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Economic Institutions as Social Constructions: A Framework for Analysis

Author(s): Mark Granovetter

Source: Acta Sociologica, Vol. 35, No. 1 (1992), pp. 3-11
Published by: Sage Publications, Ltd.
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Accessed: 16/06/2014 23:21

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Acta Sociologica(1992)35:3-11

Economic Institutions as Social

Constructions: A Framework for
Mark Granovetter
Department of Sociology-, State University of New York at Stony Brook

Institutionaleconomics has moved from a position, earlierin the twentiethcentury,of

drawingeclecticallyon several other disciplines,to a stance of buildingits arguments
almostentirelyout of neoclassicalmaterials.Thispaperarguesthat sucha stancecannot
providea persuasiveaccountof economicinstitutions,andsuggestsa broaderfoundation
based on classical sociological argumentsabout the embeddednessof economic goals
and activities in socially oriented goals and structures.Emphasis is placed on how
economic activitycomes to be coordinatedby groupsof people ratherthan carriedout
by isolated individuals.Firmsin developingcountries,businessgroups, and the origins
of the electrical utility industryin the United States are posed as cases of the 'social
constructionof economic institutions'.It is arguedthat, althoughproperanalysisof such
cases involvesa high level of contingency,these contingenciescan be takeninto account
in a systematictheoreticalargument,and that historicistpitfallscan be avoided. Such
an argumentis posed as the distinctiveagendafor a new economic sociology.
Mark Granovetter,Departmentof Sociology, State Universityof New York at Stony
Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4356,USA.

1. Introduction:the new sociologicaland legal factors,with minimal

use of formal economic reasoning. Such
economic sociology widely followed American figures as
The disciplineof economics has seen two ThorsteinVeblen, John Commons,Wesley
strongand, at firstglance, mutuallyincon- Clair Mitchell and John Dunlop often
sistenttrendsover the past twenty years:a seemedas closely allied to other disciplines
return to dominance by the pure neo- as to economics.
classical tradition, after a period of con- A broad counterattack began in the
tention with competing paradigms,and an 1960s,spearheadedby Gary Becker, later
attemptby economists to greatly broaden joined by many of the best and brightest
their subject matter. This odd, simul- mathematicaleconomists.They inventively
taneousnarrowingand broadeningof per- appliedrigorousneoclassicalargumentsto
spective has resulted from the virtual problemspreviouslyabandonedto the insti-
demiseof institutionaleconomicsin its mid- tutionalists.The expansion of educational
centuryform. institutions, long considered a cultural
Earliercontention had resultedfrom the phenomenon,was declaredthe outcome of
inability of the neoclassical synthesis to rationalindividualsinvesting in their own
explain the broad institutionalframework capacities (Becker (1964), followed by a
within which economic transactions take vast outpouring of literature on 'human
place.The resultingtheoreticalvacuumwas capital'. See the critical review in Blaug
filledby 'institutionalist'economics, whose (1976)). Rigid wages and long tenures in
explanationsdrew on historical, political, internallabor marketswere attributednot
to social pressuresor a 'new industrialfeu-
?) ScandinavianSociologicalAssociation,1992 dalism'(a metaphorcommonin 1950slabor

