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Bioremediation Journal Biosurfactant-Mediated Biodegradation of Polycyclic

Aromatic Hydrocarbons—Naphthalene

Article  in  Bioremediation Journal · September 2014


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4 authors, including:

Subramanyam Dasari Kadiam C Venkata Subbaiah

Indiana University Bloomington University of Rochester


Lokanatha Valluru
Dravidian University


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Biosurfactant-Mediated Biodegradation of Polycyclic

Aromatic Hydrocarbons—Naphthalene
a a b a
Subramanyam Dasari , K. C. Venkata Subbaiah , Rajendra Wudayagiri & Lokanatha Valluru
Department of Biotechnology, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Department of Zoology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Published online: 08 Aug 2014.

To cite this article: Subramanyam Dasari, K. C. Venkata Subbaiah, Rajendra Wudayagiri & Lokanatha Valluru (2014)
Biosurfactant-Mediated Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons—Naphthalene, Bioremediation Journal, 18:3,
258-265, DOI: 10.1080/10889868.2014.933169

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Bioremediation Journal, 18:258–265, 2014
Copyright Ó 2014 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1088-9868 print / 1547-6529 online
DOI: 10.1080/10889868.2014.933169

Biosurfactant-Mediated Biodegradation
of Polycyclic Aromatic
Subramanyam Dasari,1 K. C. ABSTRACT The present study is aimed at the naphthalene degradation with
Downloaded by [Sri Venkateshwara University] at 21:34 13 August 2014

Venkata Subbaiah,1 Rajendra and without biosurfactant produced from Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from
Wudayagiri, 2 and Lokanatha oil-contaminated soil. The present study was carried out to isolate the bacterial
Valluru 1
strains for the naphthalene degradation and also for biosurfactant production.
Department of Biotechnology,
The isolated strains were screened for their ability to degrade the naphthalene
Dravidian University, Kuppam,
Andhra Pradesh, India by the methods of optimum growth rate test and for the production of
Department of Zoology, biosurfactants by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, blood agar medium, and
Sri Venkateswara University, thin-layer chromatography. The present study also focused on the effect of
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India biosurfactant for the degradation of naphthalene by isolate-1. Two bacterial
strains were isolated and screened, one for biodegradation and another for
biosurfactant production. The second organism was identified as Pseudomonas
aeruginosa by 16S rRNA analysis. The purified biosurfactant reduces the surface
tension of water and also forms stable emulsification with hexadecane and
kerosene. The end product of naphthalene degradation was estimated as
salicylic acid equivalent by spectrophotometric method. The results
demonstrated that Pseudomonas aeruginosa has the potential to produce
biosurfactant, which enhances the biodegradation of naphthalene. The study
reflects the potential use of biosurfactants for an effective bioremediation in the
management of contaminated soils.

KEYWORDS biodegradation, biosurfactant, emulsification, naphthalene, polycyclic

aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Pseudomonas

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one class of toxic pollu-
Address correspondence to Lokanatha tants that have been accumulated in the environment by natural and
Valluru, Department of Biotechnology, anthropogenic activities (Aronstein, Calvillo, Alexander 1991; Banat 1995).
Dravidian University, Kuppam 517426,
A.P, India. E-mail: lokanathav@yahoo.
They are mainly produced from incomplete combustion of organic mate- rial, fossil fuels, spillage of petroleum products, and various industrial activ-
ities. Humans are exposed to PAHs by means of air, soil, food, water, and
Color versions of one or more of the
figures in the article can be found occupational exposure (Box 1983; Brandt and Watson 2003). The adverse
online at health and environmental effects of PAH compounds are widely known,
which include serious health problems in some Surareddypalem near Ongole, in Andhra Pradesh,
instances and genetic defects in humans (Chandrase- India. The soil sample (1 g) is enriched over a time
karan and BeMiller 1980). Based on their ecotoxic- period of 7–10 days with mineral salt medium (MSM)
ity, the US Environmental Protection Agency (US containing 0.2% naphthalene dissolved in acetone.
EPA) has listed 16 PAHs as priority pollutants for The enriched soil samples are serially diluted and
remediation (Bojes and Pope 2007). plated on a Bushnell-Hass agar selective medium
The bioremediation of soils contaminated with (Himedia) contain naphthalene (0.2%) as a source of
PAHs is limited by the bioavailability of these hydro- carbon. After the incubation period, plates were enu-
phobic contaminants to microorganisms (Grimmer merated and morphologically different bacteria were
1979). Surfactants were used for solubilization or emul- selected for biodegradation.
sification and release hydrocarbons sorbed to soil
organic matter and increase the aqueous concentrations
of hydrocarbon compounds (Guerra-Santos, Kappeli, Isolation of Biosurfactant-Producing
and Fiechter 1984). However, recent studies indicate Bacteria
that surfactants can enhance biodegradation of hydro- The same soil samples were used for the production
carbons by increasing microbial accessibility to insolu- of biosurfactant. Soil samples are placed in sterile PYG
Downloaded by [Sri Venkateshwara University] at 21:34 13 August 2014

