IT's US Volume 15 Issue 03

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‘e: jiecm oie iL gs for dreams Health Camp pC ake) Nena Diyawara Hidden Marvels Quizzy Pop om AOU BR Case eed LEO CLUB OF UNIVERSITY OF MORATUWA (St ammo 01 ‘Their Story 10s) 02 Not found your Passion aa aSe bee SMN COC 03 or 05 A yas An limperial Legend of Girinence (<3) i \ A } 1Ngs Vol 15 | Issue 03 | October 2018 0 for Dreams “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” -Helen Keller- Actually they aren’ different from us. Dif ference comes from the way in which we look at them. They don’t need our sympa- thy. They just need our love, affectionand most importantly, our support. They are the stars on the earth. With the mere ambition of bringing the happiness to them, project “Wings for Dreams” was held on. 4th of October, 2018 at Meth Mihira Children’s Centre, Moratuwa as a joint project, in association. with Leo Club of Werahara, Leo Club of Raththanapitiya, Leo Club of Raigampu- rawaraya, Leo Club of Piliyandala Central College & Leo Club of Milleniya. There, dring the day, many joyful activities were carried out with the help of all Leos and Prospects participated in the event. An art competition was done for their happiness and also a special magic show SHOS) was presented for their enjoyment. It was their first magic show experience and they really enjoyed it and loved it. There was a talent show too, which presented their special talents for the gathering. At the end of the day, all of them were given a present as a memorial. Most importantly, this day became an unforgettable memo- ry not only for the children, but also for every participant. It was an emotional day for all of us. We all got something to enjoy, but still we are moaning about the things that we ar- en‘t able to get. But, just think, there are still a lot of people who can’t even talk or work properly. So, just enjoy what you have got, because it is the best gift we all have received. 5 3 Health Camp As this famous phrase, healthiness is the best thing ever we can obtain in our life- time. Everybody hope to live a healthy life forever. But unfortunately, most of the people suffer from various diseases due to the lack of knowledge and sometimes due to lack of money. We allghave the social responsibility on both these cases. As we are gathered through Leo club of University of Moratuwa to serve the so- ciety, we could keep a step prior than others do and help those who needed it the most. With this glimpse of hope we organized a health camp for those who has economic problems, to checkup their illnesses and give them medical advices and consults. The project was held as a joint project with the Lions Club of Gaalupura Central in Baddegama‘on.7" October. The project was successfullysended"with the partici- pation of many Leo members and as well ‘as prospeets of Leo Club of University of Moratuwa. More than hundred of people got assisted from the camp and we also got good comments from those who at- tended on that day. IT’S US a Vol 15 | Issue 03 | October 2018 @ Gea 8d CaOAB BBeE Bend @6380 8a Ba 5 8eBG5 GMNBSO SHO ®OS Eas ee eo SDacs o85 wm eo 8 © godO cf sees 50S OOSO BOTs BOMSSS endeg Oma O88 QHsied we- 8n s&) a Q 28 omeg®- 08 Osi 5 8S xO OHO m0) Nena Diyawara Education gives people some knowledge about the world and it is up to them to use it, and change the world into something better in return. Leo Club of University of Moratuwa contributed for the betterment of the education of the schools all over the country, for many years. In this year also, we started the project “Nena Diyawara” to share knowledge with the students who are sitting for the G.C.E O/L Examination in this year. Project was initiated in the last month, and we conducted its” another phase-in: this month.too. It was successfully held.on- 13 October at/Hikkaduwa Thiranagama Bodhiraja Maha Vidyalaya. This was (not just an O/L seminar, but also an attitude developing program. CET @ Leo Club of University IT’S US 5 3 Vol 15 | Issue 03 | October 2018 “Qa Each phase of this seminar series started witha motivational program, toencourage the students for their studies and go after their goals. The main objective in this project is to share the mathematical knowledge with the students for their coming O/L examination. Therefore, during the seminar we discussed a model paper with them and taught them some tricks and tips to learn the subject easily. As-in-each-phase, in this time also we got good comments from the students after the program. At the same time, we would like tobe thankful toeveryone who helped us to make this projecta success. Hidden Marvels No doubt about it. Nature is simply amaz- ing. But, there are some facts about nature that are completely mind blowing and still we are unaware of it. This time we are paying attention to the marvelous factors about trees that keep us alive. ® Counting stars seems like an impossi- ble task, but do you believe that there are 12 times more trees on earth than stars in the Milky Way. Scientists esti- mate there are between 200 - 400 bil- lion stars in our galaxy while there are an estimated 1 trillion trees on