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5 Reasons Teletherapy May be the Solution for You

Emily G. Geurts

September 11, 2020

Teletherapy is a new way to access mental healthcare without many of the struggles and limiting
factors of in-person therapy sessions. Whether a session is via phone call or video conferencing
technology, studies have shown that teletherapy can provide the same quality of care, attention, and
healing as traditional therapy (Langarizadeh, 2017). Therapy is no longer a luxury only found in cities
with multiple providers. Now, no matter where you are, help is within reach. Teletherapy is a great way
to seek the help you need for more reasons than one. Here are five reasons we think anyone looking for
help should consider teletherapy.

1. It’s Cost Effective.

When you go to a therapy session, you pay for more than the session. Time off work, hiring a
babysitter, fuel to drive there, or cab fare all make that session cost more than the initial bill.
Meeting virtually takes all the extra fees out of the equation. No more hunting for parking in a
tight, crowded parking lot or worrying all through your session that you’ll walk out to a parking
Teletherapy also tends to cost less than an in-person session (Therapy, 2020), making it
accessible to even the tightest budget. Cost shouldn’t be a deciding factor in getting the help
you need, and with teletherapy, help is more affordable and within reach.

2. It’s Perfectly Private.

Have you ever walked into or out of a doctor’s office and ran into someone you knew from work
or high school? It’s awkward to say the least. Mental health is becoming more recognized as a
real issue, and therapy is becoming more normalized. However, we still have a lot of work to do.
The truth is, not everyone wants the world to know they work with a mental health
professional. Teletherapy is a great solution. You can get the help you need from the privacy and
comfort of your own home. Plus, your provider is still bound to all the same confidentiality
agreements as they would be in a face-to-face setting. This takes the stress out of that weird
sitting-in-a-waiting-room feeling and lets you relax in the privacy of your own home.

3. Teletherapy puts you in touch with your provider directly.

Humans are wonderful, but we make mistakes. Messages get lost, phone numbers or names get
forgotten, and the messages don’t get received. Teletherapy cuts out the middlemen and
women and puts you in direct contact with your provider. You can text, call, or email him or her
anytime and know the message got to the intended recipient.

4. It’s safer.
Lately, we have all had safety on our minds. Putting space between you and your provider
protects you both from contracting or spreading COVID-19 or other illnesses. With an in-person
session, a nasty cold or even strong allergies could cause a session to be canceled or
rescheduled. Teletherapy makes it safe to attend your session without the stress of potentially
catching or spreading a virus, whether that’s COVID-19 or something as minor as a common
There is also the danger of something happening before you reach your provider’s office. Winter
weather can come on unexpectedly and last for an undetermined amount of time. If you have to
travel to meet your provider, you risk getting into a car accident. Some people drive over an
hour to attend a therapy session, and any inclement weather can turn a long drive into a
dangerous trek. By taking the drive out of the equation, patients can save time and reduce risks.

5. Teletherapy works with your schedule.

Lastly, teletherapy makes help more accessible by being more flexible. Tight schedules can make
finding time to care for mental health feel impossible, or like a luxury. That shouldn’t be the
case. Teletherapy makes therapy work with your schedule. Whether you need a full session to
work through the tough parts of life, or just need insight and help in a shorter session,
teletherapy fits perfectly. Being busy shouldn’t come at the expense of your mental health, and
with teletherapy, it doesn’t have to.

Therapy should be accessible to everyone, because almost all of us will need some professional
help at some point in our lives. Teletherapy is ensuring that more people can get the help they
need. It’s safer, more cost-effective, and more flexible to fit into any schedule and lifestyle.

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts and/or tendencies, reach out to
the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline online or call at 1-800-273-8255.

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