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Curriculum Vita

Yir-Hueih Luh (陸怡蕙)

Sustainable Agricultural Management Strategy (永續農業經營策略研究)

Senior Professor (免評鑑教授)
Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University
No 1, Roosevelt Rd, Sec 4, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Tel: +882-2-33661651

Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, the Pennsylvania State University, 1990
M.S. in Agricultural Economics, the Pennsylvania State University, 1986
B.S. in Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University, 1982

Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, National Taiwan University, 2006.2-
Professor, Department of Economics, National Tsing Hua University, 1995.8-2006.1
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Tsing Hua University, 1990.8-
Editorial Board: Academia Economic Papers, 2005-2008
Chief Editor: Agriculture and Economics, 2009-2011

Sustainable development; Farm management; Agricultural economics; Climate change
adaptation; Food policy analysis; Behavioral economics; Food supply chain
management; Applied industrial studies

Undergraduate level
Econometrics (I)(II), Microeconomics (I)(II), Agricultural Production Economics,
Mathematical Economics, Data Analysis Methods and Software Application
Graduate level
Advanced Topics in Microeconomics (Ph.D), Dynamic Economics (Master),
Production Economics (Master), Data Analysis Methods and Software Application
International Master Program (English lecture)
Applied Microeconomics (Master)


2019 Award of Excellency in Agricultural Science (第一屆國家農業科學獎)

2015, 2019, 2020 Outstanding Teaching Award, National Taiwan University (國立臺
2010, 2011, 2012 Excellent Teaching Award, College of Bio-Resource and
Agriculture, National Taiwan University (國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院教學優良
2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 Award for Excellence in Academic Research, National
Taiwan University (國立臺灣大學年度學術研究績效獎勵)
2014 Outstanding Research Award, Taiwan Agricultural Extension Association (臺灣
2014 Advisor of M-H Tsai, Winner of Best Master Thesis Award, Rural Economics
Society of Taiwan (指導學生蔡旻翰榮獲臺灣農村經濟學會「農業政策與發展經濟」
2014 Advisor of M-H Tsai, Winner of Best Master Thesis Award, Taiwan
Environmental and Resource Economics Association (指導學生蔡旻翰榮獲台灣環境
2014 Advisor of S-H Lin, Winner of Best Master Thesis Award, China Agricultural
Marketing Association (指導學生林欣煇榮獲中華農產運銷協會優良農產運銷碩士
2013 Advisor of D. Pinto, Winner of First-Place Prize of Master Student Academic
Essay Competition (指導國際碩士專班學生David Pinto榮獲國合會所舉辦之國際合
2011 Advisor of C-W Ding, Winner of Best Master Thesis Award, Rural Economics
Society of Taiwan (指導學生丁仲緯榮獲臺灣農村經濟學會「農業資源與生產經濟」
2011 Advisor of M-H Tsai, Winner of Best Master Thesis Award, Rural Economics
Society of Taiwan (指導學生邵文賢榮獲臺灣農村經濟學會「農業政策與發展經濟」
2010 Advisor of Y-H Shyr, Winner of Best Master Thesis Award, Rural Economics
Society of Taiwan (指導學生石曜合榮獲臺灣農村經濟學會「農業資源與生產經濟」
2007 Advisor of Y-C Huang, Winner of Research Outcome Award, Undergraduate
Student Research Project, National Science Council (指導學生黃于嘉榮獲大專生參
Publications (2015-2020)

Luh, Y.-H.*, M.-H. Tsai, C.-L. Fang (2020). Do First-Movers in the Organic Market
Stand to Gain? Implications for Promoting Cleaner Production Alternatives. Journal of
Cleaner Production, 121156, 1-14. (SCIE)

Luh, Y.-H.* (2020). Inclusiveness of Contract Farming along the Modern Food Supply
Chain: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan. Agriculture (S: Agricultural Economics,
Policies, and Rural Management), 10(5), 187. (SCIE)

Luh, Y.-H.*, D. Fang (2020). Performance of the Extension Department in Taiwan

Farmers’ Associations: Does Employee Attitude Make a Difference? International
Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics, 8(1), pp. 21-35. (EconLit)

Luh, Y.-H.*, M.-F. Wei (2019). Distributional Effect of the Farmer Pension Program
in Taiwan: A Regression-based Decomposition Analysis. China Agricultural
Economic Review, 11(1), pp.180-205. (SSCI)

Zhang, Y.-Y., Y.-H. Luh* (2018). Grandparents' Health and Family Fertility Choice:
Evidences from Taiwan. China Economic Review, 51, pp. 294-308. (SSCI)

Jiang, W.-J., Y.-H. Luh* (2018). Does Higher Food Safety Assurance Bring Higher
Returns? Evidence from Taiwan. Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika, 64
(11): 477-488 (SSCI)

Jiang, W.-J., Y.-H. Luh*, S.-C. Huang (2018). How does Foreign R&D Affect OECD
Export Competitiveness? Singapore Economic Review. (Online Ready (SSCI)

Jiang, W.-J., Y.-H. Luh* (2017). Gender Digital Divide in a Patriarchal Society: What
Can We Learn from Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition? Quality & Quantity, 51(6),
2555–2576. (SCIE)

Luh, Y.-H.* (2017). The Impact of Education on Agricultural Productivity: Evidence

from East Asian Economies. International Journal of Food and Agricultural
Economics, 5(4), 11-24. (EconLit).

