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Feeding Our Kids

Social Media Plan

Target Audiences
● People (age 16 - 34) who are interested in getting involved in local nonprofits.
● People (age 35 - 64) who are concerned about child hunger.
● Retirees (age 65+) looking to give back to the community.

● Use Facebook to encourage donations and channel traffic to the website.
● Use Instagram to appeal to a younger demographic for support.
● Increase inquiries about board and internship possibilities.
● Deactivate the Twitter account.

Objective 1: ​Increase engagement on Facebook by 25 interactions per week.

● Strategy: Post more videos (one a week) about the organization.

○ Add videos of shopping for, sorting, and delivering food.
■ Include a call to action (donate/volunteer).
○ Add short interview videos with board members.
■ Example video: Coatings Authority, Ann Arbor Smiles Instagram.
■ See Strategic Plan Objective 3.
○ Facebook videos should be less than 2 minutes.
■ 47% of value should be presented in the first 3 seconds.
■ 74% of value should be presented in the first 10 seconds.
■ Include a call to action.
○ Facebook videos should autoplay.
■ This is part of the post settings.
○ Add captions to increase engagement.
■ Plan for the video to be viewed without sound.
■ Include sound as an enhancement, not a necessity.
● Strategy: Post 5 to 10 times per week.
○ Vary the types posts, but maintain the same tone.

Objective 2:​ Start an Instagram for Business account and reach 100 followers by November

● Strategy: Link the Facebook and Instagram pages to make posting simple and efficient.
● Strategy: Cross-promote the Instagram and Facebook pages to bring Facebook followers
over to Instagram.
● Strategy: Post high quality images that are engaging and meaningful.
○ 1080 x 1080 pixels is ideal for Instagram.
○ Show action photos of people volunteering, thank donors, infographics, quote
graphics, etc.
■ Add a variety of types of images, but keep the color scheme, tone of text
and lighting similar.
● Strategy: Use Instagram stories to share happenings immediately.
○ Use before you post the nicest photos after an event.
■ Ex. During sorts or delivery, Foodbank Prom, set up, and during events.
● Strategy: Make your handle simple and memorable.
○ Try to avoid numbers.
■ Ex. @feedingourkids, @feeding_our_kids, @feedingourkidscu
● Strategy: Use hashtags to increase reach and engagement.
○ Instagram has a maximum of 30 hashtags, but it’s best to stick to 5 or 6.
○ Use an identifying hashtag to unify posts.
■ Ex. #feedingourkids, #1in5, #feedingchampaign
● Strategy: Follow other local businesses and food banks to connect and draw followers
○ Start with your sponsors and Eastern Illinois Foodbank.
● Strategy: Post 5 to 8 times per week.
○ This can conicide easily with Facebook to maximize efficiency.
Objective 3:​ Increase inquiries about board and internship positions.

● Strategy: Add videos and/or photos about what it’s like to be a board member.
○ Include a call to action when positions are open.
■ Ex.: “For more information about becoming a board member contact us
at ​​.”
■ Ex.: “If you’re interested in interning with Feeding Our Kids, email us at​.”

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