Speaking Role Play Cards

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Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Hospital Surgical Ward

You are an elderly patient who had hip replacement surgery three days ago. The
surgeon saw you today and has arranged for you to be discharged tomorrow. You are
worried that the medical team expect you to go home too soon as you don’t feel very
safe and are frightened that you might fall. You managed to shower independently
today, but you felt exhausted afterwards.


 Be reluctant to be discharged so soon.

 Tell the nurse that you are afraid of walking around independently and
especially of falling over in the shower
 Ask when and how you will receive your medication / pain relief
 Express concern about looking after the wound area on your hip.
 Ask about what the future will hold in terms of follow up care and length of time
to heal etc.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Hospital Surgical Ward

You have been nursing an elderly patient who had hip replacement surgery three days
ago. The surgeon has seen the patient today and has arranged for them to be
discharged tomorrow. You have been asked to discuss the discharge plan with the

 Make sure that the patient has support from family or friends on a regular basis
until he/she regains his/her independence.
 Ask if the patient has any other concerns about going home.
 Reassure the patient that the physiotherapist will provide education to the
patient and family regarding patient mobility.
 Explain that the pharmacist will deliver medications before the patient is
 Explain that the patient will need to make an appointment to see the GP who
will check his/her wound and reinforce the dressing if necessary.
 Inform the patient to call the hospital if there are any major concerns such as
excessive pain (despite taking medication), bleeding from the wound site or an
elevated temperature.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Emergency Department of a large city Hospital

You are a 32-year-old vehicle accident victim, the driver of the vehicle, who has been
brought to the hospital suffering a suspected broken arm and concussion from the
accident. You are also moderately drunk. It is midnight on a Saturday night and the
ward doctors are very busy attending to many other patients, including victims of
vehicle accidents, bashings and drug overdoses. A nurse is trying to assess your injury
but you are being quite uncooperative.


 Tell the nurse when asked that all you remember about the accident is that your
friends in the car were screaming and that you want to know how they are.
 Insist on using a phone to check on your friends.
 Ask if you can use the hospital chapel to pray for your friend. Your manner is
disoriented and confused. You keep asking what day it is.
 Reluctantly agree to allow the nurse to take your vital signs.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Emergency Department of a large city Hospital

A 32-year-old vehicle accident victim, the driver of the vehicle, has been brought to
emergency suffering a suspected broken arm and concussion from the accident. The
patient also appears moderately drunk. It is midnight on a Saturday night and the ward
doctors are very busy attending to many other patients, including victims of vehicle
accidents, bashings and drug overdoses. You are trying to assess the patient’s injury
before further treatment.


 Ask the patient what he/she remembers about the accident.

 Tell the patient that you have no information about the other passengers in the
car; that the most important thing for now is for his/her vital signs to be checked
and for him/her to be made comfortable while waiting for a doctor.
 Refuse the patient the use of a phone asked for (the patient’s mobile phone is
 Deal with the patient’s other concerns while encouraging him/her to be positive
and to relax. Be sympathetic but firm.
 Give the patient some encouraging words to end the conversation as you
prepare to take his/her vital signs.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Community Health Centre

You have recently become a parent and had your 40th birthday. You are thinking of
giving up smoking and hove come to talk to the Nurse Practitioner who is in charge of
a support group to find out how they can help you. You are not sure whether to give
up and need help deciding.


 Explain that you smoke ‘rolI your own’ cigarettes, every evening but only a few
during the day. You love smoking and look forward to it all day, but it is
expensive and you know it is bad for you and your baby’s health.
 Express concern that the activities suggested often act as triggers for smoking.
 Show enthusiasm and say that the extra help may prevent you from returning to
the habit as you have done in the past, Find out what the next step is.
 Agree to make an attempt and request a non-judgmental approach from the
nurse and a weekly consultation.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Community Health Centre

You are the Nurse Practitioner at a Community Health Centre and run a support group
for patients who wish to give up smoking. Your patient is a 40-year-old, who is a new
parent and has been smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 25 years.


 Find out as much as possible about the patient’s smoking habit quantity,
products smoked, reasons for wanting to quit, etc.).
 Reassure the patient that you will be able to help and offer suggestions of other
pleasant things that could be Introduced and looked forward to in the evening
(coiling a friend, good movies, delicious meals).
 Suggest products to support giving up smoking (Champix tablets — reduce
cravings, block rewarding effects of cigarettes; electronic cigarettes — satisfy
cravings without the damaging effects of smoking).
 Recommend that you make a plan together. Help the patient identify triggers,
rewards and benefits (e.g. more money, fewer health problems, better for baby,
smell nicer).
 Help fix a date to give up, prescribe the Champix and suggest the patient buys
and prepares an electronic cigarette before the agreed quit dote.
 Agree to offer ongoing help and support


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Hospital Accident and Emergency Department

You have just fallen down the stairs home and think you have broken one of your toes.
It is black, swollen and at a strange angle. You cannot put weight on it or wear a shoe.
You have come to the hospital for treatment. The emergency department is very busy.


