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Delton Williams

Professor McGriff

ENC 1102

November 20 2020

Reflection Essay

In this fall mini semester of ENC1102 I have become a better writer and researcher, my

presentation skills have also grown as you must communicate to the ones going over your

presentation. In my career of being an engineer there will be many things I will have to present

and before presenting first thing would be research, if it's by paper or PowerPoint I have the

experience in creating good presentations. I will use everything I learned from this class to grow

as a research and a person aiming for higher education.

There were many things that really improved my skills but one of the things that really helped

me improve was the research paper overall assignment. Starting off with the annotated

bibliology really helped me in getting started, in doing the research I had to stay away from

websites like Wikipedia and other non-educational sites. In doing my bibliology I have also

learned how to correctly site a source, for me I have always missed things in my works cited but

from this course I have learned how to cite deepening on the source. In computer technology

and technological engineering there is a lot of research involved, using websites with

information that can stay me off course would not help me at all, so being able to find reliable

sources is something i learned how to do.

In doing the research paper I found that after doing the Annotated biology writing the paper

became much easier, that itself helped me understand that there are foundations in writing, one

thing becomes easier when you do the first part. In the past I would use the templates that were

given to me and I would completely follow them, but I am now able to use those templates and

expand what I write while still using the same template.

I used to be a very shy person and if I don't have to do something socially I want but now this

class has only helped me to continue to break out of my shell being able to freely talk and work

with my classmates, this skills is one everyone needs no matter what job they might have. Being

able to talk to my classmates and receive their feedback only helps me grow as a writer and a

person plus when I get extra information I am able to writer even freer then before as I now

have more information to work off of.

Last thing, by using and learning how databases work I have become familiar with using them

using certain keywords to bring up the subject I am looking for, even with scholarly journals. I

have learned a lot In being in the class, what I love the most about writing is being able to freely

express your ideals and what you believe, having others help me expand my ideals is the best,

the little information I am given helps me turn my work into something much bigger and better.

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