MSExcel Hand-Outs

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1. Click the icon on the Programs Toolbar on your desktop or in the taskbar, click on start
button, point to Programs, Microsoft Excel and click. Microsoft excel is a very popular Spreadsheet program.

See screen view below:

Formatting Toolbar

Standard Toolbar
Minimize button Maximize button Exit button
Formula Bar
Menu Bar

Name box
Column letter

Row number Fill handle

Cell pointer

Horizontal and
Status bar vertical scroll bar
Drawing bar
Worksheet bar


In Microsoft
Excel, a workbook is the file in which you work and store your data. Because each workbook can contain many
sheets, you can organize various kinds of related information in a single file.

Use worksheets to list and analyze data. You can enter and edit data on several worksheets simultaneously and
perform calculations based on data from multiple worksheets.

Cells are the intersection of columns and rows in a worksheet. A1 read as in column A at row 1

2. To navigate or move between cells on worksheet, follow the keyboard strokes and shortcuts below:
a. Right Arrow One cell to the right
b. Left Arrow One cell to the left
c. Down Arrow One cell down
d. Up Arrow One cell up
e. End + Right Arrow End of the row
f. End + Left Arrow Beginning of the row
g. End + Down Arrow End of the column
h. End + Up Arrow Beginning of the column
i. Ctrl + Right Arrow One page to the right
j. Ctrl + Left Arrow One page to the left
k. Page Down Down one window
l. Page Up Up one window
m. Ctrl + Page Down To the next sheet
n. Ctrl + Page Up To the previous sheet
o. Ctrl + Home To cell A1

3. Now, hold your mouse and follow the instructions below:

Do This To Scroll
a. Click the arrows in the vertical scroll bar One row up or down
b. Click the arrows in the horizontal scroll bar One column up or down
c. Click the right or left scroll in the vertical scroll bar One window or up
d. Click below or above the box in the horizontal scroll bar One window right or left
e. Drag the scroll box to the approximate relative position A large distance

4. Look around the worksheet, you can also move the cell pointer by clicking directly to the desired cells.

5. Press Ctrl + Home now. Proceed to Lesson 2.




1. After you press Ctrl +Home, the active cell is A1.

2. Type the below format. Do not worry about centering or column width.

3. Entering text or number.

Text is any combination of numbers, spaces, and non-numeric characters. All text is left-aligned in a
cell. Use the alignment tab in Format menu to change the alignment.

Numbers that you type in a cell are entered as constant values. A number can contain only these
characters: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + - , ( ) / $ % . E . Other combinations of numbers and non-numeric characters
are treated as text. All numbers are right-aligned in a cell.
4. You can fill-up a series of numbers automatically, At cell A11, type 1, cell A12 type 2, and cell A13 type 3.
Select the cell A11, A12, and A13.
Place your mouse pointer
To select cells, here until it change to
click the cell A11,
hold down the left Hold down the left button of
button, drag down your mouse, drag down until
and release. cell A20 and release.

5. Changing the column width or row height. Place your mouse pointer here
until it change as shown, hold
down the left button, drag the
mouse sideways(left or right) and


Click the column header, you will

notice that the whole column cells are
selected(violet color), click the Format
menu, point to column and click the
width. Type the number and click OK.

For the row

height, place Click the row header, you will
your mouse
or notice that the whole row cells are
here, hold down selected(violet color), click the
the left button, Format menu, point to row and
drag up or down click the Height. Type the number
and release. and click OK.

6. Renaming worksheet tab.

To rename the active sheet,
point your mouse pointer
here, double-click, press
backspace or delete key, then
type the label. Press ENTER
to accept.

7. Changing worksheet tab. To copy same To move text to

text to other other cell, type
cells, type the You can switch-on the text first,
text first, place to other sheet by place your
your mouse clicking the mouse pointer
pointer on the worksheet tab. on the border
node until it will until it will turn
turn into black into white arrow
8. Copying same text. To fill in adjacent plus
do hold
this: 9. To move contents of thesign, hold
cell, dodown
down the left the left button
button of your of your mouse,
mouse, drag it drag it into
down and target cell and
10.Editing cell contents.
Double-click the cell that contains the
data you want to edit, insertion point
will appear (move it with left or right
arrow) edit the cell contents and press
ENTER to accept. Or pressing F2 key
can also edit the cell contents.