Earth. ® The rings ina cut tree don’t just reveal its age. They can also show signs of en- vironmental changes, like a volcanic eruption or severe drought. ® Trees help improve our water quality as they slow and filter rainfall and no other organism on Earth lives as long as a tree. ® A shade tree can help cool your home or office building by as much as 20 de- grees in the summertime. ® The astronauts on Apollo 14 carried tree seeds into space with them. Back on Earth, the seeds sprouted and grew. The young trees were given away to various state forestry services from 1975-1976, as part of the nation’s bicen- tennial celebration. ® Some trees seem to “talk” to each oth- er. Willows, for example, emit certain chemicals when they're attacked by webworms. Other willows then appear to produce more tannin, making their leaves harder for the pests to digest. eo Club of University of Moratuwa irs usSAB ‘Vol 15 | Issue 03 | October 2018. 0) % Oy Soen mae! Some trees emit chemicals that attract enemies of their enemies. Not only can they produce chemicals to com- bat leaf-eating insects each other, ap- parently warning nearby trees to pre- pare for an insect attack. Research has shown that a wide range of trees and other plants become more resistant to insects after receiving these signals. Trees in a forest can ‘talk’ and share nutrients through an underground in- ternet built by soil fungi. Most tree roots stay in the top 18 inches of soil, but they can also grow above ground or dive a few hundred feet deep. Trees help us breathe — and not just by producing oxygen but also from clearing the polluted air around us Trees can lower stress, raise property values and fight crime. Adding one tree to an open pasture can increase its bird biodiversity from almost zero species to as high as 80. Hi But, unfortunately humans have failed to understand the value of these amazing liv- ing giants that keep us alive. It is shown by the fact that world annual deforestation is estimated as 13.7 million hectares a year, equal to the area of Greece. Only half of this area is compensated by new forests or forest growth, In addition to directly human-in- duced deforestation, the growing forests have also been affected by climate change, increasing risks of storms, and diseases. The disadvantages to deforestation are an in- creased amount of carbon dioxide emissions and soil erosion as well as the destruction of forest habitat and the loss of biological diver- sity of both plants and animals which direct- ly threatens the life on earth including our- selves as well. Therefore now it’s the time to think different and act against deforestation and bring more and more plants back to live on this earth. “You will find something more in woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from maters” - St. Bernard - Marvels Contd... ~Resources from Internet~ Leo Club of University of Moratuwa 06 er IT’S US i ‘e Vol 15 | Issue 03 | October 2018 l i U “) ' Solve the question and be the lucky winner to receive a 2000/= worth gift voucher om Sarasavi Book Shop! Winner of the last month contest will publish on QuizzyPop online portal soon New Question There are two kinds of people on a mysterious island. There are so-called Honestants who speak always the truth, and the others are Swindlecants who always lie. Three fellows (A, B and C) are having a quarrel at the market: A gringo goes by and asks the A fellow: “Are you an Honestant ora Swindlecant?” The an- swer is incomprehensible so the gringo gives another quite logical question to B: “What did A say?” B answers: “A said that he is a Swindlecant.” And to that says the fellow C: “Do not believe B, he is lying!” Who is B and C? *Submit your answers on before 30" November 2018 a (BS) Leo Club of University of Moratuwa 07 irs usSAB oe ‘Vol 15 | Issue 03 | October 2018. 0) “i (Lion Sumudu) So Sumudu akka, tell us a Tit- tle about yourself (family background ete.) and how the things are happening these days? Tam Sumudu. A person who always looking for- ward to help others, a person who always loves to face challenges, a mother of a little angel who always busy with her duties, a wife of the busiest person that I know.) (Lion Vidula) First of all, tell us something about the beginning. Like, how did you get to know about Leoism? When did you started your journey as a Leo? And who mortivatd you to take that step and so on? like Leo Nactun, Leo Chathura those were mem bers of Akmeemana Leo club, who wants to open 4 3 I get to know about leoism from seniors of me 3 une ange q fp, a a club in UoM too. I have become a Leo when we inaugurated the Leo Club of UoM, as the charter Vice President of the club in 2003. (Lion Sumudu) We are pretty sure that, in your Leo career you might have joined with a nu- merous number of projects and events. Out of them, can you recall some that you made best memories with. “LEO Padura” is one of the best project we sta ed and continued. Even from the very first yea we worked very closely with the district and) most all members actively engaged with the activities. So whenever we organize this t of project we saw very active participation fron other