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A Note on Easter Sunday 01

,sfhda tlal wjqreÿ 02
frdamK kel; 03
Their Story 04
Quizzy Pop 07
Hidden Marvels 08
Outside the Box 10
tlafjuq iefjdu oeka wu;l 11
lr fNao
Editor’s Note 12
Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019

n the 21st of April, all of us were get-
ting ready to our usual work after the
Sinhala and Tamil New Year celebra-
tions. Many of the Christian community were have suffered from terrorism and all the other
at the churches in everywhere to participate in things a lot. So, as Sri Lankans we should rise
the Easter Sunday celebrations with hearts full up against these terrorists as one nation. This is
of pure hopes. But, none of them did know that enough now, we should build our country again
the tempter was coming for them. That day, Sri and unveil this heaven to the world to show the
Lankans were made the most fateful nation in legacy of 2500 years.
the world. We lost hundreds of innocent lives
by the bomb blasts occurred in Kochchikade, As the Leo Club of University of Moratuwa, we
Katuwapitiya and Batticaloa churches and in would like to offer our deepest condolences to
five star hotels; Kingsbury, Shangrila and Cin- the families and relatives of the one’s that left
namon Grand. It was like a nightmare for all of us during this miserable attack. May all of those
us. A group of extremists have made our coun- souls’ rest in peace, and never ever happen this
try a funeral and it is difficult to imagine how kind of a baleful fate to anyone or any nation
unlucky we were to see the group burials again on this earth.

after the 30 years’ war.
We were rising up from the blackout that was

note on
made by the brutal terrorism. We were build-
ing our country; tourists were coming to travel
in this little heaven. But, those cruel extremists

Easter Sunday
have destroyed our paradise, they have taken
away the happiness of those innocent hearts.
They ruined our smile, they ruined the freedom
we inhaled as a nation, they ruined everything
for their abominable aims. We do not know
how cruel they are to ruin this paradise and its
innocent people. We do not know where their
final destination is. But we have to defeat them,
we have to rise up again as Sri Lankans. We

Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019 ,sftlahdal
he dawn of month April fills the hearts
of Sinhalese as well as Tamil people
with prosperity, happiness and satisfac-
tion, because it concludes the harvest season.
The transition of the Sun from the House of
Pisces to the House of Aries indicates the beginning
of a New Year according to Sinhalese culture. Festive given delectable gifts, which were opened just after the
mood with various sweetmeats, auspicious times, vari- distribution. All the participants, whether winners or
ous rituals enhance the enthusiasm in minds. the defeated, got an equal opportunity of tasting the dis-
tributed sweets. The donation of past Leos of the club to
To experience this precious ceremonial function with appreciate the President Leo Kasun Ramanayaka was a
its rituals and cultural games, Leo Club of University of special moment. All the participants were thrilled and
Moratuwa conducted an outstanding Awurudu function built an everlasting bond succeeding the purpose of the
at the University Lagaan premises, on 6th April 2019 event.
from 9.00 in the morning with the participation of Leos,
prospects and past Leos.
An attractive village house with the owners of it; Gama
Mahatthaya and his beloved wife added an extra beau-
ty to the program. Wife of Gama Mahatthaya, the lady
in the house lit the hearth and cooked a pot of milk
rice signifying prosperity. All the participants got the
chance of tasting this milk rice and other sweets spe-
cially made with deliciousness. After the rituals, the
Awurudu games commenced.
It was heart touching to see all the members playing
together without concerning about any other factors but
only the brotherhood. The most fascinating item in the
function was the pillory and most of the members were
given the opportunity to obtain an experience with the
pillory and some situations are unforgettable. Bridging
friendship together traditional games and joyous activi-
ties were the theme of the day. 
At the end of this blissful event, all the winners were

Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019

ys re uq,ajqKq kele;a ne÷kq fy<f-

ha uyd ux.,Hhg wmsg;a l,sfhka
,l ,eyeia;s fjkafk .yfld< i;d
iSmdfjda ÿr wE;l wefyk fldydf. ioafo;a tlal
hka;ug r;a trnÿ yskefyoaÈ .ïudfk me,afldg
f,djla wruqKq lr.;a frdamK kel; fuod wjqreoafo;a
wjqreÿ l=udrhdj ms<s.kakg ,eyeia;s fjkafk yßu
rgmqrdu jev we,a¨Kq fhdjqka oE;a /ilska ;=re yoj;a
WfoHda.fhka. M, nrg keuqkq .yfld,, iqmika wyi
úYd, ixLHdjlg Ôjh foñka b;d id¾:lj ksud jqKq
mjd fï wisßu;a ux.,Hhg tla lrkafk uy;a wdYs¾j-
nj lsj yelsh.
dohla. fy< isß;g uq,a ;ek foñka ,lajeis iEu ksji-
lu mdfya fufia pdß;% úê bIag isoaO fjoa§ fudrgqj
úYajúoHd,Sh ,sfhda iudch w¨;a wjqreoafo uQ,sl pdß;%
w;r, uÕyefrkiq¨ pdß;% w¨;a úÈylg iudc.;
lrkakg .;a ;j;a tla W;aidyhla f,ig “frdamK
kel;” jevigyk mgka .kafk 2006 wjqreoafo.
fuod wjqreoafo rela frdamK kel; fh§ ;snqfk wfma%,a
15 fjksod. ta wkqj l, hq;= jQfha fujr;a wfma%,a 14,
15 foÈk ;=< jev w,a,k kel;g me,hla isgqjd tys
PdhdrEmhla UoM Leos ks, f*ianqla msgqfõ m,
lsÍuhs. ta wkqj foÈk mqrdu ,sfhdajre fukau ,lajdiSka
/ilf.a;a odhl;ajh fï fjkqfjka ,enqK
nj lsj hq;=uh.
ñksid fjkqfjkau fiajh fldg ñksid ksidu ñhefok
fidndoyug ienúka u wms lD;fõ§ úh hq;=h. wjqreo-
aog fidndoyfï isoaO fjk fmr<sfha wisßh ú¢kakg
u;= mrmqrg;a wjia:djla Èh hq;=u h. tfyhska yß;

Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019

k w i t h k e
n e t a l a t h il a
l e o i
n ri Jay
A Laks
L i o n
1. So Leo Lion Laksri Jayathilake, tell us a little about
yourself (family background etc.) and how the things
are happening these days?
I am second of a family of four siblings, and I am com-
ing from a village called Degammeda in Kuliyapitiya
area, and studied in Central College Kuiliyapitiya. In
2009, I entered University of Moraruwa, and finished
studies in year 2014 as a Civil Engineer. Today, I am
working as a Structural Design Engineer.
2. First of all, tell us something about the beginning.
Like, how did you get to know about Leoism? When
did you started your journey as a Leo? And who moti-
vated you to take that step and so on?
In year 2009, my good friend Leo Sahan Jayasinghe
invited me to a party which was happening in Water’s
Edge Hotel. So, as usual, food was my main objective
and knew nothing about what the function is until I
went there. It was the annual conference in 2009, and
I was impressed about this occasion and I had the op-
portunity to go up on stage and receive awards as well.
From that day onwards, I became a member of the Leo
Club of University of Moratuwa.
3. You have come pretty much far as a Leo. So, tell us a
bit about that journey of yours as a Leo.
I joined the Leo Club when I was in first year and orga-
nized a number of events inside the university and out-
side as well. To be frank, Leo Club is the place where
I learnt how to speak in public and how to take leader-
Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019