Luh Y.-H., W.-J. Jiang*, S.-C. Huang (2016). Trade-related Spillovers and Industrial
Competitiveness: Exploring the Linkages for OECD Countries. Economic Modelling,
54, 309-325. (SSCI)
王正環、陸怡蕙(2019 年)。台灣休閒農業效益的影響因素分析。亞太經濟,
No. 212, 140-145。(CSSCI)

陸怡蕙、蔡旻翰、江文基*(2016 年)。傾向分數配對法於有機農法經濟結果評
估之應用。農業與經濟,57: 41-82。(TSSCI)

魏敏芳、陸怡蕙*(2016 年)。老農津貼、家戶特性與農業家戶所得不均度之研
究。農業與經濟,56: 41-81。(TSSCI)

江文基、黃思齊、陸怡蕙*(2016 年)。由 OECD 國家之經驗探討國際研發外

溢效果。應用經濟論叢,99: 223-269。(TSSCI)

蔡旻翰、陸怡蕙*、方珍玲(2015 年)。計畫行為或經濟考量?富里鄉稻農有機
農法採用之經濟分析。農業經濟叢刊,21:1-2 , 1-40。(TSSCI)

Selected Publications (pre-2014)

Y.H. Luh, W.J. Jiang (2014, Dec). Adoption of Genetically-Modified Seeds in Taiwan:
The Role of Information Acquisition and Knowledge Accumulation. China
Agricultural Economic Review, 6(4): 669-697. (SSCI). NSC 96-2815-C-002-075-H

D.F. Pineda Pinto, Y.H. Luh* (2013, Sep). Economic Diversification and
Determinants of Productivity Differences among Central American Countries. Journal
of International Cooperation, 8(2):83-108.

Y.H. Luh, F.M. Huang, Y.N. Chien, C.C. Lo (2012, Oct). Organizational Learning
Differences in Healthcare Services: The Case of Medical Centers in Taiwan. Applied
Economics, 44, 695-706. (SSCI)

F.M. Huang, Y.H. Luh, F.Y. Huang (2012, Sep). Unemployment Information and
Wives’ Labor Supply Responses to Husbands’ Job Loss in Taiwan. China Economic
Review, 23, 1176-1194. (SSCI)

Y.H. Luh, C.C. Chang, F.M. Huang (2008, Aug). Efficiency Change and Productivity
Growth in Agriculture: A Comparative Analysis for Selected East-Asian Economies.
Journal of Asian Economics, 19(4),312-324. (EconLit)

陸怡蕙、蔡旻翰、江文基(2016 年 12 月)。傾向分數配對法於有機農法經濟結
果評估之應用。農業與經濟,57, 41-82。( TSSCI)
江文基、黃思齊、陸怡蕙(2016 年 06 月)。由 OECD 國家之經驗探討國際研
發外溢效果。應用經濟論叢,99: 223-269。(TSSCI)

魏敏芳、陸怡蕙(2016 年 06 月)。老農津貼、家戶特性與農業家戶所得不均度

蔡旻翰、陸怡蕙、方珍玲(2015 年 12 月)。計畫行為或經濟考量?富里鄉稻農
有機農法採用之經濟分析 。農業經濟叢刊,21:1-2(2015), 1-40。(TSSCI)

陸怡蕙、丁仲緯、方珍玲(2014 年 06 月)。同儕互動行為與農事指導員工作表
現之研究。農業經濟叢刊,19(2):1-41。( TSSCI)。科技部: 98-2410-H-

石曜合、陸怡蕙、黃芳玫、江文基(2013 年 12 月)。解析台灣農業家户之所得
不均度:兼論非農業所得與農家所得不均之關連。農業與經濟,51(1), 27¬64。

黃芳玫、林巍、陸怡蕙(2013 年 11 月)。台灣金融機構間的薪資差異 :農漁會

信用部 vs.其他金融機構 。農業經濟叢刊,19(1), 1-48。(TSSCI)

陸怡蕙、丁仲緯、陸雲(2012 年 12 月)。農會農事指導核心能力與績效影響因
素分析-組織經濟學之觀點。農民組織學刊,18, 107-136。

陸怡蕙、黃芳玫、張靜貞、李淑媛(2009 年 06 月)。解析無形資本累積與東亞
農業成長之關連。農業經濟叢刋,14(2), 1-27。

王雪屏、謝聰敏、張靜貞、陸怡蕙、徐世勳(2008 年 06 月)。強制汽車責任保
險理賠風險分析-Malmquist 指數之應用。經濟論文,36(2), 195-220。

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