ble substrates (Haba et al. 2000). Several researchers medium (peptone, 5.0 g; yeast extract, 5.0 g; glucose,
have investigated the addition of biosurfactants to 15.0 g; and distilled water 1 L) and kept at 37 C on
enhance the biodegradation of hydrocarbons. rotary shaker at 120 rpm for 72 h (Rocha et al. 1992).
The composition, structure, and properties of variety The enriched soil samples are serially diluted and
of surfactants produced by bacteria, yeasts, and fungi plated on PYG medium. After the incubation period,
have been described (Hisatsuka, Nakahara, and Sano the plates were enumerated and morphologically differ-
Yamada 1971; Hommel et al. 1994). Among the best- ent bacteria were selected for biosurfactant production.
studied biosurfactants are the rhamnolipids of Pseudo-
monas aeruginosa. Most extracellular surface-active
compounds are synthesized by microorganisms grow- Screening for Biodegradation
ing on poorly soluble substrates (Hommel 1990). In of Naphthalene by Isolated Strains
addition, biosurfactant enhances ability of microorgan-
isms to utilize hydrocarbons as substrates (Oberbremer, The selected isolates were cultured in 100 ml Bushnal-
Muller-Hurtig, and Wagner 1990). Koch et al. (1991) Hass (BH) medium containing 0.2% naphthalene
have isolated a mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (dissolved in acetone) and incubated at 37 C and
PG201 that had lost its capacity to grow on hexade- 100 rpm (Kiyohara, Nagao, and Yana 1982). Naphtha-
cane, as it failed to secrete its extracellular rhamnolipids lene utilization of the selected isolates was initially
(Oberbremer, Muller-Hurtig, and Wagner 1990). assessed by disappearance of naphthalene crystals, color
The present study was undertaken to isolate the Pseu- change, and increase in the optical density of the
domonas sp. that degrades naphthalene, one of the com- medium at regular intervals.
ponents present in diesel, from the oil-contaminated
soil. Besides, the studies also aimed to isolate the rham-
Screening for Biosurfactant
nolipid from Pseudomonas aeruginosa that can be used
as a biosurfactant in order to study the ability of Pseudo-
monas sp. in the biodegradation of naphthalene. Isolated strain 2 was screened for the ability to
produce surfactants by cultivation in blue agar
plates containing cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
MATERIALS AND METHODS (C-TAB) (0.2 mg/ml) and methylene blue (5 mg/ml)
(Kastnar 2000) and was used to detect glycolipid
Isolation of Naphthalene-Degrading
production with 2% dextrose or mannitol as a car-
Microorganisms bon source. Biosurfactants were observed by the for-
Diesel-contaminated soil samples were collected mation of dark blue hallows around the colonies.
from the leakage channels in Indian oil tanks at Isolated strains were also screened on blood agar

259 Biosurfactant-Mediated Biodegradation of Naphthalene

plates containing 5% (v/v) human blood and incu- containing ethidium bromide (10 ng/ml) in 1£ TBE
bated at 37 C for 24–48 h. Hemolytic activity was buffer and visualized under ultraviolet light using an
detected as the occurrence of clear zone around the Alpha Innotech Corp. (San Jose, CA, USA) gel docu-
colony (Carrillo et al. 1996). mentation system (Figure 4).

