OECD (2016) How Stringent Are Environmental Policies

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How stringent are

environmental policies?
February 2016

How stringent are

environmental policies?

A review of OECD work on

indicators of environmental
policy stringency (EPS)

It is a common perception that environmental policies have become

increasingly stringent in response to environmental challenges, both global
and local. However, cross-country analysis of the economic effects of
environmental policies is held back by the lack of reliable, comparable
measures of stringency. This brochure presents new quantitative measures
of environmental policy stringency (EPS) developed by the OECD. The
EPS indicator is a composite index, derived through the aggregation of
information on selected environmental policy instruments, primarily related
to climate and air pollution. It covers most OECD countries over 1990-2012,
and has recently been extended to BRIICS (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia,
China and South Africa). While the EPS indicator is a simplification of the
multidimensional reality of environmental policies, it is a first tangible effort
to measure the stringency of environmental policies internationally over a
relatively long time horizon. It shows relatively high and significant correlations
with alternative proxies of EPS used in the literature, such as measures of
perceived stringency based on survey responses, outcomes and energy
prices etc. This brochure provides a description of the OECD approach, the
results and its properties as well as empirical applications and ongoing work
on this topic.

Contact information

February 2016

How stringent are

environmental policies?

A review of OECD work on

indicators of environmental
policy stringency (EPS)

It is a common perception that environmental policies have become

increasingly stringent in response to environmental challenges, both global
and local. However, cross-country analysis of the economic effects of
environmental policies is held back by the lack of reliable, comparable
measures of stringency. This brochure presents new quantitative measures
of environmental policy stringency (EPS) developed by the OECD. The
EPS indicator is a composite index, derived through the aggregation of
information on selected environmental policy instruments, primarily related
to climate and air pollution. It covers most OECD countries over 1990-2012,
and has recently been extended to BRIICS (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia,
China and South Africa). While the EPS indicator is a simplification of the
multidimensional reality of environmental policies, it is a first tangible effort
to measure the stringency of environmental policies internationally over a
relatively long time horizon. It shows relatively high and significant correlations
with alternative proxies of EPS used in the literature, such as measures of
perceived stringency based on survey responses, outcomes and energy
prices etc. This brochure provides a description of the OECD approach, the
results and its properties as well as empirical applications and ongoing work
on this topic.

Contact information

What is environmental policy Our approach:
stringency (EPS)? The EPS Indicator

Environmental policies contribute to wellbeing and the long-term The OECD’s environmental policy stringency (EPS)
sustainability of growth. They strive to achieve environmental indicator aggregates information on selected
objectives that markets fail to deliver. Such policies tend to make environmental policies to create a composite
pollution and, more generally environmental services, more costly measure of relative policy stringency across countries
in order to change both producer and consumer behaviour. In and over time (Botta and Kozluk, 2014) . The indicator consumers. Policies can alter the costs of pollution
this respect, and for the purpose of this work, stringency can be focuses on upstream sectors, such as energy and in different ways. “Stick” type policies, that
defined as the strength of the environmental policy signal – the transport, of prime environmental importance and directly raise the costs of polluting behaviour, are
explicit or implicit cost of environmentally harmful behaviour, for similar relevance across countries. The policies considered more stringent the higher the taxes or
example pollution. covered are environmentally-related taxes, renewable the stricter the standards. “Carrot” type policies,
energy and energy efficiency support (feed-in-tariffs, which reward “environmentally-friendlier”
The stringency of environmental policies has been hypothesised renewable energy certificates, R&D expenditures), activity (thereby raising the relative costs of
to have effects on economic activity, such as, for instance, performance standards (emission limit values for pollution), are assumed more stringent the
competitiveness and innovation. Still, actual empirical insights on coal fired power plants and sulphur content limits in higher the support such as feed-in-tariffs or R&D
the effects of stringent policies have been weak and focused on diesel fuels) and information on deposit and refund subsidies. Page 5 presents the structure of the
specific policies in specific contexts (Kozluk and Zipperer, 2014). schemes. Currently, the indicator focuses primarily EPS indicator including more technical details on
This has left the door open for interpretations that can often serve on air and climate policies. the policy instruments and aggregation. Overall,
the interest of the firms and sectors targeted by the policies, to the the EPS measure should be treated and used
detriment of economy-wide concerns – potentially both economic The indicator is scored on a 0 to 6 scale, where 6 as a proxy for aggregate environmental policy
and environmental. denotes most stringent policies. For each underlying stringency. The following sections show how
policy instrument, stringency is defined as a higher countries score on the EPS indicator and discuss
To respond to this issue, the OECD has collected data on selected implicit or explicit price placed on the relevant the properties, advantages, disadvantages and
environmental policies over countries and time in order to create a environmental damage produced by firms or challenges of such an approach.
proxy of environmental policy stringency and check its effects on
economic performance.

