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- For instance , I had a customer a few months ago who was calling to inquire how to setup

enable Dual Sim capability for his newly boght Iphone Xs he boght through Rogers. At that
time, customer bought the Iphone Xs exclusively based on the premise that Rogers (at that
time) supports eSim for this type of device, an in formation he found on the apple official
website. When customer reached out to me and I was confirmed through my support team
that up until that date we at Torgers do not spport eSim for iPhones, cx was frustrated
because he called chatted with apple support before calling us and they told him that the
information they had was correct and they had to deal with Rogers. In that situation, the
best thing to do was to reach out to a high level (Tier2 ) support from Apple tech support
with the customer on the line, to help erode any doubt as to confirm that the information
apple had in their website was not accurate, and I had it confirmed from my high level
spport (Tier2) and my management team. At that time, the apple high level support
confirmed that since Rogers says plainly that they do not spport eSin for Iphones at that
time, that there might have been some kind of confusion as to why that information was put
in apple official website. That conversation had to be taken on the spot with the customer
on the line (conference call), to make things as clear as they should be, and to erode any
doubt to thr customer as to the accuracy of information Rogers was communicating through
her official channels. After that call, customer was more and more trustful of the integrity
Rogers embraces.
- Nothing makes a day at work at Rogers as a tech support consultant during a call, more than
building a genuine report with a customer on a human level and establish a real connexion
with them that builds trust and loyalty to Rogers as a customer focused company. I had a
call with a customer name Kirklin who had some speech difficulties. He used the chat service
many times to be able to do handle his request to do a temporary line suspension.
Kirkland was asked to call on the phone, to help with that, yet he tried to call more than one
time, and got frustrated every time because he had difficulty being understood with his
speech difficulty. When I had Kirklin on the line, at first I had a similar challenge as my
previous fellow frontline consultant to nderstand him. At that time, I asked Kirlin to repat
himself more than one time to be able to understrand his request in order to help him with
his situation and channel his request to the right department if it wasn’t within my scope of
action. I was worried to offend Kirklin by asking him more than one time to repeat himself.
Fortunately, my floor support that day, reassured me and let me know to focus more on the
customer and the outcome of understanding his request and then helping him get what he
called about, rather than worrying about offending him during the interaction.
I took their advice and took it as an opportunity. Luckily enough there was Kirklin little
brother next to him who stepped up and helped convey what Kirklin was asking. By pushing
forward and focusing on nderstangin the customer I had the chance to speak to his brother.
I had the privilege to connect with Kirklin and his brother as he was very generous to share
with me his personal challenge with his speech difficulty whether in finding a job or
communicating with people. Kirklin and I turned to have much more in common than we
thought we did. That was one of the best calls I have taken. Finally, I could reach out the the
credit operations deprtment to do payment arrangement with Kirklin to prevent his line
from being suspended.
- -people :
This is a learning experience,
It helps you discover your strengths unknown before to you and highlight them
It helps see where there is room for improvement
- Customer firs t:
Focus on customer : listening on customer, anticipating, keeping an open mind, help
Empathy and compassion
Take ownership
Undivided attention

Innovation :
Embrace feedback , always look forward to improve
Simplify things
Take calculated risks

Teamwork :
Take advantage of the floor support
Help coleagues in for specific expertise
Strive to have a fun, cheerful experience around
Recognizw and celebrate shared achievement

Take part in volunteering events

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