Shelby Cowley Inquiry Unit

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Sustainability Inquiry Unit

Choose from a topic related to population, poverty, food, water, fossil fuels, new energy
or ecosystem services. If another topic is of interest to you beyond these already
discussed course topics, please connect with your instructor for approval.

Your goal is to design an interdisciplinary inquiry-based unit focused on sustainability

concepts and ways of thinking. You will design and create a curriculum-based website
that showcases your unit and can be easily shared with other educators using a digital

Tasks 1-3 include the Unit Outline, and will be completed first.
Tasks 1-4 will be revised/completed as a rough draft for peer review.
Task 5, which includes a final, edited version of tasks 1-4 on a website, will be
submitted for a final grade.

Task 1: Choose a topic with related standards and vocabulary (20 points). Select a
specific sustainability topic related to one of the Sustainable Development Goals that
we’ve addressed in class along with a grade level.

1. Choose a specific topic that has a local connection. For example, Water
Conservation in Arizona.

Cacti ecosystems in Arizona

2. The SDGs that I will address in my unit are:

Life on land

Climate action

3. Ways of thinking that I will make explicit connections to in my unit:

I will connect my unit to Life on Land and Climate Action by demonstrating how
the ecosystems of Cacti in the Arizona Desert are incredible, and it is our
responsibility to ensure that the ecosystems of the Arizona desert are not

4. Choose a grade level that you have worked with, informally or formally, so that
you understand the developmental needs of that audience.

The unit will be designed for (grade level): 1

5. List 2-3 state standards from AT LEAST 2 different disciplines that you will teach
and assess during your unit:
Speaking and Listening Standards: 1.SL.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with
diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger
groups. a. Follow agreed‐upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking
one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). b. Build on others’ talk in
conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges. c. Ask
questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion.
Life Science: 1.L2U1.8: Construct an explanation describing how organisms obtain resources
from the environment including materials that are used again by other organisms.

(Choose from the following standards)

Arizona Science Standards AZ Social Studies Standards

AZ ELA Standards AZ Math Standards

6. Vocabulary: What key vocabulary will students learn during your unit? List
key words, and your definitions for those words.

- Cactus
- Plant
- Ecosystem
- Desert
- Water
- Discussion


Task 2: Rationale (10 points) - Why does this matter? Respond to each of the
following questions in two detailed paragraphs.

Paragraph 1: What are the important economic, social, and environmental issues that
are important to know about this topic? Include scientific facts and evidence to make the
rationale compelling. Describe why your topic matters to you and to other people, locally
and globally. What engaged you the most about this topic, and why did you select it?
Arizona has the most biodiverse desert on the planet. There are 51 species of cacti
found in the Arizona desert. Nearly 700,000 acres of land have been devastated by
wildfires in 2020. Arizona is the only state that contains all 4 of the desert biomes found
in North America. Arizona is filled with such biodiversity and beauty, and it is important
for students to be aware of this. It might be easy for kids to overlook the wonder found
in the desert, but with a closer look, one can see the abounding beauty. The wildfires
and rapid urban growth in Arizona is a threat to the biodiversity found in Arizona.

Furthermore, it is critical that the students learn how the SDG’s relate to the
environment that they live in. Students will be able to see the connection between the
Arizona Cacti and the Arizona Desert and the SDG’s, specifically life on land and
Climate Action.

I am interested in this topic because I never considered Arizona to be beautiful until I

got older. I would love to introduce students to what an interesting species of plant the
cactus is, and I would like to learn more about it, too. I remember a person came to my
first grade classroom and we were able to taste a cactus and learn more about cacti. I
thought that was so interesting as a kid, I think other students would find it fun, as well.

Paragraph 2: Why does it matter for your students? Describe why you find this topic
relevant to teach in your future classroom. Why is it important knowledge/skills for your
elementary students to have? How does it relate to other content areas (e.g., science,
social studies, math, language arts, etc.)?

