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Science and technology played a big part on the progress, development and innovation of today's life
and even before the Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards. Native Filipinos has already practices
that has a link on the science and technology. Where the colonizers had contribution in its growth and
development. However according to the Technology Index of 1982 the science and technology capacity
in the Philippines was very low and very poor compared to any other countries also when it comes to
technological advancements. Due to this the government had been making moves to support and aid
this insufficiency. They created various developmental programs to support the development views of
the government. Even the Department of Science and technology is offering scholarship for those that
are good in the fields. For this students might be a tool for innovations and enhancement of the science
and technology in the Philippines through researches and discoveries. To produce more science and
engineering graduates. An example of this is the adaptation of the K-12 education where in more
subjects that are inclined in Science and Technology are taught. Secretary Dela Peña in the Department
of Science and Technology. Year 2004 when the science and technology started to improve. This
improvement contributed to the national productivity and competitiveness of the country. The
government seems to visualize already that by the year 2020, a great improvement will show and the
development will be visible enough.


- to gain knowledge about the major development programs in the field of Science and
Technology in the Philippines

- to know famous individuals who contributed to the development of Science and

Technology in the Philippines.


Below are the lists of major development programs in the field of Science and
Technology in the Philippines:

ICT Ecosystem Development

The purpose of the program is to have an integrated perspective of markets, networks,
services, applications and content in determining governance, legal and regulatory frameworks.
The major target of this program is the development of plans and policies relative to the
implementation and adoption of infrastructure, systems, and applications and other related
National Connectivity
The connectivity in the Philippines is one of the problems needed to put an action. This
program directly addresses the network issue in the country since network is globally perceived
to build the development of the country.

Its major target is to install TV White Space (TVWS) base stations in 21,000 sites of
Elementary, High School, and rural health units in municipalities and to improve the delivery of
government services to undeserved communities.

This program aims to attain growth and development of communities in the country by
developing Community eCenters (CeCs) which holds fast to the ICT needs of various
individuals, offering alternative learning and abilities to train each community. It also intends to
set up the special needs sector through gaining employment to impact sourcing and

The major target is to establish 1,000 new Tech4ED Centers, 10,000 new Tech4ED
Centers in barangays through a franchise model, and assign one entrepreneur per center

e-Government Harmonization
The intention of this program is to improve our position to 50 or higher by addressing key
issues such as interoperability and efficiency through both policy innovations and strategic
infrastructure interventions.
The major target of this program is to be at 50 Th or better in the global eGovernment
ranking and to improve in the delivery of government services to undeserved communities.

e-Civil Servants
These are planned to run and manage ICT competency-based training programs in
collaboration with public and private training institutions and Subject Matter Experts (SME’s)
and to develop the digital competencies of the public service employees.

Its major target is to adopt technological innovations to improve products and services of
micro, small, medium enterprises


The following personalities are the famous individuals who contributed to the
development of science and technology in the country. They came from various field and
industry in giving solution to the problems emerged.

Alfredo Mahar Lagmay

He is geologist and professor at the National Institute of Geological Sciences, University of the
Philippines Diliman.
He is also an executive director of the Department of Science and Technology Nationwide
Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH), a flagship program for disaster risk reduction and
management in the Philippines.
Ramon Cabanos Barba
An invetor and horticulturist which was best known for inventing a way to induce more flowers
in mango trees regardless of season, boosting the local mango industry.
He was named a National Scientist of the Philippines in 2014
Julius Sempio
He is an engineer and researcher specializing in geoinformatics and remote sensing.
He is also part of developing the PHL-MICROSAT Program, also known as Diwata Program, a
Philippine microsatellite in which the Diwata-1 was launched into orbit in 2016 while the
Diwata-2 in 2018.
Lucille Abad
She is a nuclear scientist who developed carrageenan, a natural preservative extracted from
processed gulamang dagat, for the crops. It is an effective plant growth promoter using irradiated
seaweeds. This is a plant vitamin which can withstand strong winds and heavy rains.
Tetchi Cruz-Capellan
She is a pioneer of solar energy in the Philippines and CEO of Sunasia Energy.
She led the United States Agency for International Development or USAID funded rural
electrification program for remote areas in Mindanao.
Aletta Concepcion Yñiguez
She is a biological oceanographer and an assistant professor at the Marine Science Institute,
University of the Philippines Diliman
She contributed towards developing and protecting marine resources in our country such as
improving the Philippine sardine industry and managing red tide.


It's not deniable that science and technology play a big role in the society. This makes our lives even
better, gives more convenience, easier and faster. These can be seen through the visible development in
the country. Hence, the government always ensure and promote safety protocol's to be followed to
each one of our fellow men to make sure that everything is under control and no life shall be put in
dangered because of this developmental tasks.

The small projects and programs of the government will add up for the country to become a successful
and reliable scientific and technological hub just like our neighbors, Japan, South Korea, China and other
countries nearby the Philippine archipelago. This is mainly the goal and aim of the Department of
Science and Technology supported by the Philippine Constitution and government that any of the
Researches shall be supported as long as it would be beneficial to the entire human race and is not
against to the law of nature.

Identify each problem.

_________1. The major target of this program is to adopt technological innovations to

improve products and services of micro, small, medium enterprises.


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