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Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology

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Work-related communicative profile of radio

broadcasters: a case study

Lady Catherine Cantor-Cutiva, Pasquale Bottalico & Eric Hunter

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Work-related communicative profile of radio broadcasters: a case study, Logopedics Phoniatrics

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Published online: 05 Sep 2018.

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Work-related communicative profile of radio broadcasters: a case study

Lady Catherine Cantor-Cutivaa , Pasquale Bottalicob and Eric Huntera
Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA; bDepartment of Speech and
Hearing Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA


Purpose: To explore the short-term effect of work-related voice use on voice function, and noise Received 4 October 2017
exposure on hearing function among radio broadcasters. Revised 11 June 2018
Method: A 1-week follow-up study with the participation of two radio broadcasters was conducted. Accepted 19 July 2018
Participants were monitored at the beginning and at the end of the working week. Premonitoring
assessment on Monday (baseline measure) and postmonitoring assessment on Friday (follow-up meas- Occupational voice users;
ure) were performed to identify short-term effects of work-related conditions on voice and hearing broadcasters; work-related
function among radio broadcasters. communication problems;
Result: Changes in fundamental frequency postmonitoring at the end of the work week may be an voice; hearing
indication of work-related vocal fatigue. Changes in the distribution and standard deviation of SPL dur-
ing the monitoring from Monday to Friday may indicate control of the vocal loudness as a strategy to
reduce vocal effort during broadcasting. During a 1-week follow-up, noise conditions during radio
broadcasting were below occupational exposure limits and without noticeable consequences on hear-
ing function.
Conclusion: The work-related communicative profile of radio broadcasting, from this pilot study, sug-
gests that although vocal demands in terms of vocal load may differ among broadcasters, the work-
related conditions of broadcasting may play a role on vocal function among these occupational voice
users. Concerning hearing function, our results indicate that occupational noise exposure represented
minimal risk for hearing problems but the consequences of long-term noise exposure on hearing
mechanisms may yet occur. Future studies with bigger sample sizes are warranted to confirm
our results.

Introduction have reported that teachers whose workplaces had high

background noise levels had a higher likelihood of reporting
Previous studies have reported a higher occurrence of voice
voice complaints compared with their colleagues who were
disorders among occupational voice users, partially associ-
not occupationally exposed to these conditions [13,14]. A
ated with work-related conditions, such as prolonged peri-
similar relationship between background noise levels and
ods of work-related voice use (vocal load) [1–3]. Voice voice complaints has also been reported among call-center
monitoring during working time has shown elevated voice operators [15]. It has been shown that speakers tend to raise
use among this population. It has been found that vocal their vocal levels and fundamental frequency under noisy
folds vibrate up to 15% of the time at work among call-center conditions (Lombard speech) [16], which can cause higher
workers [4] and up to 40% of the time among teachers [5,6]. vocal effort and vocal fatigue [12,17–19] increasing the risk
Because for each vibration of the vocal folds, the vocal fold for voice problems.
mucosae experiences both shear stresses and collision forces, While many studies have examined the influence of
the prolonged vocal fold vibration during occupational voice work-related factors on voice production among occupa-
use (vocal load) may lead to repeated injuries which the tional voice users generally, few have looked at the effect
body repairs through connective tissue thickening [7]. In among radio broadcasters specifically. Previous research has
addition to the vocal load linked with the occupational voice reported that, among occupational voice users, radio broad-
use, there are other work-related factors that have been pre- casters are among those who have higher vocal demands in
viously associated with the occurrence of voice disorders terms of voice quality, but moderate demands on vocal
among occupational voice users. A significant association load [2]. Nevertheless, there is a dearth of studies on the
between environmental factors (such as noise levels and occurrence and work-related factors of voice symptoms that
acoustic conditions) and self-reported voice symptoms, such could impact voice quality, such as vocal fatigue. This infor-
as vocal fatigue, vocal effort, hoarseness, and tired voice has mation is of high interest considering the high demand for
also been reported [8–12]. For example, previous studies radio media. A recent survey among 9,100 participants from

