for $95,000, a pittance in to- pagne.
league goal since Oct. 17 (NBCSN, Universo, 4:30 a.m. PST). day’s high-priced auctions, Other Breeders’ Cup
In Serie A, Cristiano Ronaldo and unbeaten Juventus (3-0-3) at the Keeneland sale as a races Friday are the Juvenile
5 a.m. ATP Paris Masters, quarterfinals, singles and TV: Tennis yearling for Kirk and Judy Turf Sprint, Juvenile Turf,
travel to Rome on Sunday to meet Lazio (3-2-1), which has six
doubles Robison, originally from Juvenile Fillies and Juvenile
goals in its last two league games, both wins (ESPN De-
5 a.m. (Sat.) ATP Paris Masters, singles, first semifinal TV: Tennis California but who now live Fillies Turf.
portes, ESPN2, 3:30 a.m. PST).

CALENDAR F R I D A Y , N O V E M B E R 6 , 2 0 2 0 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L E N D A R

young woman
Lawrance) is at
the mercy of
for loss
her in-laws in
Review, E2.

as 500
jobs go
Disney-owned outlet
blames pandemic;
Lionsgate will slash
15% of film staff.
By Stephen Battaglio

ESPN is slashing 500 jobs

as cost pressures from the
COVID-19 pandemic are ac-
celerating the sports media
company’s move into
The cuts, which include
300 layoffs, were revealed
Thursday in a memo from
Jimmy Pitaro, president of
the Walt Disney Co.-owned
unit. In addition to the lay-
offs, another 200 open posi-
tions will be eliminated, the
company said. ESPN has
more than 5,000 employees
“Prior to the pandemic,
we had been deeply engaged
in strategizing how best to
position ESPN for future
success amidst tremendous
disruption in how fans con-
sume sports,” Pitaro said in
the memo viewed by The
Times. “The pandemic’s sig-
nificant impact on our busi-
ness clearly accelerated
those forward-looking dis-
The company, based in
Bristol, Conn., did not speci-

fy which areas would be af-
fected, but people familiar
with the plans who were not
authorized to discuss the
matter publicly said the cuts
would be across different
The memo did not speci-
IFC Midnight fy when the layoffs would
take effect but said employ-
ees “will be learning about
their future” over the next
For the few weeks.
ESPN lost a massive

[See ESPN, E2]
ith the gaslighting thriller
“Kindred,” writer-director Joe
creators of At the same time, McColgan was having the oppo-
site problem. “His wife was having twins and they
Marcantonio paints a portrait of
an expectant mother manipu-
gaslighting were born super premature,” said Marcantonio.
“Like if it’d been a couple of weeks earlier, they
Oddballs might
lated to the brink of insanity
by her late boyfriend’s family. thriller wouldn’t have made it. They were in the hospital for
two months in incubators. So the weird position that
just grow on you
Although the film centers on the experiences of a we were both in really fed into the themes of what was A kidney donation
pregnant woman, the writing was heavily informed ‘Kindred,’ the going on in the film.”
might make for odd
comedy, but CBS’ “B
by the experiences of the two male writers. “Kindred” stars up and comer Tamara Lawrance Positive” just needs
While working on the first draft of the script with
co-writer Jason McColgan, Marcantonio and his wife
challenges of as Charlotte, a young woman with no worldly attach-
ments who becomes unexpectedly pregnant and
time to mature. E3

Haunting sound
were preparing for the arrival of their second child.
Although they had planned for a home birth, the
having kids are forced to carry the baby to term. She has no designs
on being a mother, but after the tragic death of her of ‘November’
baby was more than two weeks late. “The doctors Phillip Youmans’ film
kept trying to force us to go into the hospital to have a truly terrifying boyfriend, she is taken in by his overbearing mother
Margaret (played by Fiona Shaw) and stepbrother transforms a Claudia
C-section,” he recalled. “We woke up the day before Thomas (Jack Lowden) who’ve completely inserted Rankine play into a
they were going to force us to come in and my wife By Sonaiya Kelley themselves into her pregnancy. “choreopoem” on
white privilege. E3
went into labor right then and there. We basically de- The film draws obvious comparison to the genre
livered my daughter ourselves on the bedroom floor. classic “Rosemary’s Baby,” and while Marcantonio Comics ................... E4-5
So that was quite a traumatic thing to go through.” admits it was on his mind dur- [See ‘Kindred,’ E2] What’s on TV .......... E6


A human side to Headed for the checkout line

the final frontier How America
Ferrera’s departure
from ‘Superstore’
both natural ease and total
An astronaut journeys concentration. Later at alters a love story.
home, running and playing
through her own inner with her 7-year-old daugh- By Ashley Lee
space in director Alice ter, Stella (Zélie Boulant-
Lemesle), she seems to be Warning: The following
Winocour’s ‘Proxima.’ undergoing a different kind story contains spoilers from
of test, steeling herself for a Thursday’s episode of
year away from the most im- “Superstore,” “California,
portant person in her soon- Part 2.”
to-expand universe. Back in February, Ameri-
At the beginning of A little while later, Sarah ca Ferrera stunned “Super-
“Proxima,” a beautifully hu- will meet the other astro- store” fans by announcing
man-scaled movie about a nauts who will join her on the her departure from the NBC
great leap into the unknown, International Space Sta- sitcom. The producer and
Sarah (Eva Green), a tion, including an American, star was scheduled to make
French astronaut, under- Mike (an excellent Matt Dil- her final appearance in the
goes a series of intense phys- lon), who introduces her to a Season 5 finale, which was
ical tests in preparation for small crowd with a boorish scuttled when the COVID-19
her first voyage into space. crack about French women pandemic led production to
It’s a grueling regimen, but being good cooks. Sarah, a shut down in the spring.
Sarah, who is Mars-bound, dab hand at deflecting sex- Instead, the season
has been training for it her ism and maintaining her ended with the last episode
whole life: She squeezes her professional composure, they were able to shoot: a
lean, limber body through takes the microphone and hopeful cliffhanger, in which
tight spaces and into me- expresses her excitement at Greg Gayne NBC Amy (Ferrera) got a new job
chanical constraints as re- being on board. In these AMERICA FERRERA received a rewritten story line for her last season on the with the store’s parent com-
quired, her eyes signaling [See ‘Proxima,’ E6] NBC sitcom “Superstore” after a hiatus in production because of the pandemic. [See Ferrera, E6]


The thrill is gone away, baby reports

The acting is superb,
but the rest? ‘Kindred’
the loss
aims to be terrifying,
but it’s far too timid. of 500
By Noel Murray

The long, dark shadow

of “Rosemary’s Baby” dulls
the effect of “Kindred,” an
artfully made but plainly
derivative psychological [ESPN, from E1]
thriller about an expectant amount of its programming
mother who begins to sus- this year as the shutdown
pect she’s being manipu- related to the novel co-
lated by nefarious forces. ronavirus crisis truncated
Writer-director Joe Marcan- its lineup of NBA, Major
tonio and co-writer Jason League Baseball and other
McColgan bring some fresh sports. The NBA Playoffs
subtext to a familiar story, were moved into the fall,
though not strongly enough putting them in competi-
to compensate for an ap- tion with other events,
proach to the horror genre which cut into their ratings.
that’s ultimately more taste- Pitaro’s memo noted
ful than terrifying. that the company had al-
“Kindred” works best as ready taken cost-cutting
a showcase for three superb steps such as executive and
performances. Tamara Law- talent salary reductions,
rance is a revelation as Char- furloughs and budget cuts.
lotte, who becomes pregnant At the same time, the
right before she and her shutdowns that have oc-
boyfriend Ben are planning IFC Midnight curred as the country deals
to move from rural England MARGARET (Fiona Shaw, left) takes an interest in Charlotte’s (Tamara Lawrance) baby in “Kindred.” with rising COVID-19 infec-
to Australia. When Ben suf- tions have driven more con-
fers a fatal accident, Char- forced by circumstance to her as “Ben’s baby” and — sumers to streaming serv-
lotte reluctantly relocates become housemates? Both under the guise of compas- ices, speeding the transition
to the sprawling, crumbling ‘Kindred’ For your safety Shaw and Lowden have sion — keep suggesting that from traditional television.
estate of Ben’s mother, Mar- standout scenes opposite she’s incapable of making ESPN has successfully
garet (Fiona Shaw), and his Not rated The Times is committed Lawrance, delivering riv- her own decisions. It shows launched a streaming prod-
stepbrother Thomas (Jack Running time: 1 hour, 40 to reviewing theatrical eting monologues about the some admirable restraint uct — its service ESPN+
Lowden). There, her aloof minutes film releases during the tragedies this old British that Marcantonio and Mc- has 8.5 million subscribers
hosts attend to her every COVID-19 pandemic. manor has seen. In those Colgan don’t get too heavy- — but still gets the bulk of its
Playing: In limited release
need, supplying her with a
where theaters are open; Because moviegoing moments, Charlotte wavers handed with the race angle. revenue from fees paid by
strange-tasting tea while also available on VOD carries risks during this between genuine sympathy That said, much like the cable and satellite opera-
keeping her from asking too time, we remind readers for Margaret and Thomas film’s at-times frustrating tions that carry its chan-
many questions about her to follow health and safety and quietly scheming to see if narrative ambiguity, the nels.
prenatal care. son with a grandchild. guidelines as outlined by she can turn their vulnerabil- choice to keep the themes Cord-cutting and a shift
Shaw and Lowden are But Marcantonio and the CDC and local health ity to her advantage — per- subtle means that “Kindred” by younger consumers away
fantastic foils for Lawrance, McColgan push the vagaries officials. haps by getting them to start often comes across as way from TV subscriptions con-
who has a tricky role to play. of Charlotte’s situation too treating her more as a per- too timid. Unlike “Rose- tinue to erode that revenue
As a woman who’s in a vul- far. They purposefully alter- out settling these questions, son and less as the host body mary’s Baby” — a sharp source. Households with
nerable situation — grieving nate between suggesting the the more it inadvertently di- for their unborn relative. social satire that was also pay TV, most of which carry
a loss while feeling physically heroine suffers from mental minishes its main character, “Kindred” doesn’t over- scary as hell — this movie ESPN, have been on a
weakened by her pregnancy illness — making her unduly whose hesitancy to wrest emphasize this, but it also remains too much at a re- steady decline from their
— Charlotte isn’t sure how paranoid — and insinuating control of her life becomes clearly matters that Char- move, unwilling to say any- peak in 2010.
much she should assert her- that Margaret and Thomas increasingly inexplicable. lotte is Black and that her thing too loudly or to stoop Pitaro has previously
self. It doesn’t help that are part of some cultish con- The filmmakers do better late boyfriend’s family has a to sensationalism. said that the company is
Thomas is almost suspi- spiracy, possibly also involv- with some of the smaller hard time engaging with her In the end, what we’re moving toward serving the
ciously sweet or that the ing the mother-to-be’s doc- questions, such as how do in ways that feel sincerely left with is an exceptionally streaming audience and
moody Margaret seems des- tor and her best friend. The strangers remain sociable warm. They frequently refer well-acted motion picture that ESPN will be prepared
perate to replace her dead longer the movie goes with- with one another when to the child growing inside that mostly fails to move. to serve viewers as they shift
to new viewing platforms.
The cuts are the latest

