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Kashada Jones


Video Observation: Differentiation

While observing the videos, I noticed a few ways in which differentiation was used. Differentiation is the
use of different strategies to teach a lesson based on student needs and different learning styles. This
strategy allows learning opportunities for all students and employs multiple ways for concepts to be
taught and understood.

During the second grade classroom video, I observed the teacher using different strategies to teach
students the concept of subtraction within 100. The teacher grouped students and had them discuss
what their favorite strategy was and why> I think this is a good method because she can use this to see if
there is any confusion in the lesson, ideas that need to be retaught, or if she can continue with the
lesson. I think this is evidence of differentiation because it teaches in multiple ways and also
incorporates the students ideas about the different strategies and can help to identify their learning

In the second grade everyday math lesson video, the teacher worked to include student feedback into
her lesson. She let the students work on an activity and then she questioned them about what they
thought. This is a good idea because it helps the students to reason with their answers and heir process
for finding the answers. This is great because math can be difficult for some students and often in
explaining what they thought and what route they took, the teacher can better help guide them through
the lesson.

During the second video, the teacher applied real life connections to her lesson questions. This helps to
engage and keep students engaged with the lesson. Students worked in groups and the teacher walked
around and engaged in formal assessment by checking student reasoning and being sure that they
understood the information. The use of partner and group discussions is one way that instruction was
differentiated and it gives students a chance to talk about the information.

I feel that differentiation helps to include all student in the lesson plans and gives everyone the best
chance at succeeding. This allows us to touch bases with all students and find ways to incorporate their
needs in lesson delivery and application.

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