CONTACT Lady Catherine Cantor-Cutiva Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, Michigan State University, 1026 Red
Cedar Road, Oyer Building, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA.
ß 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

selected countries worldwide reported that more than 60% teachers indicate that occupational exposure to unfavorable
of respondents listened to the radio at least once a week [20]. conditions for communication may be linked with a higher
Moreover, the average daily time spent per individual listening risk for developing voice disorders and hearing problems.
to the radio in the United States in 2016 was 104 min [21]. Therefore, this study was designed to answer the follow-
This means that, on average, people spend almost 2 h per ing research questions: (1) Is there a short-term effect of
day receiving information from a person that they just work-related voice use on voice function among radio
know by voice. Although several reasons may influence the broadcasters? and (2) Is there an effect of work-related noise
selection of one radio station over another, voice quality is exposure on hearing function among radio broadcasters? To
among the most important. Therefore, radio broadcasters answer, we conducted a 1-week follow-up study with the
have a high demand in terms of voice quality for the participation of two broadcasters. Although the sample size
performance of their occupational duties. is small, the results of this study can give us initial insights
Additionally, since the voice is the primary tool for deliv- on the work-related communicative profile of this occupa-
ering information and hearing is the main tool for receiving tional group.
information and for adjusting the production of voice, the
breakdown of either mechanism negatively impacts the
work process of occupational voice users. Nevertheless, there Methods
has been limited research exploring how noise exposure in Design and participants
the workplace may impact the hearing of occupational voice
users in general, and specifically, among radio broadcasters. This 1-week follow-up study was performed in May of 2017.
One of the most important consequences of noise expos- Follow-up studies (also called longitudinal, concurrent, inci-
ure is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). NIHL is a leading dence, cohort, panel, prospective study) are designed to
occupational disease, a major contributor to the develop- observe an individual, group, or a population “at risk”
ment of age-related hearing loss, a significant cause of dis- (exposed to a factor hypothesized to influence the occur-
ability, and a major cost to society [22]. Its first audiologic rence of a given outcome) over a period of time to assess
sign is a “notching” of the audiogram at the high frequen- changes in health status or health-related variables (out-
cies (usually 4000 Hz) with recovery at 8000 Hz [23]. NIHL come) related with the “associated factor” (exposure) [27].
is the result of continuous or intermittent noise exposure In this specific study, broadcasters (population of interest)
during a certain period of time, and usually develops slowly were followed over 1 week (follow-up period) to assess
over several years. Since NIHL is the result of noise expos- changes on voice and hearing function (outcome) related
ure, several studies have been developed on the relationship with occupational voice use and occupational noise exposure
between occupational noise exposure and NIHL. Most of (associated factor). Participants were monitored at the
these studies have focused on industry, which have resulted beginning and at the end of their working week. Since none
in permissible exposure values (PEL) established by the of the participating broadcasters perform their radio pro-
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). grams during the weekends, these two point measurements
These PEL are defined as the legal limits for exposure of an will explore, for the very first time, changes on voice func-
employee to a substance, agent or condition, such as loud tion and hearing function associated with the occupational
noise (OSHA 1910.95). For noise, OSHA’s PEL is 90 dB(A) voice use and noise exposure during one week of broadcast-
for all workers for an 8-h day with a 5 dB(A) exchange rate ing. After approval from the Michigan State University
(when the noise exposure is increased by 5 dB(A), the time Human Research Protection Program, two radio broadcast-
of exposure is cut in half) [24]. ers (one male and one female) from a public radio station
Regardless of this well-known standard, there are many participated in the study. Both participants were native
non-industrial occupations exposed to less noise burden, yet speakers of American English, with no voice or hearing
without established limits, and are at risk for hearing and problems during the week of the monitoring. The female
other communicative problems; this is the case of radio broadcaster (46 years old) is part of a morning news pro-
broadcasters [25]. For example, previous studies among gram, which lasts for 4 h each weekday morning, while the
teachers, who are regular occupational voice users, have male broadcaster (26 years old) presents the sports news at
reported mean values of noise levels in occupied classrooms noon each weekday for 1 h. During the morning news, the
ranging from 72 dB(A) [14] to 76 dB(A) [26]. Although female broadcaster shares the show with other co-hosts;
according with OSHA 190.95, these values do not exceed therefore, she is not speaking all the time. During the sport
the permissible exposure limits as currently defined, these news, the male broadcaster is the main host.
noise levels inside the classrooms over time might affect the
communication process, leading to voice disorders [11,14]. Data collection procedures
Lindblad et al. [25] reported that teachers showed compar-
able results as industrial workers for speech recognition in Premonitoring and postmonitoring assessment
noise, which may suggest lesions in the inner hair cell area After giving written informed consent to participate in this
due to exposure to sudden loud sounds, such as screaming study, participants went under a premonitoring assessment.
of the children. Although no previous studies on this topic This premonitoring assessment was performed with the aim
were found among radio broadcasters, these results among of characterizing the voice quality and hearing function