Drawing from parental challenges

within Walt Disney Co.,
which has been buffeted by
the health crisis.
The Burbank-based
company in September said
it would lay off 28,000 do-
mestic employees at its
[‘Kindred,’ from E1] what’s interesting about parks, experiences and
ing the writing process, he Charlotte is that she’s chosen products division, which in-
says “Kindred” was influ- to be there — she’s chosen to cludes Disneyland Resort
enced more by films like Al- run away from community and Disney California Ad-
fred Hitchcock’s “Notorious” and familiarity. There’s obvi- venture Park in Anaheim
and Sean Durkin’s “Martha ously an argument [to be and Walt Disney World in
Marcy May Marlene.” “I made] for the reasons she’s Orlando, Fla.
watched [‘Rosemary’s treated a certain way and not Other studios have also
Baby’] and discussed it, but it believed. There’s definitely been squeezed by the health
never came up as a reference resonances between being a crisis.
point for the look and feel of Black person in a white insti- Lionsgate, the studio be-
the film. But in the script tution and recognizing that hind franchises such as
writing it was definitely something is unfair or unjust “John Wick,” on Thursday
something we were conscious about the situation, even if said it is laying off 15% of
of. you can’t quite put your fin- staff in its film division as
“There’s a lot of my per- ger on it. There’s a parallel be- the company adapts to
sonal experience of having tween that and the experi- massive changes in the
kids in the film,” said Marcan- ence of many Black people movie business that have
tonio of his feature debut. “I around the world.” been accelerated by the
found having one kid quite a Marcantonio admits he COVID-19 pandemic.
tricky thing to transition into. did make one script change The Santa Monica-
And I found having two kids after casting Lawrance. “We based studio’s motion-pic-
[even harder]. I know people did have her shackled by the ture group employs about
say that dads can get post- ankle in the first draft and 450 people worldwide, a stu-
natal depression. I don’t that changed for two rea- dio spokesman said, mean-
know if I’d label it that way, sons,” he said. “One, it feels ing nearly 70 positions are
but I definitely found it a very Photographs from IFC Midnight like there are racial motifs being cut. Other Lionsgate
difficult thing to adjust to   JACK LOWDEN and Fiona Shaw portray an overbearing family manipulating about chains and shackling divisions are not affected by
mentally for a whole ton of their late stepbrother and son’s pregnant girlfriend in the thriller “Kindred.” and that makes it feel like the reduction.
reasons. I think that played a we’re trying to make a state- Joe Drake, chairman of
massive part in the writing of brain a really interesting amazing.’ She was the last ment about something that Lionsgate’s motion-picture
the film.” thing.” person we saw and within we’re not. But equally, it just group, said in a memo to
“You don’t hear about it a The idea to approach about three minutes, me and felt one step too cruel for staff that the staffing reduc-
lot but a lot of people really Shaw for the role of Margaret Alice turned to each other Thomas and Margaret.” tions were part of a larger
struggle with having chil- was floated by casting direc- and were just like ‘Right, well, With the film opening in reorganization of the movie
dren,” said Lawrance. “Some tor Alice Searby. “I didn’t that’s done.’ ” the midst of the COVID-19 division.
people always regret it, actu- think she’d do it,” Marcanto- Although Lawrance’s pandemic, it has left Marcan- “While our business
ally. I found some forums on- nio said. “But we asked her identity as a Black woman tonio in the dark about the remains fundamentally
line of parents talking about and she wanted to meet for brings an added shade of next steps for his career. strong, we are not immune
how much they regret their tea. She’s so nice and super symbolism to the story, Mar- “The way cinema has to the ongoing COVID crisis
kids, even to this day.” smart. She’s about as honest cantonio insists any message been going, I was never really that is impacting us like so
“When we first found out and talented an actor as any- about race is unintentional. convinced that we’d end up many other studios,” Drake
we were having a kid, it’s not one I’ve ever come across in “We purposely never men- with a big massive cinematic said in the letter to employ-
that I wasn’t excited about my life. She was kind of into it tioned race or any kind of eth- distribution anyway,” he ees. “As a leader whose first
it,” Marcantonio clarified. THE FILM is Joe Mar- after the meeting and then nicity at all in the writing,” he said. “What I’ve found most priority is ‘A Best Place to
“But, and it’s quite hard to ad- cantonio’s feature debut. she invited me around to her said. “We just wanted to cast frustrating is the lack of festi- Work,’ it is with a heavy
mit, there’s a little part of house for tea a couple weeks someone who was good for vals and networking. Be- heart that I tell you as part
one’s brain that does go, ‘Holy ing a prenatal baby class in later. We had a really nice the part. And really genu- cause I’m a first-time film- of the changes to our opera-
s—, my life is going to change preparation for his first child, couple of hours chatting it inely not for any kind of maker and I don’t have an tional structure, we will be
beyond all recognition.’ In he met producer Dominic through and then she was in.” ‘woke’ reason, it was just that agent [in the U.K.], I don’t saying goodbye to a number
movies, people find out Norris, whom he went on to “If anybody asks you to do I thought it [made the story] know what’s going on with of our colleagues, friends
they’re pregnant and it’s like collaborate with on the 2017 a film, it’s always a compli- more interesting.” my career in a wider sense. and co-workers today.”
this big celebratory moment. short “Red Light.” After that ment,” said Shaw. “And Joe “I was always super hon- And usually that gets fixed
There’s always that over- experience, the pair set their had sort of concocted this est with Tamara that I cast when you have a festival run.
whelming rush of love that sights on making a feature. mixture of horror and sus- her because she was the best You go and meet people and
the parent immediately feels “All of a sudden, this idea pense. We talked about the actress we saw, not that she schmooze and that stuff hap-
when seeing the baby for the that I had kept for 10 years script a lot. He was very inter- was the best Black actress we pens. But now I’ve got to try
first time. But that really suddenly jumped out at me ested in anything any of the saw,” he added. “And I know and work out what to do with
wasn’t the case for me. The because I was now a parent — actors had to say about char- as a white middle-class dude, my career.”
first time I saw my son, I was my perception of what the acter. But I believe that char- it feels kind of like an eggshell On the other hand,
just like, ‘What the f— am I story could be was com- acter is situational. The situ- thing to talk about. But I am Lawrance is hopeful that the
supposed to do now?’ ” pletely different,” said Mar- ation is accurate, the charac- aware that she is a wonderful, shared experience of quaran-
The premise of the story cantonio. “Now all of a sud- ter emerges. So I was very talented, Black woman who I tining and social distancing
first came to Marcantonio 10 den I saw it as an opportunity taken with it.” admire very much. And I will allow the film to resonate
years ago, originally imag- to tell it from the girl’s point of The director credits Low- didn’t want to deny her of her deeper with audiences. “I
ined from Margaret’s per- view and to make it more of a den, who also serves as a pro- Blackness. I wanted to give think it’s cool that despite the
spective. “It was an idea I al- suspenseful, gaslighting film ducer on the film, for putting her the opportunity for that odds, film is finding initia-
most immediately rejected rather than a kind of Lawrance onto his radar. to be part of the story she was tive,” she said. “It’ll be an in-
because at the time, I could schlocky, lock-a-girl-up mov- “Jack had just gotten back telling. It’s not my position to teresting experience for peo-
only really see it from the fam- ie. from the Dominican Repub- say that it doesn’t matter be- ple to see something like this
ily’s point of view,” he said. “For some reason I’m lic where he was shooting cause it’s part of who she is as in the comfort of their own
“And it felt like it was going to really interested in truth and with Tamara in a show called a person.” homes. Especially people
be a grisly horror number and honesty and the fact that you ‘The Long Song’ for BBC “I think it’s really interest- who’ve spent a long time be-
I’m not really into that kind of can never really understand One,” said Marcantonio. ing the undertones and ing isolated this year. I think Photographs by Associated Press

thing. So I just kind of left it in what anyone else is thinking. “And he was like, ‘You’ve got overtones of being Black in everybody will have a par- THE MEDIA companies
my ideas folder.” I just find the fact that you’re to check out Tamara, I just that environment,” said ticular empathy with being ESPN and Lionsgate had
Years later, while attend- never truly in someone else’s shot this thing with her, she’s Lawrance. “But I think stuck.” bad news on Thursday.

