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Foldable_Rules:Layout 1 2/2/2013 2:22 PM Page 11

THE CARD EFFECTS (FAQ) fects nor any Aggression of ANY card card pile, and put them on the quest deck. wish not to resolve the card effect of the
(not even Aragorn's). This action takes 1 Resolve the card effects of the third card, next card (after he has seen it).
The cards have different effects: some turn/day, but the player will have to pro- but you receive no attacks.
show people that the player meets along ceed his quest from the location in which The Rohirim: when the player resolves
the way; some give conditions or choices he found Aragorn. Arwen: when the player resolves the the card effects of the Rohirim the player
to the player; some have no effects what- card effects of Arwen, discard ALL Witch MAY advance by 2, considering the At-
Witch king: when the player resolves the
soever (i.e. this distinction applies only King tokens from the playmat. tack value as 0, but DO NOT resolve the
card effects of the Witch King, places
when considering Card Effects, and not Shelob's Lair: when the player resolves effects of the destination card.
Witch King token on the play mat. When-
even Aggression Numbers - unless other- ever there are 3 Witch King tokens on the the card effects of Shelob's Lair, imme- Legolas: when the player resolves the
wise stated on a card,) play mat, the player immediately loses diately move the day tracker by 1 day (in card effects of Legolas, in the next turn,
Aragorn: when the player resolves the the game. step 4 of the player's turn). At the end of when drawing the cards, may declare that
card effects of Aragorn, remove 1 Witch the turn, move the token on the day an aggression number is equal to 0.
king token from the play mat. At any Galadriel: when the player resolves the
tracker, as normal.
time, a player might wish to go searching card effects of Galadriel, increase by 1 Gimli: when the player resolves the card
back for Aragorn, drawing cards from the the player's total life points. Faramir: when the player resolves the effects of Gimli, the total attack value, in
discard pile, into the quest deck. If he so card effects of Faramir, the player CAN the next turn, will be reduced by 2.
Gollum: the player ALWAYS resolves
wishes to do, when the player finds look at the next 3 cards in the quest deck,
Aragorn, he immediately discards 1 the card effects of Gollum, when it is the Osgiliath: when the player resolves the
than places them back, in any order.
Witch king token from the Witch King destination card (regardless the effects of card effects of Osgiliath, draw 3 random
tracker, on the play mat. The player does- other cards). He moves back 3 cards (i.e. Gandalf: when the player resolves the cards, from the discard pile, and shuffle
n't take into account any other card ef- draw 2 cards plus Golum) from the dis- card effects of Gandalf, the player MAY them in the quest deck.
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Treebeard: when resolving the card ef- A thick fog in the woods: if you DON'T tion, hence you won't reset your wounds. weapon can be used only once. You can
fects of Treebeard consider the Aggres- travel to the left, you cannot look at the carry more than one weapon at a time.
The mountain path: If you travel for-
sion number value of the first card you cards, as you draw them; look ONLY at Minas Tirith: when the player resolves
ward, do not resolve the effects of the
draw, in the next turn, as 0 (add up the the destination card. DO NOT add the ag- the card effects of Minas Tirith, draw 5
next card (good or bad):
rest, as normal). gression numbers: use only the aggres- random cards, from the discard pile, and
sion number of the destination card. The old tavern: If you travel to the inn
Troll: when resolving the card effect of shuffle them in the quest deck.
(forward), you can find Mithril armor,
the Troll, you cannot rest this turn. Into the caves: If you DON'T travel to Rinvendale: when you reach Rivendale,
which will reduce by 1 ALL the attack
Goblins: when resolving the card effect the right, and any card you draw is a Troll values from now on (including the next consider the attack number you received,
of the Goblins, permanently reduce by 1 or Goblins double the Attack value. Find- turn). Place a token on the Armor icon in as 0. Cross Roads have no effects.
your hit points. ing multiple Trolls and Goblins will have the equipment. Multiples stack up.
no additional effect.
Sauron: when you resolve the card ef- Wondering in the woods: If you travel
fects Isengard Gates: if you travel straight straight forward, you will gain a weapon
forward and any card you draw has an which CAN be used at any time, to con-
of Sauron, check if you used or not the LORD OF THE RINGS
aggression number of 0, consider it as 2. sider any aggression number as 0 (in-
ring, up until now: If you have yet to use
This applies to all cards that have an ag-
the adventure deck game
the RING, nothing happens, and you can cluding this turn). Choose as you draw
gression number of 0. cards; DO NOT choose after you have
proceed normally. Otherwise search the
The Marshes: if you travel to the right, drawn all the cards. Place a token on the Copyright 2011©
discard pile for all Witch Kings, and
Michele Esmanech. All rights reserved
shuffle them back in the quest deck. you CANNOT rest in your next destina- Armor icon in the equipment. The

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