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News Package Checklist

Fill this out before you go and film your news story. Add to it as needed.


Story: covid 19

Angle: get the point and theme across

Interviews that you “want” to get:

1. Adam

2. tanner

3. joseph

4. Jaiden

5. Devin

Open ended questions (allow the interviewee to speak)

1. What’s your thought on this pandemic

2. Has it impacted you in any way

3. Do you take precaution in any way know

4. Do you wear masks

5. have you ever been tested

B-Roll that you “MUST” get

1. the death rate

2 . The causes of covid

3 . The story behind covid

4 .The risk you have

News Package Formula

 Establishing shot with natural sound  - Includes

reporter VO
  3 -5 images at location. establish what the story is
about - 
 interview #1 (talking head on camera) - 
 2 - 3 images (with either voice over OR interviewee
#1) - 
 Bridge (reporter standup and b-roll) 
 3 - 5 images 
 Interview #2
 Standup OR images with reporter VO sign-off

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