Hope this comedy ripens with time

cuss, because his real job is
‘B Positive’ is one of being a character in this sit-
com.) And as Hot Messes go,
fall TV’s few new Gina is mostly chirpy and
shows. And it has an sweet, a people person and
only part-time trouble — a
uphill battle ahead. responsible ray of sunshine
by day, driving senior citizens
to doctor’s appointments,
leading them in rap-a-longs,
and a blackout drunk
It is a new kind of fall TV (named Becca) by night.
season, amid a year in which (Unlike in “Mom,” which
the usual life cycle of a new could get serious about ad-
television show — sewn in diction, inebriation is played
spring, developed in sum- strictly for laughs.) Things
mer, harvested in autumn, do improve with the second
often mulched come winter episode, which brings in a
— has been disturbed. host of additional charac-
“B Positive,” the only new ters, including Linda Lavin
CBS comedy this fall, stars (who starred in Pennette’s
Thomas Middleditch (“Sili- “Conrad Bloom”) and “Love
con Valley”) as Drew, who Boat” doctor and KAOS
has just discovered he needs chief Bernie Koppell, as resi-
a kidney, and Tony winner dents of the assisted living fa-
Annaleigh Ashford as Gina, cility whose residents Gina
an old high school classmate drives around. The dialysis
who impetuously offers him center established in the sec-
one of hers. ond episode is essentially the
The catch — there has to workplace in the comedy,
be a catch or this all ends where Drew spends time
quickly — is that Gina drinks with colorful weirdos to
and takes drugs, and she whom he is otherwise uncon-
needs to be sober for three nected — Terrence Terrell as
months before qualifying as a a former pro football player,
donor. Drew is fretful by na- Sonja Flemming CBS David Anthony Higgins as a
ture and will fret over this; ANNALEIGH ASHFORD offers Thomas Middleditch her kidney in “B Positive,” a new comedy from CBS. dentist slow on the uptake
Gina, who might be called a and Briga Heelan as a Type A
“Manic Pixie Hot Mess,” will around anything more than a show’s 8:30 p.m. time slot, as he refrains from telling them business sort who “can’t let
give him reason to. It is the platonic relationship, so ill coded as they may be. just makes him seem weird- work know I’m sick — that’ll
case that people donate kid- ‘B Positive’ are they suited to it. (Drew is Themes from other Lorre sit- er: “You seem bleaker than get you fired faster than be-
neys, even to absolute “the one guy I didn’t hook up coms recur here — a medical usual,” says his ex-wife. As to ing pregnant.” Darryl
strangers — there’s a term for with in high school,” as Gina element, as in “Bob Hearts Gina, in the two episodes Stephens plays the drily acid
Where: CBS
it, “nondirected altruistic says, and it should stay that Abishola” and “The Komin- available for review, he hasn’t nurse who plugs them in and
kidney donor” — though as When: 8:30 p.m. Thursday way.) sky Method,” substance really regarded her as much checks them out, and though
seen here it feels less of a Rating: TV-14-L (may be Behind the camera, “B abuse as in “Mom.” The “odd more than a walking kidney, nearly every line he gets has a
promise than a premise, a sit- unsuitable for children Positive” is the work of veter- couple” pairing is of course as when a hungry cartoon laugh attached, he is in many
uation to build a comedy on. under the age of 14 with an ans: producer Chuck Lorre the meat and potatoes of the character stranded on a ways the most convincing
“I gave you my word, and advisory for coarse (“Two and a Half Men,” sitcom genre. desert isle looks at another character here. You have met
where I come from that’s the “Mike & Molly,” “The Big When Drew says — it hav- character and sees a ham- this person in real life.
only thing a person has to Bang Theory,” you know ing been suggested that he burger. That is not to knock the
give. Except for, you know, tion — there are always ways them), director James ask a friend to be a donor — “I Oddly, Drew is told more rest of the cast, notably in-
money or sex,” Gina says to keep them alive: a misdi- Burrows (cocreated don’t really have kidney than once, and we are seem- cluding Kether Donohue as
when Drew suggests it might agnosis, a miracle cure, a “Cheers,” directed every epi- friends. I mean, I have ingly meant to accept as fact, Gina’s partner in crime;
have been rash to make the multiverse. Things will go off sode of “Will & Grace” in its friends, don’t get me wrong, that the wait for an organ is 10 they’re just getting their feet
offer. and on the rails on the way original run) and creator just not the kind that, you years, which isn’t true — the wet. Middleditch has an up-
It is a show produced there, naturally; the leads Marco Pennette (“Caroline know, care about me,” you do median time is half that, ac- hill battle to make his charac-
under COVID-19 — so it can will align and misalign. But if in the City”), who have been believe him, the little rain cording to the American Kid- ter more sympathetic than
be done — set in a world in CBS gives them the chance alive for 201 years among cloud. That his wife (Sara ney Fund. It does sound annoying; Ashford needs the
which COVID-19 does not ex- — and it is a network that is them. Rue) has left him and that more dramatic, I suppose. material to integrate the an-
ist. (It would only get in the slow to cancel, even under This is to say a certain his teenage daughter (Izzy He is also “TV ill,” which is to gel and the devil she’s being
way of the kidney plotline.) normal circumstances — professionalism reigns, G.) hates him, if only in that say, not incapacitated or asked to play alternately into
Will Drew die before he they will teach each other which some will see as tired can’t-be-bothered teenage even discomfited; his illness a single entity. But shows like
has ever really lived? Well, he something about life, and liv- and others as comforting; daughter way (“Love you.” is, practically speaking, an this tend to ripen with time,
won’t die — it is not that kind ing it better, because that is but the jokes are delivered ef- “Yeah, great.”) seems rea- idea, a motivation. (Simi- so that, even if the writing ne-
of show. Television series how that comedy machine ficiently and on time. There sonable; he’s a self-involved, larly, although he is “a ther- ver substantially matures,
have featured dying main works. But it would take are death jokes and pee jokes sad-sack fussbudget. Apart apist” — “internet degree but the characters do; they get
characters before and, bar- some heavy lifting in the writ- and a couple of sex jokes that from Gina, he doesn’t tell still very real” — it’s not a job real, like Pinocchio. Whether
ring “the Big C” — cancella- ers room to work them seem inappropriate for the anyone he’s sick, but the way we see him do, or even dis- it has time, only time will tell.


See a play from

the car at Garage
sex worker, and Lavinia de-
By Nikki Munoz tails the verbal assault of the
workplace and the toll that
It’s fittingly named Ga- takes. The characters con-
rage Theatre: a series of live vey pain that’s seen and felt.
shows presented with These performances
COVID-19 protocols in the prove the power of “March”
parking garage of the Los despite the fuzzy plot of the
Angeles LGBT Center’s Lily play, whose script was devel-
Tomlin/Jane Wagner Cultur- oped as an exercise involving
al Arts Center. The setup al- all of the actors. The pan-
lows for an audience of 16 demic the characters are liv-
cars surrounding a square ing through is vague, and for
“stage” for the first produc- the most part, how it affects
tion, the new play “March,” the trans community re-
conceived and directed by mains underexplained.
Paul Tucker Jon Lawrence Rivera. Monologues by the three
THE QUESTIONING voices of Black women meld into a “choreopoem” on white privilege in “November.” The play — a coproduc- protagonists take up a sig-
tion with Playwrights’ nificant early portion of the
THEATER REVIEW Arena, where Rivera is artis- 45-minute production, leav-
tic director — takes place 25 ing a rush of action toward
years in the future, in the the end. A moment of mag-

They refuse to be silenced midst of a pandemic. An au-

thoritarian government is
seeking out trans and gen-
der-nonconforming people,
and individuals are forced to
ical realism feels like it
comes out of nowhere, a
deus ex machina ending.
But the dialogue, though
sometimes stilted, does
through chance public con- cally dominant power? dress according to the gen- make an impact. And even if
versations. The film moves from the der norms of their birth sex. you wish for a more struc-
The role of the narrator, a ‘November’ stage to the city and back The play’s premise is stir- tured plot and a longer, fuller
Black woman who refuses to again. Taibi Magar’s stage di- ring, the world imagined story for these characters,
“How many times have I be silenced by “the mecha- rection assembles the per- here feeling not too far off what you do see is still mem-
When: Streaming on
been told not to be angry at nism of manners,” is shared demand through Saturday formers into configurations from the harmful actions orable, the message of
my own murder?” by Zora Howard, Tiffany that occasionally evoke a that the Trump administra- “March” still poignant.
Cost: Free
The questioning voices Rachelle Stewart, Crystal modern-day Greek chorus, tion has taken against trans
of Black women meld into a Dickinson, April Matthis Info: especially when the women people and the continued
sociological poem in “No- and Melanie Nicholls-King, Running time: 50 minutes sing in rapturous union. violence that the trans com-
vember,” a film by Phillip each of whom brings a dis- Youmans’ cinematogra- munity faces. ‘March’
Youmans in response to tinctive style and vocal phy wisely doesn’t try to The three main charac-
Claudia Rankine’s play timbre to the text. The effect marks, “My son wants to go compete with Rankine’s ters — Sydney (MJ Brown/ Where: Los Angeles LGBT
“Help,” which was in pre- is that of a “choreopoem,” there but wasn’t accepted language. The visual accom- Miss Barbie-Q), Lavinia Center, 1118 N. McCadden
views in March at the New the designation chosen by during the early application paniment functions as a (Amir Levi) and Mary Place, L.A. Masks required.
York arts center the Shed be- Ntozake Shange for her process. It’s tough when you dreamy underscore, existing (Coretta Monk) — have back When: 7:30 and 9 p.m.
fore the COVID-19 pandemic landmark theater piece, “For can’t play the diversity card.” in parallel rather than in stories that are vivid and Saturdays-Sundays,
scuttled live performance. Colored Girls Who Have Momentarily speechless, illustration. A Black woman compelling. Sydney battles through Nov. 15
The stage’s loss has Considered Suicide/When Rankine’s surrogate can’t shaves a white man’s head. discrimination and strug- Tickets: $20 per car
turned into the screen’s gain the Rainbow is Enuf.” decide whether this strang- Black swimmers revel in gles to find a job because of
in this beautiful mixed me- Rankine’s lyricism, how- er’s words just slipped out the freedom of their bodies her past drug addiction. march-tickets-121093851971
dia homage of words, bodies ever, is as orderly as a town before he could catch them, in the water. A pickup Mary is often mistaken for a
and images. Commissioned hall. The poetry, which or was he “snapping the basketball game yields cas-
and produced by the Shed blends academic buzzwords white privilege flag” in her ual virtuosity.
in partnership with Tribe- such as “negotiate” with face? “November” embraces
ca Studios, “November” is more personal utterances, The tone of these re- the prospect of difficult dia-
available for free through stays rigorously on message. ported colloquies is publicly logue. Of parsing through
Saturday on Standing in an airport introspective. The desire to shame and guilt, of bringing
The timing with the elec- line next to a bold white challenge and call out isn’t out of the shadows fear and
tion isn’t accidental. As the guy, Narrator 1 remarks, separate from the longing menace. Love flickers in the
nation was deciding whether “You shouldn’t have voted to live in less segregated distance, but first comes
to reelect a president who for him.” Something about realities. reckoning.
has stoked racial division his ownership of the queue Narrator 3 puts the mat- “The analysis of our mur-
as a Machiavellian political tipped her off. She knew ter more desperately: “Why derer, and of our murder, is
strategy, the poetry of Rank- he’d be defensive, but she do I have to die in order for so we can see we are not
ine, best known for her prize- couldn’t resist articulating you to live?” Is there another murdered.” Narrator 3
winning collection “Citizen: the unspoken between them. way to make space in the speaks for her fellow ques-
An American Lyric,” con- After learning that Nar- world? Must one group al- tioners in wondering whe- Garage Theatre

