Social Media Event Refelction

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Social Media Event Report

When crafting the content for our social media event, we decided that the best way to

stage our event was to do an entire week of quality content leading up to the big finale, an

Instagram Live video featuring Dr. Reel. We felt as if this strategy gave us the best opportunity

to build brand recognition, engagement, and continue to grow the WUABJ Instagram page.

Using an entire week gave us the opportunity to to not only provide new content, but also

build excitement and momentum for Thursday’s Instagram live session. From the start of the

week to Thursday, page views, likes, comments, shares, and engagements all increased over their

numbers that we saw at the beginning of the campaign. It also gave us the opportunity to have

each team member contribute an individual post while also working together to provide an

overarching week of content.

One of the main challenges we encountered was finding a time to post and schedule each

event. While we were ultimately able to schedule and execute our interview with Dr. Reel, we

had to change the schedule in order to make it fit in with his. While this was a challenge, it was

also an opportunity for us to reevaluate our content plans, scheduling, and strategy and make vast

improvements to our original plans. With the a new free day, we decided to do a “Why WUABJ”

post, utilizing quotes and interviews with Tesera and Kristen to show the benefits of joining

WUABJ. With a clean, crisp design, and a strong message, the post was the most liked and

engaged with over the course of the entire week of content.

Once we scheduled and executed the interview with Dr. Reel, it saw tremendous

engagement numbers, pulling over 46 views in its recorded form, along with a live audience of

over ten people. The 23-minute interview featured Sadie interviewing Dr. Reel on about

journalism, journalistic practices, and the 2020 election. Dr. Reel was very informative,

engaging, and leaned into the interview, putting forth his best effort and providing good

information to the viewers while also entertaining them with anecdotes and stories.

The biggest victory of the event was that our engagement numbers grew steadily as the

week went on. Starting with 7 likes on our first post of the week, then growing to 25 likes for the

“Why WUABJ” post, our numbers grew exponentially as the week went on. This showed that

the constant stream of content and promotion led to results and that running our event as an

entire week was an effective strategy to help with engagement. Attached below are screen

captures of the various posts that were produced over the course of the week.

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