Morphological and Biochemical Tests Biosurfactant Production

for Identification of Isolated Strains and Purification
Isolates, grown on nutrient agar medium, were exam- The medium containing high concentration (2%) of
ined for Gram staining, cell morphology, and cultural mannitol was used as a substrate for biosurfactant pro-
characteristics. The biochemical tests include indole, duction. Growth was monitored by measuring the opti-
methyl red Voges-Proskauer, and citrate utilization cal density at A600 nm. The concentration of
(IMViC) tests, oxidase, catalase, and gelatin tests, along extracellular glycolipids was estimated in duplicates by
with pigment production were studied according to measuring the concentration of rhamnose with a modi-
Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (Koneman fied orcinol assay (Mihelcic et al. 1993). The acidified
et al. 1997).
Downloaded by [Sri Venkateshwara University] at 21:34 13 August 2014

culture supernatant was extracted three times with

diethyl ether, and then the fractions were pooled,
dried, and resuspended in 0.05 M sodium bicarbonate.
Molecular Identification A 200-ml sample was treated with 1.8 ml solution of
of Biosurfactant-Producing Isolate orcinol reagent and boiled for 20 min. After cooling at
DNA Extraction and Cell Lysis room temperature for 15 min, the color intensity was
measured at 421 nm. Rhamnolipid concentrations
Total DNA was isolated from bacterial strain
were calculated from standard curve prepared with L-
(Sambrook, Fritsch, and Maniatis 1989). Heat-lysate
rhamnose and expressed as mg of rhamnose equivalents
bacterial suspensions used in polymerase chain reac-
(RE)/ml. The emulsifying activity of the dried powder
tion (PCR) analysis were prepared from cultures
was estimated by adding 0.5 ml sample fluids and
grown on Luria agar for 24 h at 37 C. Two bacterial
0.5 ml hexadecane or kerosene to 4.0 ml of distilled
colonies were suspended in 100 ml of lysate solu-
water. The contents were vortexed for 20 s and turbid-
tion (0.05 mM NaOH, 0.25% sodium dodecyl sul-
ity of a stable emulsion was visually examined (Cooper
fate [SDS]) and incubated for 15 min at 100 C.
and Goldenberg 1987). The emulsification activity is
The suspension was centrifuged for 1 min at
defined as the height of the emulsion layer divided by
12,000 rpm and diluted 50-fold in sterile distilled
the total height and expressed as percentage.
water. The PCR primers were designed (MWG, Bio-
tech, Eurofins, Bangalore, India) to amplify approxi-
mately 1300 bp of consensus 16S rRNA gene, with
Naphthalene Degradation
forward primer 67 F (5’-CAG GCC TAA CAC ATG
CAA GTC-3’) and reverse primer 1387 R (5’-GGG
by Isolate-1
CGG WGT GTA CAA GGC-3’). The study on the degradation of naphthalene was
The PCR was performed in a 25-ml reaction mixture carried out in batch mode of operation. One hundred
containing 100 ng of template DNA, 1£ PCR buffer milliliters of MSM containing 0.2% naphthalene (dis-
(Fermantas, Ontario, Canada), 0.2 mM dNTPs, solved in acetone) as a sole carbon source were added
2.5 mM MgCl2, 10 pmoles of each primer, and 1 U of in each flask. These flasks were then inoculated with
Taq DNA polymerase (Carbett Research, Sydney, 0.1% (v/v) inoculum previously prepared, and the
Australia). The reaction was initiated with a denatur- flasks were kept in shaker at 120 rpm for a period of
ation step at 94 C for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles of 10 days. The optical density (OD) of the broth was
denaturation at 94 C for 30 S, annealing at 55 C for measured at regular time intervals (24 h), and the same
1 min, and extension at 72 C for 2 min and the final broth was used to estimate the end product of biodeg-
extension was at 72 C for 15 min. Amplified products radation in terms of mg of salicylic acid equivalents
were separated by electrophoresis using 1% agarose gel (SE)/ml by the method of Box (1983).

S. Dasari et al. 260

Effect of Biosurfactant (Rhamnolipid) on the plates with naphthalene as a sole carbon source.
on Naphthalene Biodegradation This naphthalene utilization was initially assessed by
disappearance of naphthalene crystals and increase in
The degradation of naphthalene was carried out in the OD of the medium (Figure 1). Out of four isolates,
the presence of a glycolipid (biosurfactant). A 0.05% only one strain was selected the degradation of naph-
sample of biosurfactant extracted from isolate-2 and thalene due to its optimum growth rate in 2% naphtha-
0.1 ml of overnight culture of isolate-1 were added to lene as a sole carbon source (Figure 1).
100 ml of MSM containing 0.2% naphthalene. The
flasks were kept in shaker at 120 rpm for a period of
10 days or up to decreased optical density. The OD of Screening for the Ability to Produce
the broth was measured at regular intervals (24 h), and Biosurfactant
the SE was estimated by the method of Box (1983).
When grown on PYG medium, morphologically
identical colonies with round, creamiest, and concave
RESULTS features were observed. One strain was selected for bio-
surfactant production (Table 1). When grown on blue
Identification of Bacterial Isolates agar plates containing C-TAB, methylene blue with 2%
Downloaded by [Sri Venkateshwara University] at 21:34 13 August 2014

