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EDUC 540– Field Experience

Nuryantika Ismail

October 17, 2020

Dr. Megan Fritz

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment

Whenever someone asks me why I want to be a teacher, there are several answers that I

could list. However, my main reason is because I like to be around children, and I like to pass to

other children what I knew and learned when I was their age. I also like to make changes to other

people’s lives. In the future my classroom will be filled with children from different cultures,
English learners, different learning styles and maybe different learning levels, as well as social

economic status. Even though they are all different in many aspects, I want them to come to my

classroom to feel safe and loved, ready to learn academically and socially and also learn the

differences among us as well as the similarities which make us unique. Within this reflection, I

will talk about Danielson’s framework domain 2 and I will detail each subdomain. 

Creating an environment of respect and rapport

In order for us to create a healthy classroom, I believe teachers have to create positive

environment as well as supportive classrooms by treating each other with respect. At the

beginning of the school year, I will set up the classroom schedule and procedures. Also, the

students and I will create our rules and expectation on how we are supposed to treat each other

with respect and dignity. As the classroom teacher, I will give them the example because I

believe children will copy the adult behavior. So, if I want my students to behave and respect one

another, I have to show them and act according to the rules that we create in the classroom. Some

of the rules that I will put for my classroom is to raise their hand if they have a question or want

to talk, listen to one another, wait their turn to talk and give them the reason why we have wait

until our turn to talk. Addressing one another by name, if it is necessary, I will go down to their

eye level when I talk to them, for example, when I have to explain something to them so it will

be easier for them to understand and help them to feel more relaxed when they talk to me.

However, before school starts, I would like to find out where my students come from because in

some countries, making eye contact can be a sign of disrespect. 

Establish a culture for learning

I believe children can reach their full potential. To help my students reach their full

potential, first, I have to lead the class and show them that I’m ready and eager to teach as well

as facilitate them. Next, I will have high expectations for all my students, and I will give

something to challenge them all the time because I believe by giving them challenges, it will

help them to keep growing. I will allow them to make mistakes and I also will reason with them

that we should learn from the mistakes because then we know what we should do next to make it

better. I will not allow my students to say, “I can’t” and then just stop over there. I will

encourage them to keep trying or learn from their friends because sometimes, when they learn

from their peers, it will help them to understand. However, with the situation right now, it will

not be possible for them to be too close to one another if they want to learn or teach their


Managing classroom procedures

If the classroom has a schedule and it is followed accordingly (just make changes if

necessary), it will help the students to know the classroom expectation. Each morning when the

students just arrive, I will keep reminding them of that day's schedule and routine expectation

and if something changes that day, I will also tell the students ahead of time, so they do not get

surprised and confused. During each lesson, I might make three different sessions, whole class,

independent work. I will group students according to their level. Between each lesson, I will give

them a sign for the transition. When we start a new lesson, I will also explain to the students the

expectation within the lesson and what they are supposed to do during the whole group,

independent and small group activities. Following the classroom schedule and manage it

effectively will help to maintain the efficiency in the classroom 

Managing student behavior

Managing behavior can be the biggest challenge for every educator because children

come from many different cultures and environments. In my classroom, I like to use classroom

expectation, reasoning why we can or cannot use some behaviors as well as the consequences for

every behavior. For example, I like to give reward points to my students who behave as well as

following the classroom rules and expectations. With those points, students can get or buy

something that have already prepared in the classroom. When unexpected behavior happens in

the classroom, the first thing I need to check is probably the way I deliver the lesson, may be too

easy or too hard, which I believe can make my students feel overwhelmed or bored or maybe

they do not even have any clue what I’m talking about. Next, I will check myself, maybe I pay

attention to some students and not pay enough attention to other students, which may cause them

to think that they are less important compare to the other students. Then, I will check myself,

maybe I expect them to do something, but I am not following the rules that I made. I also might

use a chart, to write what time of the day that behavior happens, what the trigger was, what

method I already tried, how many times the behavior happens in a day/week. Sometimes we

have already tried several different methods but, that may still not be working, when that

happens, I think we need to take another step and ask help from different educators, they might

have different methods to help us. If teacher is too tired, then the other twenty students might get

delayed in learning something new, which is not good ideas for all of them.

Organizing physical space

Classroom furniture layout has an impact on students learning. If teachers prepare the

classroom layout accordingly, it will help to smooth the learning environment. For example, in
the front of the classroom, I will put the carpet for small and large groups. The students table will

be in the middle of the classroom and facing the front where I put the board. If I have students

that need special accommodation like a wheelchair, I will put their table in the front close to the

entrance door to make it easier for them to move in or out of the classroom. A small group table

where the students work with me will be placed in between the carpet and the entrance door. The

library/books will be placed around the classroom so the students can see the different variety of

books that they can choose in the classroom. A sink will be placed in the back of the classroom

this will help students to not get distracted if they see their friends moving or doing something

outside their chair. I like to put the students' work or ideas outside the classroom just beside the

entrance door so they can see their work when they enter the classroom and other students, or

parents also can see the students work even though they are now entering the classroom. When

we hang the students' work, it will help them with their self-esteem because they will feel

important and their work is appreciated. 

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