Tel 311 - Signature Assignment

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Bowl of Flavor

Kaila Boone

Arizona State University


Bowl of Flavor

Cultural diversity is what makes the world beautiful, unique, and flavorful. Each and

every culture in the world provides their own way of going about life and has various ways of

practicing religion, cooking, socioeconomics, and medicine. Provided in this proposal is a project

focused on just that, but with students and their school and living community. This proposal will

demonstrate my ability to plan and communicate my ideas for problem-based learning that

effectively integrates technology, as well as gained insight into the process for requesting

classroom technology and supplies associated with “Bowl of Flavor.”

Applicant and School Narrative

I am Kaila Boone and I teach middle school through high school history/ social studies at

Camp Verde High School, of which I have been teaching for three years. I graduated from

Arizona State University with my Bachelors in Secondary Education with an emphasis in

history, and I teach to bring global awareness and stimulate curiosity about the world we live in.

I instruct our future leaders of tomorrow to look deeper into issues and find invigorating

solutions for a positive outcome to bring communities together in strength!​ Throughout my own

school years as a student and the experiences involved, I have been able to observe and develop

thoughts on the roles of teachers, students, parents, and the community, as well as the purpose of


An electrical output that does not function does not serve a purpose. Similar to an

electrical output, a teacher’s role is to create a lifelong surge of wonder, curiosity, and ideas. If a

teacher cannot create this atmosphere promoting an invigoration of ideas and a lifelong process

of learning, then, in my experience, should not be teaching. To promote this, the curriculum must

focus on the needs of the students and what they find interesting or need help in. The most

effective teachers build relationships with their students; provide a rigorous and relevant

curriculum and work to promote social justice through critical thinking and experiential


The role of a student is to be an explorer; a map may be given to them to follow but along

the way they can take different pathways and find the one that works best for them to arrive at

the destination. Furthermore, real-world issues are crucial for learning, as we are instructing the

future leaders, innovators, and businesspersons of our country. According to Fernando M.

Reimers, author of “Leading for Global Competency”- an online journal about twenty-first

century skills in the classroom and encouraging to teach students about global civility, “An

essential component of 21​st​ Century Learning is for students to develop a high level of global

competency and awareness about the world in which they live. To be globally competent is to

possess the dispositions necessary to have productive and respectful relationships with people

from diverse geographical locations. Further, it is the awareness of global issues and an interest

in solving problems on a global skill” (Reimers 1). Students should apply critical ideas to

real-world issues and discussions. This can be through current events, news articles, and

project-based activities.

The role of parents and the community is to nurture the child and be a strong support base

for them.

The purpose of education is to not only prepare the student for the world outside the

classroom, but also “…Enduring respect for children as thinkers and explorers, curious scientists

and mathematicians, imaginative writers and artists, and as makers of change in the interest of

equity and justice: children who possess important ideas and theories about the world” (Little 1).

Building relationships with students, providing a rigorous and engaging curriculum, and

applying critical thinking to lesson plans is the best way to teach students, as my own experience

being a past student has shaped this ideology.

School Narrative

Camp Verde High School is located in a small, agricultural, rural area, with a total of 524

students attending. Our mission is to “...Uphold high academic standards and meet the life-skill

needs of our students, helping them to become productive, responsible citizens. Learning is a

cooperative endeavor among students, parents and staff. It should be meaningful, useful and

applicable not only for the present but for the future. The end result should be to develop a desire

for skills to achieve lifelong learning.” Among the 524 students, statistically, there is a

percentage of 53% White students, 37% Hispanic, and 6.49% Native American (CVUSD, 2020).

Summary of Project and Impact

“Bowl of Flavor” is about becoming unified through difference (s). The project is needed

within Camp Verde High School because we are a small community and all too many times, this

can create both a negative and positive impact. It can be negative since views within small towns

may be limited, yet positive since strength can come in small numbers; a stronger bond can be

created since it is such a small community. Students will be focused on the essential question

“How Does Cultural Diversity Impact My Community,” and the learning activities ensuing will

be examining previous conflicting cultural diversifying historical events and coming up with

solutions to how they could have been better handled to the outcomes of said events. Students

will then apply this knowledge to their lives by coming up with ways to be better unified in their

own school and living community. The summation, or project, will be an evening school and

community potluck, “Bowl of Flavor,” for students and individuals to bring in a food dish to

share. The goal is to admire and appreciate the differences we all hold, and food is a great way to

express this and build connections over.

