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1 | Causes of Environmental Human beings have a tendency to want more and

more welfare. World-wide the numbers of cars
Problems and Development and refrigerators are increasing before our very
eyes. But there will come a time when population
of Environmental Laws growth and welfare collide. There is a reasonably
good chance that floods of people will trek all
Causes of environmental problems over the world searching for more food and
1.  Increasing number of humans on earth welfare.

2.  Rising standard of living Technicians are only too happy to point to
technology that has solutions to all our problems
Overpopulation is a major cause of most of the up its sleeve. Unfortunately technical solutions
world’s problems. Whether it is a question of food have not as yet been able to combat world
shortage, lack of drinking water or energy hunger in any significant way. Wherever there is
shortages, every country in the world is affected no recognition or solving of the problems on a
by it – or will be. worldwide scale, war and violence would seem to
be inevitable: everyone wants to survive.
Partly thanks to the import of goods from abroad,
any particular country is able to maintain its own The only solution is a population policy applied on
welfare. But this cannot go on in an unlimited a worldwide scale. This site provides you – per
way. In fact, the number of inhabitants is rising in language and, where possible, per country – with
every country. The world population is articles, films and images from all over the world
threatening to rise in the next few decades to 8 or showing what overpopulation is and why a
10 billion. There is a good chance that more and population policy is important. Unfortunately too
more countries will need their own products often any discussion of overpopulation or of
themselves. population policies is taboo.
Our planet can offer a quality of life comparable The business world and the religions are generally
to that enjoyed in the European Union to no more only interested in population growth. Allowing
than 2 billion people. With a population of 8 to 10 welfare to shrink is often just as difficult for the
billion, welfare per person on a world scale will rich as fleeing from poverty is for the poor. In
drop to that of a poor farmer who can scarcely addition the growth scenario continues to
provide sufficient food for himself and knows dominate worldwide thinking about solutions for
nothing of welfare. And thus we will have to share the problems set out here.
everything fairly in order to avoid disputes or war.
Information sources
The climate is changing – and it matters little
whether this can be blamed on human activity or Environmental engineers are constantly in need of
on changes in the solar system. The sea level only up-to-date information on topics ranging from
has to rise slightly in order to cause a great deal current federal or state regulatory requirements
of valuable agricultural land to disappear. At (which are constantly changing) to innovative
present we seem to think that we can keep ahead treatment methods.
of famine with the use of artificial fertilisers, by the Current information about environmental issues
inhumane breeding of animals and other survival can be found in a variety of publications ranging
strategies. from: -technical journals published by professional
organizations -publications by government
agencies mostly coming from US Environmental Hazardous wastes became more and more of an
Protection Agency (EPA) -Reference books issue during the 1970’s. Although many toxic
compounds existed before 1940’s, but during that
Current information about environmental issues
decade, synthetic organic chemistry was born and
can be found in a variety of publications ranging
with it came the catalytic synthesis of gasoline
from: -technical journals published by professional
from heavier crude oils.
organizations -publications by government
agencies mostly coming from US Environmental HOW DO HUMANS AFFECT THE
Protection Agency (EPA) -Reference books ENVIRONMENT?