Data sources and relevant links

EPS indicator website: http://oe.cd/eps

Environmental Policy Stringency data:


3 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 4
What is environmental policy Our approach:
stringency (EPS)? The EPS Indicator

Environmental policies contribute to wellbeing and the long-term The OECD’s environmental policy stringency (EPS)
sustainability of growth. They strive to achieve environmental indicator aggregates information on selected
objectives that markets fail to deliver. Such policies tend to make environmental policies to create a composite
pollution and, more generally environmental services, more costly measure of relative policy stringency across countries
in order to change both producer and consumer behaviour. In and over time (Botta and Kozluk, 2014) . The indicator consumers. Policies can alter the costs of pollution
this respect, and for the purpose of this work, stringency can be focuses on upstream sectors, such as energy and in different ways. “Stick” type policies, that
defined as the strength of the environmental policy signal – the transport, of prime environmental importance and directly raise the costs of polluting behaviour, are
explicit or implicit cost of environmentally harmful behaviour, for similar relevance across countries. The policies considered more stringent the higher the taxes or
example pollution. covered are environmentally-related taxes, renewable the stricter the standards. “Carrot” type policies,
energy and energy efficiency support (feed-in-tariffs, which reward “environmentally-friendlier”
The stringency of environmental policies has been hypothesised renewable energy certificates, R&D expenditures), activity (thereby raising the relative costs of
to have effects on economic activity, such as, for instance, performance standards (emission limit values for pollution), are assumed more stringent the
competitiveness and innovation. Still, actual empirical insights on coal fired power plants and sulphur content limits in higher the support such as feed-in-tariffs or R&D
the effects of stringent policies have been weak and focused on diesel fuels) and information on deposit and refund subsidies. Page 5 presents the structure of the
specific policies in specific contexts (Kozluk and Zipperer, 2014). schemes. Currently, the indicator focuses primarily EPS indicator including more technical details on
This has left the door open for interpretations that can often serve on air and climate policies. the policy instruments and aggregation. Overall,
the interest of the firms and sectors targeted by the policies, to the the EPS measure should be treated and used
detriment of economy-wide concerns – potentially both economic The indicator is scored on a 0 to 6 scale, where 6 as a proxy for aggregate environmental policy
and environmental. denotes most stringent policies. For each underlying stringency. The following sections show how
policy instrument, stringency is defined as a higher countries score on the EPS indicator and discuss
To respond to this issue, the OECD has collected data on selected implicit or explicit price placed on the relevant the properties, advantages, disadvantages and
environmental policies over countries and time in order to create a environmental damage produced by firms or challenges of such an approach.
proxy of environmental policy stringency and check its effects on
economic performance.

Data sources and relevant links

EPS indicator website: http://oe.cd/eps

Environmental Policy Stringency data:


3 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 4



The overall structure of the EPS index is presented in Figure 1. For each individual instrument, the quantitative
stringency in OECD
or qualitative information is normalised where relevant (e.g. taxes on pollutants from the electricity sector are

rescaled using electricity prices). They are then scored on a 0-6 scale increasing in stringency (0 is assigned when

the instrument is not present in a country). The thresholds for each bin are determined based on the stringency
countries and BRIICS

of the given measures across countries and time. The country scores are then aggregated by instrument type

(taxes, trading schemes, emission standards, etc.), instrument category (market-based and non-market based) and

further on using equal weights at each stage. In practice, the country rankings are relatively robust to alternative

weighting and aggregation. The indicator covers the years 1990-2012 for 24 OECD countries. For federal countries,

where some of the key instruments are applied at the sub-national levels, the national indicator is a weighted

average of regional policies, where weights are the share of each region in electricity consumption/production.
Figure 2 displays the EPS indicator scores of OECD over the past two decades.
countries for the period 1990-1995 and the year • Environmental policies remain more

In 2015, the EPS indicator was extended to cover BRIICS (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa). 2012. Figures 3 and 4 show the performance stringent in OECD countries than in BRIICS.

This required two minor modifications due to data constraints (Kozluk and Timiliotis (2016)). First, the subindicator
of countries on the extended EPS indicator
on deposit and refund schemes was excluded. All other subindicators were reweighted accordingly. Second, which includes BRIICS. Several patterns can be • Policies, as measured by the EPS indicator,

public expenditures on R&D in renewable energy for the BRIICS were interpolated at low levels (score of 1). Over
distinguished: are most stringent in Nordic countries, the

the entire sample of OECD countries, the extended EPS indicator is highly correlated to the original one, with a Netherlands, Finland and Germany. Among

correlation of 0.92 (significant at 1%). • Environmental policy stringency has been OECD countries, they are least stringent in

increasing in all OECD countries and BRIICS Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Hungary. Most
Figure 1. Aggregation structure of the composite index of EPS of the other countries are close to the
OECD average.

