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JBM Auto


On the path of all around growth... CMP Rs 241

 JBM Auto (JBMA) reported decent set of performance in 2QFY21. Target / Upside Rs 380 / 57%
Net revenue grew by 7% YoY to Rs 5.17bn led by growth in the NIFTY 12,874
Bus division (+221% YoY) to Rs. 1.2bn on low base and tooling Scrip Details
division (+15% YoY) to Rs. 803mn partially offset by de-growth in
Equity / FV Rs 237mn / Rs 5
component division (-16% YoY) to Rs. 3.16bn.
Market Cap Rs 11bn
 Bus division EBIT margin saw sharp up move by 515bps YoY to 7%
led by ramp up in volume, while EBIT margin for Tooling division USD 153mn
contracted by 636bps YoY to 25% and for component division 52-week High/Low Rs 296/ 95
dropped by 57bps YoY to 5%. Avg. Volume (no) 59,090
 We expect the bus division continue to deliver strong Bloom Code JBMA IN
performance in coming year on the back of strong order book of Price Performance 1M 3M 12M
600 buses (including 350 electric buses). GoI’s increasing focus
for Make in India, reduce dependency from China and preference Absolute (%) 2 4 8
for local manufacturer augur well for companies like JBM auto. Rel to NIFTY (%) (8) (10) (1)
 Sheet metal division also showing sign of recovery in volume in
Result Update

Shareholding Pattern
line with ram up in production for its key clients such as M&M,
Tata Motors, Ford, HCIL, Toyota and VECV. We expect sharp Mar'20 Jun'20 Sep'20
recovery in revenue from H2FY21 led by recovery in PV sales as Promoters 67.5 67.5 67.5
demand for personal mobility continue to be strong. MF/Banks/FIs 0.2 0.1 0.0
 Strong revenue potential is foreseen in Tooling business owing FIIs 1.5 1.8 0.9
to increasing focus on ‘Make in India’ encouraging localization of Public / Others 30.9 30.5 31.6
Tooling and new launches. Tooling requirements by major global
OEMs is being aligned to source from within India (cost benefit Valuation (x)
of 25% in India). FY21E FY22E FY23E
 JBM Auto’s growth story is premised on 1) recovery in PV P/E 27.8 13.1 9.5
volume; 2) encouraging revenue potential in the tooling business EV/EBITDA 10.1 7.3 6.0
(high margin +30%), given rising localization and outsourcing of
tooling requirements by large global OEMs (cost-benefit of 25% ROE (%) 5.7 11.4 14.0
in India) and 3) increasing economies of scale in the bus division. RoACE (%) 7.1 10.0 11.4
 The stock is currently available at 13/9x for FY22/23E. We value
the stock Rs 380 (based on 15xFY23E EPS). Recommend BUY. Estimates (Rs mn)
Q2FY21 Result (Rs Mn) FY21E FY22E FY23E
Particulars Q2FY21 Q2FY20 YoY (%) Q1FY21 QoQ (%) Revenue 18,115 22,566 26,497
Revenue 5,174 4,841 6.9 1,291 300.8 EBITDA 1,757 2,448 2,954
Total Expense 4,561 4,239 7.6 1,370 232.9 PAT 411 871 1,197
EBITDA 613 602 1.8 (79) (874.3) EPS (Rs.) 8.7 18.4 25.3
Depreciation 175 183 (4.4) 161 8.7
EBIT 437 419 4.5 (240) (282.1)
Other Income 30 45 (34.7) 14 111.4
Interest 135 164 (17.7) 125 7.4
Analyst: Abhishek Jain
EBT 332 300 10.6 (352) (194.6) Tel: +9122 40969739
Tax 110 108 2.3 (125) (188.3) E-mail:
RPAT 205 200 2.3 (259) (179.2)
APAT 205 200 2.3 (259) (179.2)
(bps) (bps)
Associate: Ketul Dalal
Tel: +91 22 4096 9770
Gross Margin (%) 29.2 30.6 (141) 29.5 (24)
EBITDA Margin (%) 11.8 12.4 (59) (6.1) 1797
NPM (%) 4.0 4.1 (18) (20.0) 2399
Tax Rate (%) 33.2 35.8 (269) 35.5 (235)
EBIT Margin (%) 8.5 8.6 (19) (18.6) 2706

November 18, 2020

Bus division: Next leg of growth
We expect ramp up in bus division will help JBM Auto to generate strong margin and
cash flow over FY22-23. Moreover, GoI’s increasing focus for Make in India, reduce
dependency from China and preference for local manufacturer augur well for
companies like JBM auto. The bus division, which was a drag (Rs.118mn & Rs.46mn
loss at EBIT level in FY18 & FY19 respectively), turned profitable in FY20 to Rs 98.4mn
at EBIT level. The management expects a significant ramp up in the bus division in
the near term, as it has won new orders for both EVs and CNG (600+ buses), which
will provide significant revenue visibility in FY21-22E.