before the occupational exposure associated with radio the lowest short-term occupational exposure (postweekend
broadcasting. The premonitoring assessment included three recovery) [33]. Therefore, the voice quality parameters
elements. Firstly, broadcasters filled out a questionnaire, and hearing thresholds identified during this assessment
consisting of four sections: (1) nine questions on sociode- were compared with postmonitoring measurements. The
mographics (e.g. age, gender and education), native lan- purpose of this comparison was twofold: (1) to character-
guage, and history of hearing or speech disorders; (2) 16 ize changes on voice quality associated with the occupa-
questions on working conditions (e.g. days per week of tional voice use during radio broadcasting, and (2) to
broadcasting, hours a day of broadcasting, physical condi- identify variations on the hearing thresholds associated
tions of the workplace); (3) 13 questions on the occurrence, with the occupational noise exposure during radio
severity, and frequency of voice symptoms; and (4) 17 ques- broadcasting.
tions on the occurrence, severity and frequency of hearing
problems. Secondly, they went under a hearing screening,
Occupational voice monitoring
which was performed with the Audiometer MADSEN
After the premonitoring assessment, the broadcasters were
Orbiter 922 Version 2 (Otometrics A/S, Taastrup, Denmark)
outfitted with an Ambulatory Phonation Monitor (APM,
in a double wall sound isolation booth (2.5  2.75 m and
model 3200 by Kaypentax; Montvale, NJ) before starting
h ¼ 2 m) with a mid-frequency reverberation time (RT20)
their radio shows. The radio broadcasters were monitored
equal to 0.05 s and a background noise equal to 20 dB(A).
during the whole duration of the shows and were
Thirdly, they recorded a speech sample. The speech sample
instructed to behave during their radio shows as normally
consisted of reading the first six sentences of “The Rainbow
as possible. The APM, which has been designed in such a
Passage” [28], equal to about 30 s of speaking in a conversa-
way that allows the participants to walk and move freely
tional pitch and loudness. The speech samples were
during their occupational monitoring, provides an estima-
recorded in a double wall sound isolation booth
tion of the individual’s vocal sound pressure levels (SPLs)
(2.5  2.75 m and h ¼ 2 m) with a mid-frequency reverber-
at a fixed distance of 15 cm from the speakers mouth after
ation time (RT20) equal to 0.05 s and a background noise
a calibration with a reference microphone. Device calibra-
equal to 20 dB(A) using a M80 omnidirectional head-
tion, data handling, and resulting metrics of the calibration
mounted microphone (Glottal Enterprise, Syracuse, NY)
process were built into the APM software; APM manufac-
placed at 5 cm from their mouth, which was connected to a
turer instructions for the calibration were followed. The
TASCAM DR-40 Linear PCM Recorder (TEAC Corporation,
occupational voice monitoring was carried out using an
Tokyo, Japan). The digital recordings (44,100 Hz) were
accelerometer, which measures the vibrations that occur
transferred to a personal computer (PC) running Praat
during phonation, mounted on a silicone pad and placed
Version 6.0.31 [29]. Settings for calculation of the funda-
at the jugular notch using surgical adhesive. The vocal
mental frequency (Fo) in Praat were: pitch range between
parameters were estimated using an acquisition device that
70 and 450 Hz for the female broadcaster, and between 50
processed the signal into frames of 50 ms. The phonation
and 350 Hz for the male broadcaster. In addition, partici-
time percentage (Dt%) is obtained through a procedure
pants produced a sustained vowel /a/ in a conversational
that allows the separation of the voiced and unvoiced
pitch and loudness. The vowel was used for calculation of
frames. The voicing frames were determined using two dif-
the Harmonics-to-Noise ratio (HNR). HNR was included
ferent criteria: (1) a lower bound of 30 Hz and an upper
because it is a measure that reflects the periodicity of vocal
bound of 400 Hz for the fundamental frequency, (2) and a
fold vibration, and therefore, the harmonicity of the voice.
voicing threshold (equal to 0.45 relative to the global max-
Previous research had shown that HNR is a sensitive index
imum amplitude) and silence threshold (equal to 0.03 rela-
of vocal function [30] and a good measure of voice qual-
tive to the global maximum amplitude). A frame was rated
ity [31,32]. as unvoiced if it had an intensity below the voicing thresh-
After the radio shows, a postmonitoring assessment was
old or a local peak below the silence threshold. The funda-
performed. The objective of the postmonitoring assessment mental frequency (Fo) is extracted from the voiced frames
was to determine changes on voice quality and hearing with a procedure that is based on an autocorrelation algo-
function associated with the occupational exposure to noise rithm. The autocorrelation analysis computes the correl-
and voice use during broadcasting. The postmonitoring ation between a signal and a delayed copy of the same
assessment included three elements. First, the subjects were signal at delays corresponding to the minimum and max-
asked to complete a reduced survey consisting of two sec- imum expected fundamental periods [34]. This method is
tions: (1) four questions on the presence, type, and severity more accurate, noise-resistant, and robust than other meth-
of voice symptoms after the show; and (2) eight questions ods based on the cepstrum or combs [35].
on the presence, type, and severity of hearing problems after
the show. Second, a hearing screening was administered.
Third, a final recording of a speech sample (Rainbow pas- Occupational noise monitoring
sage) and the sustained vowel /a/ was made. Noise exposure among broadcasters may have two sources:
Since the broadcasters do not perform their radio (1) environmental noise inside the radio studio, and (2)
shows during the weekends, the premonitoring assessment noise from the headphones during broadcasting.
on Monday was considered the baseline measurement at Occupational noise exposure during this study (assessed

