What Is Hotel and Tourism

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Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the tourism sector through the
improvement of the management of administrative processes. They are interested in the
country's tourism policies and management to seek social and commercial development
by being creative and innovative agents in the sector. This career analyzes the trends
and evolution of tourism in different regions of the country, evaluates the offers of plans
and most visited tourist places, studies hotel investment projects, among other tasks that
it is in charge of.


You can develop activities related to the administration of accommodation, food, drinks
and entertainment.
You can carry out processes of conduction and promotion of travel agencies.
You can carry out activities in chambers of commerce and tourism.
Develop tourist training activities.
You can promote projects in national and regional public tourism agencies.
You can develop teaching and tourism research jobs.
You can also Create circuits, networks that integrate and stimulate the development of
communities at the local, regional, national and international levels.
Prepare business plans in the tourist area.
Promotion of projects in tourist institutions of public or private order.
Coordination, administration and evaluation of tourist services.
Planning the design and formulation of tourism policies, plans, careers and projects.
Consulting and advisory services in environmental, technical and administrative areas in
tourism organizations.
Research of projects related to tourism resources and activity, their trends and
Evaluator of careers and tourism development projects.
Perform in hotels, resorts, resorts nationwide.
Can you study this career? You'll love it

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