Teacher's Name: Do Thi Thanh Truc: Part A: Reading I .Objective: by The End of This Lesson, Student Will Be Able To

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Teacher’s name: Do Thi Thanh Truc


Part A: Reading

I .Objective: By the end of this lesson, student will be able to:

- Scan for ideas, identify the sequence of events and guess meaning in context

- Form and tell the story about experience in the past tense

- Report the main points of the story

II. Language:

 Grammar: - The past simple tense

 New words: - Words and phrases:

+ Make a fuss + Experience

+ Sneaky + A wad of dollar

+ Glance at + Idol

+ Embarrasing + Floppy

II. Techniques

 Guessing game

 Filling gaps

 Pair work, group work, asking – answering,….

III. Teaching aids : text book ,pictures ,charts ,hand out,...

IV: Procedures:

Stage/Time Teacher’s activity Students’activity

Warm up Aims: Students get used to the topic

(5 minutes) Game : Arrange some piece of paper to full picture

 Divides class into 4 groups -Work in groups

- Arrange these

puzzles into a

complete pictures

Lead in new lesson : Personal Experience

 Asks student “What are they like?”/ “What is she Picture 1: Scared

like?”/ “What is he like?” Picture 2: Angry

 When do you feel the most Picture 3: Happy

scared/happy/angry/disappointed? Is it a good or bad

memory? - Students answer

 Have you ever met a ghost? How do you feel when the questions and

you meet a ghost? share their ideas

 Do those situations affect your emotions?

 The events or activities that affect how you feel is


Pre- reading Aims: To prepare some background information and -Whole class

(10 minutes) vocabulary items for the topic -Students answer

 Look at the picture (Page.22) and guess what is the questions

happen to each of them? - Students share

 Runs through the questions their idea

 Asks student to give the answers

+ How many people are there in this picture? Who - 2 people, a man

are they and a girl

+ What do you think might be relationship between - A father and a

them? daughter

+ What do you see in the table? - Money

+ What is she wearing on her head? - A red cotton/ a

floppy hat,…

+ In picture C, how does she feel? - Worried, confuse,

+ What did she do in picture D? Watched a video


 Vocabulary

Teaches these words by using pictures, explanations, -Students listen and

synonnyms repeat

+ Make a fuss (v): a show of anger, worry or -Some students

excitement that is unnecessary than the situation stand up and read

deserves. these words aloud

+ Sneaky (v) doing things in a secret and unfair ways -Others listen and

+ Glance at (v) to give a quick short look self- correct

+ Embarrasing = confuse (adj)  -Students write

+ Idol (n) someone who is admired and respected down new words in

very much their notebooks.

+ Experience (n) event or activity that affects you in

some way
+ A wad of dollar: a lot of money

+ Floppy = soft

 Writes new words on the board

 Reads each words/phrase and asks students to repeat

 Asks some students to read the words/phrases aloud

in front of the class

 Listens and helps students to read the words/phrases


Activity 1: Fill in the blanks in the sentences: (Task 1 in

While reading the text book page 24)

(15 minutes)  Asks students to work in pair, complete the

sentences, using the words have just learnt -Students works in

pairs to find out the

Making a fuss sneaky glanced
embrarrasing idols necessary words to

1. The girl was so shy that she complete the

didn’t look at him in the face. She just…….at him and sentences in 3

looked away. minutes

2. She complains noisily about

anything she doesn’t like. She is the type of person who Expected answers:
is always………… 1.

3. She was in a very……situation. 2.

She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say. 3.

4. Teenagers nowadays often have 4.

their own…….who they really love and imitate in 5.

different ways.

5. I don’t like the look of that man.

There is something……...about him.

Activity 2: Put the pictures of the events in the order

they happened in the story (Task 2 in the text book page

24) -Work in groups

 Divides class into 4 groups -Students stand up

 Each group have to order these pictures following and present their

the story in textbook. picture

 The first group which is the fattest will be the winner

 The winner have to retell the story by using their

own words

Expected answers:
1. Picture D

2. Picture B

3. Picture F

4. Picture E

5. Picture A

6. Picture C

Activity 3: Answer the questions (Task 3 in the text book

-Work in groups
page 24) - Multiple choice
-Students stand up
 Divides class into 4 groups
and present their
 Show the questions on the board
group answer
 The groups which have answers will say BINGO
Expected answers:
1.The girl wished to have….when she was in grade 9
1.c 2.a 3.d
a. a new schoolbag
4.d 5.a
b. a new shirt

c. a red floppy hat

d . a new bike

2. Her father gave her some money on her birthday……

a. to buy the hat she liked

b. to buy an ice-cream
c. to travel

d. to meet her idol

3. She saw……..in the boys’s bag.

a. an interesting pircture book

b. a beautiful pen

c. a mobile phone

d. a wad of dollar notes like hers

4. She decided to take the money from the boy’s bag

without saying anything about it because……….

a. she hated him

b. she didn’t want to make a fuss

c. she liked him

d. she wanted to buy gift

5. She bought…..for herself with the money she took from

the boy’s bag

a. the hat

b. the shirt

c. the book

d. the dictionary
Post reading Activity 4: Discussion

(13 minutes) “What do you think the girl had to do after she discovered

that the money she had taken form the boy’s bag was not


 Runs through the task and asks students to work in - Work in groups in

group in 3 minutes to do it 3 minutes

 Goes around and helps, then calls some students to - Students present

go to the board and report in front. their answers

 Corrects and gives answers keys - Students listen

 Expected answers: teacher’s comment

+ She might feel embarrassed and guilty/ ashamed/ because of other ideas

that was not her money

+ She could place a notice an a local newspaper to

apologize the boy and contact him to give him the money


+ She might want to her father the truth and ask him for


+ She could come to police station, tell the police the truth

and ask them for help

+ She could keep a secret

Activity 5: Crossword

 Divides group into 4 groups and give crossword for -Work in groups to

each group find the correct

 Lets stundents find the right word in one of the words

collumns and arrange them into the meaningful -Students present

words the answer

1. Superman is one of the strongest….. in DC 1.HERO

2. Ha Noi is a ….. of Vietnam 2.CAPITAL

3. My favorite…..is Black Pink. I really admire them 3.IDOL

because they are talented and pretty

4. She is a ……. student. She always stay up late to

do her homework 4.HARD-

5. She hates me so she always ….. at me WORKING

6. In MV “Anh dang o dau day anh” of Huong 5.GLANCE

Giang Idol, her best friend – Han has …. 6.SNEAKY

behavior with Huong Giang’s boyfriend

7. I’m a shy person and it’s ……. when standing in

front of my boyfriend 7.EMBARRASING

 Checks the answers

 Expected answer – THE - END

 Summerises the main point in the lesson

Homework  Asks students to learn all of the new words and -Students listen

(2 minutes) prepare SPEAKING for the next period carefully and take


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