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BCA Model Questions

1. Which layer of the atmosphere is also called Ozonosphere?

a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Exosphere
Ans: b

2. The lithosphere consists of ____________

a. Upper mantle and the crust
b. Lower mantle and the crust
c. None
d. All
Ans: a

3. Biosphere is ___________
a. Biological envelope
b. Psychological envelope
c. None
d. Both
Ans: a

4. Renewable resource is
a. Never used up or exhausted
b. Used up or exhausted
c. Both of them
d. None
Ans: a
5. What do you understand by Food Web?
a. It deals with the relationship between the number of primary producers and
consumers of different order.
b. It is the sequence of energy transfer from the lower levels to the upper or
higher trophic levels.
c. A community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains
d. None of the above/ More than the above
Ans: c
6. This factor contributes to the carbon cycle
a. Fossil fuel combustion
b. Respiration
c. Photosynthesis
d. All of these
Ans: d
7. Primary pollutants are _________
a. CO
b. NO2
c. SO2
d. All
Ans: d

8. COD stands for

a. Chemical Oxygen Demand
b. Cash on Delivery
c. Capacity on Demand
d. Change of Destination
Ans: a
9. Itai-itai disease is caused by
a. Cobalt
b. Mercury
c. Copper
d. Cadmium
Ans: d
10. What is noise?
a. Desirable sound
b. Desirable and unwanted sound
c. Undesirable and unwanted sound
d. Undesirable and wanted sound
Ans: c
11. What is the ambient noise level in the residential one during night time?
a. 40 dB
b. 45 dB
c. 50 dB
d. 55 dB
Ans: b
12. Biodegradable pollutants are
a. Vegetable waste
b. Food waste
c. Tea leaves
d. All
Ans: d
13. Forests are provide
a. Timber
b. Fuel wood
c. Fodder
d. All
Ans: d
14. Mangroves are grow in
a. Tropical area
b. Subtropical area
c. Tropical and subtropical area
d. None
Ans: c
15. The lentic systems includes
a. Rivers
b. Ocean
c. Estuaries
d. Ponds
Ans: d
16. Tropical rain forest comes under
a. Terrestrial water ecosystem
b. Marine ecosystem
c. Fresh water ecosystem
d. Desert ecosystem
Ans: a
17. Natality rate
a. Increases population size
b. Decreases population size
c. Equal population size
d. None
Ans: a
18. Immigration rate
a. Increase population growth
b. Decrease population growth
c. None
d. All
Ans: a
19. Shannon Weiner higher index values indicate
a. Lower species diversity
b. Higher species diversity
c. None
d. All
Ans: b
20. A correlation of -1 indicates
a. No relationship between the variables
b. Perfect positive correlation
c. Perfect negative correlation
d. None
Ans: c
21. The source of carbon to plants in the carbon cycle is
a. Fossil fuels
b. Carbonate rocks
c. Atmospheric carbon dioxide
d. All of the above
Ans: c

22. The role of bacteria in the carbon cycle is

a. Breakdown of organic compounds
b. Chemosynthesis
c. Photosynthesis
d. Assimilation of nitrogen compounds
Ans: a
23. In the carbon cycle, the human body returns carbon to the atmosphere through
this way:
a. Formation of glucose
b. Waste products
c. Photosynthesis
d. Cellular respiration
Ans: d
24. Respiration and photosynthesis are central to this process
a. Nitrogen cycle
b. Phosphorous cycle
c. Carbon cycle
d. Sulphur cycle
25. The difference between the phosphorous cycle and carbon cycle lies in the fact
a. The phosphorous cycle does not include a gaseous phase but the carbon cycle
b. Phosphorous does not enter living entities but carbon enters
c. The phosphorous cycle includes a solid phase, the carbon cycle does not
d. Primary reservoir of the phosphorous cycle is the atmosphere, but rocks are
the primary reservoirs for carbon cycle
26. Most of the global warming is due to the perturbation of which of these cycles?
a. Global nitrogen cycle
b. Global carbon cycle
c. Global water cycle
d. All of these cycles equally contribute
27. This carbon isotope is radioactive and very rare
a. Carbon – 11
b. Carbon – 12
c. Carbon – 13
d. Carbon – 14
Ans: d
28. By this method, the majority of carbon moves from the lithosphere to the
a. Erosion
b. Deposition
c. Weathering
d. Fossil fuel burning
Ans: d
29. These entities sequester most carbon from the atmosphere
a. Plants
b. Archaea
c. Bacteria
d. Insects
Ans: a
30. Which pollution cause hearing loss in organisms?
a. Air pollution
b. Noise pollution
c. Water pollution
d. Soil pollution
Ans: b
31. Which of the following sound is pleasant to our ears?
a. Heavy machinery
b. Transportation equipment
c. Loud noise
d. Music
Ans: d
32. Conversion of ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrates is called
a. Ammonification
b. Denitrification
c. Assimilation
d. Nitrification
Ans: d
33. Limestone and dolomite are
a. Igneous rock
b. Sedimentary rock
c. Metamorphic rock
d. None of the above
Ans: b
34. The nutrients recycle very rapidly in
a. Desert
b. Ocean
c. Lakes
d. Grasslands
Ans: d
35. Population is the permanent aggregation of individuals of
a. Same species
b. Different species
c. Same community
d. Different communities
Ans: a
36. Natality is defined as
a. Average rate of reproduction/unit time
b. Average rate of death/unit time
c. Average rate of accident/unit time
d. None of the above
Ans: a
37. The nature of population is
a. Static
b. Dynamic
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Ans: b

38. Six major elements required by living organisms are

a. C, H, O, N, P and Hg
b. C, H, O, N, Co and P
c. C, H, Na, O, Co and N
d. C, H, O, N, P and S
Ans: d
39. Boron is required by living organisms in
a. Small amount
b. Large amount
c. Medium amount
d. None of the above
Ans: a

40. The coolant in the refrigerator is

a. Hydrogen
b. Nitrogen
c. Flurocarbon
d. Chlorine
Ans: c

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