Figure 1. Measurement setup of occupational noise exposure during broadcasting.

(Figure 1). The noise signals acquired by the microphone

M2111 (NTI Audio) and the ears of the HATS (G.R.A.S.S.),
were analyzed with the XL2 Analyzer (NTI Audio) to obtain
the A-weighted equivalent level.

Statistical analysis
All analyses were performed by means of SPSS 21
(IBM Corporation, New York, NY). First, we used the
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to assess the distribution of fun-
damental frequency and vocal SPLs before, during, and after
the monitoring. None of the variables were normally distrib-
Figure 2. Phonation time percentage of participating broadcasters during their uted (p ¼ .00). Second, bean plots were drawn to compare
radio shows on Monday and Friday.
the distribution of fundamental frequency before, during,
and after the monitoring for both broadcasters. The bean
plot was chosen because it is an uncomplicated way to com-
according to OSHA Standard 1910.95) was determined by pare distributions by showing the frequency and density of
two techniques. The environmental noise inside the radio the occurrences/observations. Each small line/dot in the
studio was determined by means of an omnidirectional bean plot represents one observation. The density shape
microphone (M2211, NTi Audio, Tigards, OR) placed at used is a polygon given by a normal density trace and its
around 70 cm from the position of the broadcaster during mirrored version [37]. Third, histograms were used to com-
broadcasting. The noise exposure produced by means of the pare distribution of vocal SPLs during the monitoring. For
headphones were assessed using the Manikin or Head and the vocal SPLs, histograms were better than the bean plots
Torso Simulator (HATS) technique according with the ISO due the density proportion of the data.
11904-2 [36]. The HATS model used was the KEMAR
HATS 45BC-2 by G.R.A.S.S. Sound & Vibration (Holte,
Denmark). The HATS transfer function makes it possible to Results
transform the noise level measured within the ear of the Occupational voice use during broadcasting
manikin into an equivalent level. To measure the noise
delivered by the headset while the broadcaster was working, Three parameters were defined to measure the occupational
the input line for the broadcaster’s headset was split into voice use during broadcasting. First, phonation time per-
two equivalent input lines. Two headsets of the same model centage (Dt%) was used to represent the time during which
were connected to the input lines, the first one worn by the the vocal folds vibrated (voicing time) over the total time of
broadcaster and the second one by the HATS. This ensured occupational monitoring. Second, fundamental frequency
that the broadcaster and the HATS were exposed to the (Fo) was used to represent the average number of collision
same levels even when the headset volume was modified per second between the vocal folds. Third, vocal SPL was

Figure 3. Fundamental frequency of the female broadcaster during radio shows on Monday and Friday.