fronts the assumptions and rator 5 teaches at Yale, an- ways be forced to “swerve” ther it’s “possible for all of CORETTA MONK , center, stars in “March” at the
prerogatives of white men other white interlocutor re- out of the way of the histori- us to live and be in relation?” L.A. LGBT Center’s Garage Theatre production.


claimed. He could pitch his you have trick-taking power
By Frank Stewart last two spades on dummy’s in hearts. To raise to 3NT
third high diamond and will be right if partner holds
“How much do you know good club. J 8 5 3, K 3, K Q 7, Q 10 5 2.
about human anatomy?” Cy “Partner gave me a
the Cynic asked me. tongue-lashing,” Cy went South dealer
“Just bare bones,” I said. on. “I was tongue-tied. Did N-S vulnerable
“The tongue is the body’s he want me to discard a dia-
only muscle that is con- mond on the second spade ♠8
nected at only one end,” Cy so declarer could run the ♥K43
told me. “That doesn’t stop diamonds?” ♦AKQ73
my partners from making Cy missed the best de- ♣9862
full use of it.” fense. He must discard a WEST EAST
♠AKQJ653 ♠9
Cy was East in today’s trump at Trick Two! Then ♥5 ♥8762
deal from his penny game. the slam is unmakeable. ♦84 ♦ J 10 6 2
Against six hearts, West led You hold: ♠ 10 7 4 2 ♥ A Q J ♣753 ♣ Q J 10 4
the king of spades, then the 10 9 ♦ 9 5 ♣ A K. You open one SOUTH
ace. South ruffed with dum- heart, your partner re- ♠ 10 7 4 2
my’s king of trumps, and Cy sponds one spade, you raise ♥ A Q J 10 9
threw a club. to two spades and he next ♦95
“Declarer drew trumps,” bids 2NT. What do you say? ♣AK
the Cynic told me, “pitching Answer: You have four- SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST
two diamonds from dummy. card spade support and 1♥ 4♠ 5♥ Pass
He took the A-K of clubs, led maximum values for your 6♥ All Pass
a diamond to dummy and single raise, so a jump to four Opening lead — ♠ K
ruffed a club. When my part- spades is indicated. Still,
KENKEN ner and I followed, he your spades are poor, and Tribune Content Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASK AMY
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.

Worried about his ill will

Dear Amy: My 75-year-old ther’s plans, which may Is this question an ice-
father told me he decided his change. breaker, a conversation
stepson (my stepbrother) I do think you should ad- starter or something else?
will no longer receive any- vocate for your stepbrother, I struggle to answer be-
thing in his will. Why? reflecting your own compas- cause I think that what I’m
My stepbrother has chal- sionate opinion that his doing the rest of the day is no
lenged my father’s political mother would have wanted one’s business but mine.
opinions a few times. I’ve him to be treated fairly in How do I politely answer
heard both sides of these your father’s will. without offending the asker?
stories, and while my step- I also think you should be Perplexed and Private
brother never yelled or made brave enough to judiciously
personal attacks against my tell your father that you dis- Dear Perplexed: This
11/6/20 father, it was apparently too agree with his political views question is an icebreaker, a
much for my stepbrother to but you have been keeping conversation starter and
even question my father’s quiet because he seems to something else. The “some-
beliefs. My father is not link his own happiness and thing else” is sending you off
HOROSCOPE speaking to him. relationships to a person’s into the world with a ques-
My stepmother died political views: “Dad, I don’t tion, versus the old standby:
don’t enjoy today, pleasure could do. Not now, though. years ago, and it seems my always agree with your poli- “Have a nice day!”
By Holiday Mathis stays out of reach. Today, the risks are worth it. father is not considering any tics, but I still love and re- The question is awkward.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. wishes she may have had, or spect you. It makes me sad It seems like a social “throw-
Aries (March 21-April 19): Projects, dreams and re- 18): People are generally he simply doesn’t care what that you don’t seem able to away,” and yet it is so specific
Don’t get too hung up on lationships have a life cycle. skeptical of flattery, but the she would have wanted. do the same.” that it puts you in a jam. Do
nailing the accuracy of every When it’s over, it’s over, and way you do it is so pure that Like my stepbrother, I I applaud your advocacy you have to answer?
decision; that will hold you nothing can revive it. The it dissolves defenses. am diametrically opposed to on your stepbrother’s be- Please understand that
back from making a choice. gift is a clean slate. Pisces (Feb. 19-March my father’s political opin- half. You can’t force your fa- these people are not trying
Taurus (April 20-May Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): 20): This is a rare moment ions. Dad never holds back ther to the table, and you to pry into your private life.
20): Sometimes it seems as You know how to buckle with a cosmic gift to match. his opinions. Unlike my step- can’t force him to leave mon- Many people yearn for con-
though all your happiness is down and work hard, but to- You’ll have an idea about brother, however, I do not ey to your stepbrother (or nection, even if that connec-
dependent on a single out- day the situation asks you to how to improve your life, and challenge him; I just listen you) in his will, but when the tion is glancing. These vari-
come. It’s time to be more envision solutions different you will be right about it, too. and nod. time comes, you could ad- ous employees may be aware
realistic about the stakes. from the ones that brought Today’s birthday (Nov. I think my father’s deci- dress the inequity by sharing that some of their customers
Gemini (May 21-June 21): success in the past. 6): You’re so productive and sion to remove my step- your inheritance with him. are a little starved for con-
The limits on your percep- Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): successful over the next 10 brother from his will is ridic- versation, and this is a way
tion include mechanisms to You play well with others, weeks. It will be a little fun to ulous. Should I let my step- Dear Amy: “What are your to nudge one along.
keep you safe and grounded and you introduce people know you inspire envy along brother know? Should I try plans for the rest of the day?” A polite answer would be:
in a shared reality. You’ll who wouldn’t otherwise with the other benefits your to convince my father other- I have been asked this ques- “Oh, same old, same old. I
challenge them and win. meet. You put two and two hard work reels in. A windfall wise? I’m at a loss. tion by an assistant at a drug hope you have a nice rest of
Cancer (June 22-July 22): together so that it adds up to in March is well-deserved. Flummoxed store and various personnel your day.”
No one wants in on the proc- much more than four. There’s a crossroads in May, at my dental office.
ess; they just want the trans- Sagittarius (Nov. 22- but whatever you choose, Dear Flummoxed: I don’t This question has also Send questions to Amy
formation. Do the work. Dec. 21): Some of the best you wind up in the same think you should notify your been asked multiple times at Dickinson by email to ask
Don’t talk about it. Put that people you know fell into lovely place. Aries and Cap- stepbrother about your fa- another business I frequent.
energy into the price tag. your life without being vet- ricorn adore you. Your lucky
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): ted. You happened on great- numbers: 38, 2, 11, 4 and 18.
With a mind abuzz with ide- ness, and you’ll do it again. FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
as, wishes, hopes and Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. Mathis writes her column
dreams, be sure to also focus 19): There’s a time and place for Creators Syndicate Inc.
on the practical aspects of when “nothing” is just about The horoscope should be
the present moment. If you the most perfect thing you read for entertainment.