Examples of technical journals are: Human activity has been affecting the
environment for thousands of years, from the
1. International Journal of Engineering and
time of our very earliest ancestors. Since Homo
Advanced Technology. .
sapiens first walked the earth, we have been
2. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. modifying the environment around us through
. agriculture, travel and eventually through
urbanization and commercial networks. At this
3. IETE journal of research. ... point in earth’s physical history, our impact on the
4. Polymer engineering and science. ... environment is so substantial that scientists
believe “pristine nature,” or ecosystems
LAWS and REGULATIONS untouched by human intervention, no longer
Environmental regulations have existed for
centuries. Because of poor air quality near his In ways both positive and negative—and likely in
palace, about A.D. 1300, King Edward II of more ways than you’d even think—human
England ordered any person burning coal to be civilization and technology have affected our
hanged. However, no major environmental earth, altering our planet forever. Consider these
legislation in any country existed until the second five tangible impacts our species has had on the
half of the twentieth century. environment, and whether you’re one who will
advance their effects or intercede to halt them.
The first significant laws were federal statutes
passed in the United States in 1970 dealing with 1. THE POPULATION BOMB
air and surface water quality and hazardous
waste. Those laws are still in effect in much of 1. Human overpopulation has been a
their original form, however they are in a period concern for scientists since at least 1798, when
of transition. What is legal or accepted practice Thomas Malthus first published his finding
today maybe illegal in a few years that, without significant and ongoing
technological innovation, the human
Development of Environmental Regulations population would almost certainly outstrip the
The U.S. Congress writes environmental laws, and planet’s food supply. In 1968, this concern was
for these laws to be enacted, lawmakers must again raised in Stanford professor R. Paul
perceive that environmental regulations benefits Ehrlich’s book “The Population Bomb.”2
society. There are laws to protect people from 2. Accommodating population growth has
toxic effects of copper and lead in drinking water. been a root cause for much of the impact
we’ve had on our environment. Since Malthus
Why are Environmental Laws Passed? first noted his grave concerns, technological
advances have created a new double-edged
sword: health and abundance. Our food on the environment, and seek to return to
supply today can support more lives than smaller farms and even urban gardens. As
ever, and advances in medical science have “eating local” rises in popularity, urban land is
led to increasingly longer lifespans. But this being reclaimed for traditional agriculture and
reality has the profound side effect of the environment is once again altered due to
reducing population turnover and leading to human labor.6
its rapid expansion. So as our quality of life 3. DEFORESTATION…AND REFORESTATION
and life expectancy improve, the challenges
wrought by overpopulation accelerate as well. 1. Growing populations have to be housed,
2. AGRICULTURE, DOMESTICATED ANIMALS AND which means they seek more space to build
GENETIC MODIFICATION homes and cities. This often involves clearing
forests to make room for urban and suburban
 The demand to feed a growing human development, as well as to provide building
population has facilitated notable advances in materials. Currently, it is estimated that 18
agriculture, which was the first major human million acres of trees are clear-cut every year
innovation to enable our survival as a species. to create space for development and to be
Early agriculture allowed hunter-gatherer used in wood products.7
cultures to settle an area and cultivate their 2. Deforestation has many effects, including
own food. This immediately impacted the decreasing oxygen levels (and increasing
environment by transplanting non-native greenhouse gases), elevated risk of soil
species to new areas, and by prioritizing the erosion and the destruction of animal habitats.
cultivation of certain plants and animals over But as is the case with industrial agriculture,
others. And more recently, advances in some groups have endeavored to create a
genetic modification have raised concerns positive counter-impact to deforestation’s
about the environmental impact of newly detrimental effects on the environment.
developed crops.4 Reforestation efforts seek to replace as much
 In particular, the domestication of livestock forest land as possible every year, and it is
and other species, including dogs and cats, by currently estimated that about 40 percent of
early humans altered the land in significant the trees removed each year are being
ways. Grazing animals contributed to replaced.8
environmental change by depleting native
grasses and contributing to soil erosion. And
we now know that the rapid expansion of  Human activities affect the environment by
cattle populations to meet human dietary contributing to air pollution, or the emission of
demands has contributed substantially to harmful substances into the air. While it can
changes in the composition of gases within be difficult to understand which pollutants are
the atmosphere.5 associated with specific effects on the
 The industrialization of agriculture in the environment or public health, it is generally
last several centuries has exacerbated these accepted that air pollution can indeed cause
effects, but it has also prompted a subsequent public health problems and also harm plant
wave of counter-movements, which seek to and animal life.
undo the negative effects of human
intervention. People today are increasingly  
aware of the impact vast factory farms have
 Pollution isn’t just limited to the air. It can correct our mistakes and change our
affect soil or waterways and can come from environment for the better.  
human waste, industrial chemicals and other  Please read attached for further lecture
sources. These toxins can exert tremendous  HUMAN IMPACT on the environment
effects on the natural world, leading to
environmental degradation and problems like
acid rain and harmful algal blooms in the
 Environmental protection laws on the local
and federal level have been enacted as a
means to stem the ecological damage caused
by pollution, and some communities have
engaged in ongoing conversations aimed
toward promoting sustainable, low-impact
 Among the most critically impactful ways
that humans have affected the earth is our
extraction and consumption of fossil fuels and
their attendant CO2 emissions. Recent studies
indicate that CO2 emissions contribute to the
deterioration of the earth’s ozone layer, which
may, in turn, contribute to global climate
change; this is especially true when emissions
are combined with the loss of the carbon-sink
effect of forest lands (due to deforestation)
and existing particulate matter in the
air.10 Though the scale and impact of such
climate change are up for debate, the
scientific community has reached a consensus
that human activity does have some degree of

impact on the global climate.



 The expansion of human population and

the requirements of our growing human
family place strenuous demands on our
environment. Through human intervention, we
have altered our ecosystem forever. However,
though some of these changes may be
negative, humans also have the power to

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