 Tell the nurse that you fell down the stairs and heard and felt your toe crack.
You cannot bear weight or stand on ill and are unable to wear a shoe. Ask
whether it is broken.
 Ask for an X-ray as you have been waiting for a long time.
 Reluctantly agree to the standard treatment and ask how quickly it will heal.
 Ask what to do if you still in pain after a few weeks.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Hospital Accident and Emergency Department

Your patient has come to the emergency department because he/she thinks he/she
has broken a toe. It is a very busy weekend right and the patient has been waiting for
some time.


 Find out what happened to the patient’s foot and their mobility/ pain.
 Explain that you do not know whether it is broken but the procedure is the
same for a badly hurt or broken toe (dress and tape it to the next toe).
 Explain that an X-ray would mean a very long wall and have no bearing on the
treatment. The hospital is busy with emergencies tonight.
 Tell the patient that it usually takes about 6 weeks to heal if cared for property.
Provide information about caring for the toe ( ice pack every 20 minutes for the
first few days, elevate the foot above heart level to reduce swelling and pain, try
to rest it)
 Reassure the patient that painkillers ibuprofen and paracetamol usually work,
but to contact his/her GP if there is no improvement after 2- 3 weeks.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Hospital Ward

You are the son/daughter of an 82-year-old woman, who had bunion surgery two
Weeks ago. Your mother is coming to live with you for six months, so you can care for
her while she recovers.


 Respond to the nurse’s question by saying you are not sure what level of core
will be required.
 Respond in surprise and concern at the amount of care required — (worried
you will make a mistake or won’t be able to manage physically or emotionally).
 Find out why your mother needs to wear a surgical boot
 Ask the nurse to explain the medicine and how it should be taken.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Hospital Ward

You are speaking to the son/daughter of on 82-year-old female patient who had bunion
surgery two weeks ago. The patient will be in the son/daughter’s care for the six-month
recovery period.


 Find out how prepared the son/daughter feels about their mother’s discharge to
their home.
 Explain the mother’s needs for the first eight weeks (NSAIDs/painkillers.
Dressing changes, mobility personal hygiene, meal preparation).
 Reassure the son/daughter that it is manageable and give advice on strategies
which will make caring for their mother easier (set up a routine, get a medicine
organiser, ensure she has everything she needs nearby, wear a surgical boot).
 Explain the role of the surgical boot (protects the foot).
 Explain the painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs x 1 naproxen (painkiller &
anti- inflammatory) every 12 hours, ibuprofen (painkiller and anti-inflammatory)
x 2 every 4 hours, not to exceed 8/day.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: General Practice

You are the parent of a four-year old boy, who has just put his hand through a rusty
nail whilst playing at the local park. Your child is very upset and does not want to
receive the necessary tetanus injection.


 Explain that it happened about 25 minutes ago at the local pork, when he
picked up a plank of wood to ploy with. You removed his hand from the nail.
 Say that you don’t want your son to receive the tetanus Injection now because
it’s too stressful.
 Explain that you forgot to bring him for his childhood vaccination and tell the
nurse that you would prefer your partner to come after work to support you.
 Reluctantly agree to your son having the injection.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: General Practice

You are the Nurse at a General Practice. A parent comes to see you with their four
year-old son, who has just put a rusty nail through his hand whilst playing at the local
park. He needs to have a tetanus Injection Immediately but is distressed and refusing
to have it.


 Find out the details of the incident.

 Explain that you need to clean and dress the wound and that he will need a
tetanus injection.
 Explain why the child needs the Injection immediately (did not receive it as part
of childhood vaccination programme, deep wound, foreign bodies present).
 Persuade the parent to allow their child to have it now and warn about the
potential risks of tetanus (fatal disease, causes seizures, muscle stiffness,
lockjaw, difficult breathing). Offer your support and reassurance.
 After giving the injections explain the rare and mild side-effects (feeling
achy/tired, mild nausea / light-headedness).


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Home Visit

You are a 64-year-old who underwent a left total knee replacement three weeks ago.
At the time of discharge, you were advised to use a walker and to adhere to the
recommended physiotherapy exercises at home until your follow-up appointment in a
month. You stopped using the walker yesterday evening.


