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12/1/2020 Murray State University Mail - Fwd: Forest Service to possibly close Homeplace in 2021

Dalton York <>

Fwd: Forest Service to possibly close Homeplace in 2021

Dalton York <> Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 12:34 PM
To: Dalton York <>

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Friends of Land Between The Lakes <>
Date: Sat, Nov 28, 2020 at 10:16 AM
Subject: Forest Service to possibly close Homeplace in 2021
To: <>

Forest Service to Possibly Close Homeplace in 2021

Dear friends,

Instead of a typical newsletter for this November, I feel the need to write to you
about a major issue that has recently arisen that I think many of you will care about
and want to be informed about. It has to do with some big changes outlined in the
Forest Service’s new “Sustainable Recreation Plan,” which is their plan for how
Land Between the Lakes will operate for the next 10 years.

First, I do want to share some good news: As we come to the end of the main open
season here at LBL, we are all extremely thankful that all of our Friends of LBL
employees have remained healthy and covid-free as of this writing. Although the
majority of our staff work with large numbers of the public on a daily basis, we are
so grateful that they took the threat of covid seriously and diligently followed the
CDC-recommended safety guidelines to keep themselves, their co-workers, and the
public as safe as was possible. I feel that our staff deserves major kudos for their
responsible behavior throughout this challenging year.

Now, on to the more difficult news.

The Forest Service’s Sustainable Recreation plan calls for the possible closure of
the Homeplace in 2021.… 1/3
12/1/2020 Murray State University Mail - Fwd: Forest Service to possibly close Homeplace in 2021

Specifically, their plan directs that as of March 1, 2021, the Homeplace will operate
as a “museum” rather than as the living history center and working farm that it has
been for decades. This means that as of March 2021, the Forest Service will cut
their funding for staff interpreters at the Homeplace. Instead of the 7 full-time
Friends of LBL interpreters, the Forest Service plans to cut this number to only 2
interpreters. They also plan to get rid of most of the animals and crops. Their plan
also calls for efforts during 2021 to search for external sources of support for the
Homeplace, such as sponsorships, more funding from Congress or other
government agencies, grants, or other partnerships. If significant sources of
external assistance cannot be found, the Forest Service’s plan is to shut the
Homeplace down permanently at the end of 2021.

I know that for many of you, this is tragic news to hear. Honestly, we are shocked
and deeply saddened. The Forest Service tells us that they do not want to do this,
but that recent budget reductions have caused them to make this difficult choice.

It is a rare occasion that the Friends of LBL advocates that you take political action,
but in this case, I urge you that if you care about the future of the Homeplace, we
need you to make your voice heard now. We may have time to reverse this
decision, or to help find a solution to bring other sources of funding to the
Homeplace. If you care, please contact your elected officials, local leaders, and
others in a position to be of influence.

The Homeplace brings about 35,000 visitors per year to this area, and in particular
is the biggest tourism draw in Stewart County. There is nothing like it in this area
where families can learn in a hands-on and experiential way about our local history
and heritage. It is a treasured special place for thousands of families, a valued
educational asset for many local schools, and a significant part of what draws many
families from throughout the United States to vacation at LBL.

I remain hopeful that many stakeholders can come together to find a solution so
that the Forest Service does not have to follow through with this course of action. I
hope you can help in that effort. Thank you for being a “Friend” of Land Between
the Lakes.


Aviva Yasgur, Executive Director

Friends of Land Between the Lakes

Friends of Land Between the Lakes

Friends of Land Between The Lakes | 345 Maintenance Road, Golden Pond, KY 42211

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