Q2FY21 Segment revenue breakup Q2FY21 Segment EBIT breakup

Source: Company, DART Source: Company, DART

Sheet metal to grow on back of PV volume recovery

JBMs sheet metal division started showing sign of recovery in volume in line with
ram up in production for its key clients such as M&M, Tata Motors, Ford, HCIL,
Toyota and VECV. We expect sharp recovery in revenue from H2FY21 led by recovery
in PV sales as demand for personal mobility continue to be strong.

Tooling Division: High margin business (30%+) to benefit from

new launches:
Strong revenue potential is foreseen in Tooling business (high margin+30%), owing
to increasing focus on ‘Make in India’ encouraging localization of Tooling. Recently
large OEM such MSIL also recommending its supplier to increase localization. We
believe JBM would key beneficiary (through Jay Bharat Maruti) for increasing
localization. Tooling requirements by major global OEMs is being aligned to source
from within India (cost benefit of 25% in India). Tooling capability is upgraded in
terms of Design and Manufacturing skills to cater to increasingly demanding Quality
requirements of tooling due to advent of High strength steels for Safety.

Change in Estimates
Rs Mn FY22E FY23E
New Previous % Cng New Previous % Cng
Net sales 22,566 22,281 1.3 26,497 26,170 1.2
EBITDA 2,448 2,417 1.3 2,954 2,918 1.2
EBITDA Margin (%) 10.9 10.9 (0.0) 11.2 11.2 0.0
APAT 871 861 1.2 1,197 1,176 1.8
EPS 18.4 18.2 1.2 25.3 24.9 1.8

November 18, 2020 2 JBM Auto

Key Assumption
Revenue FY19 FY20 FY21E FY22E FY23E
Component Division 19,312 14,553 10,915 13,316 15,447
Growth (%) 26 (25) -25% 22% 16%
Tool Room Division 1,550 2,526 2,400 3,000 3,300
Growth (%) 84 63 -5% 25% 10%
Bus Division 1,205 2,390 4,800 6,250 7,750
Growth (%) (59) 98 101% 30% 24%
Total Revenue 22,067 19,469 18,115 22,566 26,497
Growth (%) 35 (12) -7% 25% 17%
Source: DART, Company, JV (JBMA) and JBM Auto system ltd. Numbers is amalgamated from FY19.

Segment wise performance (%) Revenue grew 7% YoY

Source: DART, Company Source: DART, Company

EBIDTA margin recovered sharply YoY Gross Margin (%) contracted YoY

Source: DART, Company Source: DART, Company

Segment mix (%) 1 yr fwd PE Band

Source: DART, Company Source: DART, Company

November 18, 2020 3 JBM Auto

Profit and Loss Account
(Rs Mn) FY20A FY21E FY22E FY23E
Revenue 19,467 18,115 22,566 26,497
Total Expense 17,166 16,358 20,118 23,542
COGS 13,557 12,807 15,864 18,534
Employees Cost 2,040 1,956 2,448 2,809
Other expenses 1,569 1,594 1,805 2,199
EBIDTA 2,302 1,757 2,448 2,954
Depreciation 739 732 779 827
EBIT 1,563 1,025 1,669 2,127
Interest 643 620 643 667
Other Income 154 145 150 160
Exc. / E.O. items 0 0 0 0
EBT 1,075 551 1,176 1,620
Tax 384 145 304 418
RPAT 692 411 871 1,197
Minority Interest 0 12 18 24
Profit/Loss share of associates 2 17 18 19
APAT 692 411 871 1,197