 Tell the nurse why you stopped using the walker (makes you feel disabled/old.
can now walk independently, knee healing well).
 Insist you have been compliant with the recommended exercise regime and
you do not want to be dependent on anything for routine activities.
 Admit it is sometimes painful it you put weight on the knee for extended periods
of time
 Reluctantly agree to use a walker until your follow-up appointment.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Home Visit

You are visiting a 64-year-old patient who underwent a left total knee replacement
three weeks ago. This visit is to monitor the patient’s progress before his/her follow-up
appointment scheduled in a month, the post-discharge instructions included using a
walker for mobility and compliance with the recommended physiotherapy. During your
visit, you notice that the patient is not using the walker.


 Find out when and why the patient stopped using the walker
 Advise the patient on the importance of physiotherapy and using the walker
(e.g. physiotherapy increases range of motion/strength. Walker assists with
balance, reduces risk of falls, lessens weight/Pressure put on weakened
muscles of knee, etc.).
 Find out if the patient has been experiencing pain.
 Encourage the patient to use a walker until his/her follow-up appointment
reduction in pain, shortened recovery time, etc.)


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Hospital Ward

You are 33 years old and were hospitalized two days ago due to o kidney infection.
You feel a little better now but still find it difficult to consume food or fluids. The doctor
feels you are not ready to be discharged. You have two children at home who are
being cared for by your husband/wife. You are desperate to go home and are upset
and angry about the situation.


 When asked by the nurse, explain why you want to be discharged (feeling
belier, can take medication/care of self at home, wish to be with/assist family).
 Resist the idea of staying in hospital and insist that you can continue the
treatment at home with home visits if needed.
 Be difficult to convince, but reluctantly agree to stay if help can be provided for
your family.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Hospital Ward

You are speaking to a 33-year-old patient who was admitted two days ago, and was
diagnosed with acute pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation due to bacterial infection).
He/ she has a fever, has not been able to eat or drink anything, and has been given
intravenous therapy. He/she wants to be discharged from the hospital, but the doctor
feels they are not fit to go home at present. The patient appears upset and agitated.


 Find out why the patient wants to be discharged early.

 Explain why staying in the hospital is necessary for their current condition (e.g.
intravenous therapy needed because body rejecting food/fluids/oral medication,
close monitoring of blood and urine to track Infection, etc.).
 Try to persuade the patient to remain in hospital (e.g. potential kidney
damage/failure. risk of blood poisoning, unable to provide care at home. etc.).
 Suggest home help be organised by hospital social worker for the family.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Community Health Centre

You are a 35-year-old vegetarian who does not cook owing to a hectic lifestyle, and
mainly relies on ready meals for convenience. You drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day.
Lately, you’ve been feeling exhausted. Your doctor has explained that you have
anaemia (the number of red blood cells in your blood is low). You’ve flow been asked
to speak to a nurse for dietary suggestions.


 Explain to the nurse that you are confused by the diagnosis and how It relates
to your diet (you choose vegetarian ready meals because you believe they are
 Answer the nurse questions regarding your dietary routine (coffee for breakfast,
frozen meals for lunch, coffee and cake for afternoon tea, rarely eat dinner).
 Be resistant to the nurse’s suggestions as you dislike tofu and green leafy
vegetables, coffee helps you cope with the stress of work.
 Finally agree to the recommendations but be adamant that you cannot reduce
your coffee consumption.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Community Health Centre
You are speaking with a 35-year-old who has recently been diagnosed with anaemia
(haemoglobin is 8g/dl). Their doctor has referred him/her to your centre for further
advice concerning their condition and necessary dietary adjustments.


 Find out if the patient has any questions regarding the diagnosis.
 Explain that iron is only sourced from the diet and can be tow in vegetarians
without planning. Reassure the patient it is treatable with dietary modification.
 Find out further details about the patient’s dietary habits.
 Suggest ways In which the patient can increase his/her Iron intake (e.g. beans,
leafy green vegetables such as spinach/kale, tofu, iron fortified cereals, reduce
consumption of coffee — inhibits absorption of iron). Discuss the importance of
food combining as a compromise (allow one hour between consuming iron rich
food and coffee to increase absorption; Vitamin C at the sometime as iron rich


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Hospital Ward

You are a 40-year-old who is scheduled to undergo a colostomy later today. You have
never had prior surgery and ore frightened about the procedure. You have led a
socially active life until now and believe the procedure will have a negative impact.
You are also worried about the effects of the surgery on your ability to self-care.


 Express concern about your ability to return to normal life after having the
 Emphasise that you are embarrassed about wearing a colostomy pouch and
are worried about participating in social activities.
 Ask what additional support is available.
 Outline the management plant to support.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Hospital Ward

You are speaking to a 40-year-old who is scheduled to undergo colostomy in your

hospital later today. You have come to prepare the patient for surgery. This is the
patient’s first surgery and he/she appears anxious.