Student Impact

Initially, 34 students will be directly impacted within this project; however, moving

forward, more than 500 students may be impacted within the next two to three years, including

community members.

Teacher Impact

The potential impact this project may have on me as the teacher and other teachers that

may be involved could be absolutely wonderful and beneficial. The impact would be a much

better comprehension of students in my classroom and their background. It would allow me to

build connections with each of them and possibly their families.

Community Impact

Not only would this impact students and myself, but the community too. The community

would be invited to partake in this event and I believe this would better unify the community by

being involved and included.

Project Narrative

The daily life of the project consists of students studying the Civil War and how it

disunified the United States based on race, socioeconomics, and politics. Students will be

extracting information from their textbook, Google, and documentaries and applying this

knowledge to their own community. Do they observe racial injustice in their school community

or at home? Do they observe bullying or harassment in their school that is based on race, cultural

differences, religion, or socioeconomics? What solutions can students apply to these issues?

Provided at the end of this proposal is “Table 2” which goes into further detail on the content

student (s) will be examining and analyzing in the classroom. Also provided at the end of this

proposal, located in the Appendix, one will find the Inquiry-based lesson plan.

Sustaining The Project and Innovation Technology

The use of technology within the daily activities of this project consists of internet-use for

research. The students will be accessing the school library, utilizing the computers, for time to do


After Proposal Period

Should “Bowl of Flavor” be a success, I would go forward with holding a potluck every

year in my class and enhancing it to include cultural arts and crafts or other activities, as well. It

will also allow me to observe and make adjustments if needed after the project is over, if

conducting another the following year.


“Bowl of Flavor” will transform student learning and my teaching because it will convey

that learning can be brought outside the classroom and make an impact on communities through

building connections.

Budget Narrative

The project materials are related to the end-project because the end-project is a potluck,

inviting community members and the school community to bring a food dish to share with

everyone. The takeaway would be everyone trying different dishes and how this relates to

cultural diversity because everyone adds various “spice” and “flavor” to the world. The materials

in “Table 1” are for eating utensils, chairs, and tables.



CVUSD. (2020). Return to Learn Info 2020-2021. Retrieved December 01, 2020, from

Little. T. (2012). Progressive Education and 21​st​ Century Skills. ​International Journal of

Progressive Education, 8(3),​ 1. Retrieved from

Reimers, F. (2009). Teaching the 21​st​ Century.​ Educational Leadership, 67(1),​ 1. Retrieved from


Table 1

Item ​# ​ ​Cost​ ​Funding Sources

Banquet folding tables 8”ft - 30 $2,070 GoFundMe
Purchase from: Walmart $69.00
Donors Choose
Adopt a Classroom

Napkins 4pk (2 packages). 1000 2 $11.94

napkins for 2pk (1 single package x$5.97
with two sets). = 2000 napkins

Purchase from: Walmart

Plastic silverware 1pk= 120 5 $23.40

count. 5 pk. x$4.68

Purchase from: Walmart

Paper plates 1pk=150. 5 $52.40

Purchase from: Walmart

Red solo plastic cups 1pk=120 5 $29.90

count. 5pk. x$5.98

Purchase from: Walmart

Table cloths - white 1pk=1 count. 30 $74.40

30pk. x$2.48

Purchase from: Walmart

Foldable chairs - black steel. 400 $3,932

1pk=1count. x$9.83

Purchase from: Walmart

TOTAL: $6,194.

Table 2



1. HS.H2.1 Explain ● Textbook Exit ticket ● Internet/

multiple causes / book explaining the Google.
of conflict. research. different causes
● Internet of conflict in the Empowered
EQ: ​How does research. United States. At Learner: 1d.
cultural Differentiation least three must
diversity and Cooperative be identified.
impact my learning used.
community? Students can
discuss with one
another and
work together.
Some students
may want to
read and have an
actual book in
front of them to
whereas others
may want to use
the internet.

2. HS.H2.1 Explain ● Lecture. Pre-assessment ● PowerPo

multiple causes ● Textbook of what the int.
of conflict. students already
know of the
Students will Civil War. This
analyze two will take place
causes of as a trivia game.
conflict leading There will be a
to the Civil War. post-assessment
at the end
following the
same format.

3. • HS.H1.6 ● Internet No assessment. ● Internet/

Analyze the ● Short Google.
relationship lecture ● PowerPo

among different Students can int.

regional, social, work together in
ethnic, and racial small groups Knowledge
groups and researching Constructor: 3a
explain how different cultures & 3b.
these groups’ in the United
experiences have States and how Global
related to their heritage Collaborator: 7a,
national has shaped their 7b, 7c.
identities. identity.