Table 1 shows the results of the morphological and glucose or mannitol, the isolated strain forms blue
biochemical tests. The biodegrading bacterial cultures color colonies with hallows (Figure 2A) and these iso-
were identified as genus of Pseudomonas, and the bio- lated strains have also exhibited clear zones on the
surfactant-producing strain (isolate-2) was identified as blood agar medium (Figure 2B).
Pseudomonas aeruginosa by 16S rRNA analyses
(sequence accession number: HQ324120).
Molecular Identification of
Biosurfactant-Producing Isolate
Naphthalene Utilization In PCR, a single band of expected size (»1300 bp)
Thirteen bacterial colonies were grown on BH agar using universal primer 67 F and reverse primer 1387 R
plates containing 2% naphthalene. Out of 13 isolated (Figure 3). The identity of the 1300-bp product was
strains, only 4 strains have shown the ability to grow confirmed by cloning and sequencing. The selected

TABLE 1 Microbiological and Biochemical Tests for Bacterial Strains Isolated from Diesel-Contaminated Soils
Sample no. Tests Strain 1 Strain 2

1 Medium used for inocula BH C naphthalene BH C naphthalene

2 Colony character Round, yellow-whitish, convex Round, creamish, concave
3 Colony on nutrient medium White Yellow-white
4 Gram staining Negative rods Negative rods
5 Motility Motile Motile
Biochemical tests
a Indole test C C
b Methyl red test ¡ ¡
c VP test ¡ ¡
d Citrate utilization test C C
e Oxidase test C C
f Nitrate test ¡ ¡
g Catalase test C C
h Gelatin ¡ ¡
i Growth on MacConky agar NLF NLF
j Growth on blood agar Clear zone Clear zone
k Oxidative fermentation Utilizes Glu, Xyl Nonutilizer
Note. BH medium D Bushnal-Hass medium; strain 1 D biodegrading bacteria; strain 2 D biosurfactant-producing bacteria; C D positive;
¡ D negative; NLF D nonlactose fermentor; Glu D glucose; Xyl D xylose.

261 Biosurfactant-Mediated Biodegradation of Naphthalene

FIGURE 3 PCR amplification of 16S rRNA from isolate-2.
FIGURE 1 Growth curves of four isolates on MSM with 2%
naphthalene as a sole carbon source.

Naphthalene Degradation
Naphthalene degradation products in supernatants
biosurfactant-producing strain (isolate-2) was
Downloaded by [Sri Venkateshwara University] at 21:34 13 August 2014

were accompanied by decrease in pH. The important

sequenced and deposited in NCBI GenBank and
metabolite in naphthalene degradation was salicylic
identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa (accession no.
acid, which was determined by spectrophotometric
method. The bacterial growth and the naphthalene
degradation gradually increased up to 10 days and
decreased after 10 days of incubation time, which indi-
Biosurfactant Production cates that the isolate-1 requires 10 days for the degrada-
and Purification tion of naphthalene (Figure 6).
The amount of biosurfactants produced was there- However, in the presence of the biosurfactant rham-
fore sufficient to reach the lowest possible surface ten- nolipid, the isolate-1 degraded naphthalene in 6 days
sion with critical micelle concentration (1.1 £ 10¡4 to (Figure 7) and the faster degradation was primarily due
1.5 £ 10¡3 M). The produced biosurfactants were iden- to the presence of rhamnolipid, which reduced the sur-
tified as rhamnolipid by orcinol assay (blue color) and face tension of the broth and subsequently increased
thin-layer chromatography (TLC) (yellow-colored spot, the bioavailability of naphthalene to the bacteria.
Figure 4). The maximum biosurfactant production was
seen at 18 h incubation time, and its concentration was
estimated at 3.1 mg/ml. The extracted rhamnolipid
forms stable emulsification with diesel and kerosene as
substrates compared with that of chemical surfactants
(Figure 5).