Balance Sheet
(Rs Mn) FY20A FY21E FY22E FY23E
Sources of Funds
Equity Capital 237 237 237 237
Minority Interest 0 0 0 0
Reserves & Surplus 6,840 7,025 7,769 8,840
Net Worth 7,077 7,261 8,006 9,076
Total Debt 6,274 6,524 6,774 7,024
Net Deferred Tax Liability 879 897 915 933
Total Capital Employed 14,229 14,681 15,694 17,033

Applications of Funds
Net Block 9,103 9,599 9,720 9,793
CWIP 408 250 250 250
Investments 735 650 800 800
Current Assets, Loans & Advances 9,786 8,610 10,544 12,992
Inventories 2,956 2,730 3,400 3,993
Receivables 4,946 4,963 6,182 7,259
Cash and Bank Balances 225 105 190 803
Loans and Advances 166 159 159 159
Other Current Assets 1,494 653 612 778

Less: Current Liabilities & Provisions 5,803 4,428 5,620 6,802

Payables 4,012 3,366 4,139 4,842
Other Current Liabilities 1,791 1,062 1,481 1,960
sub total
Net Current Assets 3,983 4,182 4,924 6,190
Total Assets 14,229 14,681 15,694 17,033
E – Estimates

November 18, 2020 4 JBM Auto

Important Ratios
Particulars FY20A FY21E FY22E FY23E
(A) Margins (%)
Gross Profit Margin 30.4 29.3 29.7 30.1
EBIDTA Margin 11.8 9.7 10.9 11.2
EBIT Margin 8.0 5.7 7.4 8.0
Tax rate 35.8 26.3 25.9 25.8
Net Profit Margin 3.6 2.3 3.9 4.5
(B) As Percentage of Net Sales (%)
COGS 69.6 70.7 70.3 70.0
Employee 10.5 10.8 10.9 10.6
Other 8.1 8.8 8.0 8.3
(C) Measure of Financial Status
Gross Debt / Equity 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8
Interest Coverage 2.4 1.7 2.6 3.2
Inventory days 55 55 55 55
Debtors days 93 100 100 100
Average Cost of Debt 9.1 9.7 9.7 9.7
Payable days 75 68 67 67
Working Capital days 75 84 80 85
FA T/O 2.1 1.9 2.3 2.7
(D) Measures of Investment
AEPS (Rs) 14.6 8.7 18.4 25.3
CEPS (Rs) 30.2 24.4 35.3 43.3
DPS (Rs) 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7
Dividend Payout (%) 13.1 30.7 14.5 10.5
BVPS (Rs) 149.6 153.5 169.3 191.9
RoANW (%) 10.2 5.7 11.4 14.0
RoACE (%) 9.1 7.1 10.0 11.4
RoAIC (%) 10.8 7.2 11.1 13.4
(E) Valuation Ratios
CMP (Rs) 241 241 241 241
P/E 16.5 27.8 13.1 9.5
Mcap (Rs Mn) 11,399 11,399 11,399 11,399
MCap/ Sales 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4
EV 17,448 17,818 17,983 17,619
EV/Sales 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.7
EV/EBITDA 7.6 10.1 7.3 6.0
P/BV 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.3
Dividend Yield (%) 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.1
(F) Growth Rate (%)
Revenue (11.8) (6.9) 24.6 17.4
EBITDA (10.6) (23.7) 39.3 20.7
EBIT (14.5) (34.4) 62.8 27.5
PBT (27.6) (48.8) 113.5 37.8
APAT (29.1) (40.6) 112.0 37.4
EPS (29.1) (40.6) 112.0 37.4

Cash Flow
(Rs Mn) FY20A FY21E FY22E FY23E
CFO 2,843 1,546 1,655 2,062
CFI (1,306) (1,244) (1,050) (900)
CFF (1,537) (422) (520) (549)
FCFF 1,649 476 755 1,162
Opening Cash 113 225 105 190
Closing Cash 225 105 190 803
E – Estimates

November 18, 2020 5 JBM Auto

Total Return Expectation (12 Months)
Buy > 20%
Accumulate 10 to 20%
Reduce 0 to 10%
Sell < 0%

Rating and Target Price History

Month Rating TP (Rs.) Price (Rs.)

(Rs) JBMA Target Price Feb-20 Buy 411 248
440 Mar-20 Buy 339 119
370 Mar-20 Buy 339 127
Apr-20 Buy 309 139
300 Jul-20 Buy 309 214
Sep-20 Buy 309 228
Sep-20 Buy 373 213











*Price as on recommendation date

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