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economics), but to 'implicitcontracts'opti- carried out by atomized actors (for an
mallystructuredby rationalemployersand earlierprogrammatic statementsee Grano-
employees faced with otherwise difficult vetter (1985)); (3) economic institutions
problems of shirking and bad faith. (See (like all institutions) do not arise auto-
the extended discussion in Granovetter maticallyin some form made inevitableby
(1988)). Huge wage discrepanciesbetween external circumstances, but are 'socially
categories of workers resulted not from constructed'(Berger & Luckmann1966).
restrictionson entry based on differences The extreme version of methodological
in grouppower, but from optimalarrange- individualismthat dominatesmuchof mod-
mentsfor distributingtalentin society (e.g. ern economics makes it difficultto recog-
Rosen 1982). Verticalintegrationoccurred nize how economic action is constrained
not because of the suppliers' 'conspiracy and shaped by the structures of social
against the public' denounced by Adam relationsin which all real economic actors
Smith, but as an arrangementto reduce are embedded. Economists who want to
transactioncosts in marketswherebusiness reform the discipline typically attack its
had become too complex to conduct psychology - proposing a more realistic
between independentunits (see especially model of decision-making(see, e.g., Lei-
Williamson(1975, 1985)). benstein 1976). While the psychology in
This 'New InstitutionalEconomics'- dis- neoclassicalmodels may well be naive, I
tinguishedfrom the old by its reliance on claimthatthe maindifficultylies elsewhere:
argumentsfor the economic efficiency of in the neglect of social structure. Psy-
observedinstitutions- was closely allied to chological revisionismhas a following in
the 'New Economic History', which made partbecauseit does not requireeconomists
similarclaimsfor historicalsettings. Prop- to give up the assumption of atomized
erty rights, enclosures, and all manner of actors making decisions in isolation from
political and legal institutionscame to be broadersocial influences.
interpreted as the efficient outcome of Mid-centuryeconomic sociology oper-
rational individuals pursuing their self- ated at the fringes of economic activity,
interest(e.g. North & Thomas 1973; Ran- cedingthe centraltopicsof production,dis-
som & Sutch 1982). And these new inter- tributionand consumptionto economists.
pretationswere appliedeven to spheresfar The more recent generation of economic
from economists'traditionaldomain, such sociologists,who constitutewhat I call the
as the family, crime, altruismand animal 'New Economic Sociology', have looked
behavior (e.g. Becker 1976, 1981). Rep- much more at core economic institutions,
resentativeof the claims of this optimistic andarecloserto suchintellectualforebears
new school is Jack Hirshleifer'scomment, as Emile Durkheimand Max Weber- who
in a 1985 article entitled 'The Expanding regardedeconomicaction as a subordinate
Domain of Economics', that 'economics and special case of social action - than to
really does constitute the universalgram- the accommodationiststance of mid-cen-
marof social science' (p. 53). tury sociologists.I
One unifyingtheme of my currentwork An importantpartof this focus is a socio-
is that the new economic imperialism logicaltheory of the constructionof econ-
attempts to erect an enormous super- omic institutions.Sucha theorymust make
structureon a narrowand fragile base. A dynamicscentral, in contrastto most neo-
more solid foundationcan be constructed classical economic work on institutions
on the basis of three classic sociological which (like many branchesof economics)
assumptions:(1) the pursuitof economic emphasizesthe comparativestaticsof equi-
goals is normallyaccompaniedby that of librium states. Without explicit dynamic
such non-economic ones as sociability, argument,we have the irony that econom-
approval,status and power; (2) economic ics, despite its devotion to methodological
action (like all action) is socially situated, individualism,findsitselfwithno readyway
and cannot be explained by individual to explaininstitutionsas the outgrowthof
motives alone; it is embedded in ongoing individual action, and so falls back to
networksof personalrelationsratherthan accounts based on gross features of the

