Progress Report

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Progress Report

Prepared for:
Pier Angely Le Compte Zambrana

Prepared by:
Christian G. Arena Arroyo, Luis A. Blanco Martinez, Dereck X. Altori Nieves, Noelys
G. Alicea Mercado, and Génesis M. Ayala Irizarry

December 1, 2020

Table of Content


Project Description and Background…………………………………… 2

Purpose of the work……………………………………………………… 2


Activities…………………………………………………………………… 3
Work Plan…………………………………………………………………. 3
People Involved…………………………………………………………... 4
Contributions……………………………………………………………… 4


Conclusion………………………………………………………………… 5
Recommendations………………………………………………………. 5


A. Service Log…….…………………………………………………….6-10
B. Meeting Minutes……………………………………………………11-14
C. Map……………………………………………………………….........15
D. Self-reflection project work…………………………………………...16

Progress Report

Date: December 1, 2020

To: Prof. Pier Angeli LeCompte Zambrana
From: Christian G. Arena Arroyo, Luis A. Blanco Martínez, Dereck X. Altori Nieves,
Noelys G. Alicea Mercado, and Génesis M. Ayala Irizarry; Students M03
Subject: Progress Report on Huerto Urbano Callejón Trujillo, Ponce

At the beginning of the semester, Professor LeCompte asked the students to
participate in a required project for the Technical Writing course (INGL 4021).
Students had to complete 4 hours of community service. The service needed to be
focused on the development and improvement of the farm or home garden of our
choice, which in our case was Huerto Urbano Callejón Trujillo at Ponce.

Project Description and Background

As part of the syllabus, the class had to complete four hours of community
service in a farm or garden of our choice. The Huerto Urbano Callejón Trujillo, led by
Luis Enrique González, serves as a source of organic products for the community.
Luis is in charge of the garden maintenance. The main idea is to engage the
community to start growing crops at their homes instead of buying altered foods from
supermarkets. There have been planted all types of crops such as papaya,
pineapple, plantain, pumpkin, potatoes, beans, and a few medicinal plants.

The garden has an interesting story itself. At first, that area was used for
construction and then was left abandoned for years. Luis had the initiative to clean
the whole area and start a garden with plants that were donated by the community.
After the garden was done, he and his friends built a water system using cisterns to
water the plants on dry days.

After spending the afternoon in the garden, each member of the group
decided to start our own small garden at our houses. It is a friendly environment in
which any person from any community is received with open arms. While the group
was at the garden helping Luis, other friendly persons joined to help. He taught
everyone how to plant, sow, remove weeds, and clean the gardens. These four
hours were sufficient for the appreciation of farmers and people who work the lands.

Purpose of the work

The purpose of this project was to appreciate and take care of our
environment. Also, help maintain and develop the garden. This development is
documented in a progress report that must be completed on or before December 1,
2020. Every technique learned during the past few months in class is applied in this

Fieldwork at the Garden

Leaders of farms and gardens are aware of the impact of food hazards in the
community today. This is caused because of improper agricultural practices. The
main objective of Luis González is to educate people about the importance of
agriculture. His effort is focused on raising awareness of the impact that modified
and altered foods have on your body. Planting your own food is more beneficial for
our health than eating food from markets or fast foods.

One goal that our group has is to start growing our own crops such as
plantains, bananas, tomatoes, among others. This action helps each one of us to
have a healthier lifestyle. To achieve this goal, the group applied the strategies that
Luis showed us. This service can be helpful to keep volunteering and keep learning
about agriculture.

Work Plan
In September: Prof. Le Compte selected group members.

October 15: The group had a meeting via Google Meet to assign roles and

October 22: Weekly check-up.

October 29: The group decided which garden to go (Huerto Urbano Callejón Trujillo,

November 3: The group called the garden, and Geena picked up. Due to the Covid-
19 situation, they gave us an appointment for November 12.

November 10: Group meeting via Google Meet. One person in the group excused
herself from going to the garden because of medical reasons.

November 12: The group members arrived at the garden and worked from 3:00-7:00

November 20: Group meeting via Google Meet. Also, each member started writing

November 27: Some members added their part to the progress report.

December 1: The group submitted the final progress report to the professor.

People Involved
All the work mentioned before could not be accomplished without Luis
Enrique González. Luis oversees the garden. He passes every week to check the
plants and take care of them. One important detail is that every plant in the garden is
a contribution from different persons of the community.

This group was organized in a way that every member had a role and
responsibility to complement our abilities. Each member had a different role: Luis
Blanco was the group leader and timekeeper, Christian Arena was secretary and
information gatherer, Dereck Altori had the role of language coach, Noelys Alicea
was the material manager, and Génesis Ayala as a researcher.

Luis Blanco, as a group leader and timekeeper, kept everyone updated with
every piece of information about the project. Also, gave each member the necessary
information to complete their tasks. While in the garden, he helped clean the area
and helped with the maintenance of the crops.

Christian Arena, as secretary and information gatherer, helped gather every

detail about the project. He was in charge of writing the minutes, while in the garden,
other than taking notes, he also helped with the cleaning of the area and planted
some plants.

Dereck Altori, as a language coach, managed to help some group members

with grammar corrections during the progress report and wrote the conclusion. While
in the garden, he also helped clean the area and cut a tree that had to be taken
down. Derek did the four hours of his partner Génesis, for which he did a total of 8
community hours.

Noelys Alicea, who was the material manager, helped the group by writing the
recommendations. While in the garden, Noelys took some pictures of the group.

Génesis Ayala, as a researcher, helped the group by correcting grammar and

spelling in the progress report. Génesis was unable to assist the garden due to a
medical condition.

