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Engineering Mechanics
• Basic Concepts.
• Force Systems.
• Moments and Couples. Module I
• Resultant of Force System.
• Equilibrium of Force System.
• Structure Analysis/ Truss & Frames.
• Line, Area & Volume Centroid.
Module II
• Center of Gravity.
• Moment of Inertia.
• Friction 4

EnggMech_Fahid_2019-2020 1
Assessment scheme
• 4% Quiz

• 40% Activity
14% Homework
2% Class Activity
8% Report (individual assignment)
8% Seminar (group assignment)
8% Project ( group assignment)

• 16% Mid Term Exam

• 40% Final Exam


Text Books and References

1- “Engineering Mechanics STATICS”
R.C. Hibbeler

2- “Engineering Mechanics, STATICS”

Meriam and Kraige

3- “A Text Book of Engineering Mechanics”

R S Khurmi

EnggMech_Fahid_2019-2020 2
engineering Mechanics
Module i

1- introduction and Basic


Dr. Fahid Abbas Tofiq

Mechanics: is that branch of physical science which

deals with the behavior of bodies under the action of
Engineering Mechanics: is that branch of Applied
Science, which deals with the laws and principles of
Mechanics, along with their applications to
engineering problems.

Knowledge of Engineering Mechanics is very essential

for an engineer in planning, designing and
construction of various types of structures and

EnggMech_Fahid_2019-2020 3
Statics: It is that branch of Engineering Mechanics, which deals with the
forces and their effects, while acting upon the bodies at rest.
Dynamics: It is that branch of Engineering Mechanics, which deals with
the forces and their effects, while acting upon the bodies in motion. The
subject of Dynamics may be further sub-divided into the following two
branches :
1. Kinetics, and 2. Kinematics.


The followings are the basic terms which are used in mechanics:
Mass: The quantity of the matter possessed by a body is called mass. The
mass of a body can not change unless the body is damaged and part of it is
physically separated.

Length: It is a concept to measure linear distances.

Time: Time is the measure of succession of events. The successive event

selected is the rotation of earth about its own axis and this is called a day.

Force: In general force is considered as a "push" or "pull "' exerted by one

body on another.
Concentrated Force: A concentrated force represents the effects of a
loading which is assumed to act at a point on a body.


EnggMech_Fahid_2019-2020 4
Displacement: It is defined as the distance moved by a body/particle
in the specified direction.

Velocity: The rate of change of displacement with respect to time is

defined as velocity.

Acceleration: It is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.

Momentum: The product of mass and velocity is called momentum.

Momentum = Mass × Velocity

Space: Any geometric region in which the study of a body has been
done is called space.


Particle: It can be defined as an object which has only mass and no size or
negligible size (or Body of negligible dimensions).

Rigid Body: A rigid body can be considered as a combination of a large

number of particles in which all the particles remain at a fixed distance from
one another.

Non-rigid body: Body which can deform

In Statics, bodies are

considered rigid
unless stated otherwise.



EnggMech_Fahid_2019-2020 5
Scalar Quantity: A quantity is said to be scalar if it is completely defined
by its magnitude alone. Examples of scalar quantities are:
Area, length, Mass, Moment of inertia, Energy, Power, Volume and Work

Vector Quantity: A quantity is said to be vector if it is completely defined

only when its magnitude as well as direction are specified. Examples of
vector quantities include:
Force, Moment, Momentum, Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration.
Scalars: associated with “Magnitude”
alone  Vector :

| V | or V V or V
Vectors: associated with “Magnitude”
and “Direction”  : Direction



Force: Vector quantity that describes an action of

one body on another [Statics]

• In dynamics, force is an action that tends to

cause acceleration of an object.

• The SI unit of force magnitude is the newton (N).

One newton is equivalent to one kilogram-meter
per second squared (kg·m/s2 or kg·m · s – 2)


EnggMech_Fahid_2019-2020 6

Some principles that governs the world of Mechanics:

1. The Parallelogram Law

2. The Principle of Transmissibility

3. Newton’s First Law

4. Newton’s Second Law
5. Newton’s Third Law

6. Newton’s Law of Gravitation



The measurement of physical quantities is one of the most
important operations in engineering.
Every quantity is measured in terms of some arbitrary, but
internationally accepted units, called fundamental units.

All the physical quantities, met with in Engineering Mechanics,

are expressed in terms of three fundamental quantities, i.e.
Length, Mass, and Time.

Sometimes, the units are also expressed in other units (which
are derived from fundamental units) known as derived units e.g.
units of area, velocity, acceleration, pressure etc.


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There are only four systems of units, which are commonly used
and universally recognized. These are known as :

1. C.G.S. units, 2. F.P.S. units, 3. M.K.S. units and 4. S.I. units.

S.I. (Systeme Internationale d'Unites)

● Adopted in 1960
● Used by nearly in every major country, except the
● Likely to be adopted by the U.S. in the near future

U.S. Customary system of units or F.P.S. units

● Used in the technical literature for years
● Preferred system in the U.S.


Commonly used units in Engineering Mechanics

Dimension F.P.S. unit SI unit
Length (L) foot (ft) meter, metre (m)
Mass (M) pound (lb) kilogram (Kg)
Time (T) second (sec) second (s)
Force (F) slug (=lb sec2 /ft) newton (N) (=kg m/s2)

Temperature (θ)
Absolute Rankine (oR) Kelvin (K)
Ordinary Fahrenheit (oF) Celsius (oC)



EnggMech_Fahid_2019-2020 8
Unit prefixes in S.I. units



General Procedures for Analysis and solving problems

The most effective way of learning the principles of engineering

mechanics is to solve problems. To be successful at this, it is important
to always present the work in logical and orderly manner, as suggested
by the following sequences of steps:

• Read the problem carefully and try to correlate the actual physical,
situation with the theory studied.
• Tabulate the problem data and draw any necessary diagrams.
• Apply the relevant principles, generally in mathematical forms.
When writing any equations, be sure they are dimensionally
• Solve the necessary equations, and report the answer with no more
than three significant figures.
• Study the answer with technical judgment and common sense to
determine whether or not it seems reasonable.


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