Composite indicator of Figure 2. Environmental policy stringency in OECD countries

environmental policy stringency

0.5 0.5 Indicator value - 1990/1995 Indicator value - 2012 OECD average - 2012
More stringent
Market-based policies Non-market based policies
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5

Trading R&D
Taxes FITs DRS Standards
Schemes Subsidies

• CO2 Emission Limit 2

• Renewable Government
• CO2 Energy R&D
• Deposit • NOx
• NOx Certificates • Solar expenditure
& Refund • SOx
• SOx • Energy • Wind on
Scheme • PMx 1
• Diesel Efficiency Renewable
• Sulphur content
Certificates Energy
limit (Diesel)

Note: FITs encompasses feed-in tariffs and feed-in premiums for renewable energy (wind and solar).
Source: Botta and Kozluk, (2014); OECD/EEA Environmental Policy Instruments www.oecd.org/env/policies/da-
tabase; OECD-EPAU dataset on Renewable Energy Policies www.oecd.org/env/consumption-innovation/finance.
Source: Botta and Kozluk (2014). Figure 3 displays the EPS indicator scores of OECD countries for the period
1990-1995 and the year 2012.

5 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 6



The overall structure of the EPS index is presented in Figure 1. For each individual instrument, the quantitative
stringency in OECD
or qualitative information is normalised where relevant (e.g. taxes on pollutants from the electricity sector are

rescaled using electricity prices). They are then scored on a 0-6 scale increasing in stringency (0 is assigned when

the instrument is not present in a country). The thresholds for each bin are determined based on the stringency
countries and BRIICS

of the given measures across countries and time. The country scores are then aggregated by instrument type

(taxes, trading schemes, emission standards, etc.), instrument category (market-based and non-market based) and

further on using equal weights at each stage. In practice, the country rankings are relatively robust to alternative

weighting and aggregation. The indicator covers the years 1990-2012 for 24 OECD countries. For federal countries,

where some of the key instruments are applied at the sub-national levels, the national indicator is a weighted

average of regional policies, where weights are the share of each region in electricity consumption/production.
Figure 2 displays the EPS indicator scores of OECD over the past two decades.
countries for the period 1990-1995 and the year • Environmental policies remain more

In 2015, the EPS indicator was extended to cover BRIICS (Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa). 2012. Figures 3 and 4 show the performance stringent in OECD countries than in BRIICS.

This required two minor modifications due to data constraints (Kozluk and Timiliotis (2016)). First, the subindicator
of countries on the extended EPS indicator
on deposit and refund schemes was excluded. All other subindicators were reweighted accordingly. Second, which includes BRIICS. Several patterns can be • Policies, as measured by the EPS indicator,

public expenditures on R&D in renewable energy for the BRIICS were interpolated at low levels (score of 1). Over
distinguished: are most stringent in Nordic countries, the

the entire sample of OECD countries, the extended EPS indicator is highly correlated to the original one, with a Netherlands, Finland and Germany. Among

correlation of 0.92 (significant at 1%). • Environmental policy stringency has been OECD countries, they are least stringent in

increasing in all OECD countries and BRIICS Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Hungary. Most
Figure 1. Aggregation structure of the composite index of EPS of the other countries are close to the
OECD average.

Composite indicator of Figure 2. Environmental policy stringency in OECD countries

environmental policy stringency

0.5 0.5 Indicator value - 1990/1995 Indicator value - 2012 OECD average - 2012
More stringent
Market-based policies Non-market based policies
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5

Trading R&D
Taxes FITs DRS Standards
Schemes Subsidies

• CO2 Emission Limit 2

• Renewable Government
• CO2 Energy R&D
• Deposit • NOx
• NOx Certificates • Solar expenditure
& Refund • SOx
• SOx • Energy • Wind on
Scheme • PMx 1
• Diesel Efficiency Renewable
• Sulphur content
Certificates Energy
limit (Diesel)

Note: FITs encompasses feed-in tariffs and feed-in premiums for renewable energy (wind and solar).
Source: Botta and Kozluk, (2014); OECD/EEA Environmental Policy Instruments www.oecd.org/env/policies/da-
tabase; OECD-EPAU dataset on Renewable Energy Policies www.oecd.org/env/consumption-innovation/finance.
Source: Botta and Kozluk (2014). Figure 3 displays the EPS indicator scores of OECD countries for the period
1990-1995 and the year 2012.

5 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 6
Figure 3. Environmental policy stringency in OECD and BRIICS The EPS indicator has also been compared with various proxies of
environmental performance. Table 1 highlights the correlations with
CO2 intensity of the economy and electricity generation as well as
1990-95 2012 the Yale Environmental Performance Index (EPI).

3.5 It also shows a significant positive correlation with GDP per capita,
confirming that richer countries tend to have more stringent
3 policies.

More stringent


1 Table 1. Correlations with emission intensity and environmental performance




EPS -0.41 -0.36 0.26

Note: BRIICS countries are Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South-Africa. Lowest OECD countries are
Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Highest OECD countries are Finland, Netherlands and Denmark.