 Ask the patient if he/she has any final questions about the surgery.
 Explain the recovery process to the patient (3—10 days in hospital, education
will be given on re: core of colostomy pouch, light exercise only, low-fibre diet,
sufficient rest. etc.).
 Reassure the patient that the surgery will not prevent his/her participation in
any social activities (e.g. pouch can be well hidden, support provided by GP
and district nurse for medical care. etc.).
 Explain that the Stoma Care Nurse will meet with the patient after surgery to
discuss participating in stoma support groups.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Hospital Ward

You are a 77-year-old osteoporosis sufferer recovering in hospital from a broken leg
due to a fall at home. The surgeon saw you today and has stated you are ready for
discharge. However, you would prefer to stay longer in hospital as you like the care
and food there and are afraid your husband/wife will not care for you as well as the
hospital does. The ward nurse is preparing you for your discharge but you dispute your
readiness for this and ask to stay longer.


 Tell the nurse that you want to stay in hospital rather than go home
 Answer the nurse’s questions about your reasons for this
 Reject the nurse’s suggestions for assistance at home after discharge
 Suggest that the hospital “only wants to get rid of “him/her to make room for
patients. Be insistent about staying longer in hospital
 Reluctantly agree to discharge as advised.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Hospital Ward

A 77-year-old osteoporosis sufferer is a patient in your ward. He/she was admitted with
a broken leg due to a fall at home but has now been given the all-clear from the
surgeon for discharge today. You are with him/her to prepare for discharge


 Ask the patient how he/she is feeling today and share the good news about
being ready for discharge.
 Ask the patient’s reasons for wanting to stay longer in hospital rather than going
home today.
 Encourage the patient to be positive about being discharged and explain
resources available for help in the home e.g. Community help for meals, visiting
nurse, availability of mobility aids. Be sympathetic.
 Respond to any further concerns the patient has as to reasons for being
discharged today
 Be supportive when the patient agrees to discharge as advised.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Community Health Centre

You are a 30-year-old university lecturer who has recently (2 weeks ago) had your
lower bowel removed due to Crohn’s disease and you have been fitted with a
colostomy bag. Your vital signs are fine. However, you are depressed and
embarrassed about the colostomy bag which you hope will be able to be removed in a
few weeks.


 When asked, tell the nurse that you’re feeling very depressed and embarrassed
about the colostomy bag.
 Tell the nurse that you fear you won’t be able to have close contact with
students and that sexual relations with your partner will be problematic until it is
removed in a few weeks.
 Express dismay when told by the nurse that the colostomy bag is irreversible
 Express concern that despite the nurse’s instructions you won’t be able to
manage changing the bag.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Community Health Centre

The patient is a 30-year-old university lecturer who has recently (2 weeks ago) had
his/her lower bowel removed due to Crohn’s disease and has been fitted with a
colostomy bag. The patient’s vital signs are fine. The surgeon has informed the patient
that wearing the colostomy bag is irreversible. The patient appears depressed.


 Greet the patient and ask how he/she is feeling.

 Respond to the patient’s concerns but explain why the colostomy bag is
 Explain sympathetically that wearing the bag is irreversible.
 Empathise with the patient while informing the patient that although lifestyle
changes will need to be made, his/her fears are unnecessary and explain why.
Then give brief instructions about management of the stoma and bag.
 Tell the patient that community health assistance is available whenever he/she
needs it. Ask the patient to come back in 3 days’ time for another assistance


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Emergency Department of a Hospital
You are a 45-year-old hobby farmer who has been driven by your brother to the
emergency department of a nearby hospital because you have sustained many bee
stings while working on bee hives on the hobby farm you both own. Your hands and
ankles are swollen, red and itchy. Your breathing is becoming more laboured and you
are getting agitated. You believe you are going to die at any moment. You hate getting
injections. Your brother had been smoking marijuana for a number of hours before he
drove you to the hospital.


 Respond to the nurse’s efforts to calm you down by expressing your fear of
dying as you can’t breathe properly.
 Tell the nurse that you are terrified of having injections.
 Reluctantly agree to have the anti-histamine injection.
 Tell the nurse when asked about going home, that your brother drove you here
but that he was smoking marijuana before he drove you here.
 Agree to the advice given by the nurse about getting home and post-hospital

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Emergency Department of a Hospital
You are a nurse in the emergency department of a hospital. The patient is 45-year-old
person who has sustained many bee stings while working on bee hives on the hobby
farm he/she owns. The patient’s hands and ankles are swollen, red and itchy. The
patient’s breathing is becoming more laboured and the patient is becoming agitated.
You suspect the patient is going into anaphylactic shock and there is no time to waste
 Try to calm the patient down
 Respond to the patient’s fear of imminent death in a positive way and tell the
patient you must administer an Epi-pen antihistamine injection immediately.
 Tell the patient you notice that he / she is becoming less agitated and the
swelling is starting to go down. Ask the patient how he/she is going to get
 Advise the patient you will order a taxi home for both him/her and the brother,
and for the patient to get plenty of rest for the next few hours, applying the
Benadryl cream you have given him/her.
 Finish the consultation by telling the patient that if things have not normalised
within 12 hours he / she must see a doctor.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Hospital Ward
You are a 29-year-old heavy drinker who has been admitted to hospital with liver
cirrhosis. The admissions nurse is collecting information from you. You share an
apartment with 2 friends, who also drink alcohol often. You enjoy partying at
weekends and drinking alcohol most weekday evenings. However, your parents are
teetotallers and strongly disapprove of your drinking and partying habits. You have
been a heavy drinker since you were in your late teens. You would like to give up
drinking but are reluctant to change your lifestyle to achieve this.


