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Cite situations where quantitative research helps solve problems in the different fields(HUMSS, ABM,

STEM, and TVL).

Based on the given discussions, state the importance of quantitative research through an acrostic using
the world, " QUANTITATIVE".

Draw common symbol that can be found locally to represent the importance of quantitative research.

1. Why research is important?

2. In what way you can contribute improvement to your community via research?

3. Why is quantitative research helpful for Senior high school?

4. Amid the pandemic crisis, how does research help to maintain preventive measures?

1. Variable -

2. Independent variable -

3. Dependent variable -

4. Extraneous variable -

5. Confounding variable -

6. Intervening variable -
Interview your relatives how they were governed during there time.

Creat a timeline from the first recorded beginning of the Philippine History.

1. How did the Philippine government evolve?

2. What are the significant traits of the previous government that are still present to the current

Create a new article about the Philippine Goverent. Find out historical background that influenced such
event. ko

a. How do you feel after dancing for 3-5 minuets?

b. Did the dance routine you have followed made you feel better? Why or Why not?

1. What is the importance of dancing when it comes to relieving stress? Watch the video thru the link
below; study it, and do a demo dance.

1.1 How do you feel after doing an exercise dance?

1.2 Is it really possible to incorporate any kind of dance into exercise dance?

1.3 Aside from Hip hop, what other form of dance can be incorporated in a dance exercises?
1. What are the reason why most of the people don't have time for physical activities such as exercise
and dance?

2. At this time of pandemic, how can dancing help to relieve stress?

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