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
By Kevin Christian © 2020 Tribune Content Agency
1 Persepolis ruins locale
5 Prickly plants
10 Former Supreme Court
first name
14 iPod model
15 Garden nuisance
16 Protection org.
since 1970
17 Lions in the city?
19 Slangy sweeties
20 Pulitzer-winning
author Lurie ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
21 Spring
23 Conan’s network
24 Willamette River capital
25 Fish with experience?
27 UFO fliers, presumably
28 __ bath
30 Luke and Leia’s mother
31 Show-offs
35 Pats gently
36 Bees behind bars?
38 Inland Asian sea
40 Fixture in some
no-parking zones
41 Starr man
43 One kept on a child at
8 Helped through a tough 44 __ party
the pool
time, with “over” 45 Aleve rival
44 Hole goal
9 Brainstorming 46 Really get to
47 Whales on the run?
session output 48 Wasp nest sites
51 GE rival
10 Director Reiner 49 Red-carpet brand
53 “Alas!” prompter
11 Paper with Money 50 NBA great Robertson
54 Seafarers
and Life sections nicknamed “The Big O”
55 USC athlete
12 Awesome, slangily 52 Minibike kin
56 Novel ending? BLISS By Harry Bliss
55 Derriere SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly
58 Wolves with a clean lair? 13 Bothers
18 Public town park 57 Long time to wait,
60 Miranda __ of
22 Narc’s find facetiously
25 “Funny thing is ... ” 59 Thurman in films
61 Dutch cheeses
62 Czech track legend 26 “I __ thought of that” ANSWER TO
29 Home to the Ogden PREVIOUS PUZZLE
63 Zen riddle Raptors of MiLB
64 “Building a Mystery” 31 Hägar the Horrible’s
singer McLachlan wife
65 Cook of comedy 32 Med. condition with
repetitive behavior
DOWN 33 Hurt in a ring
1 If 34 Take out, as a vampire
2 Scold harshly 36 Italian bacon
3 Wile E. Coyote weapons 37 Like difficult push-ups
4 White __ 38 “Do you and I need to
5 Bo’s’n boss clear the air?”
6 Loan fig. 39 Dish with arborio rice
7 Put on ice 42 Withdraw, with “out” 11/6/20


DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau Doonesbury is on vacation. This is a reprint. DILBERT By Scott Adams

LA CUCARACHA By Lalo Alcaraz BABY BLUES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

CANDORVILLE By Darrin Bell CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers

HALF FULL By Maria Scrivan

JUMP START By Robb Armstrong


9 CHICKWEED LANE By Brooke McEldowney

LIO By Mark Tatulli BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman GET FUZZY By Darby Conley

TUNDRA By Chad Carpenter BIZARRO By Wayno and Piraro

PRICKLY CITY By Scott Stantis DRABBLE By Kevin Fagan

FRAZZ By Jef Mallett MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell

NON SEQUITUR By Wiley PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz


An astronaut’s inner journey TV Highlights

During the coronavirus
crisis, the Los Angeles
Times is making some tem-
[‘Proxima,’ from E1] porary changes to our print
opening moments, the writ- sections. The prime-time
er-director Alice Winocour TV grid is on hiatus in print
effectively lays out her terri- but an expanded version is
tory: not the grand vastness available in your daily Times
of outer space but rather eNewspaper. You can find a
the human obstacle course printable PDF online at:
that Sarah must navigate
first and all the expressions
of polite respect, gentle con-
cern and barely concealed The Greatest #AtHome
scorn she must endure Videos (N) 8 p.m. CBS
along the way. Shark Tank In this new
Sound mundane? It episode the panel of poten-
isn’t. By focusing so closely tial investors considers a
on the planning stages, healthful alternative to salt.
“Proxima,” which Winocour 8 p.m. ABC
wrote with Jean-Stéphane
Bron, somehow suggests World’s Funniest Animals
more about the physical Host Elizabeth Stanton
and psychological disloca- welcomes Danielle Nicolet
tion of space travel than (“The Flash”) as a special
many pictures that blast off guest. 9 p.m. CW
right from the get-go. This is 20/20 This new episode
partly because of the in- documents the 2009 disap-
tense realism of the film’s pearance of Utah wife and
entirely on-location shoot- mother Susan Powell. 9 p.m.
ing (by the cinemato- ABC
grapher George Lechap- Great Performances Be-
tois), which takes us inside fore becoming a late-night
the European Space television host, James Cor-
Agency in Cologne, Ger- den stars in “One Man, Two
many, and the facility in Guvnors,” an adaptation of
Russia’s Star City, where Vertical Entertainment
a 1743 farce, presented here
Sarah, Mike and another EVA GREEN and Matt Dillon play astronauts planning for their voyage to Mars in the movie “Proxima.” as a filmed stage produc-
member of their crew, An- tion. 9 p.m. KOCE
ton (Aleksei Fateev), go to of the strongest perform- double standard. An astro- mentally decent people nav-
complete their training. ances of her career. The ath- naut like Mike may think igating an extraordinary sit- My Big Italian Adventure
We are with Sarah, really ‘Proxima’ letic demands are formida- nothing of having his wife uation and the sacrifices (N) 9 p.m. HGTV
with her, at every step, ble, but they are more than (Nancy Tate) take care of that are made in service of a Warrior Ah Sahm, Young
whether she’s being hurled Not rated matched by the emotional their sons for a year. Sarah, grand collective undertak- Jun and Chao (Andrew Koji,
about in a human centrifuge (In English and French with ones: Green achieves an es- however, is made to feel the ing. Jason Tobin, Hoon Lee)
or having to move swiftly English subtitles) pecially moving rapport particularly heavy weight of The science of space accompany Vega (Maria
underwater in a heavy Running time: 1 hour, with the young Boulant- her decision. It’s there in the travel demands precise cal- Elena Laas) to a fight tour-
spacesuit — physical trials 47 minutes Lemesle, terrific as a girl mix of support and resent- culations, coolly and unerr- nament. 10 p.m. Cinemax
that Winocour captures who’s frightened at losing ment she gets from Stella’s ingly executed. But the busi-
Playing: Available on VOD TALK SHOWS
with matter-of-fact realism platforms her mom for a year — or for- astrophysicist father (Lars ness of being human is
and otherworldly strange- ever, should something go Eidinger) or in the guilt- messier, more ambiguous Today COVID-19; chef Nina
ness. At one point, Sarah’s horribly wrong. tripping questions asked by and infinitely harder to con- Compton; Kenny Neal. (N)
body is fitted for a mold that for bringing the audience Sarah is hardly the first Wendy (Sandra Hüller), a trol. At the launch center in 7 a.m. KNBC
will be used to construct her into an intimate, tactile movie astronaut to confront psychologist preparing Baikonur, Kazakhstan, Good Morning America
seat on the rocket, allowing understanding of her char- feelings of guilt over leaving mother and daughter for Sarah and her crew mates Kylie Minogue performs.
for the significant changes acters’ physical and psy- children behind on terra long-term separation. are placed under strict (N) 7 a.m. KABC
she will undergo during the chological states. She ac- firma, as her fellow voyagers None of these characters quarantine, isolating her
mission. (“I’m becoming a complishes something in “First Man,” “Ad Astra” is treated as a cardboard an- from Stella during what will Live With Kelly and Ryan
space person,” she mur- equally evocative here, and and “Interstellar,” among tagonist. Even Dillon’s Mike, be their last moments to- Diane Lane (“Let Him Go”).
murs in voice-over, as the the achievement isn’t hers others, can surely attest. who at one point conde- gether for a long time. But in (N) 9 a.m. KABC
molding material is poured alone. Green, often typecast Those other protagonists, of scendingly asks Sarah if she those crucial moments, Home & Family Lucia
around her.) as witches and femmes fa- course, were men, and wants to lighten her training Winocour allows her charac- Micarelli; Robert Herjavec.
In her earlier features tales, here takes on a too- within even the remarkable, load, is shown to have his ters a fleeting moment of (N) 10 a.m. Hallmark
“Augustine” and “Disorder,” rare leading role devoid of rarefied field of space travel, redeeming qualities. Wino- grace, a respite that will sus- The Talk Scott Bakula and
Winocour demonstrated a any such fantastical trap- Winocour subtly pinpoints cour shows us smart, some- tain them through the trials Chelsea Field. (N) 1 p.m.
gift for sensory filmmaking, pings and emerges with one an all-too-unremarkable times insensitive and funda- of this world and the next. KCBS
The Drew Barrymore
Show Winnie Harlow; Laura