 Answer the nurse’s questions about your home and family situation.
 Ask for advice about how to give up drinking. Be pessimistic about your ability
to follow the nurse’s advice.
 Thank the nurse for the advice and say that you will do your best to change
your drinking habits.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Hospital Ward

Your patient is a 29-year-old heavy drinker who has been admitted to hospital with
liver cirrhosis. You are collecting information from the patient.


 Ask the patient about his/her general background: family, home and habits.
 Respond to the patient’s question about how to give up drinking. Give your
advice in a positive and friendly way. The advice can include joining Alcoholics
Anonymous; finding new friends to share an apartment with; patient moving
back home to live with his/her parents, and a few other suggestions. Counter
the patient’s negativity to your suggestions with achievable goals.
 Conclude in a positive manner.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Paediatrics Ward
You are the parent of Aiden, aged thirteen, who had an appendectomy (by open
surgery) yesterday and is due for discharge tomorrow. You think Aiden should stay
longer, as he says he is still in pain and does not appear to be very alert. However,
Aiden is keen to go home to attend an athletics training camp beginning in 3 days’
time. He is on Tylenol for the pain


 Express concern to the nurse about your son’s pain and request he be kept in
hospital a little longer for observation.
 Ask for information about giving his medication at home. What dosage should
he receive and how often? Show anxiety. If the pain worsens, what should you
 What about the camp Aiden wants to attend in 3 days’ time? Can he attend it?
He is very keen to go and pursue his dream of becoming an Olympic champion.
Answer the nurse’s questions about the nature of the camp.
 Reluctantly agree to the nurse’s advice and thank him/her.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Paediatrics Ward
You are speaking with the mother of a 13-year-old boy named Aiden who had an
appendectomy (by open surgery) yesterday and is due for discharge tomorrow. He is
on Tylenol for the pain His recovery at home is expected to take between 10 and 20
days. The parent appears anxious about the child’s condition.


 Ask the parent if he/she has questions or concerns about the boy’s condition or
 Reassure the parent about Aiden’s pain. Explain that an appendectomy is a
standard procedure and his current level of pain is normal. Reassure the parent
that a longer hospital stay is not necessary.
 Explain to the parent how to administer his medication and what he/she should
do if the pain worsens.
 Answer the parent’s questions about Aiden’s planned activities after he returns
home. Give sympathetic but professional advice on this issue. Be firm about
Aiden restricting his physical activity for the next 2 to 3 weeks.
 Conclude by summing up the recommended post-operative care for the boy,
wishing the boy a quick recovery.

Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Home Visit
You are an 80-year-old client, who has lived fairly independently for a number of years
in a granny flat beside your son’s house on a rural property. Your son’s family is going
to live overseas for one year and you are going into a retirement home while they are
away. You are having an assessment by a community nurse. Your favorite pastime is
playing videogames.
 State that you are happy to go into care so your family can have a pleasant and
productive time away.
 Tell the nurse you are a little worried about lack of privacy there and having to
socialize with people who may not share his/her favorite pastime, and mention
what this is.
 Describe your daily routine: sleep in, late breakfast, shower without assistance,
then pursue your favorite pastime, followed by lunch, afternoon nap, watch a
game show then the evening news, then bed by 8.30pm, Your son and his
family take you out quite often for meals and movies.
 State that you only take blood pressure tablets (Atacand) and a medication to
control acid reflux (Pariet) plus occasional analgesic medication when needed.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Home Visit
You are a community nurse visiting an 80-year-old client, who has lived alone fairly
independently for a number of years in a granny flat beside his/her son’s house on a
rural property. The client’s son’s family is going to live overseas for one year and to
avoid being isolated while they are away the client is going into a retirement home. You
are conducting an aged care assessment for admission.
 Ask the client how he/she feels about moving into a retirement home.
 Compliment the client on his/her positive attitude and ask if there are any
concerns at all about the move.
 Reassure the client of the retirement home’s house rules i.e. making clients feel
at home and respecting their wishes, and mention the fact there may well be
residents there who will share his/her interests,
 Ask about his/her daily routine (e.g. sleep habits, meals, etc.),
 Emphasise the fact that you are noting his/her usual daily routine in your care
plan to give to the retirement home. Then ask him/her about regular medications
 Summarise by assuring the client that you will pass on his/her requests about
the arrangements to the retirement home as well as to the son.

Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Emergency Department

Friend accompanying Patient

You and your mate were having a game of touch football after a few drinks when your
mate fell and seems to have broken their arm. As you were over the alcohol limit to
drive, you hired a cab to take them to the public hospital emergency department. They
are in pain and you are feeling aggressive and angry. It has been over an hour and no
doctor has seen you. You are determined to get some action and soon. Refuse to
see reason.


 Tell the nurse you want a doctor to attend to your mate immediately.
 Insist it is their turn - others who came after them have been seen.
 Say he pays tax – they have a right to be seen without delay.
 Tell the nurse if she doesn’t act you’ll make trouble.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Emergency Department

You are a nurse in the Emergency Department of a public hospital. You are short
staffed and the available doctors are dealing with patients on a critical priority basis.
An aggressive person who has obviously been drinking has demanded a doctor see
their mate with a suspected broken arm immediately.


 Introduce yourself and explain your role.

 Acknowledge their concern for their mate and ask for details.
 Explain that a triage nurse has reviewed their friend and that they will be seen
as soon as possible.
 Explain that patients are seen in order of medical priority - not arrival time.
 Let the person know that he is disturbing other patients.
 Advise them that alcohol consumption/intoxication is not permitted on hospital
 Suggest they make arrangements to go home.
 Advise on hospital security staff action in cases of threatening behaviour.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Children’s Emergency Ward
You are the parent of Alistair, a three year old boy. You have brought your son to the
emergency ward with badly blistered hands. You and your partner also have a 3
month old baby daughter, Alison. Your partner had biscuits baking in the oven but
forgot about them when they went to attend to Alison who woke up crying. Alistair
decided to get the biscuits out of the oven and as a result badly blistered his hands.
Your partner rang you at work quite distraught so you have brought Alistair straight to
emergency. You believe your partner should have been more careful and made sure
Alistair was not alone in the kitchen. You are also very upset about the possibility that
as well as the trauma of the burns Alistair may now be disadvantaged when it comes
to taking up sport when he goes to school.

 Answer the nurse’s questions about what happened.
 Blame your partner for not being more careful.
 Be very anxious that the damage to his hands may make it difficult to do well at
sport when he starts school.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Children’s Emergency Ward

An upset parent has brought their three year old son Alistair to the emergency ward.
The boy has badly blistered hands as a result of an accident at home. The parent
seems to think his partner has been careless as they left the boy alone in the kitchen
while they were attending to the boy's baby sister.


 Ask how the accident happened.

 Explain that the child’s burns are superficial and should respond very well to
 Point out that accidents concerning children are always very upsetting but even
with the best of care they can happen. Encourage him to reassure rather than
blame their partner.
 Add that any future sporting career is most unlikely to be effected.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Maternal & Child Welfare Clinic

You are a young mother. Your first child, an18 months old son Jack, who is usually a
very contented baby, has been crying and fretful for the last few days He has had
difficulty sleeping and keeps dribbling and chewing on his fingers. He also has a mild
fever. You wonder if he has caught a virus.


 Discuss your concerns with the nurse.

 Agree to let the nurse examine him.
 Ask what treatment she recommends.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Maternal & Child Welfare Clinic

You are a maternal and child welfare nurse. A young mother has brought her first
child, an 18-month-old son Jack, to see you. Jack has always been a very contented
baby but during the last few days he has been quite fretful and crying. His mother is


 Ask the mother about her concerns.

 Suggest giving Jack a quick examination.
 Tell his mother his gum is inflamed and he is cutting his first molar tooth.
 Reassure her that teething problems usually settle quickly.
 Suggest the following to ease the pain:
 Contact the chemist about a recommended teething gel to massage into gum.
 Teething ring (kept cold in refrigerator) teething biscuits, piece of apple to chew
 Give recommended dosage of Baby Paracetamol mixture as necessary to
relieve pain.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Baby Health Clinic

You are the mother of a 7-week-old baby boy. This is your first child. The baby has
been breast-feeding well but often cries after feeds and seems to be in pain. He
vomits small amounts of milk after most feeds and takes a long time to settle. You are
breast-feeding on demand or every 4 hours. Your baby’s weight has been satisfactory.
You are worried that your baby is sick and in need of medical attention.


 Describe your baby’s problems after breastfeeding.

 Answer the nurse’s questions about the feeding routine.
 Ask what causes reflux. Is it dangerous?
 Be hard to reassure as you are certain that there is something wrong with your

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Baby Health Clinic

Your patient is the mother of a 7-week-old baby boy. The baby has been breast
feeding well but has been frequently vomiting small amounts of milk and crying after
feeds. The mother is worried that the baby has an illness and is very anxious to get
advice and treatment for her son.