clubs and district level too. That was one of the best thing we got through this movement, still we have those set of wonderful friends and friendships. Leo Club of University of Moratuwa ° o Contd... (Lion Vidula) You have come pretty much far as a Leo, So, tell us a bit about that journey of yours asa Leo? Its a rough journey at the beginning as we were a new club and part of a big leo family of 306A that time, Its unfamiliar water and we haven't had much idea on what kind of projects to do and how to raise funds, University also having many kind of clubs so its hard to have finds or much projects at that time due to formalities and workload. But year to end we learn a lot and I have grown from VP to Secretary and many positions took in the club. Later I was chosen as council member too in Leo district 306A2 when it formed with much difficul- ties. [have worked up to Chairman District Contest and Chairman Nominations and Elections. I have chair the Leo Camp in the year where Leo Sameera was the DP, (Lion Sumudu) Normally, we must have a goal to proceed well, So, when it comes to Leoism, what are your future goals? Even from the very first day my prime goal was to serve the society and that is the future goal too. LEO and also LION movements are one of the best place that gives this opportunity (Lion Sumudu) Now it is the time to recall some sweet memories.. Can you remember how did you get to know Vidula ayya? When did you see himy her first? Was that in a Leo project? If so, then what was that dreamy project that changed ‘your life? I met Vidula in 1999 (before joining the LEO move- ment) while in a science program handled by an institute called IFS, Institute of Fundamental Stud- ies. AMOMENT WT THEM/7 (Lion Vidula) What is most unforgettable experi- ence you two got in this journey as Leos together? Total journey we had as Leos were unforgettable. (Lion Sumudu) Obviously, you are a proud prod- uct of Leo Club of UoM. So, as one of our past Leos, what do you think about the current status of Leo Club of UoM? feel very proud seen the level you have achieved over the years, continue your good work. Try to serve others while gaining experience but not ex- pecting anything in return. (Lion Vidula) Apart from finding your Ms. Per- fect, what else you got to your life from Leoism and from those memorable days? The experience I got and friends I got to know are the things I had from Leo movement. (Lion Sumudu) Let’s move to some serious stuff. Tell us something about your current self. How is your career now? The company you are in, the role you are playing etc.? Tam working as a Manager Software Development @ 0 Club of University of Moratuwa 0 ° at IFS R&D International (Pvt) Ltd and Tam re- sponsible for a team of 25 software engineers and Business Systems analysts (Lion Vidula) How all those experiences and op- portunities you got through Leoism helped you to be in the position you are today? It helped a lot, from how to work with people to how to organize things to how to conduct a meet- ing came from my past experience as a Leo. I was able to climb my career ladder quickly due to the opportunities I had while I was a Leo. (Lion Sumudu) Well, finally how is your life to- gether these days? How the things are happening and anything you like to share with your fellow Leos? Life is always busy with my daughter, my office work, Lions activities and many more things that Tam handling. But i always try my best to find a quality time to spend with my family, look after all loved ones around me and enjoy my life. The most important thing for me is reflecting upon the things i did and improve from there. Otherwise it is just a run which never ends. (Lion Vidula) Well, one day when it is all over, how would you like to be remembered? Service was done for the satisfaction, not for the re- membrance as politics are do. The best way to re- member is to continue the service we have started. (Lion Sumudu) Asa one last thing for this discus- sion, what is the message you would like to pass to all the Leos around Sri Lanka? It is a very good opportunity to meet new friends, experience new things, learn about leaderships, Leo Club of University of Moratuwa IT’S US Vol 15 | Issue 03 | October 2018 learn how to balance your life with other extra activ- ities and mainly to serve society and give back to the country, Thank you very much feo Bumudu) feo Vidula for dedicating your valuable time on us and giving your maximum support to this. for you two, We wish avery happy and a beautiful future together that beings everything your heart desives, Work esenting HY Passion? { Some of our friends always talking big, like they are going to start this amazing new company, write an in- spiring novel or change the world. The problem with all that I have no- ticed is that, ideas are everywhere. but motivation is obviously unreal. Successful people know that life is happening right now not tomorrow. And they are focused on achieving their dreams and goals every min- ute. It’s more than an attraction and a passion, it’s in what they are living. Instead of talking, they’re doing. Does your job support your overall