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Applied Information Resources Fall 2017 1

Digital Portfolio Project

A Digital Portfolio is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed
by a user, usually on the web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text,
electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. E-portfolios are
both demonstrations of the user's abilities and platforms for self-expression, and,
if they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over time.


1. Create a WEEBLY account. 5 pts

2. Choose a theme. 5pts
3. Create Pages: Welcome, About me, WITC Program Overview, Program
Projects/Accomplishments, Resume/Cover letter, Contact Info.

Title Description
Welcome: Name, image, splash page 10 Pts
About Me: Picture of student, Overview of
experience and education.
Minimum of three photos. 10 pts
WITC Program Overview: Place degree info here, so
employer can review. Take off
the WITC web page. 10 pts
Program Projects/ Place photos of projects created
Accomplishments in your program and list
accomplishments. 10 pts
Resume/Cover letter Place current Resume and Cover
letter here. PDF format 10 pts
Contact Info Create an info form here. 10 pts
Applied Information Resources Fall 2017 2

Present your digital portfolio to the class professionally. Minimum 10 min. 30 pts
You will be graded on the following:
A) Content— 5 points
a. Script – know what you’re going to say
b. Creativity – have fun, make the presentation sound like you
c. Coherence – easy to follow
B) Quality— 5 points
a. Visual aesthetics – make your Digital Portfolio eye catching
C) Technical-- 5 Points
a. Professionalism – market your skills
b. Refer to your Digital Portfolio – show your portfolio, not just talk
about it
D) Final Product—5 points
a. Cohesiveness—each segment conveyed a steady process
b. Overall creativity – unique pictures/video, adding text overlays, ect…
c. Overall quality – dress and speak professionally
d. Overall inspiration
E) Post-Presentation Personal Reflection— 5 points
a. How the project went for you
b. Professional
F) Presentation Presented on Time – 5 points
a. Presented on the given due date

Total Points 100

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