 Ask the patient about her concerns for her baby.

 Ask the patient about the baby’s feeding patterns and problems.
 Explain your diagnosis of reflux (gastro-oesophageal reflux).
 Briefly describe the causes of reflux:
o Undeveloped muscle (valve) where food pipe joins the stomach.
o Can occur when baby’s stomach is full of milk and acid comes back up
food pipe causing discomfort.
 Describe the treatment for reflux:
o Feed baby in an upright position.
o Hold baby upright for 30 minutes after feeds.
o Try giving smaller more frequent feeds.
o Add a thickener to expressed breast milk for 2 weeks.
 Reassure mother that baby is not sick and will improve with the right treatment.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Rural Community Health Clinic

You are visiting your local community health clinic today because your GP is on
holidays and the locum who is replacing him is fully booked for the next few days. You
have been feeling unwell for a few days. Symptoms include mild fever, tiredness,
nausea & recent vomiting. In addition you have noticed that your eyes have a yellowish
tinge and your urine is dark. You have recently returned from a holiday in India and you
wonder if this could be the cause of your condition. Although while you were in India,
you stayed in first class hotels and took precautions such as drinking bottled water only
and avoiding local food.


 Describe your symptoms to the nurse.

 Express concern at the diagnosis as you are a frequent traveler and are always
 Ask about treatment options & recovery time.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Rural Community Health Clinic

A patient has come to see you today because their regular doctor is on holidays and
the locum is fully booked for the next few days. They are presenting with symptoms
suspicious of hepatitis A including mild fever, tiredness, nausea, vomiting and jaundice.


 Ask the patient about the symptoms.

 Explain that you are suspicious of hepatitis A and that they will need blood tests
including Liver Function Test (LFTs) to confirm the diagnosis.
 Recommend that the patient contact his regular GP’s receptionist, explain the
situation and request that he be fitted in to see the locum ASAP.
 Explain that hepatitis A is a virus and that it can spread through contaminated
food & water, eating utensils, poor hygiene practices. It is more common in
developing countries than Australia.
 People with hepatitis A are considered infectious for a week after the onset of
 Explain the usual duration of the illness (about 1 month to fully recover).


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Hospital Diabetic Clinic

You are a 60-year-old who was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic 12 months ago. You
have come to the clinic because you have sustained a cut to your left foot about 6
weeks ago while doing gardening work in the back yard. You thought it was a minor cut
and so you didn’t take much notice of it. Your foot has now become inflamed and


 Describe to the nurse what happened with your foot.

 Answer the nurse’s questions.
 Be defensive and say that you didn’t understand the problems that diabetics can
have with their feet.
 Complain that you find it hard to find comfortable shoes.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Hospital Diabetic Clinic

Your patient is a 60-year-old type 2 diabetic who has presented to the clinic with a
severely infected left foot. There is a lot of redness and swelling


 Ask about the details of the cut.

 Firmly explain that your patient has left it very late to seek treatment and this
can result in ulceration and possibly amputation if left untreated.
 Reassure the patient that appropriate medical care will be given to treat the
infected cut (dressing & antibiotics).
 Explain the importance of proper shoe fit to avoid friction, stress and pressure
 Give instructions about essential foot care for diabetics.
o Inspect feet daily.
o Look for signs of cuts, blisters or swelling.
o Keep feet clean and dry - especially between toes.
o Keep toenails trimmed and cut across toenail.
o Change socks daily


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Interstate Transport Company

You are a truck driver with a large Interstate Road Transport Company. The company
has recently employed an Occupational Health and Safety Nurse and is encouraging
staff to make an appointment to see the nurse about any health concerns. The service
is free and confidential. You are aged 45 and have not seen a doctor for at least 15
years. Your father died of a stroke at age 55 so you want to get your blood pressure
checked. You don’t smoke, are a bit overweight, don’t exercise much and like a few
beers after work and at the weekend. Eat mainly take away foods on the job –
hamburgers and chips.


 Answer the nurse’s questions.

 Admit you could be fitter.
 Ask for advice on how to avoid a stroke.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Interstate Transport Company

You are employed by a large interstate road transport company as an Occupational

Health and Safety Nurse. The company encourages staff to see you about any health
concerns. The service is free and confidential. A truck driver aged 45 has come to
see you. Weight 82 kg Ht 178 BP check 150 /90.


 Ask about his health concerns.

