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Name of the Examination : Summer Examination – 2020 ONLINE

Name of Subject: POWER SYSTEM-I
Subject Code : TG-08-2020
(as per examination time table):
Class: TE ELT NEW Semester : V
Paper title and Paper no ENGINEERING SUMMER
(as examination per time table): EXAMINATION 2020 NEW
Time: 1 HOUR Maximum Marks: 40
Id 1
Questio The rated voltage of a 3 phase power system is given by
A rms peak voltage
B Peak phase voltage
C rms line to line voltage
D Peak line to line voltage
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit Ignore_this_row
Id 2
Questio Which of these systems uses the 3 phase 4 wire system?
A Primary distribution
B Secondary distribution
C Primary transmission.
D Secondary transmission.
Answer B
Marks 1
Unit Ignore_this_row
Id 3
Questio 3 wire dc distribution system is preferred over 2 wire dc distribution
n system.
Reason (R): the 3 wire dc system of distribution is more safe.
A Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B Both A and R are true and R is not the explanation of A
C A is true but R is false
D A is false but R is true.
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit Ignore_this_row
Id 4
Questio The most important disadvantage of using the high voltage for
n transmission is
A The increased cost of insulating the conductors.
B The increased cost of transformers, switchgear and the other terminal
C  Both (a) and (b)
D There is a reduction in the corona loss.
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit Ignore_this_row
Id 5
Questio The most suitable practical value of primary distribution is?
A 66 kV
B 6.6 kV
C 230 V/ 400 V
D 22 kV
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 6
Questio By increasing the transmission voltage double of its original value, the
n same power can be despatched keeping the line losses
A Equal to its original value.
B Half of its original value.
C Double the original value.
D One - fourth of the original value.
Answer D
Marks 1
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Id 7
Questio Which among these is/are the fundamental economical principles that
n influence/s the design of transmission lines?
A Economic choice of conductor size.
B Economic choice of transmission voltage.
C Both (a) and (b)
D Economic choice of transmission line length.
Answer C
Marks 1
Unit Ignore_this_row
Id 8
Questio The most ideal material for the over head conductor is copper. What are
n the advantages of this?
A Smaller cross sectional area.
B Area offered by the wind loads is reduced.
C The price of copper is less.
D Both (a) and (b).
Answer D
Marks 1
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Id 9
Questio For high voltage transmission lines, why are conductors suspended
n from towers?
A Increase the clearance from ground.
B Reduce clearance from ground.
C Take care of increase in length.
D Reduce the environmental effects.
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 10
Questio In India, which types of poles are commonly used for distribution?
A Wooden poles
B RCC poles
C Steel poles
D Both (b) and (c)
Answer D
Marks 1
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Id 11
Questio Which among these is not a type of steel poles?
A Rail poles
B Tubular poles
C Rolled steel joints
D None of these
Answer D
Marks 1
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Id 12
Questio To prevent rotting oil the wooden poles which oil is impregnated to it?
A Kerosene oil
B Mineral oil
C Creosote oil
D All of these
Answer C
Marks 1
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Id 13
Questio What is the usual span of the RCC poles?
A 250 – 400 m.
B 80 – 150 m.
C 50 – 105 m.
D 10 – 75 m.
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 14
Questio What is the main purpose for guy wire?
A Supports the pole
B Protects against the surges
C Provides emergency earth route
D All of these
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 15
Questio Conductor sag should be kept
A Minimum
B Maximum
C Zero
D None of these
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 16
Questio Safety factor is the ratio of
A Working stress to breaking stress.
B Breaking stress to working stress.
C 1 / breaking stress.
D 1 / working stress.
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 17
Questio What is the effect of temperature rise on the over head lines?
A Increase the sag and decrease the tension
B  Decrease the sag and increase the tension
C Both increases
D Both decreases
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 18
Questio Why is stringing chart useful?
A For finding the sag in the conductor
B In the design of insulator string
C In the design of tower
D To find the distance between the towers
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 19

 Which line represents the tension in the given graph?

Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 20
Questio Hot template curves are a plot between
A Temperature and humidity
B Conductors sag and span lengths
C Conductor weight and sag
D None of these
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 21
Questio What is the minimum horizontal clearance of a LV line from a
n residential building?
A 0.6 m.
B 0.9 m.
C 1.2 m.
D 1.6 m.
Answer C
Marks 1
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Id 22
Questio Which type of insulator is used on 132 kV transmission lines?
A Pin type
B Disc type
C Shackle type
D Pin and shackle type
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 23
Questio What is the dielectric strength of porcelain?
A 55 kV/cm.
B 60 kV/cm.
C 75 kV/cm.
D 80 kV/cm.
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 24
Questio Why is the wavy structure of pin insulators used?
A Increases mechanical strength.
B Increases puncture strength.
C Increases flash over voltage.
D Increases thermal strength.
Answer C
Marks 1
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Id 25
Questio What is the effect on corona, if the spacing between the conductors is
n increased?
A Corona increases
B Corona is absent
C Corona decreases
D None of these
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 26
Questio Why are the hollow conductors used?
A Reduce the weight of copper
B Improve stability
C Reduce corona
D Increase power transmission capacity
Answer C
Marks 1
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Id 27
Questio What is demand factor?
A Average load to maximum demand.
B Maximum demand to connected load.
C Connected load to maximum demand.
D Maximum demand to average load.
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 28
Questio What is tariff?
A The rate at which electrical energy is produced in the plant.
B The rate at which electrical energy is supplied to the consumers.
C Both (a) and (b).
D None of these.
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 29
Questio The conductor carries more current on the surface in comparison to its
n core. What is this phenomenon called?
A Corona
B Ferranti effect.
C Skin effect.
D Proximity effect.
Answer C
Marks 1
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Id 30
Questio By using which conductor is the skin effect reduced?
A Bundled conductors.
B Stranded conductors.
C Hollow conductors.
D Solid conductors.
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 31
Questio What happens in case of capacitance of line to ground, if the effect of
n earth is taken into account?
A Capacitance of line to ground decreases
B Capacitance of line to ground increases
C The capacitance remains unaltered
D The capacitance becomes infinite
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 32
Questio Proximity effect is due to the current flowing in the ___________.
A Earth
B Sheath
C Nearby conductors
D All of these
Answer C
Marks 1
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Id 33
Questio Which of these given statements is wrong in consideration with bundled
n conductors?
A Control of voltage gradient
B Reduction in corona loss
C Reduction in the radio interference
D Increase in interference with communication lines
Answer D
Marks 1
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Id 34
Questio What is the total resistance in a single phase or 2 – wire dc line?
A Equal to the resistance of either conductor
B Double the resistance of either conductor
C Half of the resistance of either conductor
D None of these
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 35
Questio Why is the transmission lines transposed?
A Reduce corona loss
B Reduce skin effect
C Prevent interference with the neighbouring telephone lines
D Prevent short circuit between any two lines
Answer C
Marks 1
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Id 36
Questio For a short line if the receiving end voltage is equal to sending end
n voltage under loaded conditions
A The sending end power factor is unity.
B The receiving end power factor is unity.
C The sending end power factor is leading.
D The receiving end power factor is leading.
Answer D
Marks 1
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Id 37
Questio What are the A and D parameters in case of medium transmission line
n (nominal T method)?
A A = D = 1 + (YZ / 2)
B A = D = 1 + (YZ / 2) * Z
C A = D = (YZ / 2)
D  A = D = (YZ / 2) * Y
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 38
Questio In the nominal p method which among these are divided into two
n halves?
A Series impedance
B Shunt capacitance
C Both (A) and (B)
D None of these.
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 39
Questio What happens in a long transmission lines under no load?
A The receiving end voltage is less than the sending end voltage.
B The sending end voltage is less then receiving end voltage.
C The sending end voltage is equal to receiving end voltage.
D None of these.
Answer B
Marks 1
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Id 40
Questio The value of A parameter of a transmission line
A Increases with increase in length of line.
B Decreases with increase in line length.
C Is independent of line length.
D None of these.
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 41
Questio The ABCD constants of a 3 phase transposed transmission line with
n linear and passive elements
A Are always equal.
B Never equal.
C Only A and D are equal.
D Only B and C are equal.
Answer C
Marks 1
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Id 42
Questio For a transmission line which among the following relation is true?
A –AB + CD = 1
B AD + BC = 1
C AB – CD = -1
D –AD + BC = 1
Answer D
Marks 1
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Id 43
Questio Armouring is provided above the bedding. The armouring consists of
n one or two layers of which wire or tape?
A Galvanised steel wire.
B Thin wires of copper.
C Wires of aluminium.
D Wire made of both copper and cadmium.
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 44
Questio Why are the inter sheaths in cables used?
A Provides proper stress distribution.
B Minimises the stress
C Provides protection against moisture, current and voltage surges.
D To improve the insulation.
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 45
Questio How many cores are used in a cable for the transmission of voltages
n upto 66 kV?
A Single core.
B Two core.
C Three core.
D All of the above.
Answer C
Marks 1
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Id 46
Questio Why is the single core cables not provided with armouring?
A Avoids excessive loss in the armour.
B Make the cable more flexible.
C Make the cable non hygroscopic.
D  None of the above.
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 47
Questio Which among the following cables are generally suited for the voltages
n upto 11 kV?
A Belted cables
B Screened cables
C Pressure cables
D None of these.
Answer A
Marks 1
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Id 48
Questio Which material is suitable for the manufacture of armour in a single
n core cable?
A Magnetic material.
B Non magnetic and non conducting material.
C Non magnetic and conducting material.
D Magnetic and non conducting material.
Answer C
Marks 1
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Id 49
Questio Why the belted type cable constructions are not suitable for voltages
n exceeding 22 kV?
A Development of both radial and tangential stress.
B Formation of vacuous spaces and voids on loading and unloading
owing to non homogeneity of dielectric in belted construction.
C  Local heating caused by power loss at the centre filling.
D  All of the above.
Answer D
Marks 1
Unit Ignore_this_row
Id 50
Questio Why solid type of conductors is not preferred for the voltages
n exceeding 66 kV?
A A danger of breakdown of insulation.
B Skin effect dominates the conductor.
C There is corona loss between conductor and sheath material.
D Insulation melts due to overheating
Answer A
Marks 1
Unit Ignore_this_row

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