America Ferrera is checking out

Sobiech and director Justin
Baldoni. (N) 2 p.m. KCBS
The Kelly Clarkson Show
Fortune Feimster; Sara
Bareilles; Guy Fieri. (N)
2 p.m. KNBC
[Ferrera, from E1] things by suggesting she tribute video from her col- The Doctors Finesse Mitch-
pany in California, and might be open to marrying leagues, happened to in- ell. (N) 2 p.m. KCOP
Jonah (Ben Feldman) of- Jonah someday and that volve the entire cast. “It was
fered to leave his life in St. they should see how things hard; the whole crew wants Ellen DeGeneres Lily Tom-
Louis and move there with go once they’re in Califor- to hug and they can’t, and lin. (N) 3 p.m. KNBC
her. nia. He asks her — not as a everyone was so separated Dr. Oz At-home COVID-19
Ferrera — who exited the proposal but as a straight- in masks and plastic shields, tests; the case of Britney
series to pursue other proj- forward question — if she sitting apart from each Spears. (N) 3 p.m. KTTV
ects and spend more time wants to marry him. Finally, other,” said Nelli, who previ- The Real Chris Bosh. (N)
with her family — agreed to she answers: “No.” ously directed Ferrera in the 3 p.m. KCOP
see this story line through to “When we first met, you “Ugly Betty” series finale.
Thursday’s episode, the se- told me that all your days “But there was a moment at The Dr. Oz Show Vanessa
ries’ milestone 100th. So felt the same and you felt the end where all the actors Williams. 5 p.m. KCOP
how did her character leave trapped,” he tells her. “And I got together in a circle, Washington Week Election
big-box retailer Cloud 9, es- don’t want to be the reason really thanking each other. results; President Trump’s
pecially since she and Feld- you feel like that again.” We were crying. It was beau- lawsuits in various states;
man have been the show’s Feldman and Ferrera, tiful.” Biden’s transition team;
central “will they or won’t who was unavailable to The episode closes with Yamiche Alcindor; Peter
they?” couple since its 2015 comment for this story, re- everyone celebrating with Baker; Jake Sherman. (N)
premiere? hearsed these pivotal drinks and fireworks in the 7 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. KOCE
In tears. Amy and Jonah scenes over Zoom — a rarity parking lot. Amy and Jonah Real Time Tristan Harris;
broke up. of sitcom shooting sched- don’t speak again but in- Malcolm Nance; Rosa
“We wanted it to be a nice ules. “When you get into real stead share a distanced, Brooks. (N) 10 and 11:30 p.m.
goodbye to this character moments with real emotion silent toast. “We’re saying HBO
we love, but there’s just no within a half-hour comedy, goodbye to Amy, and we
nice way to break up this it comes down to making want to wish her well as she The Issue Is (N) 10:30 p.m.
long love story,” said Owen the actors comfortable leaves, but we didn’t have and 1:30 a.m. KTTV
Ellickson, who wrote the ep- about what they’re saying,” the time to get Jonah to that The Tonight Show Milo
isode. “It was going to be said director Victor Nelli Jr. place emotionally, and that Ventimiglia. (N) 11:34 p.m.
heartbreaking, no matter “We read the scenes a cou- toast is the most he can KNBC
what.” ple times, so we’re not muster,” said Ellickson. “It The Late Show Alex Wag-
The breakup was a col- rushed on the day of shoot- would be dishonest to pre- ner, John Heilemann and
laborative decision, made ing; we talked about the tend like it wasn’t going to be Mark McKinnon. (N) 11:35
with Ferrera and Feldman. scenes, the past, what’s go- terrible for both of them, p.m. KCBS
“This was the best solution ing on and where we’re go- that it’s actually all cool.
that we all came up with to- ing. We wanted to earn That would just do a disser- Jimmy Kimmel Charlie
gether, the thing that felt those lines and make them vice to the relationship we Hunnam. (N) 11:35 p.m.
most real,” said co- real in such a concise way so built all these years.” KABC
showrunner Gabe Miller. that it doesn’t feel forced.” Though the split is sad, Amanpour (N) 12:15 a.m.
“We definitely discussed Casey Durkin NBC Ellickson, Feldman and the KCET; 1 a.m. KLCS
other options, and even en- AMERICA FERRERA and Ben Feldman play char- Tweaks and takes showrunners agree it’s Late Night Bette Midler.
tertained the idea of them acters with a “will they or won’t they?” relationship. The episode’s two big much more satisfying than 12:36 a.m. KNBC
dating long-distance. But conversations weren’t final- what was initially planned in
when we thought about how tell the story right.” out this weird time.” ized until the day of shoot- April, a week after “Califor- The Late Late Show Henry
that would actually play out Last week’s season pre- Besides integrating ing, with endless tweaks nia, Part 1.” “I 100% feel that Golding; Ella Mai performs.
on the show, it seemed like it miere showed how the novel COVID-19, the script also and numerous takes to get the lack of convenience (N) 12:37 a.m. KCBS
might be actually more frus- coronavirus was testing finds Jonah secretly taking them right. “These are the throughout this entire proc- Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m.
trating for viewers to think Amy and Jonah’s relation- one of Amy’s rings to get it signature fights of our se- ess has created a far more KABC
that Amy is just on the other ship. Beyond their own wor- measured in order to pro- ries, and on set we were all nuanced and realistic story,
side of Jonah’s phone calls. ries as store employees in an pose. The move leaves Amy feeling like it just needed to both on a narrative level and
And eventually that would unprecedented emergency, questioning their relation- get a little more raw,” said on an emotional level,” said The Christmas Yule Blog A
peter out and we’d end up Amy’s time was constantly ship and even whether she Ellickson. “I give a lot of Feldman. “I feel so guilty travel blogger is assigned to
having to do an off-camera monopolized by Zoom wants to remarry at all. credit to America, because having a reason to be ex- cover the 100th anniversary
breakup, which really meetings with corporate, “I married Adam be- she’s been the star of the cited about a deadly pan- of a Christmas parade in a
wouldn’t feel right.” not only about safety proto- cause I felt like I had to, and show; she could leave in demic, but in this one little small New Mexico town,
cols for her current role but that was the wrong thing to whatever manner she tiny corner of the giant where she meets a char-
Real-world issues also onboarding for her new do,” she explains . “I just feel wanted. But she was OK hellscape that is co- ismatic high school music
It was a long road behind one. That episode spanned like this move is pushing us with being the person who ronavirus, it just became so teacher. Sara Canning and
the scenes to the sudden many months, mirroring the down this path, and I don’t screwed up in the relation- much fuller and richer and Zak Santiago star in this
split. As a series that has ne- time that’s passed since think we’d be talking about ship, which I think is the more interesting.” new 2020 romance. 8 p.m.
ver shied away from ad- Jonah and Amy agreed to marriage if I didn’t get this best thing for the series.” And if Ferrera ever wants Lifetime
dressing real-world issues move to California together. job, right?” Immediately after the to return to Cloud 9, the
like gun control, ageism and “Having that time in be- Jonah, who is uprooting breakup, Sandra (Kaliko store’s doors are open. “One
immigration, the creatives tween, both in the show and his life to follow her across Kauahi) cathartically thing that we liked about
concluded that COVID-19 in real life, made it seem the country, tries to hide his shouts into the void, “I hate Amy leaving to take a job
would be a major story line more plausible that they shock as he returns Amy’s 2020!” Green said the line is with corporate is that she’s
throughout the sixth sea- could get to a point of break- ring. An earlier version of for any viewers disappoint- still involved in the world of
son. ing up,” said co-showrunner the episode featured a more ed by the decision: “That the show, and so it wouldn’t
“When everything shut Jonathan Green. “It put comedic version of cold feet, was our way of acknowledg- be completely out of no-
down, we all went home their relationship under but Ellickson says the ing, in a funny way, ‘Yes, we where for her to still be inter-
from playing these goofy lit- stress the way the pandemic change was necessary “to know we’ve been building acting with her former col-
tle grocery store workers on has made everybody rethink get these two, after their up this relationship for leagues from time to time,”
TV, while our real-life their priorities and what saga of years together, to many seasons, and [it] was said Miller. “We love Ameri-
counterparts stayed at they want for their future. break up so quickly, in a way supposed to be the perfect ca; she left on very good
work and became these life- It’s made a lot of people that felt earned and real. It love story. We’re very aware terms and she has talked
risking frontline heroes,” think about a lot of things had to be something ugly of how this might be tearing about wanting to come back
said Feldman, who became they were taking for granted and painful, that really some people apart.’” at some point. There are no Lifetime