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environment. There are two such main way thatthese forces are mainlyirrelevant.
accounts:culturalismand functionalism. Finally,andclosely relatedto this last issue,
Culturalist accounts explain economic a sophisticated economic sociology will
institutionsas arising from culturalbeliefs neitherthrowthe valuable corpusof econ-
that predispose a group to the observed omic reasoning out the window, nor be
behavior, as in the claim that the stress so seduced by it as to produce a 'rational
in Japaneseculture on 'organic'unity and choice' argumentthat loses touch with the
hierarchicalloyalty produces trouble-free classicsociological tradition;rather, it will
industrial organization. Functionalist seek to understandhow moderneconomics
accountsarguebackwardsfrom the charac- can be integrated with a social con-
teristicsof institutions to the reason why structionist account of economic insti-
they must be present. Andrew Schotter,in tutions,andwhat the divisionof labormust
his Economic Theoryof Social Institutions thereforebe between sociology and econ-
(1981)states this principlein unusuallycan- omics.
did (and a sociologist might add, pre-Mer-
tonian)form- that to understandanysocial
institution requires us to 'infer the evol-
utionaryproblem that must have existed 2. Over- and undersocialized
forthe institutionas we see it to havedevel-
oped. Every evolutionaryeconomic prob- conceptions of human action
lem requiresa social institutionto solve it' Before discussing institutions as such, I
(p. 2). This implicitlyassumes a system in want to make some general comments on
equilibrium, since a still-evolving insti- conceptionsof human action. I begin by
tutionmight not reveal by inspectionwhat referringto Dennis Wrong's (1961) article
problem it had evolved to solve. These 'The OversocializedConceptionof Man in
highlyellipticaland often tautologicalcul- Modem Sociology'. Wrong complained
turalistand functionalistaccounts become that sociologistssaw people as so sensitive
superfluousonce the social constructionof to the opinions of others that they auto-
institutionsis properlyunderstood. matically obeyed commonly held norms
But it is not enough merely to chip away for behavior. This 'oversocialized' view
at the insufficienciesof neoclassicalecon- resultedfroman attemptto compensatefor
omics.A theoreticallypersuasiveeconomic the neglect of social effects in (what Talcott
sociology must also provide an attractive Parsons (1937) called) the utilitarian
alternativethatimprovesupon the explana- tradition,whose view of economic action I
torypowerand predictiveabilityof existing would call 'undersocialized'.(For a fuller
accounts. Though I argue repeatedly accountof this distinction,see Granovetter
against the reductionist methodological (1985)). As Albert Hirschman(1982) has
individualismof moderneconomics, I have pointed out, in classical and neoclassical
no taste for the historicistviews of some of economics,tradersin competitive markets
itsotheropponents,who supposethatevery are price-takersand thus interchangeable.
case is unique and anything can happen. The detailsof theirsocial relationsare irrel-
I stress the contingencies associated with evant.
historicalbackground,social structureand The classical economists thus treated
collective action, and the constraints these relations only as a drag on perfect
imposed by already existing institutions; competition. In a famous line from The
but my aim is still that of finding general Wealthof Nations, AdamSmithdenounced
principles,correct for all times and places. the use of social occasions by traders to
This requiresthat the contingenciesthem- fix prices. Implicitlyhe recognizedthat his
selvesbe systematicallyexploredand incor- image of competitive markets was incon-
porated into the theoretical structure. It sistentwith a world where economic actors
also requiresus to understandunder what knew one another personallywell enough
circumstances economic institutions are to collude.In recentyears, a differenttend-
malleableby the forces of social structure ency has emergedin economists'treatment
andcollectiveaction, or 'lockedin' in sucha of social influences: that is to take them

