3rd Supervisor In-Progress Observation Megan Meyer

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Kutztown In-Progress Formative Observation Instrument

Adapted from the Danielson Framework for Teaching

Student teacher ___Megan Meyer__________________ Date ____10/1/2020______
Not Acceptable Proficient N/A
Planning and Preparation
a. Knowledge of content and X
b. Knowledge of students X
c. Setting instructional outcomes X
d. Use of Resources, Technology X
e. Designing Coherent Instruction X
f. Designing Student Assessment X
The Classroom Environment
a. Respect and Rapport X
b. Culture for learning X
c. Classroom Procedures X
d. Student Behavior X
e. Organizing Physical Space X
a. Communicating with students X
b. Question and Discussion X
c. Student Engagement X
d. Formative Assessment X
e. Flexibility and Responsiveness X
Professional Responsibilities
a. Reflecting on Teaching X
b. Communication with families X
c. Professional Community X
d. Showing Professionalism X

Ms. Meyer continues to improve in all areas of teaching. In the face-to-face learning
environment Ms. Meyer has had the opportunity to develop confidence in managing the
classroom procedures and strong classroom management skills. She had control of the
library classroom from students entering the library and checking in books to finish with
students checking out books. She is very organized and the classroom procedures appear
seamless to her. Teaching face-to-face during the Covid pandemic requires establishing
the routine of social distancing, sanitizing surfaces, and hand sanitizing.
Ms. Meyer taught Lesson 1 of a unit on Cybersafety she designed for 5 th grade students.
She started the lesson by asking questions to gain the students’ interest. During the
lesson, she called on students by name. There was a great conversation about
cyberbullying – discussing the progression from joking to being mean to bullying. She
presented a short video followed by a lively discussion of the roles of victims, bystanders,
and upstanders. She introduced the formative assessment for the lesson – create
upstander cards. As the students worked on the upstander cards, Ms. Meyer moved
around the classroom providing individual attention and answering questions.
Ms. Meyer demonstrates her understanding of students and the need for meeting the

Supervisor / Mentor Teacher ____Michelle Sims_______________

needs of all learners in her lesson plans. Her lesson plans include a section for
accommodating the needs of all her learners. She identifies in the plan who will likely
need attention or help will the lesson. She knows which students have IEPs and which
students just need attention to keep behaviors in check.

Supervisor / Mentor Teacher ____Michelle Sims_______________

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