FIGURE 2 (A) Detection of glycolipids (biosurfactant) pro-

duced by isolated strain 2 with C-TAB agar medium shows
blue-colored colonies with hallow zone around the colony.
(B) Hemolytic activity of bacterial supernatant on blood agar FIGURE 4 TLC plate shows yellow-colored spots for rhamnoli-
medium showing clear zone around the bacterial streak. pid from the isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain.

S. Dasari et al. 262

FIGURE 5 Emulsification activity of isolate-2, SDS, Triton X-
100, and no surfactant (control).

FIGURE 7 Naphthalene degradation in the presence of biosur-

factant, which reduces the surface tension of the broth and
DISCUSSION enhances the biodegradation of compound.

During the past 30 years, different remediation tech-

nologies have been tested in efforts to remove the envi- Bioremediation, in general, requires relatively long
Downloaded by [Sri Venkateshwara University] at 21:34 13 August 2014

ronmental contaminants. Among them, bioremediation time scale due to slower kinetics when compared with
is considered to be a safe and cost-effective option (Parra other remediation options. In the case of PAHs, the
et al. 1989; Prince 1997). In general, the mechanism of rate of in situ microbial metabolism is limited because
aerobic degradation of naphthalene involves the incor- of lower metabolic capabilities due to low solubility of
poration of molecular oxygen into one of the aromatic these compounds, resulting in low bioavailability to
rings by naphthalene dioxygenase, leading to the forma- the organisms (Pritchard et al. 1995). In order to
tion of cis-1,2-naphthalene dihydrodiol. The latter enhance the solubility of PAHs, surface-active agents
undergoes a number of further degradative steps and such as mobilizing agents are being applied (Providenti
finally gets metabolized to carbon dioxide through sali- et al. 1995). Surfactant approaches to enhancing bio-
cylic acid. In the present study, the addition of biosurfac- degradation often attempt to increase the solubility of
tant effectively enhanced the solubility of naphthalene. hydrophobic organic contaminants by the addition of
This is mainly due to the amphiphilic nature of the bio- biosurfactants. Many studies of biosurfactant-enhanced
surfactants, which tend to concentrate at interfaces and bioremediation have employed well-characterized bio-
to decrease interfacial tension. In addition, the biosurfac- surfactants such as rhamnolipid from Pseudomonas aeru-
tant, at certain concentrations, enhances the formation ginosa (Rahaman et al. 2002), trehalose dimycolipids
of stable aggregates of 10–200 molecules called micelles from Rhodococcus sp. (Ramdahl 1985), sophorose
that can increase the solubility of the hydrophobic lipids from Candida apicola (Robert et al. 1989), lichen-
contaminants. ysins from Bacillus sp. (Saraswathy and Hallberg 2002),
and surfactin from Bacillus subtilis (Seigmund and
Wagner 1991). These are potent surfactants, as they
reduce the surface tension from 72 to <30 dynes/cm.
In the present study, the isolated Pseudomonas aerugi-
nosa produces a biosurfactant that is identified as rham-
nolipid by orcinol method. The exact reason for the
production of surfactants by these microorganisms is
still not clear. However, some reports indicate that
these microorganisms facilitate their diffusion into the
cell by producing a variety of substances called biosur-
factants. Some bacteria excrete ionic surfactants, which
emulsify hydrocarbon substrates in the growth medium
(Guerra-Santos, Kappeli, and Fiechter 1984). Growth
FIGURE 6 Naphthalene degradation by isolated strain 1, which conditions favorable for the production of surfactants
is estimated by the end product in salicylic acid equivalents. require an elevated C-to-N ratio and limiting iron

263 Biosurfactant-Mediated Biodegradation of Naphthalene

concentration (Liu 2001). However, biosurfactant- facilitates faster degradation of naphthalene as com-
producing bacteria are found in higher concentrations pared with the biodegradation without rhamnolipid.
in hydrocarbon-contaminated soils. Accordingly, our
results also suggest that the capacity to secrete surface-
active agents is a common feature among PAH- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
degrading soil bacteria (Stefen 2003). Haba et al.
isolated the strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa 47T2 The authors are thankful to Head, Department of
NCIB40044, from 36 screened strains, which exhibits Virology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A.P,
capacity to produce 2.7 g/L of rhamnose in a nonaer- India, for providing laboratory facilities and guidance.
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265 Biosurfactant-Mediated Biodegradation of Naphthalene

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