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Probability and Statistics Menu Choice Board Project

I chose to take a hard-copy rubric that I use each year to grade a Menu Choice Board Project at the end
of the Probability and Statistics units. Here is a copy of the rubric that I am building an online version

First, I created an assignment in Google Classroom. Notice that I added an attachment PDF that
contains the Menu Choice Board and project guidelines.
Next, I added my five criterion categories with points, level and descriptions.

Here is a snip-it of what the rubric looked like once I saved it:
Students will see this as their project assignment (notice the rubric tab is present):

Deployment Plan

In all levels of 7th grade math, the most enjoyable units for students is typically Probability and Statistics
because of the real-world applications and hands-on activities we do in the classroom. Rather than
giving a test on these units as they are very short, I choose to have students complete a Menu Choice
Board Project. The project gives the students choice and a way to show their creativity.

Students will be assigned their project completely digital using the Google Classroom. The project will
be used as a summative assessment application where students show off what they have learned
throughout the two units. Students are also required to present their projects to the class. Students will
have full access to the rubric in Google Classroom under the assignment titled “Prob and Stats Project.”
The project will be graded using a rubric scale of 20 (Exceeds), 15 (Meets), 10 (Approaches), and 5 (Does
not meet) for five different criterions (required elements, accuracy, mastery, originality, and
neatness/attractiveness) for a total of 100 points. Students will receive feedback from both teacher and
classmates. I will grade their projects using the digital rubric and provide students with their score along
with feedback as to why they received that specific score. The students will post positive comments
within the Google Classroom assignment about each presentation they see. I will use sentence starters
and monitor the feed to be sure all student feedback is appropriate. Once each student has submitted,
presented and received a score and feedback about their project, they will respond to my feedback with
their personal reflection about their project.

To ensure the most efficient workflow for my Probability and Statistics Project, students will have full
access to the assignment, instructions and rubric in Google Classroom. Students will also receive a hard-
copy rubric. The hard-copy is important for students who do not have internet access at home and for
me to keep a hard-copy final grade in each students’ file. I will also post a link of the rubric in my Remind
101 class, so parents are aware of expectations as well. Students will have three days in class to
complete this assignment and ask for teacher feedback along the way. Students who use a digital tool
to create their project can post drafts of their projects in Google Classroom and ask for feedback from
other students before their final submission. Final projects and presentations will occur at the end of
the week.

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