ship and organize things. Because of Leonism, I made

a lot of friends all over Sri Lanka. I can still remember
the Leo Camp in Belihuloya in year 2010 where we met
lot of friends from Nepal as well. Even after my uni-
versity education, I am still taking part in many events
organized by UoM Leos. So, it is glad to see the new
generation getting mixed up with old Mora Leos and
sharing their thoughts together.
4. We are pretty sure that, in your Leo career you might
have joined with a numerous number of projects and
events. Out of them, can you recall some that you made
best memories with.
Most memorable project I can remember is the Lead-
ership Program organized for school children in
Mathugama area. I am glad to say that the present Leos
are still continuing the same tradition even today. Apart
from that, I enjoyed all the Leo Camps in Belihuloya, 5. Apart from finding a set of friends like family , what
Meerigama, Matale and Minneriya. If I list up other else you got to your life from Leoism and from those
projects I enjoyed, I would end up in lot of pages. Ev- memorable days
ery project is a new life experience and I lived them all.
To be brief, they Leadership, Experience and Oppor-
tunities. Leoism taught me how behave in the society
and how to go with the society without falling apart. It
is the best lesson I learnt so far, and still got plenty of
things to learn.
6. So tell us something about your current self. How is
your career now? The company you are currently work-
ing in; the role you are playing etc.?
I am working as a Senior Strutural Engineer at Southtec
Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd. I am responsible
for delivering the designs to clients on-time and super-
vise my junior team members.
7. How all those experiences and opportunities you got
through Leoism helped you to be in the position you
are today?
Leoism taught me how to organize things and finish
things on time. Simply the management skills. All those
skills helped to become the person I am today.
8. Well, then how is your life these days? How the
things are happening and anything you like to share
with your fellow Leos?
Currently I am holding the chair of President in the
Leo-Lion Club of Centennial Leaders where we have
a bunch of old Leos (few of Old Mora Leos as well)
working towards the betterment of the community and
we all can work together to create a better world for
Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019

9. Obviously, you are very close with Leo Club of

UoM. So, what do you think about the current status of
Leo Club of UoM? What other improvements do you
suggest for us to move forward as a club.
UoM Leos are always the best team anyone can wish
I just want to highlight ONE thing, TIME is precious
never waste it in vain.
10. As a one last thing for this discussion, what is the
message you would like to pass to all the Leos around
Sri Lanka?
Come join with UoM Leos and get the best things to
your life. Serve the people in need and never let your
colleagues fall down. Always remember, best is yet to

Thank you very much Leo Lion Laksri Jayathilake for dedicating your valu-
able time on us and giving your maximum support to this. For you two, we
wish a very happy and a beautiful future together that brings everything your
heart desires.

Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019

Quizzy Pop

Solve the question

and be the lucky winner to receive a
2000/= worth gift voucher from
Sarasavi Book Shop!

New Question

The rungs of a 10-foot ladder attached to a ship

are 1 foot apart. If the water is rising at the rate of
two foot an hour, how long will it take until the wa-
ter covers over the ladder?

*Submit your answers on before 15th June 2019

Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019


The speed at which they fly in the dance indicates how

far the food actually is. Moreover, a single hive contains
approximately 40-45,000 Bees. And also bees have five
eyes. There are 3 small eyes on the top of a Bee’s head
and 2 larger ones in front and they have hair on their eyes.
Another wonderful fact is that bees don’t have ears and
also they cannot recognize the color red.

n the journey of going through different wonders
of the nature through Hidden Marvels, this time
we stop at the door way of the insects’ world. Al-
most everywhere we look, we’ll find one or dozens
of these little creatures. The class Insecta includes
ants, bees, flies, beetles and much more where it is
estimated there are 30 million different species of in-
sects, making up almost 90% of all living things on
the planet. They can be found in almost every habi- Ants
tat, from snowy mountain peaks to scorching deserts
 There are nearly as many species of ants (8,800) as
and they have been around for more than 400 million
there are species of birds (9,000) in the world and for
years, longer than dinosaurs and flowering plants.
every human there are about 1 million ants. Ants can
One more interesting fact is that insects would out-
lift and carry more than fifty times their own weight.
weigh all other animals by weight and there are more
At the same time an ant can survive underwater for up
insects in one square mile of rural land than there are
to two days. And also the animal with the largest brain
human beings on the entire earth.
in proportion to its head is the ant. Another fascinat-
Below are some more wonderful facts about some in- ing thing is that ants don’t sleep and an ant has two
sect species we know very well and meet in most of stomachs, in one it stores food for itself, in the other it
our daily lives. stores food to be shared with other ants. Specially ants
in Africa eat more animal flesh than Lions, Hyenas
Bees and all other carnivores put together.
Bees are found on every continent except Antarctica.
Honeybees have to make about ten million trips to col-
lect enough nectar for production of one pound of honey.
While gathering food, a bee may fly up to 60 miles in one
day and a bee must visit 4000 flowers in order to make
one tablespoon of honey. Therefore, to make one pound
of honey, workers in a hive fly 55,000 miles and tap two
million flowers. We all know that bees buzz but did you
know some honeybees are good dancers? These are the
bee scouts which means they go out in search of food.
Once they find food, they return to the hive and tell the
others where the food is. How? They dance, of course.
Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019