Note: Spearman correlations calculated with EPS indicator for OECD countries and BRIICS for the period 1990-
2012. All correlations are significant at 1% level.

Figure 4. Environmental policy stringency in BRIICS

1990-95 2012



More stringent





Russia Brazil South Africa Indonesia India China

7 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 8
Figure 3. Environmental policy stringency in OECD and BRIICS The EPS indicator has also been compared with various proxies of
environmental performance. Table 1 highlights the correlations with
CO2 intensity of the economy and electricity generation as well as
1990-95 2012 the Yale Environmental Performance Index (EPI).

3.5 It also shows a significant positive correlation with GDP per capita,
confirming that richer countries tend to have more stringent
3 policies.

More stringent


1 Table 1. Correlations with emission intensity and environmental performance




EPS -0.41 -0.36 0.26

Note: BRIICS countries are Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South-Africa. Lowest OECD countries are
Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Highest OECD countries are Finland, Netherlands and Denmark.

Note: Spearman correlations calculated with EPS indicator for OECD countries and BRIICS for the period 1990-
2012. All correlations are significant at 1% level.

Figure 4. Environmental policy stringency in BRIICS

1990-95 2012



More stringent





Russia Brazil South Africa Indonesia India China

7 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 8
Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the EPS index is that it The main issue with these types of instruments is
is a simple proxy, based on actual policies. It the high level of site specificity and the difficulty in
concentrates on climate and air policies in key assessing and comparing stringency. For instance,
upstream sectors – which are important and land use regulation is likely to be implemented
relatively comparable polluters across economies. at lower levels of governments while voluntary
approaches are often negotiated between single
The underlying assumption is that a stringent facilities and local authorities. This heterogeneity,
approach to environmental issues across a number Figure 5. Environmental policy stringency in OECD and BRIICS
together with the possibility of regulatory capture,
of key pollutants and industries is representative of makes the comparison of their stringency across
a more general preoccupation with environmental time and countries even more problematic. The
issues across all areas. omission of certain types of instruments weakens
Environmental Implementation Perceptions of Changes in Changes in
the generality of the composite indicator since policy Environmental agents' environmental
The policy instruments covered are comparable instruments Enforcement policies behaviour outcomes
these instruments are common in some countries, 3 4
in a relatively straightforward fashion in terms 1 2
like Japan, where voluntary approaches represent a
of stringency. The resulting indicator has broader E.g. Event based E.g. Shadow prices, E.g. Environmental
large share of the tools. approach, composite
E.g. Survey of
survey of firms performance data
cross-country and time coverage than other executives
abatement costs
available direct policy measures. It can also be In light of these limitations, it is useful to compare
easily updated and expanded once relevant the EPS indicator with other attempts to measure Environmental laws are designed … to alter firms' and achieve
and implemented…. (and consumers')
data become available. Moreover, in practice, the environmental policies across countries and time "cleaner"outcome
indicator is fairly stable with respect to changes that are used in the empirical literature. Such
and weighting and aggregation. However, such a approaches differ in many dimensions, but it is
simple proxy has numerous limitations, due to possible to classify them according to “where” they
the many challenges in measuring environmental attempt to measure environmental stringency (as Table 2. Correlations of extended EPS indicator with other proxies of environmental policy
policy stringency (see p.12). represented by the bubbles in Figure 5). stringency

First, the focus on limited environmental policy Spearman rank correlations over maximum available sample
areas overlooks other important areas such as
water, biodiversity, natural resources or waste. Correlation with
EPS measure Sample characteristics
Extending the policies covered will be the subject of
Original EPS 0.92*** OECD countries only, 1990-2012
future work.
CLIMI (EBRD) 0.45** OECD countries and BRIICS, 2008

Second, even in the areas of air and climate, World Economic Forum’s Executive OECD countries and BRIICS, 2002-
Opinion Survey 2012
some potentially relevant policy instruments
OECD countries and BRIICS, 1990-
have been ignored. For example, tax incentives Energy Prices (Sato et al. 2015) 0.50***
for “environmentally-friendly” investment, OECD countries and BRIICS, 1990-
Environmental Patents (share) 0.28***
land use regulations or labelling obligations, 2012

voluntary approaches (VAs) and other “soft” policy OECD countries and BRIICS excluding
Landfilled waste (share, Sauvage 2014) -0.59***
Indonesia, 1995-2012
instruments are not covered.
Note: ***, **, * denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively.

