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How do volcanoes work?

How do volcanoes affect the

environment around them?
What you already know....
● At Earth’s center is a core of hot liquid iron and nickel.
● Earth is made up of interlocking pieces of land called tectonic plates.
● Heat from Earth’s core can escape to the outside through a gap between
tectonic plates, or heat can “punch” through the middle of a tectonic plate,
releasing pressure and heat to the outside
● The molten metal that makes up Earth’s core is called magma.
● Extreme heat can cause bubbles of carbon dioxide gas in magma to expand.
● The expanding gas pushes the magma into the vent, or opening, of a volcano
and up to Earth’s surface.
● A volcanic eruption occurs when the magma overflows.
● The overflowing magma is called lava..
Let’s Review!

What is in the center of earth’s core?

A hot liquid made of iron and nickel.
What are tectonic plates?
Interlocking pieces of land that make up
the earth’s crust.
How can heat escape from the earth's
Heat from Earth’s core can escape to the
outside through a gap between tectonic
plates, or heat can “punch” through the
middle of a tectonic plate, releasing
pressure and heat to the outside.
Step 1:
Place the soda bottle in the baking pan, and mold
the clay into a “mountain” around the bottle. Also,
add your mini objects to represent the

Do NOT cover the opening of the bottle

Step 2:
Fill the bottle almost to the top with warm
water mixed and add red food coloring.
Step 3:
Add one squeeze of dish soap to the
Step 4:
Add the baking soda to the bottle, using
the funnel.
Step 5:
Use funnel to pour the vinegar slowly
into the bottle.
Discuss with your group
● What happened to cause the
volcano to erupt?
● What would have happened to
everything to the surrounding
civilizations and land?
Class Discussion
What type of reaction did our
volcanoes have?

Why did our volcanoes react that


How does this relate to an actual

Write your own news article!
Now you will write a news article about how
volcanoes work and how they affect the
environment around them referring to your

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