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Can it be recycled??

Begin with an explanation that some plastics and other household items are not recyclable and
some are better to be reused or composted. Do not explain which are and which are not.

Give “recycle” , “trash”, “compost” cards to 3 students.

Give “plastic cup” “paper” “paper towel” “glass bottle” “apple core” “straw” etc. cards to other

Set 3minute timer, have the students match up with who they think belong with.

After they match up, tell them if they are right or wrong. Have each “team” explain their logic.

Talk more in depth about types of goods that can and cannot be recycled, explain why.

Have they been accidentally recycling non recyclables?

Ask them if they are guilty of “wishcycling”(recycling goods with the hope that they will get
recycled to ease guilt about using the good)

Explain if it is worse to recycle goods that aren’t recyclable (it is) and what to do to reduce
consumption of those that cannot be recycled

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