9 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 10
Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the EPS index is that it The main issue with these types of instruments is
is a simple proxy, based on actual policies. It the high level of site specificity and the difficulty in
concentrates on climate and air policies in key assessing and comparing stringency. For instance,
upstream sectors – which are important and land use regulation is likely to be implemented
relatively comparable polluters across economies. at lower levels of governments while voluntary
approaches are often negotiated between single
The underlying assumption is that a stringent facilities and local authorities. This heterogeneity,
approach to environmental issues across a number Figure 5. Environmental policy stringency in OECD and BRIICS
together with the possibility of regulatory capture,
of key pollutants and industries is representative of makes the comparison of their stringency across
a more general preoccupation with environmental time and countries even more problematic. The
issues across all areas. omission of certain types of instruments weakens
Environmental Implementation Perceptions of Changes in Changes in
the generality of the composite indicator since policy Environmental agents' environmental
The policy instruments covered are comparable instruments Enforcement policies behaviour outcomes
these instruments are common in some countries, 3 4
in a relatively straightforward fashion in terms 1 2
like Japan, where voluntary approaches represent a
of stringency. The resulting indicator has broader E.g. Event based E.g. Shadow prices, E.g. Environmental
large share of the tools. approach, composite
E.g. Survey of
survey of firms performance data
cross-country and time coverage than other executives
abatement costs
available direct policy measures. It can also be In light of these limitations, it is useful to compare
easily updated and expanded once relevant the EPS indicator with other attempts to measure Environmental laws are designed … to alter firms' and achieve
and implemented…. (and consumers')
data become available. Moreover, in practice, the environmental policies across countries and time "cleaner"outcome
indicator is fairly stable with respect to changes that are used in the empirical literature. Such
and weighting and aggregation. However, such a approaches differ in many dimensions, but it is
simple proxy has numerous limitations, due to possible to classify them according to “where” they
the many challenges in measuring environmental attempt to measure environmental stringency (as Table 2. Correlations of extended EPS indicator with other proxies of environmental policy
policy stringency (see p.12). represented by the bubbles in Figure 5). stringency

First, the focus on limited environmental policy Spearman rank correlations over maximum available sample
areas overlooks other important areas such as
water, biodiversity, natural resources or waste. Correlation with
EPS measure Sample characteristics
Extending the policies covered will be the subject of
Original EPS 0.92*** OECD countries only, 1990-2012
future work.
CLIMI (EBRD) 0.45** OECD countries and BRIICS, 2008

Second, even in the areas of air and climate, World Economic Forum’s Executive OECD countries and BRIICS, 2002-
Opinion Survey 2012
some potentially relevant policy instruments
OECD countries and BRIICS, 1990-
have been ignored. For example, tax incentives Energy Prices (Sato et al. 2015) 0.50***
for “environmentally-friendly” investment, OECD countries and BRIICS, 1990-
Environmental Patents (share) 0.28***
land use regulations or labelling obligations, 2012

voluntary approaches (VAs) and other “soft” policy OECD countries and BRIICS excluding
Landfilled waste (share, Sauvage 2014) -0.59***
Indonesia, 1995-2012
instruments are not covered.
Note: ***, **, * denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively.

9 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 10
Challenges in measuring the stringency of
environmental policies

Measuring environmental policy stringency is a cumbersome task, not least because of the lack of
appropriate data. The main challenges are due to the heterogeneous nature of environmental issues
and the various instruments that address them (Brunel and Levinson, 2013; Kozluk and Zipperer,

Multi-dimensionality is due to the various dimensions of environmental regulations (e.g. across

different media, such as air, water, soil), the multitude of available policy instruments (e.g. pricing,
command and control instruments, voluntary approaches) and their design and implementation
features. Legislators may regulate emissions of a single pollutant through different instruments (e.g.
both a tax and a performance standard on NOx emissions), but often also discriminate the application
of regulations according to the sectors, technologies, vintages or sizes of plants or location of activity
A first set of measures attempts to capture actual Finally, environmental performance measures
(e.g. urban area). Environmental regulation can also be implemented at various levels of government.
taxes, laws and regulations directly. They are the look at the second-level consequences
closest to actual policy instruments and include of instruments, that is, the variation in Sampling arises as the sample of industries subject to policies may be driven by the policies
indicators of existence of single policies, their levels environmental performance of firms, sectors or themselves. For example, more polluting industries may represent a lower share of GDP in a country
(e.g. tax rates) or changes as well as composite countries, in order to proxy the stringency of the subject to stringent policies precisely because the policies have shifted the industrial structure away
measures that aggregate selected information on policy itself (bubble 4). from them. Moreover, in sectors indirectly affected by stringent environmental policies (e.g. the
individual instruments. The main assumption is service sector may be affected primarily through high electricity prices), these effects are not likely to
that it is possible to directly observe environmental The EPS indicator aims to capture the stringency
be correctly assessed as resulting from environmental policies.
regulations, or at least representative elements of actual policies, so the most relevant
of them, and that it is possible to represent a comparisons are those from the first and second Identification is the difficulty in correctly assessing the degree to which the expected consequences
country’s stance on environmental regulation by of the above categories. These also happen to of stricter regulations (e.g. increased abatement expenditures or observed lower pollution intensity)
summarising selected measures of the enforced be the measures most widely available across can be actually attributed to environmental policy stringency. Observed environmental outcomes can
laws (Figure 5, bubble 1). Measures attempting countries and time, even if samples differ from be due to other regulatory instruments (for instance, affecting labour and capital) and country-specific
to capture perceptions of the stringency of those of the EPS indicator. They include the characteristics: geography, market imperfections, skills, level of development, access to technology
environmental policies are another set, based on EBRD’s Climate Laws, Institutions and Measures or trade openness and outsourcing. All these features tend to interact with each other, making it
dedicated survey questionnaires (bubble 2). Index and the World Economic Forum’s Executive difficult to link measures of relative environmental performance (or abatement expenditures) to actual
Opinion Survey responses (managers’ perceptions environmental policies.
A third set of measures focuses on the first-order on domestic policy stringency). In addition,
Implementation and enforcement are linked to broader characteristics of environmental policies,
consequences of environmental regulations –such checks with energy prices, also used as proxies
including their flexibility, depth, predictability and competition-friendliness. Further effects may come
as firms’ costs, actions and production choices of environmental policy stringency (Sato et al.,
from the provisions accompanying the environmental policies (e.g. to smooth the transition) and the
(bubble 3). They include estimates of shadow prices 2015) and proxies for environmentally-related
discrepancy between the legal and the de facto stringency: the transposition of laws into government
for environmental inputs or environmentally- innovation (“green” patent shares) are provided.
actions, levels of fines and lax pursuit of violations. Enforcement may be of particular importance in
related expenditures (e.g. on pollution control and As shown in Table 2, correlations are significant,
countries with lower quality of institutions or large unofficial economies – for example in developing
abatement), often self-reported. suggesting that each of these measures captures
countries (Scrieciu, 2015).
part of the same phenomenon. Each single
measure is far from ideal; hence in empirical
work checks with alternative measures of
environmental policy stringency can be valuable.