 Ask about his lifestyle ie diet, exercise smoking/drinking habits.
 Check when he last visited a GP.
 Advise BP indicates borderline hypertension and should be checked regularly.
 Stress importance of commencing regular check- ups with GP.
 Recommend:
o reducing weight by healthy eating habits – less fat and less salt.
o reducing alcohol intake.
o 30 minutes exercise 4-5 times a week.
o Setting: Interstate Road Transport Company


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Children’s Hospital – Emergency Department

You are the sole parent of a 12-year-old daughter, Isabelle. She is your only child and
fell from a tree, which she was climbing with a friend. She was knocked unconscious.
When she regained consciousness she vomited and you noticed her pupils were
dilated and seemed unequal. You rushed her to the Emergency Dept. The doctor has
ordered a CT Scan and X-rays. You are very upset and do not want to leave her side.
The emergency nurse wants you to wait in a waiting room while the procedures are
carried out. You are frightened she could have a brain injury. Insist that you should
stay with her.


 Tell the nurse about your circumstances and how the accident happened.
 Insist you must be with her in case she needs comfort.
 Say you are scared she may have a serious brain injury.
 Insist that you need to be with her so you will know immediately what is wrong.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Children’s Hospital – Emergency Department

You are an emergency nurse at a Children’s Hospital. A parent has arrived at hospital.
Isabelle has just been admitted after a fall from a tree. A skull fracture is suspected.
The doctor has ordered a CT scan and X-rays. Her parent is demanding to go with her
daughter rather than wait in the waiting room while the procedures are done. This is
hospital policy in such instances.


 Inform the parent of the accident details.

 Be sympathetic and as reassuring as possible.
 Acknowledge that a skull fracture is suspected and that is why it is important
that the CT scan and X-ray be undertaken quickly.
 Explain why the parent needs to remain in the waiting room.
 Try to convince them that the results won’t be known until the doctor sees them
at which time they will be called.


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Coronary Care unit
You are a 79-year-old who had a mild heart attack last night and was rushed to the
emergency department. You have been experiencing intermittent chest pain for
several years. This is your first heart attack. You have not been on any cardiac
medication. The attending cardiologist has advised you to have an angiogram. You are
feeling very worried about this as it is an invasive procedure. Your doctor has asked
the coronary care nurse to explain the angiogram procedure to you


 Explain your fears about the angiogram to the nurse Continue to talk about your
fear of the procedure. Why is it necessary?
 You don’t fully understand the procedure
 The doctor briefly mentioned a small chance of serious complications
 Continue to talk about your fear of the procedure. Why is it necessary?
 Tell the nurse that you are not ready to have the procedure. You would like time
to think about it and seek another opinion.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Coronary Care unit
Your patient is a 79-year-old who presented to emergency last night with chest pain,
nausea and vomiting. An ECG and blood tests showed evidence of a mild myocardial
infarction. The cardiologist recommended an angiogram to be performed but the
patient feels anxious and unprepared. The attending cardiologist has asked you to
explain the procedure and associated risks to the patient.


 Ask the patient about his/her concerns

 Briefly explain the angiogram procedure-Rays taken to see the heart vessels in
o Sedation given
o Catheter usually placed in wrist or groin and guided into the heart
 X-Rays taken to see the heart vessels in detail
 Reassure and explain that complications are rare (reaction to dye, stroke,
cardiac arrest, death)
 Explain that angiogram is the best way to know the condition of the arteries and
to check for any blockages
 Accept that the patient wants to seek another opinion before having the


Interlocutor Role Play Card

Patient Setting: Emergency Department

You are a 45-year-old high school teacher. You have had a lot of stress at work lately.
This morning you experienced sudden chest pain accompanied by breathlessness and
a rapid heart rate. You thought you were having a heart attack. You called the
ambulance and now you are in the emergency department waiting for treatment and a
diagnosis. The medical staff does not seem to be overly concerned about your
condition. You are upset and agitated. You have not experienced these symptoms


 Complain about distressing symptoms of breathlessness, chest pain and heart

palpitations and shaking
 Complain that the medical staff is not doing anything to treat you
 Express your anxious thoughts & feelings Be annoyed with the nurse. You can’t
calm down because of your symptoms.
o You think you could die
o You might be having a heart attack
 Be annoyed with the nurse. You can’t calm down because of your symptoms.

Candidate Role Play Card

Nurse Setting: Emergency Department

Your patient is a 45-year-old who is being admitted for shortness of breath, heart
palpitations and chest pain. The patient is highly anxious and stressed by these
physical symptoms. The attending GP has decided to carry out some diagnostic tests.
The provisional diagnosis is panic attack.


 Ask about the patient’s symptoms

 Reassure the patient & acknowledge patient’s anxiety
 Instruct patient to do deep breathing exercises and to calm down
 Explain that the appropriate tests will be performed (Heart monitor (ECG), BP,
Blood test)
 Continue to advise patient to calm down
 Refer patient to counseling for anxiety and to prevent panic attacks.


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