Figure 4. Vocal sound pressure levels of the female broadcaster during radio shows on Monday and Friday.

used to represent the average pressure level emitted by the almost the entire one-hour long broadcast; previous studies
participant at 15 cm from the mouth. Occupational monitor- have reported Dt% from males reading a text to be between
ing lasted during the total duration of the radio shows. The 39 and 54% [38]. In contrast, the female radio broadcaster
female broadcasters news program was 4 h (Monday and has a lower vocal load during the 4-h show.
Friday), and the male broadcaster’s sports news program Figure 3 shows the female broadcaster fundamental fre-
was 1 h (Monday and Friday). quency (Fo) during the occupational monitoring plotted in
Figure 2 shows the occupational Dt% for the participat- bean plots. The female broadcaster had a slightly lower fun-
ing broadcasters during their radio shows on Monday and damental frequency mean during the monitoring on Friday
Friday. As shown in the figure, the male radio broadcaster (Fo ¼ 160 Hz, SD ¼ 38 Hz) compared with the monitoring
has a higher vocal load (around 38% on Monday and 42% on Monday (Fo ¼ 171 Hz, SD ¼ 56 Hz). The bean plots show
on Friday) compared with his female colleague (around 14% a higher density of low Fo values (below 100 Hz) and high
on Monday and 12% on Friday). The results indicate that Fo values (above 230 Hz) during the monitoring of Monday
during the 1-h show, the male radio broadcaster has a Dt% compared with the monitoring on Friday (which is also
equivalent to the production of a “monologue”, speaking for reflected in the Fo SD). Therefore, it seems likely that the

Figure 5. Fundamental frequency of the male broadcaster during radio shows on Monday and Friday.

Figure 6. Vocal sound pressure levels of the male broadcaster during radio shows on Monday and Friday.

female broadcaster was producing more intonation changes compared with Monday (Fo ¼ 161 Hz, SD ¼ 47 Hz). However,
during her monitoring on Monday compared with Friday. in this case the density distributions are similar. Therefore, it
Figure 4 shows female broadcaster vocal SPLs during the seems likely that the male broadcaster used his voice in a simi-
occupational monitoring plotted in histograms. As shown in lar way during both monitoring sessions.
the figure, although difference in mean SPL from Monday Figure 6 shows the histograms of the male broadcaster
(SPL ¼ 82 dB, SD ¼ 14 dB) to Friday (SPL ¼ 83 dB, SD ¼ 18 dB) vocal SPLs during the occupational monitoring. The male
was just 1 dB, distributions are significantly different. On broadcaster had lower SPL on Friday (SPL ¼ 79 dB, SD ¼ 13 dB)
Monday, the female broadcaster had a higher peak around compared with Monday (SPL ¼ 86 dB, SD ¼ 12 dB). The fig-
80 dB, whereas, on Friday, the distribution shows more dis- ure shows that the highest peak of the distribution is slightly
persion without visible peaks. skewed to the right on Monday compared with Friday. In
Figure 5 shows the bean plots for Fo during the occupa- addition, there is bigger asymmetry to the right in the SPL
tional monitoring of the male broadcaster. As shown on the values recorded during the monitoring on Friday compared
figure, Fo on Friday is slightly lower (Fo ¼ 152 Hz, SD ¼ 45 Hz) with Monday.

Figure 7. Fundamental frequency of female and male broadcasters during the baseline (premonitoring Monday) and follow-up (post-monitoring Friday) measures.
The voice production corresponds to about 30 s of reading.

Short-term effect of radio broadcasting on

voice function
16 Hz (115 Hz on premonitoring Monday, and 131 Hz on
To assess short-term effects of broadcasting on voice func- postmonitoring Friday), whereas the female broadcaster had
tion among radio broadcasters, we compared the informa- an increase of about 7 Hz (140 Hz on premonitoring
tion collected during the premonitoring assessment on Monday, and 147 Hz on postmonitoring Friday).
Monday (baseline) with the postmonitoring assessment on Further, Figure 8 shows that there is a different tendency
Friday (follow-up). Participating broadcasters did not report between the male and the female broadcasters on the HNR.
any current voice symptoms (hoarseness, weak voice, voice The male broadcaster has a decrease in the HNR in the sus-
loss, breathiness, strained voice, tired voice, pain in throat, tained vowel /a/ recorded at the end of the week (20 dB)
itchy sensation, dry throat) either at the baseline or at the compared to the beginning of the week (22 dB). On the con-
follow-up. trary, the female broadcaster has an increase in the HNR in
Concerning the short-term effect of occupational voice the sustained vowel /a/ recorded at the end of the week
use on voice function, the results show a tendency to (25.5 dB) compared to the beginning of the week (17.6 dB).
increase the fundamental frequency (Fo). As shown in Table 1 shows occupational noise levels, Fo, and SPL
Figure 7, the male broadcaster had an increase of about during broadcasting. In the male broadcaster, Fo, SPL, and