11. Undo mistakes.

Use the undo button from the standard

toolbox. It reverses certain commands
or deletes the last entry you typed or
press the CTRL + Z combination.

12. Inserting rows and columns.

To insert a single column, select the column

header to the right of where you want the
new column. OR to insert multiple columns
select the same number of columns to the
On the insert menu, click columns or right-click
the selected columns and click INSERT.

To insert a single row, select a cell in the row below where you want the
new row OR to insert multiple rows, select the same number of rows
On the insert menu, click rows OR right-click the selected rows and
click INSERT.

13. Clear or delete cells, rows or columns.

Cells are either blank or contain values. You can either delete cells or clear the contents of cells. When
you delete cells, they are removed from the worksheet and the surrounding cells shift to fill the space. When
you clear cells, you remove the cell contents, formats or notes but leave the blank cells on the worksheet.
When you insert or delete cells, rows or columns, MS Excel adjusts references to the shifted cells to
reflect their new locations. This keeps your formulas up to date. However, a worksheet formula containing a
reference to a deleted cell displays the #REF! Error value.
14. Formatting text or number. Just like the MS Word, you can also apply font style, font size, or even bold,
italic or underlined. Select the text or number and format.

You can also select the entire worksheet

cells by clicking here and format.☺
15. Copy or Move single cell contents to non-adjacent cells.

To copy cell contents to non-adjacent cells, select the cell you want
to copy, in the standard toolbar, click the copy button, click on the
target cell and click the paste button.
To move cell contents to non-adjacent cells, select the cell you want
to move, in the standard toolbar, click the cut button, click on the
target cell and click the paste button.

16. Merge and Center.

Combines two or more selected adjacent cells to create a single cell.
To merge cell, select cell then to adjacent cells, in the format bar,
click the MERGE AND CENTER symbol.

17. Borders and Colors

Cell filled color To apply borders, color, or patterns
to selected cells, click the
Font Color button on the Formatting Toolbar, or
the PATTERN button on the
Cell border Drawing Toolbar

18. Number Formatting

Currency You can use the formatting buttons
style on the Formatting toolbar to quickly
Percent Style apply basic number formats.
You can also use the cells command
Comma Style on the Format menu to select the
other built-in number formats, or
create your own custom number




How Formulas Work

A formula can help you analyze data on a worksheet. You can perform operations, such as addition,
multiplication, and comparison on a worksheet values. Use a formula when you want to enter calculated values
on a worksheet.
A formula can include any of the following elements: operators, cell references, values, worksheet
functions, and names. To enter a formula in a worksheet cell, type a combination of these elements in a formula
bar. A formula must begin with an equal sign ( = ).

Arithmetic Operator Meaning Comparison

Operator Meaning
+ plus sign addition
= equal to
- minus sign subtraction
(or negative, when place > greater than
before a value, –1)
< less than
/ forward slash division
>= greater than or
* asterisk multiplication equal to

% percent sign percent, when <= less than or

place after a value, 50% equal to

^ caret exponentiation <> not equal to

value operator
Equal sign relative Cell reference

Absolute cell reference

A formula is a sequence of values, cell references, names, functions, or operators in a cell that produces
new value from existing values. It always begins with equal sign.

Cell reference is the set of coordinates that a cell occupies on a worksheet, you can use cell references
instead of values in a formulas. If you change a value in a cell that is referenced by a formula, the worksheet
calculations will update automatically.

The dollar sign ($) indicate absolute cell references that is always refer to the same cell, even if the
formula is moved or copied to another cell. A relative reference will adjust if the formula is moved or copied.

Using relative reference

when copied
Using the absolute reference
when copied

A reference identifies a cell or group of cells on a worksheet and tells MS Excel which cells to look in
to find the values you want to use in a formula. You can also refer cells in other workbooks and to data in
another applications. References to cells in other workbooks are called external references. References to data
in another applications are called remote references.


A worksheet function is a built-in formula that uses values to perform an operation, and then return a
new value. You use functions by entering then in formulas on your worksheet.


Equal sign

You supply information to the function in the form of arguments between parentheses. A parenthesis is
use for grouping arguments. This formula adds the values in cells E5, E6, E7, E8, E9, and E10.