4. • HS.H1.6 ● Textbook Exit ticket

Analyze the ● Internet listing two
relationship Cooperative changes they
among different learning with found for
regional, social, differentiation African
ethnic, and racial per the needs of Americans
groups and the student (s). before and after
explain how the Civil War.
these groups’
experiences have
related to

Students will
examine the
lives of African
Americans and
their culture
before, during,
and after the
Civil War.

5. • HS.H1.5 ● Lecture Exit ticket for

Explain how on students on how
religions and religion religion and
belief systems and socio-economics
have affected the socio-eco can shape one’s
origins of nomics views. One
societies. in the answer for
south. religion and one
answer for

6. • HS.H1.5 Cooperative Exit tickets will Internet/ Google.

Explain how Learning. be the research
religions and Students will conducted.
belief systems research in (papers, website
have affected the groups southern articles…)
origins of faith and will
societies. pick a southern
state and
Students will research what
research they are best
independent known for
southern states materials-wise.
and explain Example: cotton,
various religious tobacco...etc.
beliefs and with
what that state is
best known for

7. •HS.H2.2 ● Lecture. No exit ticket, PowerPoint.

Analyze ● Textbook just notes
approaches to required.
management and

8. •HS.H2.2 Cooperative
Analyze Learning. Class
approaches to discussion with
conflict a small lecture
management and regarding
resolution approaches to
conflict in the
Students will south.
evaluate two
approaches to
conflict in the
south and the

9. HS.H4.4 This debate will The exit ticket is

Examine how a discuss the the debate or an
diverse society learning essay analyzing
can be a force standard. This the issue if

for unity and/or will be in the opting out of the

disunity. argument of: debate.
“Did post- Civil
Students will War unify or
conduct a debate divide the
on the Civil United States?”
Cooperative and

10. Potluck, “Bowl Students of the

of Flavor,” school and
celebration of members of the
cultural diversity community are
through food invited to a
and building potluck held at
connections. the school to
share and


“How Does Cultural Diversity Impact My




Students will examine this quote and the Essential Question 
(title), and I will ask them what this quote means to them as 
an introduction. I will also ask them to share if they would like 

Curate a collection of resources (articles, videos, infographics, 
text excerpts, etc.) for students ​to explore​ the topic.  
  The Goal: ​Students may be gathering data, sharing ideas, 
looking for patterns, making conjectures, and developing 
further questions and problem solving considerations with the 
use of the information/activity provided
1. Students will utilize the internet for cultural diversity 
topic exploration. They will view these websites and be 
asked to take notes or observations on what they find 
interesting or note a cause of concern. 
2. These links are based on the driving question because it 
is cultural diversity and how the students might see 
diversity in their own community through seeing out in 
the world, first.  

Use this section to allow students ​to​ ​explain​ their thinking and 
move towards demonstrating mastery of the lesson’s objective.  
The Goal: ​Provide opportunity for students to compare ideas, 
construct explanations, justify in terms of observations and/or 
data collected in a collaborative large group environment. 

  After viewing the websites provided, students will be put into 

groups to discuss their observations and the various forms of 
cultural diversity they discovered in the website links.  
If any causes of concern were found in the websites (like 
disagreements, war, violence) students will be asked to provide 
solutions on what they think they would do to solve it.  

Use this section for students ​to apply​ information from the 
previous sections to new circumstances or ​elaborate​ on a 
  particular aspect at a deeper level usually coming in the form 
of “What if” questions.   
The Goal: ​Allowing students the opportunity to discuss how 
their thinking has changed or been solidified. 
“What if another student dresses differently than me?” 
“What if my friend and their family speak another language 
and I do not understand them?” 
“What if my friend’s family live differently than I do?” 
“What if my friends and I disagree about an issue?” 
Students (still in group discussions) will discuss solutions to 
some of these questions based on the information found on the 
websites/ textbooks and their own personal experiences.  

Include an opportunity for face-to-face or digital ​reflection​ to 
  guide students along their learning progression, e​valuating 
progress and setting new goals for continued exploration. 
The Goal: ​Refine initial answer to the “driving question” and 
reflect on ideas, goals and beliefs concerning their progress. 

When first looking at this picture, 

students provided statements on what this means to them. 
After the lesson, students will be able to share what they have 
learned or if their answer has changed from the beginning.   
I will ask the question, “What if there wasn’t any cultural 

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