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Kutztown In-Progress Formative Observation Instrument Adapted from the Danielson Framework for Teaching Student teacher Megan Meyer pate 10/5/2020 Not Acceptable | Proficient | N7A Met ! Planning and Preparation ‘a. Knowledge of content and Pedagogy Knowledge of students Setting instructional outcomes Use of Resources, Technology Designing Coherent instruction Designing Student Assessment l The Classroom Environment ‘a. Respect and Rapport b. Culture for learning ‘¢. Classroom Procedures d._ Student Behavior 2. Organizing Physical Space Instruction a._Communicating with students b. Question and Discussion c._Student Engagement 4d. Formative Assessment ©. Flexibility and Responsiveness Professional Responsibilities a._ Reflecting on Teaching b. Communication with families c._ Professional Community dd. Showing Professionalism =| Jalo || bx foxx bx [>< L bx

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