11 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 12
Challenges in measuring the stringency of
environmental policies

Measuring environmental policy stringency is a cumbersome task, not least because of the lack of
appropriate data. The main challenges are due to the heterogeneous nature of environmental issues
and the various instruments that address them (Brunel and Levinson, 2013; Kozluk and Zipperer,

Multi-dimensionality is due to the various dimensions of environmental regulations (e.g. across

different media, such as air, water, soil), the multitude of available policy instruments (e.g. pricing,
command and control instruments, voluntary approaches) and their design and implementation
features. Legislators may regulate emissions of a single pollutant through different instruments (e.g.
both a tax and a performance standard on NOx emissions), but often also discriminate the application
of regulations according to the sectors, technologies, vintages or sizes of plants or location of activity
A first set of measures attempts to capture actual Finally, environmental performance measures
(e.g. urban area). Environmental regulation can also be implemented at various levels of government.
taxes, laws and regulations directly. They are the look at the second-level consequences
closest to actual policy instruments and include of instruments, that is, the variation in Sampling arises as the sample of industries subject to policies may be driven by the policies
indicators of existence of single policies, their levels environmental performance of firms, sectors or themselves. For example, more polluting industries may represent a lower share of GDP in a country
(e.g. tax rates) or changes as well as composite countries, in order to proxy the stringency of the subject to stringent policies precisely because the policies have shifted the industrial structure away
measures that aggregate selected information on policy itself (bubble 4). from them. Moreover, in sectors indirectly affected by stringent environmental policies (e.g. the
individual instruments. The main assumption is service sector may be affected primarily through high electricity prices), these effects are not likely to
that it is possible to directly observe environmental The EPS indicator aims to capture the stringency
be correctly assessed as resulting from environmental policies.
regulations, or at least representative elements of actual policies, so the most relevant
of them, and that it is possible to represent a comparisons are those from the first and second Identification is the difficulty in correctly assessing the degree to which the expected consequences
country’s stance on environmental regulation by of the above categories. These also happen to of stricter regulations (e.g. increased abatement expenditures or observed lower pollution intensity)
summarising selected measures of the enforced be the measures most widely available across can be actually attributed to environmental policy stringency. Observed environmental outcomes can
laws (Figure 5, bubble 1). Measures attempting countries and time, even if samples differ from be due to other regulatory instruments (for instance, affecting labour and capital) and country-specific
to capture perceptions of the stringency of those of the EPS indicator. They include the characteristics: geography, market imperfections, skills, level of development, access to technology
environmental policies are another set, based on EBRD’s Climate Laws, Institutions and Measures or trade openness and outsourcing. All these features tend to interact with each other, making it
dedicated survey questionnaires (bubble 2). Index and the World Economic Forum’s Executive difficult to link measures of relative environmental performance (or abatement expenditures) to actual
Opinion Survey responses (managers’ perceptions environmental policies.
A third set of measures focuses on the first-order on domestic policy stringency). In addition,
Implementation and enforcement are linked to broader characteristics of environmental policies,
consequences of environmental regulations –such checks with energy prices, also used as proxies
including their flexibility, depth, predictability and competition-friendliness. Further effects may come
as firms’ costs, actions and production choices of environmental policy stringency (Sato et al.,
from the provisions accompanying the environmental policies (e.g. to smooth the transition) and the
(bubble 3). They include estimates of shadow prices 2015) and proxies for environmentally-related
discrepancy between the legal and the de facto stringency: the transposition of laws into government
for environmental inputs or environmentally- innovation (“green” patent shares) are provided.
actions, levels of fines and lax pursuit of violations. Enforcement may be of particular importance in
related expenditures (e.g. on pollution control and As shown in Table 2, correlations are significant,
countries with lower quality of institutions or large unofficial economies – for example in developing
abatement), often self-reported. suggesting that each of these measures captures
countries (Scrieciu, 2015).
part of the same phenomenon. Each single
measure is far from ideal; hence in empirical
work checks with alternative measures of
environmental policy stringency can be valuable.