exposure on hearing function among radio broadcasters. For

the two broadcasters studied, three main results were found.
First, changes in fundamental frequency postmonitoring at
the end of the work week may be an indication of work-
related vocal fatigue. Second, changes in the distribution
and standard deviation of SPL during the monitoring on
Friday compared with Monday may be an indication of
broadcasters’ control of their vocal loudness as a strategy to
reduce vocal effort during broadcasting. Third, during a
1-week follow-up, noise conditions during radio broadcast-
ing were below the PELs established by the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) [24], and without
Figure 8. Harmonics-to-Noise ratio of female and male broadcasters during the consequences on hearing function.
baseline (premonitoring Monday) and follow-up (postmonitoring Friday) meas- Regarding voice production during broadcasting (occupa-
ures. The voice production corresponds to the sustained production of the tional voice use), one interesting finding was the change on
the distribution of the broadcasters’ vocal SPLs on Friday
compared with Monday. The distribution of SPL of the
occupational noise exposure are higher on Monday com-
female broadcaster changed from Monday to Friday, with a
pared with Friday. In the case of the female broadcaster,
more disperse distribution on Friday. The results also show
although occupational noise levels during both monitoring
higher standard deviation on Friday (SPL SD¼ 18 dB) com-
(Monday and Friday) were similar, Fo is higher on Monday
pared with Monday (SPL SD¼ 14 dB). The male broadcaster
compared with Friday.
had the highest peak of the distribution is slightly skewed to
the right on Monday compared with Friday (Figure 6), and
Occupational noise exposure during broadcasting slightly higher standard deviation on Friday (SPL
SD ¼ 13 dB) compared with Monday (SPL SD ¼ 12 dB).
As shown in Table 1, noise levels during radio broadcasting Previous studies have reported that teachers, who are regu-
were below Occupational Exposure Limits. However, noise lar voice users, with higher standard deviations were less
levels were higher during broadcasting of the sports show likely to report voice complaints [6]. This change in the dis-
with the male broadcaster than during the morning news tribution of SPL and increase in the standard deviation may
with the female broadcaster. Figures 9 and 10 show the be an indication of control of the vocal loudness as a strat-
noise exposure levels during the total duration of the moni- egy to reduce vocal effort during broadcasting. Nevertheless,
toring of the female and male radio broadcasters. future research is needed to confirm these findings.
The results on phonation time percentage (Dt%) showed
Short-term effect of noise exposure during radio a high variability between the two participating broadcast-
broadcasting on hearing function ers. The mean Dt% during the follow-up was 39.5% for the
male broadcaster, compared to 12.5% for the female broad-
The evaluation of the effect of radio broadcasting on hear- caster. The phonation time percentage of the male broad-
ing function was performed by comparing the information caster is considerably higher compared with the female
collected during the premonitoring assessment on Monday broadcaster, and compared with previous studies among
(baseline) with the postmonitoring assessment on Friday call-center operators that reported phonation time percent-
(follow-up). Neither the female broadcaster nor the male age of 14.7% [4]. It is almost certain that the reason for
broadcaster reported any current hearing problem (ringing this higher phonation time percentage of the male broad-
in ears, itchy sensation, pain in ears, difficulty hearing, or caster is that his vocal production is almost entirely a
understanding spoken communication) at the baseline or at “monologue” speaking style during the 1-h long sports
the follow-up. show, compared to the female’s shared broadcast.
No significant changes in the hearing thresholds were Therefore, his vocal demands are high not just in terms of
observed in the broadcasters after broadcasting. As shown vocal quality but also in terms of vocal load. The Dt% of
in Figure 11, while the female broadcaster had a mild the female radio broadcaster suggests a moderate work-
decrease in hearing threshold level in the frequency related vocal demand in terms of vocal load.
8000 Hz, her pure tone average (500–1000–2000 Hz, PTA) As shown in Figures 3 and 5, there was a slight decrease
were under 20 dB, which is considered within normal limits. in fundamental frequency (Fo) during the occupational
Figure 12 shows that the male broadcaster results during the voice monitoring on Friday compared with the monitoring
1-week follow-up were also within normal limits. on Monday for both broadcasters. This decrease may be an
indication of a more hypofunctional occupational voice use
towards the end of the week [39], as a strategy to reduce
vocal effort during broadcasting. Nevertheless, future studies
The aim of this study was to explore the short-term effect with bigger sample sizes and higher number of repeated
of work-related voice use on voice function, and noise measures are needed to corroborate this hypothesis. The