This matters to my students because these students live in Arizona. These are the
people that will grow up and potentially live in this state for the rest of their lives. It would
be a shame if they were not introduced to the wonder found in Arizona’s biodiversity.
The skills and knowledge of taking a closer look at an ecosystem and learning about all
of its connections will help students later on in science, and in other studies. This topic
relates to English because students will be asked to participate in discussions and write
opinion and informative texts based on what they have learned.


Task 3: Find Instructional Resources (20 points)

In order to plan a meaningful unit, you will need to identify and use a variety of
resources. Do some research, and select the best resources you can find for each of
the following categories. Then, write a short, annotated description for each resource,
and embed the link so that others can easily connect to it. To complete this task, you
will have 10 total annotated resources on a list, with embedded links to the actual
resource. Your resources need to come from the following categories:
1. Background knowledge for educators: Which resources (articles, websites,
videos) provide you with information you will need as a teacher in order to
effectively teach the topic. Identify the best two resources that you will use to
learn more about this topic.
This is a source that describes all of the different Arizona Cacti
This is a source that touches on the climate action SDG and how Cacti face peril
due to the changing climate.

2. A children’s book related to the topic: You will design a critical literacy read-
aloud activity one day. Which two books will you consider using for your read-
aloud, and why?
This is a story about a cactus who needs a friend. I think first grade would enjoy
the morals, and there is an opportunity to teach about cactus flowers, as well as other
desert critters.
This is the perfect book that describes the cactus life cycle and ecosystem. It
also has beautiful illustrations. (This is the book I chose)

3. Technology integration: What relevant and well-designed videos, simulations,

games or online activities can be used to deepen student understanding of this
topic? Choose two resources, and describe how they can be used to teach this
This video shows how you can eat the cactus fruit, which highlights to students
how cool cacti are. I included this because I would like to do a cactus fruit taste test in
class with the students.
Super cool and immersive video about the Sonoran desert.
This website allows you to search by region and interesting allowing students to
explore all of the different types of plants found in the desert.
4. Existing lesson plans: What lesson plans can you find that engage students in
hands-on learning? Identify two websites that have high quality lesson plans you
might adapt or use. How did you determine their quality?
This is a lesson from a homeschool mother for her younger children. I think the
printable is a valuable resource because it is a great foundation for first graders to make
deeper connections.
This is a fun activity that accompanies one of the books I chose, Cactus Hotel.
This activity specifically highlights the ecosystem of a cactus, and combines it with a fun
This lesson is a little more advanced than first grade, but the information and
framework is a great resource for designing a more simplified lesson.
5. Community organizations: What community organizations work on the issues
that you plan to teach about? These organizations might be good connections for
a field trip, guest speaker or a civic engagement project. Identify and describe
two community organizations.
The Arizona Sonora desert museum is home to many plants and animals native
to the Sonoran desert. This is a web page that details lesson plans and activities to
accompany a first grade field trip to this museum.

If you use other sources for your unit, please list and annotate them in this section as
well. All sources should be credited by listing them in the instructional resource section.

Task 4: Planning your instructional sequence (100 points).

1. Learning goals and assessment: Using your SDGs, ways of thinking, and state
standards to guide you, identify learning goals for the unit. Also create one or
more assessments that you will use to determine whether students have met
your goals.

Learning Goals (3-5 for the unit):

SWBAT draw a timeline with illustrations and labels of the lifecycle of a Saguaro Cactus
based on the book Cactus Hotel.
SWBAT write a small reflection on how they can make a difference in the world based
on the SDG’s covered in Lesson 2.
SWABT discuss in small and large groups different ways that the Arizona Desert is
unique and diverse after visiting the Sonoran Desert Museum.
SWBAT color the handout accurately and based on what they saw at the Sonoran
Desert Museum.

Assessment Task (Create the summative assessment that will measure the learning
goal. This could be a writing task, quiz, performance task, etc.)