11 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? © OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 12
Improvements and extensions

The EPS index is work in progress. Despite a ongoing. In parallel, work is being conducted on
number of favourable properties, the coverage extending the coverage to other OECD countries
remains limited - focusing on air and climate not yet covered and further improving the coverage
pollutants largely in upstream activities such as of selected instruments. This work is expected to
electricity production and transport. yield results by late 2016. In light of the recent
While this was a necessary assumption when the extensions, Table 3 shows the progress of the data
indicator was conceived, a natural next step is to collection process for BRIICS countries.
look at the possibility of including other major
environmental policies. Scoping work to include
policies for regulating water pollution is currently

Empirical applications no evidence that stringent environmental

policies harm aggregate trade and overall
Table 3. Mapping of policies covered for BRIICS (so far)

The OECD’s EPS index has already been used in country competitiveness. However,
empirical work in order to measure the effect of environmental policies are found to have Tax Trading schemes FIT ELV R&D
environmental policy stringency on economic a significant effect on trade specialisation. CO2 NOX SOX Die- Green CO2 White SO2 Wind Solar SOX NOX PM Sulphur Subsidies
outcomes: More stringent environmental policies are
associated with a competitiveness loss in
• Albrizio et al. (2014) show that the Russia
the most polluting sectors and a reduction
tightening of environmental policies
in their exports. At the same time they are India
observed in OECD countries had little
linked to a comparative advantage in less Indonesia
effect on aggregate productivity growth.
polluting industries and a boost in exports. China
Nevertheless, they find that increasing EPS
Overall, the effects of environmental policies
has led to differentiated effects within South Africa
on trade patterns over the past two decades
the economy – the most technologically
have been found small with respect to The information for this variable/country pair is completely collected and up to date.
advanced industries and firms have seen a
effects of other developments, such as trade The information for this variable/country pair is partially collected with missing values.
small, temporary increase in productivity
liberalisation. The information for this variable/country pair is not available or does not exist.
growth whereas the least productive firms

have seen their productivity fall. The • In a similar vein, Sauvage (2014) finds a
possible channels for this are firm dynamics significant positive relationship between
(entry/exit and growth), outsourcing and a country’s regulatory stringency and its
innovation. specialisation in exports of “environmental”
• Kozluk and Timiliotis (2016) investigate
the Pollution Haven Hypothesis - whether • Other researchers have used the EPS index PHOTO CREDITS
countries with more stringent environmental to test the effects on innovation (De Santis
© SOMMAI/Shutterstock.com © Gyuszko-Photo/Shutterstock.com
policies lose out in terms of competitiveness and Lasinio, 2015); to measure how policy © SusaZoom/Shutterstock.com © Alex Mit/Shutterstock.com
and exports. Using the extended EPS stringency affects CO2 emissions (Probst and © Michal Staniewski/Shutterstock.com © Robert Neumann/Shutterstock.com
indicator which covers BRIICS, they compare Sauter, 2015); and to estimate the learning © apiguide/Shutterstock.com © studio23/Shutterstock.com
curve of renewable energy technologies © Peter Gudella/Shutterstock.com © iStockphoto.com/gashgeron
effects on gross exports with those on
© manfredxy/Shutterstock.com ©Julia Ivantsova/Shutterstock.com
domestic value added embedded in exports (Witajewski-Baltvilksa et al., 2015).
– a Global Value Chain approach. They find

13 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies?

© OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 14
Improvements and extensions

The EPS index is work in progress. Despite a ongoing. In parallel, work is being conducted on
number of favourable properties, the coverage extending the coverage to other OECD countries
remains limited - focusing on air and climate not yet covered and further improving the coverage
pollutants largely in upstream activities such as of selected instruments. This work is expected to
electricity production and transport. yield results by late 2016. In light of the recent
While this was a necessary assumption when the extensions, Table 3 shows the progress of the data
indicator was conceived, a natural next step is to collection process for BRIICS countries.
look at the possibility of including other major
environmental policies. Scoping work to include
policies for regulating water pollution is currently

Empirical applications no evidence that stringent environmental

policies harm aggregate trade and overall
Table 3. Mapping of policies covered for BRIICS (so far)

The OECD’s EPS index has already been used in country competitiveness. However,
empirical work in order to measure the effect of environmental policies are found to have Tax Trading schemes FIT ELV R&D
environmental policy stringency on economic a significant effect on trade specialisation. CO2 NOX SOX Die- Green CO2 White SO2 Wind Solar SOX NOX PM Sulphur Subsidies
outcomes: More stringent environmental policies are
associated with a competitiveness loss in
• Albrizio et al. (2014) show that the Russia
the most polluting sectors and a reduction
tightening of environmental policies
in their exports. At the same time they are India
observed in OECD countries had little
linked to a comparative advantage in less Indonesia
effect on aggregate productivity growth.
polluting industries and a boost in exports. China
Nevertheless, they find that increasing EPS
Overall, the effects of environmental policies
has led to differentiated effects within South Africa
on trade patterns over the past two decades
the economy – the most technologically
have been found small with respect to The information for this variable/country pair is completely collected and up to date.
advanced industries and firms have seen a
effects of other developments, such as trade The information for this variable/country pair is partially collected with missing values.
small, temporary increase in productivity
liberalisation. The information for this variable/country pair is not available or does not exist.
growth whereas the least productive firms

have seen their productivity fall. The • In a similar vein, Sauvage (2014) finds a
possible channels for this are firm dynamics significant positive relationship between
(entry/exit and growth), outsourcing and a country’s regulatory stringency and its
innovation. specialisation in exports of “environmental”
• Kozluk and Timiliotis (2016) investigate
the Pollution Haven Hypothesis - whether • Other researchers have used the EPS index PHOTO CREDITS
countries with more stringent environmental to test the effects on innovation (De Santis
© SOMMAI/Shutterstock.com © Gyuszko-Photo/Shutterstock.com
policies lose out in terms of competitiveness and Lasinio, 2015); to measure how policy © SusaZoom/Shutterstock.com © Alex Mit/Shutterstock.com
and exports. Using the extended EPS stringency affects CO2 emissions (Probst and © Michal Staniewski/Shutterstock.com © Robert Neumann/Shutterstock.com
indicator which covers BRIICS, they compare Sauter, 2015); and to estimate the learning © apiguide/Shutterstock.com © studio23/Shutterstock.com
curve of renewable energy technologies © Peter Gudella/Shutterstock.com © iStockphoto.com/gashgeron
effects on gross exports with those on
© manfredxy/Shutterstock.com ©Julia Ivantsova/Shutterstock.com
domestic value added embedded in exports (Witajewski-Baltvilksa et al., 2015).
– a Global Value Chain approach. They find

13 . © OECD how stringent are environmental policies?

© OECD how stringent are environmental policies? . 14
How stringent are
environmental policies?

How stringent are
Albrizio, S., E. Botta, T.Kozluk and V. Zipperer (2014): “Do Environmental Policies Matter for
Productivity Growth? Insight from New Cross-Country Measures of Environmental Policies,”
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1176, OECD Publishing.
environmental policies?
Botta, E. and T. Kozluk (2014): “Measuring environmental policy stringency in OECD countries:
A composite index approach”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1177,
OECD Publishing.

Brunel, C. and A. Levinson, (2013): “Measuring Environmental Regulatory Stringency”, OECD

Trade and Environment Working Papers 2013/5, OECD Publishing.

De Santis, R. and C. Lasinio (2015): “Environmental Policies, Innovation and Productivity in the
EU,” LEQS Paper No. 100/2015.

Kozluk, T. and V. Zipperer (2014), “Environmental Policies and Productivity Growth: A Critical
Review of Empirical Findings”, OECD Journal: Economic Studies, Vol. 1, 2014.

Kozluk, T. and C. Timiliotis (2016), “Do environmental policies affect global value chains? A
new perspective on the pollution haven hypothesis,” OECD Economics Department Working
Papers, No. 1282.

Probst, M. and C. Sauter (2015): “CO2 Emissions and Greenhouse Gas Policy Stringency: An
Empirical Assessment,” IRENE Working papers 15-03.

Sauvage, J. (2014): “The Stringency of Environmental Regulations and Trade in Environmental

Goods,” OECD Trade and Environment Working Papers, No. 2014/03, OECD Publishing.

Sato, M., G. Singer, D. Dussaux S. and Lovo (2015): “International and sectoral variation in
energy prices 1995-2011: how does it relate to emissions policy stringency?”, GRI Working
Papers 187, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.

Scrieciu, S. (2015): “Measuring Environmental Action and Economic Performance in Developing

Countries,” GGKP Working Paper 01 | 2015.

Witajewski-Baltvilksa, J., E. Verdolinib and M. Tavonic (2015): “Bending the learning curve,”
Energy Economics, Vol. 52, Supplement 1, pp. S86–S99.




February 2016

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