Table 1. Noise level exposure and occupational voice use of two broadcasters during 1-week fol-
Broadcaster Weekday Noise level Fo SPL Duration of the exposure
Male Monday 96 dBA 161 Hz (47 Hz) 86 dB (12 dB) 1-h day
Friday 89 dBA 152 Hz (45 Hz) 79 dB (13 dB) 1-h day
Female Monday 75 dBA 171 Hz (56 Hz) 83 dB (14 dB) 4-h day
Friday 76 dBA 160 Hz (38 Hz) 83 dB (18 dB) 4-h day

Figure 9. Background noise levels (dB(A)) for 4-h radio shows on Monday and Friday of the female broadcaster.

Figure 10. Background noise levels (dB(A)) for 1-h radio shows on Monday and Friday of the male broadcaster.

mean SPL during one-week of monitoring was about 83 dB (pre- work-related voice use). Previous research has sug-
for both broadcasters. However, we can observe a different gested that increased Fo after vocal loading tasks may be an
distribution of SPL between the two broadcasters, especially indication of vocal fatigue [18,40–42]. From the physio-
on Friday. This finding reflects the different demands on logical point of view, it has been hypothesized that when a
voice production that radio broadcasting requires. speaker experiences vocal loading, the thyroarytenoid (TA)
Our results on the short-term effect of radio broadcasting becomes fatigued, which inhibits maintaining a lower pitch,
on voice production indicate a tendency to slightly increase and a greater level of fatigue may eventually be the result [40].
the fundamental frequency (Fo) in the speech sample (read- A second hypothesis is that higher Fo after vocal loading
ing) recorded at the end of the week (maximal work-related tasks may reflect an increased muscle tonus as an adaptation
voice use) compared with the beginning of the work week to loading [43,44].

Figure 11. Audiograms of the female broadcaster before and after broadcasting on Monday and Friday. Upper audiograms correspond to Monday. Lower audio-
grams correspond to Friday. Left audiograms correspond to premonitoring assessment. Right audiograms correspond to postmonitoring assessment. Circle corre-
sponds to right ear. “X” corresponds to left ear.

Figure 12. Audiograms of the male broadcaster before and after broadcasting on Monday and Friday. Upper audiograms correspond to Monday. Lower audio-
grams correspond to Friday. Left audiograms correspond to premonitoring assessment. Right audiograms correspond to postmonitoring assessment. Circle corre-
sponds to right ear. “X” corresponds to left ear.

Since no previous studies were found on the short-term likely that although radio broadcasters have lower vocal
effect of radio broadcasting on voice production among demand in terms of vocal load compared with other occu-
broadcasters, it is not possible to compare our results. pational voice users such as teachers or call center workers
Nevertheless, our findings are in line with previous results [2], the high demand in terms of voice quality would result
reported among other occupational voice users [15,43]. in similar patterns of voice production. These adjustments
Among teachers, Laukkanen et al. [43] reported a signifi- on the voice production may be linked with the occurrence
cantly higher fundamental frequency (around 6 Hz) postmo- of work-related vocal fatigue.
nitoring of one working day. Comparable results have also In the postmonitoring voice assessment at the end of the
been reported among call-center workers who had signifi- week, we found a different tendency between the male and
cantly higher Fo (around 5 Hz) at the end of the working the female broadcasters on the HNR. The male broadcaster
day compared with the beginning of the day. Therefore, it is has a decrease in the HNR in the sustained vowel /a/