The Assessment Task will draw out a timeline of the lifecycle of the Saguaro Cactus.
This will emphasize the Life Science standard for this unit. Students will draw a
horizontal line that begins from seed to ‘Cactus hotel’. On the timeline, the students will
label different events; such as, cactus grows an arm, cactus houses a bird, or cactus
grows a flower. Accompanying each description will be a small illustration that helps the
viewer better understand the different events.

To address the speaking and listening standard, students will share their timelines with
each other. Students will be put into groups of 2-3 and each student will trade timelines.
Students will look them over. Then, they will identify 2 things they like about each
other’s timelines, and 1 thing that was different from their own timeline.

This assessment will be a hands-on learning activity, and also will measure how well the
students understood the book. Furthermore, students will be measured based on their
ability to speak and listen, and craft a timeline that focuses on the ecosystem.

2. Instructional sequence: How will you sequence activities to lead students to a

deeper understanding of the topic? Outline 5 days of instruction. Each day should
include links to any resources needed (e.g., videos, books or informational text articles)
and a brief description of what will happen on that day.
You must include the following required elements:
1. A critical literacy read-aloud
2. Integration of technology on at least one day
3. A civic engagement component (How will students take action on the topic,
and help advance the SDGs or improve their community?)
4. Integration of one or more ways of thinking
5. Interdisciplinary connections that focus on the economic, social and
environmental sides of the topic that you chose

Things to keep in mind when designing instructional sequence:

● Are the activities developmentally appropriate?
● Does any digital tool that you include help deepen or extend their learning?
● What critical questions will you ask that get students thinking about the topic from
a sustainability lens?
● How will you introduce one or more ways of thinking as students grapple with the
sustainability topic that you chose?
● By the end of the unit, have all of your learning goals been addressed, and will
they be successful on the assessment?

Day 1 Materials: Cactus Hotel (optionally, present the YouTube video read aloud and
pause the video on the corresponding pages)
This will include a critical read aloud of the book Cactus Hotel. Teachers will read this
book aloud to students, pausing on specific pages to ask discussion and content
questions. This book helps to understand cacti as an ecosystem, as well as the role that
Cacti play in the Sonoran Desert. This book also provides students with visuals to better
understand some of the topics of this unit.

Day 2 Materials: Student's personal laptops (optionally, the class can do these activities
together is there is only one computer in the room)
This lesson will cover the UN's SDG's, and will introduce the students to these as well.
Students will be given some sentence stems to consider their impact on the
environment. Then, students will have the opportunity the view all of the Arizona Cacti in
a slideshow.

Day 3 Materials: Prickly Pear Cacti

This will be an incredibly fun day for students where they will learn about the many
different uses for Cacti. Also, students will have the opportunity to taste test prickly pear.

Day 4 Materials: Linked printable

Students will learn the peril that AZ Cacti are in. Then, students will be able to craft a
book all about the cacti that they have learned about. The goal is for students to
connect the SDG's with the Cacti in their own environment, the Sonoran Desert.

Day 5 Materials: Coloring book printable

This day will be a field trip to the Sonoran Desert Museum. The day will begin with a fun
computer game for students to play with. Then, students will visit the museum and see
all of the things they have learned about in person. Then, the students will take home a
printable coloring book that they will color at home and bring back to share with the
class. The goal for this day is for students to have a physical connection to all of the
information and insights that they have absorbed.

Task 5: Create your website Taking your ideas and creating a website allows you to
easily share your ideas with others in the future. Before creating the digital artifact, do a
careful edit and finalize your instructional unit in a Word document. Then, create a
website that houses all of your work in a well-designed format. i
1. Select your favorite (free) website creation tool (highly recommend
Weebly), Weebly (free education version) is great for creating classroom
websites, e-portfolios, and websites for assigned projects. It has a “drag and
drop” website editor that is user friendly, allowing even novice users to create
a professional website of this nature. You may also use Google sites, or if all
else fails, you can create a shared Google doc).
2. Create your website. It will include all of the elements that you have designed
already, laid out in a way that is engaging and easy for others to follow.
3. You will share the link with your instructor to submit your final project.

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