Butterflies However, all these insects do nature a huge favor in main-

taining the healthy functioning of ecosystems. Insect pol-
The original name for the butterfly was ‘flutterby’. linators, such as the thousands of species of bees, along
Butterflies taste with their hind feet and they cannot with flies, moths and butterflies, are crucial for food pro-
duction and they also ensure the long-term survival of
fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees.
wildflowers, shrubs and trees. Insects that feed on plants
Also, when the time comes for the female butterfly help return plant nutrients to the soil, and are themselves
to lay eggs, she goes from plant to plant, landing on food for wild birds, reptiles, mammals, and yet more in-
their leaves and drumming her feet. In this way, she sects. Insects are also immensely important for decom-
can tell if the plant’s leaves will be tasty enough for posing decaying organic matter and maintaining healthy
her caterpillars to eat. Caterpillars spend most of the soils.
time eating, after all, in order to grow, and they stay
in just one plant, consuming as many of its leaves as it
can. If they hatch on the wrong plant, they might not
eat at all and we all know what happens to living crea-
tures that don’t eat – they die. It takes about one hun-
dred Monarch Butterflies to weigh an ounce. Cousins
of butterflies, the moths are unable to fly during an
earthquake and sometimes they do not have mouths
to eat.

 But, unfortunately, according to new research from the

University of Sheffield High, levels of pollution found
in many of the world’s major cities are having negative
effects insects as they depend more on plants and fresh
unpolluted air. Scientists are warning about massive
declines in insect numbers, which should be incredibly
alarming to anyone who values the natural world. There-
fore, the environmental pollution must come to an end in
order to ensure the well-being of these helpful tiny crea-
~ Extracted from internet ~
Mosquitoes have 47 teeth and male mosquitoes do not
bite humans. Female mosquitoes drink blood in order
to obtain nutrients needed to produce eggs.  They can
beat their wings 600 times a second.  Mosquito repel-
lents don’t repel – they hide you. The spray blocks the
mosquito’s sensors so they don’t know you’re there. It
would take over a million mosquito bites to sap all your
blood.  Mosquitoes don’t transmit HIV. And also they
bite more when there is a full moon.

Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019

is unfair often. It’s full of ups
and downs and plains. Your
ability to accept that the life is
not meant to be fair can go a long way when
you are getting through tough times in your
life. How would you overcome a tough situa-
tion in your life?
Brainstorm potential ways to deal with the sit-
uation. You’re likely to have more options to a
certain problem than you might think. Spend
time thinking about how you can respond to
a tough situation. Even if you can’t fix it, you
would develop a plan to cope with it.
Hundreds of years ago, an old man who owned
a small business in a small Italian town with
his good-looking, wise daughter, Genevria.
The old man owed a large amount of money to for her father’s freedom.
a loan-shark. The loan-shark was very old and
an unattractive looking guy. Genevria is tactful, she drew a pebble out, and
suddenly dropped it down into the dark before
The loan-shark decided to offer the old man a looking at it.
deal to completely wipe out the debt he owed
him. However, loan-shark’s intention was to “Oh! How inapt I am. Never mind, you can look
marry the daughter, Genevria. into the bag and see what is left, so we can get
to know what I picked.”
The loan-shark came up with a plan, and he
said that he would put two pebbles into a bag, You know what happened then! The old busi-
one red and one blue. nessman was free from his debt, his wise
daughter was free from the loan-shark as well.
Then Genevria would have to reach into the
bag and pick one pebble out. If it was red, the It’s always possible to overcome a tough sit-
debt would be wiped, and Loan-shark would uation thinking out of the box. Don’t give into
marry her. If it was blue, the debt would also the only options you naturally see. foresight,
be wiped, but Genevria is not married to Loan- forethought, tactfulness will give better solu-
shark. tions to your problems than taking quick de-
cisions and immediate actions. Remember to
How cunning the Loan-shark is! He picked up think twice before you leap!
two pebbles and put them into the bag, but
Genevria noticed that both were red.
Then Genevria was asked to pick one pebble.
So, she had naturally three choices before her.
1. Refusing to pick a pebble.
2. Taking both pebbles out and exposing
that loan-shark is cheating.
3. Picking one pebble well knowing she
would have to marry the ugly-old-man

Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019

wu;l lr nla ufy wisßfhka msß ieKfl,s iuÕ...

ryfia t<UqfKa mdial= bßodj...
ls;=Kq ne;su;=ka msrefKa m,a,shg...
fkdis;+ úm;lah isÿ jQfha rgg...

fmkqfKa reysreor ta fï yeu;eku...

weiqfKa ye.=ï uhs fkdkj;ajd È.g...
ieu is;a WKq jqKd fkdñksiqkf. yer...
,lauõ yefËõjd ñksiqka mdm;r...

úrejka meñKqkd wNS; fmruqKg...

,lauõ iq/l=ug ;u mK fojeks fldg...
ld,h meñK we; kskafoka weyefrkak...
tlafjuq iefjdu oeka wu;l lr fNao...

Vol 15 | Issue 09 | April 2019

Editor’s Note
he journey we came as the editorial panel
of Leo Club of University of Moratuwa
for the Leostic year 2018/19 is coming
to a termination. At the end of 9 consecutive Every ending is just a new beginning. There-
issues of IT’S US, the Official Monthly News- fore, it’s rather our way to Volume 16. We’ll
letter of Leo Club of University of Moratuwa, see you again with a new panel of editors to
the pleasure is all mine to keep this note as the continue the Imperial Legend of Eminence.
conclusion of the Volume 15. Until then, stay with us, it’s us.

Throughout all our IT’S US issues, we shared

the details of each project we did as a club with
thousands of readers outside and we hope that
we succeeded in it as a panel. This short issue
also covers the projects we carried out during
the month of April. One is the “,sfhda tlal wjqreÿ”,
the Sinhala and Hindu New Year Celebration
organized by the club to polish the fraterni-
ty in between the current and past Leos of the
Club. The other is the “frdamK kel;” conducted
to strengthen our bond with the environment,
by offering it a new plant during the New Year
IT’S US Volume 15 never was the effort of only
the Editorial Panel and the designer. There, we
got an immense support from the fellow Leos
and Prospects of the club. And especially the
past club members that motivated and guided
us this long, must be mentioned with our heart-
iest gratitude. Special thanks must be made to
all the Leos, Lions and their families that helped
us in succeeding the Their Story article series
by offering their valuable time on us. Most im-
portant of all are the dear readers who stayed
along with us during the whole IT’S US series.
The appreciations and criticisms we got from
you all definitely was the driving force that en-
couraged us to be a better version of ourselves
day by day. In this transitional ending also, we
would love to hear your comments. They are Leo Shanika Priyadarshani
always welcome as the motivation to our IT’S Chief Editor
US journey.

Editorial Panel

Leo Thilina Prasad Jayathilaka Leo Shanika Priyadarshani

Director of Editorial Chief Editor

Leo Mohomed Nifran Leo Nilupulee Hansamali Leo Sanath Ramesh

Editor Editor Editor

Leo Chandi Premarathne Leo Amanthi Indumini Leo Sasini Kavindya Leo Lakshika Swarnamali Leo Sandani Asha
Co-Editor Co-Editor Co-Editor Co-Editor Co-Editor

Leo Club of University of Moratuwa

An Imperial Legend of Eminence

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