recorded at the end of the week compared to the beginning discomfort reported in previous research [54]. For this rea-
of the week. On the contrary, the female broadcaster has an son, we recommend a conservative approach, and perform-
increase in the HNR in the sustained vowel/a/recorded at ing an annual hearing assessment among these radio
the end of the week compared to the beginning of the week. broadcasters in order to monitor their hearing function and
The results on the relation between HNR and vocal loading prevent future hearing problems.
are contradictory in the literature. Some studies suggest no On the other hand, occupational voice use under high
changes on HNR after vocal loading tasks [45], whereas noisy conditions may lead to overuse or misuse of the voice,
other studies report a decrease in HNR after 1 h of constant and therefore to develop voice disorders [2]. In the presence
loud reading [41]. Futures studies are needed to clarify of noise, the voice is masked, and its production should be
this relation. modified to guarantee the success of the communication
An interesting result in this study was the low values for process. The vocal response by a talker to the background
Fo for the female broadcaster (171 Hz on Monday, and noise conditions of a space is called Lombard effect [16,55].
160 Hz on Friday). Previous researches have reported that Among occupational voice users, a Swedish study in 10 day-
broadcasters, particularly females, use a low-pitched voice in care centers found that working under mean background
broadcasting to convey authority and confidence [46,47]. It noise levels of 76 dB(A) caused teachers to speak on average
has also been reported that too high pitch during broadcast- 9.1 dB louder and with higher mean Fo during work as
ing compared with speakers optimal pitch may result in ten- compared to the baseline [56]. Therefore, although our
sion. Therefore, one possible explanation is that the female results suggest that noise levels during radio broadcasting
broadcaster produces a lower-pitch voice during her show, were below the national and international standards, occu-
having naturally a low-pitch conversational voice. It seems pational voice use under these background noise conditions
likely that, among radio broadcasters, the slightly increased may cause higher vocal effort, and as consequence vocal
Fo at the end of the working week during the follow-up fatigue or other voice disorders may appear. Future studies
may be an indication of vocal fatigue due to the occupa- with bigger sample sizes are needed to confirm our results.
tional voice use. Future studies with a longer follow-up time The main limitation of this study was the very small
are suggested in order to explore the natural course of vocal sample size that prevents the generalization of our results to
fatigue associated with radio broadcasting.
the population of radio broadcasters, as well as types of
Our results on the work-related noise exposure during
broadcasts (e.g. news, sports, radio), characteristics of
broadcasting indicate that noise levels during radio broad-
broadcasters (gender, age) specifically, and effect of individ-
casting were below the national and international standards.
ual intra-variability on the changes of Fo and vocal SPL. For
Moreover, no significant changes in the hearing thresholds
this reason, future research is planned to increase the sam-
were identified. Comparing these results with previous
ple size in order to further explore these issues.
research of other occupational voice users, we found that
Additionally, while it appears broadcasters in this prelimin-
our results are in line with studies that included call-center
ary study may not be in highly noise-exposed groups, it is
workers [48,49]. For example, Trompette et al. [48] found
nevertheless important to continue an examination of this
that 110 out of 117 call-center workers were exposed to
noise levels (Leq,8h) under 80 dB(A) considering minimal issue. Additional studies should also be designed to explore
risk for hearing problems. Similar results were reported by the use of headphones during radio broadcasting (and
Patel et al. [49] who found that the noise exposure of 150 potentially other occupations). Its use may increase the risk
call-center workers were unlikely to exceed the 85 dB(A) to be exposed to “acoustic shock” (defined as the sudden
and, therefore, resulted in a minimal risk of hearing prob- increase in the noise transmitted by the headphones due to
lems. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that con- different causes [48]), which can lead to symptoms like ear
stant, even minimal, noise exposure may still have long- pain, tinnitus, and headache, usually without hearing loss
term consequences [50]. Exposure to moderate-loud noise [57]. Previous research has studied acoustic shock among
can result in a temporary and/or permanent threshold shift. call-center workers [48,57] but no studies were found for
While a temporary threshold shift may fully recover within radio broadcasters. In addition, since voice production is a
24–48 h [51], a previous study on mice found that tempor- multifactorial process, it is likely that the reported changes
ary threshold shift may be associated with an increased on voice parameters may be also associated with other indi-
nerve degeneration and accelerated age-related hearing vidual factors, such as “natural” voice changes during the
loss [52]. Further, permanent threshold shift is irreversible. day. Future research is advisable to define the changes on
Therefore, noise exposure consequences on hearing mecha- voice parameters during a day without occupational voice
nisms may occur after years of moderate to loud noise use among broadcasters. Another limitation is the lack of
exposure. In this study, although the participating broad- information on the participants’ non-occupational voice use.
casters were occupationally exposed to noise levels below Since, participating broadcasters did not register their non-
the standards, and they did not present a shift on their occupational voice use during the week of the monitoring, it
hearing thresholds, the background noise levels during is difficult to define in which proportion voice and hearing
broadcasting were higher than what is recommended for function changes were consequence of the work-related
environments where communication is important [53], and exposure. Nevertheless, to the best of the authors know-
also higher than the change-point for self-reported ledge, participating broadcasters did not have high vocal

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