The sequence of characters used in a function is called syntax. Arguments can be numbers, text, logical
values, or references. The argument you designate must produce a valid value for the argument. Arguments can
also be constant or formulas, and the formulas can contain other functions. When an argument to a function is
itself a function, it is said to be nested. You can nest up to seven levels of functions in a formula.

SUM Function =SUM(E5:E10)

IF Function =IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false) {any value or expression that can be
evaluated to True or False}

Working with Names

Using names in a formulas

Naming and locating cells
You can create a name for a cell or range on your worksheet. To name a cell or range, select it,
and then type the name in the name box. To move to a cell or range, enter the name or reference in the
name box.

Name box

You make formulas easier to read by using names in a place of values or cell references.

You can now solve the Semestral Grade of the students using the formula.


Working with Charts

How A Worksheet Data Is Represented In A Chart

Text from row and column headings

When you create a column chart, you can emphasize either the row data or the column
data in your worksheet by either clicking the rows or columns option button.

Values from worksheet cells

Values from worksheet cells are displayed as bars, lines, columns, pie slices, or other
shapes in the chart.

Create a chart

You can create either an embedded chart, appear next to your worksheet data, or a chart sheet, display
chart on a separate sheet in your workbook. They are linked to the worksheet data they are created from, and
both kinds of charts are updated when you update the worksheet data.

 Select the cells that contain the data that you want to appear in the chart.
 If you want the column and row labels to appear in the chart, include the cells that contain them in the
 Click the Chart Wizard.
 Follow the instructions in the Chart Wizard.

Create a chart in one step

 To create a chart sheet that uses the default chart type, select the data you want to plot, and then press
 To create an embedded chart that uses the default chart type, select the data you want to plot, and then
click Default Chart.

 If the Default Chart button is not available, add it to a toolbar After adding data, drag
 You can also add data to the chart. down the fill handle



Margins, Page Size, and Page Orientation

Set Page Margins
 Select the worksheet.
 On the File Menu, Click Page Setup, and then Click the Margins Tab.
 In the Top, Bottom, Left and Right boxes, enter the margin size you want.

Center Worksheet Data on the page

 You may also center on page, by selecting the check box horizontally or vertically.

Fit Work on the Page

Your work might not fit exactly on the number of printed page you want. You can scale your printed
work to fit on more or fewer pages that it would at normal size, or you can specify a certain number pages of
your printed work.
Reduce or Enlarge What You Want to Print
To reduce or enlarge the printed worksheet, select the Adjust to check box, and then enter a percentage
number in the % Normal Size box. You can reduce the worksheet to 10% of normal size, or enlarge it to 400%
of normal size.

Set Paper Size and Orientation

To specify a paper or envelop size, click Letter, Legal, or Other Size options in the Page Setup dialog
box. To specify the orientation for the printed page, click on Landscape or Portrait under Orientation.

Inserting Page Breaks

If a worksheet is larger than one page, MS Excel divides it into pages for printing by inserting automatic
page breaks. These page breaks are based on the paper size, margin settings, and scaling options you set with
the page setup command on the File menu. You can also create manual page breaks.



Setting Up a Worksheet for Printing

Add headers and footers

You can use MS Excel’s built-in headers and footers for your worksheet. Click Page Setup on
the File Menu, and then click the Header/Footer tab.

Repeat titles on every page

You might the same row or column label to appear on every page of your printed worksheet.
You can repeat the same row at the top of every page, or print the same column on the left side
of every page.

Preview before printing

To see page exactly as it will print, click the Print Preview button. In the print preview, you can
change the width of margins and columns in your worksheet by dragging the sizing handles.


ENTER Complete a cell entry
ESC Cancel a cell entry
F4 Repeat the last action
ALT+ENTER Start a new line in the same cell
CTRL+ALT+TAB Insert a TAB character in a cell
BACKSPACE Delete the character to the left of the insertion
point, delete the selection

DELETE Delete text to the end of the line

CTRL+DELETE Delete text to the end of the line
Arrow Keys Move one character up, down, left, right
HOME Move to the beginning of the line
F2 Edit a cell note
CTRL+D Fill down
CTRL+R Fill to the right
CTRL+ENTER Fill the selected cell range with the current entry

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