Conclusion and Recommendations

This part includes our conclusion and recommendations from our project.

In summary, this experience was one of learning and reflection. Thanks to
these community hours, our group can recognize the hard work of the farmers of our
Island. As well as the importance of cultivating and maintaining a healthy ecosystem.
From better air quality to healthier foods, having even a little garden at your home
can affect the complete environment around anyone. By contributing with planting,
cleaning, sowing, and other things to Huerto Urbano Callejón Trujillo at Ponce our
group provided a good service that helped them get closer to their goal. A goal that
involves transforming the garden into a rich natural soil land in the middle of the
town. Giving some life back to nature and bettering the rest of the community with
fresh air and fresh fruits and vegetables.

The recommendation that we as a group would like to give to Huerto Urbano
Callejón Trujillo and the leader Luis González is to keep the good work. Also, we
recommend that he start doing annual fairs for the community in which people could
go and learn about agriculture and buy some organic and natural products. Apart
from that, he is doing a good job motivating young people to start cultivating their
own crops. As for the professor, we think the project is a very great idea, however,
during a pandemic, it may be difficult for students to go out and risk themselves.

Appendix A
Service Log


Note: Dereck did the four hours of his partner Génesis, for which he did a total of 8 community hours.

Appendix B
Meeting Minutes
University of Puerto Rico at Ponce
English Department
Meeting Date: November 2th, 2020

Call to Order:
A group meeting of the Progress Report was held remotely via Google Meet on November 2,
2020. The meeting convened at 3:30 p.m., with Luis Blanco presiding and Christian Arena
secretary. All members attended.

Matters Discussed:

1. The group discussed which was the best farm on the list to go.

2. Each member of the group discussed which was the best day to go to the farm.

3. The group agreed on Huerto Urbano Callejón Trujillo at Ponce.

4. Génesis informed us of her health condition.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Submitted by:


Christian G. Arena Arroyo, Secretary Date of Approval


University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

English Department
Meeting Date: November 3th, 2020

Call to Order:
A group meeting of the Progress Report was held remotely via Google Meet on November 3,
2020. The meeting convened at 1:30 p.m., with Luis Blanco presiding and Christian Arena
secretary. All members attended.

Matters Discussed:

1.Group members called several farms in Ponce.

2. Each person in the group called different farms located in Ponce because it is more
accessible to everyone.

3. A group member called the Reverdecer farm, but there were no more spaces available.

4. After some failed attempts to reach farms, a member of the group called Huerto Urbano
Callejón Trujillo and contacted Geena, who gave us a date to complete our community
service hours.

5. The group agreed to go to the orchard on November 5, 2020, at 3:00 p.m.

6. Génesis said that she cannot do forced labor or leave her home by medical

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:42 p.m.

Submitted by:


Christian G. Arena Arroyo, Secretary Date of Approval


University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

English Department
Meeting Date: November 5th, 2020

Call to Order:
A group meeting of the Progress Report was held remotely via Google Meet on November 5,
2020. The meeting convened at 2:45 p.m., with Génesis Ayala presiding and Christian Arena
secretary. All members attended.

Matters Discussed:

1. Génesis Ayala notified the group that she could not attend due to a medical

2. The group members communicated with Geena to notify her that not every group member
could attend to the garden. Geena postponed the date to November 12, 2020.

3. Geena specified the rules and told the group what materials to bring.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Submitted by:


Christian G. Arena Arroyo, Secretary Date of Approval


University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

English Department
Meeting Date: November 12th, 2020

Call to Order:
A group meeting of the Progress Report project was held remotely via Google Meat on
November 12, 2020.The meeting convened at 3:00 p.m., with Luis Blanco presiding and
Christian Arena secretary. All members attended except Génesis M. Ayala Irizarry.

Matters Discussed:

1. All members arrived at the garden at 3:00 p.m. except Génesis Ayala.

2. Luis Enrique gave the group a quick tour of the orchard and gave the background story of
the same.

3. Luis Enrique also told the group that all seeds were contributions from different people
from around the island and that is how they expanded their orchard.

4.Dereck Altori cut some plants with a bowie knife

5. Luis Blanco cleaned the area so that later Christian could plant several different crops.

6. Noelys took photos of the group working on the progress report.

7. The group made a bonfire with every leftover of the cleaning and cutting.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Submitted by:


Christian G. Arena Arroyo, Secretary Date of Approval


Appendix C

Location of Huerto Urbano Callejón Trujillo, Ponce

Appendix D


Think about what you did in this project, and how well the project went.
Write your comments in the right column.

Student Name: Génesis M. Ayala Irizarry

Project Name Progress Report

Driving Questions: How was my experience in the project?

List the major Complete the progress report (group work).

Steps of the project:

About Yourself I am generous, resilient, and introverted.

What is the most important The most important thing I learned in this project is
thing you learned in this technical writing.

What do you wish you had I wish to have the opportunity to work in the garden,
spent more time on or done but current circumstances do not allow it.

What part of the project did I think I did my best work in the correction of the
you do your best work on: report.

About the Project: The project consists of doing four community hours
on a farm or garden at home and then writing a
progress report as a group.

What was the most The most enjoyable part of this project was acquired
enjoyable part of this knowledge of technical writing.

What was the least The least enjoyable part of this project was that due
enjoyable part of this to the pandemic I could not have the experience of
project: working in the garden since it was not wise to go out
and expose my health.

How could your teacher(s) I think that this project was not prudent to carry out
change this project to make this pandemic semester. The circumstances we are
it better next time: living in must be taken into consideration for next
time. The teacher could offer any viable evaluation
alternative to be able to learn technical writing
through the creation of some research or
symposium, for example.

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