City of Welland Notice of Planning Fee Increase

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City of Welland

Infrastructure and Development Services

Planning and Building Division
60 East Main Street, Welland, ON L3B 3X4
Phone: 905-735-1700 Ext. 2240 | Fax: 905-735-8772
Email: |

November 10, 2020

Please note that the following Planning Application and Service Fee increases were approved by
Welland City Council on November 3, 2020 and will be effective January 1, 2021.
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Description Current Fee Pro:::t l~i

Official Plan .A mendment $ 3,4'6 0 1
$ 8,585
I_ Zoning Bv-law Amendment I $ 3!460 $ ,8,585
Concurrent Offi!Clial Plan and Zoning Bv-law .Amendment I $ 5,087 $ 12,623
:Remova.l ,of Holding Symbol $ 884 $ 1lfi37
Temiporarv Use By-law $ 3,460 $ 8,585
Site, Pllan Control Application $ 2,401 $ 8, 192
Site· P1 lan Exemption $ 768 $ 4;688
Mnor Chanr.11e to Site Plan Agreement $ 1,225 $ 7,478
Site· :Plan Res.ubmission (3 or l'Vlore) $1 500 1

.Processing of ~ubdivi~icinAP,•e,lication/DevelopmentAg1re:ements, .. .$ ... ........,Ji343 ... ... $ ........ ,

··--·~.?.!.~h Phas.~ 5~y9f0re ......~······-····..·~ ~ - - ~ ~ - -~ ..................................... $................. 1,,343 ... ...$.~..............21,6:07 .
per Lot or Block ,exc ludin~10.3 metr,e reserves $ 61 $ 117
Subdivision F,ee for e·ach Plan Reaistration oreater than 1 dealling1 $ 2,637 $ .5,1120
r.Jbdi'fication to Draft. Plan Conditions lnvolvinQ1Circul.ation $ . 1!696 $ 1 836 : 1

.~~~r.isi(?n to Draft Plan ~eroval ........... ____ ...:~..................?..,§:~-~·-· . l .. .. .......?? _~?~___ : 1

plus per lot or block $ 107 $ 116

Proces-sing of Short Form Subdivision1Acreement $ 1,072 $ 2,081
Proce,ss ing of Condominium Application/E~empti,on Request $ 7,344 $ 15,111
Processing Part Lot Control (including registraUon) $ 883 $ 2,604
Processing Servicing/Deve~opment Agireement $ 2,048 $ 8,420 I
Processing Front-Ending Agreement $ 2,048 $ 8,-451 ,I
Gertificates of Compliance :$ 156 $ 324 :
Mnor Vairianc,e/Cha.nae of Use Application $ 1,108 $ 750

Consent to Sev,er .I Validatiiion of T1

ltle I $ 1,460 $ 3,348
Concurr,ent Minor Variance and Cons,ent $ 1.9.31 $ .3,08.2 i'
R,escheduHng of Consent or Mnor Variance Appllic.ation $ 754 $ 1l729
Change of CondiUons foir Consent ,$ 560 $ 1,284
Chanqe of Address IReQues-ts I $, .2011 $ 4 17
Written Information Letter $ 11'9 $ 247

Bridging the past, present and future

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