a series producer last year. before. So the next time we showed the gap between The final scene Ferrera firm plans yet, but we defi- ZAK SANTIAGO in
“It energized us. We felt like saw them, they’ve changed, them.” shot on the series, in which nitely would love to have her “The Christmas Yule
we owed it to these people to just as we all have through- Amy tries to resolve Amy puts on a smile for a back sometime.” Blog” on Lifetime.
Friday, November 6, Prime-time: Broadcast
Friday TV Highlights 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
CBS Entertainment The Greatest #AtHome Videos Magnum P.I. (TV14) Å Blue Bloods (TV14) Å News Å Stephen Col-
Tonight (N) Å (TVPG) (N) Å bert Å
NBC All Access American Ninja Warrior (TVPG) (Season finale) (N) Å Dateline NBC A murder-for- News Å Jimmy Fallon
(N) Å hire plot. (N) Å Å
CW 2 & 1/2 Men Masters of Il- Masters of Il- World’s Fun- World’s Fun- News Å Sports Final News Å Friends
(TVPG) Å lusion (TVPG) lusion (TVPG) niest Animals niest Animals (N) (10:45) (TVPG)
Å Å (TVPG) Dan- (TVPG) A Å (11:35) Å
ielle Nicolet. diner-crash-
(N) Å ing deer. Å
ABC Wheel of For- Shark Tank (TVPG) A 20/20 The investigation into the 2009 disappearance of News Å Jimmy Kimmel
tune (TVG) healthy alternative to salt; Utah wife and mother Susan Powell, including her secret (TV14) Char-
(N) Å a spring-loaded cake stand. will and a tragic twist involving her two sons; interviews lie Hunnam.
(N) Å with those close to the case. (N) Å (N) (11:35) Å
KCAL Family Feud News Å News Å News Å Sports Central black-ish Å black-ish Å
FOX Extra (TVPG) WWE Friday Night SmackDown (TVPG) (N) News Å Issue Is (N) Extra (TVPG) TMZ (TVPG)
MyNet Modern Family Law & Order: CI (TV14) Å Law & Order: CI (TV14) Å Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å King of Queens King of Queens
KCET California’s The Bridge on the River Kwai ›››› (1957) William Holden. A The Big Bounce ›› (2004) Owen Wilson, Morgan Freeman.
Lifetime Gold (TVG) Å British POW colonel orders his men to build their Japanese A seductive woman asks for the help of a drifter who works
ZAK SANTIAGO AND SARA CANNING in the captor a railway bridge in the jungle. (PG) Å for a judge to double-cross a shady developer. (PG-13) Å
TV movie “The Christmas Yule Blog” on Lifetime. UNIVISION La Rosa de La Rosa de Guadalupe (TV14) Imperio de mentiras (TV14) Dulce ambición (TV14) (N) Noticias Sabor de
Guadalupe (N) Å (N) (10:59) mañana (N)
KOCE Washington Lucy Worsley’s Royal Myths & Great Performances (TV14) James Corden portrays an out of work musician Finding Your
SERIES Week Special Secrets (TV14) Queen Anne: employed by two men in playwright Richard Bean’s “One Man, Two Guv- Roots (TVPG)
Report Å Mother of Great Britain. Å nors.” (N) Å Å
Shark Tank In this new episode, the panel of potential in-
KDOC News (N) Dateline Å Dateline Å Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å
vestors considers a healthful alternative to salt. They’re also
pitched a spring-loaded cake stand and an entertaining ap- KLCS Antiques Road- Bluegrass Sun Studio ACL Presents: 50 Years of Front and Center (TVPG) World News Å News Å
show (TVG) Underground Sessions Asleep at the Wheel: A Retro- Hozier. Å
proach to carving knives used during holidays. 8 p.m. ABC Indianapolis (TVG) Josh (TVG) The spective (TVPG) Å
Hour 1. (7) Å Ritter. Å Bo-Keys. Å
World’s Funniest Animals Host Elizabeth Stanton wel-
comes Danielle Nicolet (“The Flash”) as a special guest. Friday, November 6, Prime-time: Premium Cable Channels
Among the featured videos are a horse playing tetherball, 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
fish in a feeding frenzy and a pig who keeps losing his grip. Cinemax Big Momma’s House 2 › Stuber ›› (2019) Dave Bautista, Kumail Warrior (TVMA) Ah Sahm, Warrior Abraham Lin-
(2006) Martin Lawrence, Nia Nanjiani. After crashing his car, a cop who’s Young Jun and Hong head (TVMA) coln: Vampire
9 p.m. CW Long. An FBI agent reprises recovering from eye surgery recruits an to a border town owned by (10:55) Å Hunter ›
20/20 This new episode documents the 2009 disappear- his disguise and takes a job Uber driver to help him catch a heroin deal- the host of a lucrative fight (2012) Ben-
as a nanny in a suspect’s er. (R) (8:25) Å tournament. (N) Å jamin Walker.
ance of Utah wife and mother Susan Powell, including her se- house. (PG-13) (6:45) Å (R) (11:40) Å
cret will and a tragic event involving her two sons. 9 p.m. ABC
Encore Think Like a Man ›› (2012) Michael Ealy. The Amazing Spider-Man ››› (2012) Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone. Peter Along Came
Great Performances Before becoming a late-night televi- When the women in their lives buy a book Parker’s quest to solve his parents’ disappearance puts him on a collision Polly ››
by Steve Harvey and take its advice to course with a scientist’s deadly alter ego, the Lizard. (PG-13) Å (2004) Ben
sion host, James Corden enjoyed a theater triumph in Lon- heart, four men conspire to use the book’s Stiller, Jenni-
don and New York with “One Man, Two Guvnors,” an adapt- insider information to turn the tables on the fer Aniston.
ation of a 1743 farce, presented here as a filmed stage produc- ladies and teach them a lesson. (6:55) Å (11:20) Å
tion. Corden stars as a musician turned bodyguard who tries EPIX Instant Family Like a Boss › (2020) Tiffany Haddish, Rose Playing With Fire › (2019) John Cena, Judy Sleepless in Seattle ›››
to earn extra cash by working for two rival mobsters. Jemima ››› (2018) Byrne. (R) Å Greer. (PG) (9:25) Å (1993) Tom Hanks, Meg
Mark Wahl- Ryan. (PG) (11:05) Å
Rooper, Oliver Chris, Daniel Rigby and Martyn Ellis also berg. (6) Å
star. 9 p.m. KOCE
HBO The Undoing (TVMA) After A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas ›› Real Time With Bill Maher How to With Real Time With
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives This new episode revisits a finding safety at her father’s (2011) John Cho, Kal Penn. Six years after (TVMA) (N) Å John Wilson Bill Maher
house, Grace finds herself on their last adventure, the infamous stoners (TVMA) How (TVMA) Å
hoagie shop in Florida where a numbering system is confus- the receiving end of detec- reunite on Christmas Eve to find a replace- to Improve
ing. 9 p.m. Food Network tives’ personal questions. Å ment tree for the one Harold sent up in Your Memory.
smoke. (R) (8:25) Å (N) Å
My Big Italian Adventure Lorraine Bracco continues her
Showtime The Manchurian Candidate ››› (2004) Den- Brahms: The Boy II › (2020) Katie Holmes, Courage Under Fire ››› (1996) Denzel
renovation of the home in Sicily she purchased for 1 euro zel Washington, Meryl Streep. A troubled Owain Yeoman. Terror strikes when a boy Washington, Meg Ryan. A troubled officer
(and the building next door she purchased at the same Gulf War veteran becomes suspicious after discovers a doll that appears to be eerily reviews the Medal of Honor candidacy of a
time). 9 p.m. HGTV a powerful senator’s son becomes a candi- human. (PG-13) Å female helicopter pilot killed during the Gulf
date for vice president. (R) (6:45) Å War. (R) Å
Ghost Adventures This new episode visits the Jerome Starz Big Hero 6 Frozen ››› (2013) Voices of Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel. Jumanji: The Next Level ›› (2019) Dwayne Johnson, Kevin
Grand Hotel in Jerome, Ariz., and an abandoned hospital in ››› (2014) Animated. A fearless young princess sets out with a moun- Hart. When Spencer goes back into the fantastical world
Yorktown, Texas. 9 p.m. Travel Voices of taineer to find her sister, whose icy powers have trapped of Jumanji, pals Martha, Fridge and Bethany re-enter the
Ryan Potter, their kingdom in eternal winter. (PG) Å game to bring him home. But everything about Jumanji is
Dateline NBC This new episode documents an elaborate Scott Adsit. about to change, as they soon discover more obstacles and
sting operation used to thwart a murder-for-hire plot. 10 p.m. (6:15) Å more danger to overcome. (PG-13) (9:46) Å
NBC TMC Chloe ›› Julie & Julia ››› (2009) Meryl Streep, Amy Adams. A Sunshine Cleaning ››› (2008) Amy Adams, Sword of Trust
(2009) Juli- woman in Queens, N.Y., sets a deadline of one year to Emily Blunt. Hoping to create a better life (2019) Marc
Warrior Ah Sahm, Young Jun and Chao (Andrew Koji, Ja- anne Moore, prepare all 524 recipes in Julia Child’s famous cookbook, for herself and her son, a cleaning woman Maron, Jon
son Tobin, Hoon Lee) accompany Vega (Maria Elena Laas) Liam Neeson. Mastering the Art of French Cooking. (PG-13) Å starts a crime-scene-cleanup business with Bass. (R)
(R) (6:15) Å her unreliable sister. (R) (10:05) Å (11:40) Å
to a U.S.-Mexico border town where a wealthy man (Conor
Mullen) hosts a fight tournament. Mike Bisping also stars. Friday, November 6, Prime-time: Cable News Channels
10 p.m. Cinemax 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
Bloomberg Bloomberg Technology Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Best of Bloomberg Daybreak: Real Yield Commodities
SPORTS Best (7) Å (TVG) Å Å Å Å Middle East (N) Å (N) Å (TVG) Å
College Football Miami visits NC State, 4:30 p.m. ESPN; CNBC Greed (N) (7) American Greed (TVPG) Å The News With Shepard Smith American Greed (TVPG) Å Dateline (TVPG) Å
BYU visits Boise State, 6:45 p.m. FS1 CNN CNN Tonight CNN Tonight (N) Å Anderson Cooper (TVPG) Å Cuomo Prime Time Å CNN Tonight Å
CSPAN The Communi- Politics and Public Policy Politics and Public Policy Today The day’s major public affairs and political events presented
TALK SHOWS cators Å Today Å without interruption. Å
CBS This Morning (N) 7 a.m. KCBS CSPAN2 Claudio Saunt Steve Olson Eddie Cole Lisa Napoli, Up All Night Martha Jones, Vanguard
Today COVID-19; chef Nina Compton; Kenny Neal. (N) Fox B Wall Street Å WSJ at Large Roundtable Lou Dobbs Å The Evening Edit Å Artificial Intelligence Å
7 a.m. KNBC Fox News Ingraham (7) News Å Tucker Carlson Å Hannity Å Ingraham Å
MSNBC The Last Word The 11th Hour (N) Å The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word Å The 11th Hour Å
Good Morning America Kylie Minogue performs. (N)
SN-1 News News News News News News
7 a.m. KABC
Friday, November 6, Prime-time: Cable
Live With Kelly and Ryan Diane Lane (“Let Him Go”). 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
(N) 9 a.m. KABC A&E The First 48 The First 48 (TV14) (N) Å Live Rescue (TV14) (N) Å