life goals? Are you equally excited about per- sonal projects as you are projects at work? Do you have a passion? Do you know exactly what you want in life? These are all big questions. But I guarantee those successful, motivat- ed and passionate people not only answered yes to all of them instant- ly, but they even knew what and why as well. If you didn’t answer yes to all of these, it may be the day to rethink about your life. @ Leo Club of University of Moratuwa How do you find a passion? There’s so many interesting and ultimately fulfilling things to spend your free time (and your work time) doing. The question is how can you not find a passion? Once you've found it, it’s amazing and indescribable. Then no one can affect your, thoughts.and your con- centration. When you know exactly what you want in life and what real- ly drives you, you'll never again be bored, tired or unfulfilled. Life presents us infinite challeng- es and, mysteries, but only a finite amount of time to explore them. That's why having a focus is import- ant. We’re all only given a certain amount of time to accomplish what we set out, and we certainly cannot do everything. People who spend their free time engaged in a passion are happier, more creative and more energetic in their personality, than those who hardly spend their time as consum- ers of dull entertainment pop-cul- ture. Getting sucked into that is a waste of life and (in my opinion) leaves smart people unfulfilled. It’s essentially fast food for your brain - small amounts occasionally are fine, but I can’t understand how people live off of it. Do you come home from work and simply fall down in front of the TV where you spend your time until you sleep? If the answer is yes, per- haps you should consider living life yourself instead of by proxy. You're going to wake up one day regretting how you spent your limited time in living. (43) Leo Club of University of Moratuwa =n Irs usaf Preseplinig Vol 15 | Issue 03 | October 2018 “Ala Attitude Writing = The article is for those who haven't found)a passion yet and embraced your true, creative self. Tt is not too late, you can do it. Start today. EQ SMGOIES G BcO See SE DDen Howes ows ©8800) CONS ome SBoeban Ds See Gsmsocg oan & QS esd 6S cned eising EBoORO o@) een) e508 Booty Qegss eB, , enwsse aGanDd exsOsé cmc Os QnOss DFO 68 Ges cence &6 BEGOs ememcdan nde eS edaw eB oS G&S Es can irsusAB Vol 15 | Issue 03 | October 2018 0 Editor's Note We, UoM Leo family who is touching the lives every day, committed to fulfill the objectives of doing social services and helping the people who needed it the most, in many perspectives, sharing the leadership, experience and’ opportunity among ourselves. With this effort to cre- ate the future leaders, who feel people the most, we were able to become the Most Outstanding Leo Club in the last Leoistie Year, which was a remarkable milestone in our successful humanitarian journey. It’s a great pleasure to have this gold- en opportunity to write for this month's newsletter on behalf of our UoM Leo fam- ily. It’s Us, unfolds and educate the outsiders about the eminent social services carried out by our dedicated leos throughout this. month, proving the fact of “Never doubt that a'small group of thoughtful, com- mitted citizens can change the world; in- deed It’s the only thing that ever has.” With the blessing and motivation of be- ing the Most Outstanding Leo Club, we were able to commence tremendous suc- cessful projects at different localities right throughout last month. ‘Nena Diyawara’and ‘Wings for Dreams’ were two of the most successful projects completed last month. We conducted seminars for O/L students in rural areas through ‘Nena Diyawara’ project with the objective of nourishing their minds and ity of Moratuwa growing the seed of future expectations. In addition to that, through ‘Wings for Dreams’ project, we were able to cherish their innocent minds with rays of hope. Besides to above mentioned projects, we were able to conduct a Health Camp in- cluding eye clinic while ‘Sneha Santhana’ project was conducted focusing the senior citizens of our country, with the aim of giving cherished unforgettable memories, that would rather keep them away from loneliness even for a moment. Further- more, Installation Ceremony of Leo Club of Rahula College, one of our buddy clubs was held in an eminent manner in the last month under ‘Exuberance’18’. It’s a great pleasure to address you all through ‘It’s Us’, and I would make this opportunity to pay the gratitude to all the members of our Leo family and as well as every other one, who made dedications and commitments to succeed these proj- ects. We are looking forward to receive your complements and criticisms for the im- provement of our newsletter thus, hope to continue the legacy of the humanitarian journey of the UoM Leo family. Stay in touch way, Leo Hshani Senanayake Editor 4 Editoria Panel hy Leo Thilina Prasad Jayathilaka Leo Shanika Priyadarshani Director of Editorial Chief Editor (Designer) @ Leo Club of University of Moratuwa Eminence An Smgerial Legend O©8@QGORR900G8~

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