Home & Family Lucia Micarelli; Robert Herjavec AMC The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King ››› (2003) Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen. (PG-13) (6:30) Å Fear the Walking Dead (TVMA)
(“Shark Tank”). (N) 10 a.m. Hallmark Animal P River Monsters River Monsters (TVPG) Bone River Monsters: Deadliest Man-Eaters (TVPG) Tropical Trou- River Monsters (TVPG) River
(7) Crusher. ble-Makers. (N) of Blood.
The Wendy Williams Show Jeremy Meeks; chef Saul BBC A From Russia With Love ››› Goldfinger ›››› (1964) Sean Connery. Agent 007 drives an Aston Martin, The Graham Norton Show
Montiel. (N) 11 a.m. KTTV (1963) Sean Connery. (6) Å runs into Oddjob and fights Goldfinger’s scheme to rob Fort Knox. (PG) Å (TV14) (N) Å
The Talk Scott Bakula and Chelsea Field; Dr. Ian Smith. BET The Help ››› (2011) Viola Davis, Emma Tyler Perry’s Sistas (TV14) Å Tyler Perry’s Tyler Perry’s Martin Martin
Stone. (PG-13) (5) Å House of Payne Assisted Living (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å
(N) 1 p.m. KCBS
Bravo 13 Going on 30 ››› (2004) Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo. 13 Going on 30 ››› (2004) Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo. How to Be Sin-
Tamron Hall Matthew McConaughey (“Greenlights”); (PG-13) Å (PG-13) Å gle Å
Omari Hardwick. (N) 1 p.m. KABC CMT Last Standing Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14)
The Drew Barrymore Show Winnie Harlow; Laura So- Comedy The Office Å Schitt’s Creek Schitt’s Creek Schitt’s Creek Schitt’s Creek Schitt’s Creek Kevin Hart: Laugh at My Pain Chappelle
biech and director Justin Baldoni. (N) 2 p.m. KCBS Discovery Gold Rush: Pay Gold Rush (TV14) Parker’s new strategy to build a war chest creates an engineering chal- Gold Rush (TV14) (N) (11:14)
Dirt (7) lenge, igniting a flare-up with his foremen; Rick pulls in his first gold of the season. (N) Å Å
The Kelly Clarkson Show Fortune Feimster; Sara Disney Raven’s Home Raven’s Home Just Roll With Raven About Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Raven’s Home Raven’s Home Zombies:
Bareilles; Guy Fieri. (N) 2 p.m. KNBC (TVG) Å (TVG) Å It (TVY7) BUNK’D (9:45) Å (10:10) (10:35) Å (TVG) Å Moonstone
The Doctors A university creates the most aggressive E! The Proposal ›› (2009) Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds. The Proposal ›› (2009) Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds. (PG-13) Å
(PG-13) (7) Å
testing model in the country; Finesse Mitchell. (N) 2 p.m.
Food Diners, Drive- Diners, Drive- Diners, Drive- Diners, Drive- Diners, Drive- Diners, Drive- Diners, Drive- Diners, Drive- Diners, Drive-
Ins and Dives Ins and Dives Ins and Dives Ins and Dives Ins and Dives Ins and Dives Ins and Dives Ins and Dives Ins and Dives
(TVG) Å (TVG) Å (TVG) Å (TVG) (N) Å (TVG) Å (TVG) Å (TVG) Å (TVG) Å (TVG) Å
Dr. Phil Groups dismantle the lives of those who say or do
things that don’t align with the group’s view. (N) 3 p.m. Freeform The Santa Clause 2 ›› (2002) Tim Allen, The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause › (2006) Tim Allen, The 700 Club (N) Å
Elizabeth Mitchell. (G) (6:30) Å Martin Short. (G) Å
FX Fast & Furious BlacKkKlansman ››› (2018) John David Washington, Adam Driver. (R) Å BlacKkKlansman ››› (2018)
The Ellen DeGeneres Show Lily Tomlin (“Radium 6 (5) Å John David Washington. Å
Girls”); Chelsea Handler. (N) 3 p.m. KNBC FXX The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons
The Dr. Oz Show At-home COVID-19 tests and how they Hallmark A Royal Christ- A Shoe Addict’s Christmas (2018) Candace Cameron Bure, Christmas Under Wraps (2014) Candace Cameron Bure,
mas (6) Luke MacFarlane. Å David O’Donnell. Å
work; foods to build up immunity; the case of Britney Spears.
HGTV My Lottery House Hunters House Hunters My Big Italian Adventure Lor- House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters
(N) 3 p.m. KTTV Dream Home International International raine has a setback in her (TVG) Å International (TVG) Å International
The Real Chris Bosh (“I Want It All”); Riley (“Riley”). (N) (TVG) Å (TVG) (TVG) cellar. (N) Å (TVG) (TVG)
3 p.m. KCOP History Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island
(7) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) (10:05) Å (TVPG) (11:05) Å
The Dr. Oz Show Catherine and India Oxenberg talk IFC The Dark Knight Rises ››› (2012) Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway. (6) Å Inglourious Basterds ››› (2009) Brad Pitt. (R) Å
about sex cult NXIVM; an immunity quiz; Vanessa Williams. Lifetime The Christmas The Christmas Yule Blog (2020) Sara Canning, Zak Santiago. A Crafty Christmas Romance (2020) Nicola Posener, Brad
5 p.m. KCOP Aunt (2020) Å Johnson. Å
(6) Å
Washington Week Election results; President Trump’s
MTV Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness
lawsuits in various states; Biden’s transition team; Yamiche (TV14) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å
Alcindor, PBS; Peter Baker, the New York Times; Jake Sher- Nat Geo Ultimate Sur- Ultimate Survival Alaska In leg ten, teams are dropped on a remote beach and can travel by Ultimate Survival Alaska
man, Politico. (N) 7 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. KOCE vival Alaska land or by sea; facing dehydration, a giant pod of whales, sickness and violent rapids. Å (TVPG) Å
Real Time With Bill Maher Tristan Harris (“The Social Nickelodeon Danger Force Danger Force Danger Force Unfiltered Å Group Chat Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å
Dilemma”); Malcolm Nance, MSNBC; author Rosa Brooks OWN Ready to Love Ready to Love (TV14) Houston Ready to Love (TV14) Watch Put A Ring On It (TV14) Let- Put A Ring On It (TV14) It’s
(“Tangled Up in Blue: Policing the American City”). (N) 10 (TV14) (7) singles focus on finding love What You Say. (N) ting Go. (N) the men’s turn to go on
at a resort. dates.
and 11:30 p.m. HBO
Paramount Grown Ups 2 › (2013) Adam Sandler, Kevin James. (PG-13) Grown Ups 2 › (2013) Adam Sandler, Kevin James. (PG-13) Å
The Issue Is ... With Elex Michaelson (N) 10:30 p.m. and (7) Å
1:30 a.m. KTTV Sundance L&O (7) Å Law & Order (TV14) Å Law & Order (TV14) Å Law & Order (TV14) Å Law & Order (TV14) Å
The Tonight Show: Jimmy Fallon Milo Ventimiglia; Marc
Syfy The Fifth Element (6) Å Death Wish › (2018) Bruce Willis, Vincent D’Onofrio. (R) Å Futurama Å Futurama Å
Maron; Oneohtrix Point Never. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC TBS Fist Fight ›› (2017) Charlie Day, Ice Cube. (R) Å Pain & Gain ›› (2013) Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson. (R) (9:15) Å
TCM The Greatest Show on Earth ›› (1928) Charlie Chaplin, The Big Circus ››› (1959) Victor Mature, Red Buttons. Slumber Party
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Alex Wagner, John Merna Kennedy. (G) (7:45) (9:15) Å Massacre
Heilemann and Mark McKinnon; Charlamagne Tha God; TLC The Family 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way (TV14) Yazan begs for his 90 Day Fiancé: 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way 90 Day Fiancé:
Jena Friedman; Maz Jobrani. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS Chantel (7) brother’s help; Sumit finally goes to court. (N) The Other Way (TVPG) The Other Way
Jimmy Kimmel Live! Charlie Hunnam; Why Don’t We TNT Bones (TV14) Transformers ››› (2007) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. Humanity’s fate rests in the hands All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite
(7) Å of a youth when warring robots make Earth their final battleground. (PG-13) Å (TV14) (N) Å
perform. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
Toon Teen Titans Go! Gumball Ani- Gumball Bob’s Burgers American Dad American Dad Rick and Morty Family Guy Family Guy
Amanpour and Company (N) 12:15 a.m. KCET; 1 a.m. (7) Å mated. Å (TVY7) (8:45) (TVPG) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Å (TV14) Animated. Å Animated. Å
KLCS Travel Ghost Adven- Ghost Adventures (TVPG) Å Ghost Adventures (TVPG) (N) Å Ghost Adventures (TVPG) Å
tures (7) Å
The Late Late Show With James Corden Henry Golding; TruTV Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Secret Videos Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14)
Ella Mai performs. (N) 12:37 a.m. KCBS TV Land Andy Griffith Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å King of Queens King of Queens
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC USA Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) (PG-13) (6) Ant-Man ››› (2015) Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas. (PG-13) Å Modern Family
VH1 Martin Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit ›› (1993) Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Najimy. Sister Act ›› (1992) Whoopi Goldberg,
MOVIES (TVPG) Å (PG) Å Maggie Smith. (PG) Å
Bond, James Bond BBC America is airing the James WGN A NewsNation NewsNation Å NewsNation Å NewsNation Å DailyMailTV DailyMailTV
Bond movies that established Sean Connery as an interna- Friday, November 6, Prime-time: Cable Sports Channels
tional star. Up first is 1962’s “Dr. No,” 3:30 p.m.; followed by 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
“From Russia With Love” (1963), 6; and “Goldfinger” (1964),
ESPN SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å
ESPN2 High School Max on Boxing Boxing (TVG) Korean Baseball LG Twins at Doosan Bears. (Live) (8:55)
The Christmas Yule Blog A travel blogger is assigned to Football (5)
cover the 100th anniversary of a Christmas parade in a small FS1 College Football BYU at Boise State. (Live) (6:45) Å Undisputed TMZ Sports Football
New Mexico town, where she meets a charismatic high FS Prime Football High School Football CIF-SS Division 1 Final: St. John Bosco vs. Mater Dei. High School Football (Tape)
school music teacher. Sara Canning and Zak Santiago star in FSW Tennis Classics (N) (7) Rams 360 Football Poker Poker
this new 2020 romance. 8 p.m. Lifetime MLB Field of MLB Tonight Å MLB Now Å MLB Tonight Å MLB Now Å
Stuber Director Michael Dowse’s 2019 buddy cop action- Dreams (6) Å
comedy stars Kumail Nanjiani (“Silicon Valley”) and Dave NBC Sports Mecum Auto Auctions (4) Mecum Top 10 Mecum Top 10 Truck Tech Detroit Muscle Motocross Highlight Series
Bautista (“Guardians of the Galaxy”) as a mild-mannered NFL GameDay (7) NFL Total Access (TVG) Å NFL Fantasy Live Å Super Bowl Classics Å
Uber driver and a hyper-intense Los Angeles Police detec- SNLA SN: Dodgers (6:30) Dodgers Dodgers SN: Dodgers .
tive, respectively. 8:25 p.m. Cinemax



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