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seriously but in terms close to Dennis 3. The social constructionof
Wrong's 'overocialized' conception: e.g.
James Duesenberry's (1960) quip that economic institutions
'economicsis all about how people make I now proceedto discussthe impact of this
choices; sociology is all about how they 'embeddedness'on the social construction
don't have any choices to make', or E. H. of economic institutionsby focusing on a
Phelps-Brown'sdescription of the 'soci- problemtraditionallygiven little attention
ologists'approachto pay determination'as in economictheory:how andwhyeconomic
assumingthat people act in 'certain ways activities are carried out not by isolated
becauseto do so is customary,or an obli- individuals, but by groups that entre-
gation,or the "naturalthingto do", or right preneursget to cooperate in such larger
and proper, or just and fair' (1977). entitiesas firms,industriesand inter-indus-
This conception of 'social influences' is try groups. In other words, I recast the
oversocialized because it assumes that problem of economic institutions as one
people follow customs, habits or norms involvingthe mobilizationof resourcesfor
automaticallyand unconditionally;nearly collective action, which opens it up to a
all economists' treatment of 'norms' has whole stream of thought in sociology and
thisflavor,and discussionsof 'conventions' politicalsciencepreviouslyconsideredirrel-
also run the risk of sliding into an over- evant.
socializedtreatment. But this points to an FollowingSchumpeter(1926), one may
irony of great theoretical importance:the call those who coordinate the economic
oversocialized approach has in common activityof otherwise separate individuals,
with the undersocializeda conception of 'entrepreneurs'. But the neoclassicaltheory
action uninfluenced by peoples' existing of the firm ignores the entrepreneur
social relations. because, as William Baumol points out,
In the undersocializedaccountthis atom- its model 'is essentially an instrumentof
ization results from the narrow pursuitof optimality analysis of well-defined prob-
self-interest; in the oversocialized one - lems, and it is precisely such. . . problems
which originated as a corrective to the whichneed no entrepreneurfor their solu-
undersocializedone - atomization results tion'(1968:67).Thiscommentsuggeststhat
nevertheless because behavioral patterns the emphasis in economic theory on the
are treatedas havingbeen internalizedand comparativeanalysisof equilibriumstates
thusunaffectedby ongoingsocial relations. discouragesattentionto entrepreneurship,
Thissurprisingconvergenceof underand whichcan best be thought of as involving
over-socialized views helps explain why situations where markets are out of
economists who try to incorporate social equilibrium.2Related to the failureto pro-
influenceson economic action fall so easily vide dynamicsis the tendency to abstract
into oversocializedarguments. Thus it is awayfrominstitutionson the groundsthat
common to attribute distinctive styles of opportunitiesfor profit will automatically
decision-makingto members of different be taken;if there are institutionalor other
social classes, as the result either of class barriersto the taking of such profit, these
culturesor of each class'sdistinctiveexperi- will be breached,and since one can count
ence in the eductional system (cf. Piore on this takingplace, the actual process by
1975;Bowles & Gintis 1982). But this con- which it occurs is not of much theoretical
ceptionof how societyinfluencesindividual interest.Correspondingly,institutionsthat
economic action is too mechanical: once encourage or discourage entrepreneur-
we knowsomeone'ssocialclass, everything ship are neglected since it is assumed that
else in his behavior is automatic, since he it will emerge if there are profits to be
is so well socialized - I would say 'over- made.3
socialized'.Thus, I attempt in my work to This helps explain the remarkablefact
thread my way between under and over- that in the recently burgeoningeconomic
socializedviews, by analyzinghow behavior literatureon why firms exist, exemplified
is embeddedin concrete, ongoing systems by Oliver Williamson's work on 'trans-
of social relations. actioncost economics'(1975, 1985), entre-

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preneursstill make no appearanceandhow of excessiveclaimsbased on non-economic
firmscome to exist receives no attention. ties?
Instead, it is assumed that firms emerge Part of the answer is that overseas
when needed to reduce transactioncosts. Chineseare typicallya small minority,and
In the functionaliststyle of the New Insti- there are simply not enough of them for
tutional Economics, this emergence is suchclaimsto cause trouble.But the organ-
taken to be automatic. izationof social networksalso limitsclaims,
But economic institutionsdo not emerge because people belong to non-overlapping
automatically in response to economic groups.Kinshipis so clearcutthat the num-
needs. Rather,they areconstructedby indi- ber of relatives with credible claims on a
vidualswhose action is both facilitatedand businessis small and well-defined. People
constrainedby the structureand resources also divideinto groupsbased on recency of
availablein social networks in which they immigrationand on home area in China.
are embedded. We can see this in many Particularbusinesses are organized along
accountsfrom developing countrieswhere such kinshipand organizationallines, and
firms would greatly reduce transactions it is thus sharplydefined which individuals
costs but cannot be constructed.What are can make claims. By contrast, most non-
the difficulties? Chinese Southeast Asian kinship patterns
Traditionaldevelopment theory took a are more diffuse, so it is hard to limit the
dim view of social structureswhere econ- numberof relativeswith legitimateclaims;
omic activity was embedded in non-econ- and people typicallybelong to many over-
omicobligations,supposingthat this would lappinginterestgroups,so that if one is the
preventefficientoperations.But wherethis core of a business,its membersmay still be
embeddingis in fact absent, and manyindi- subject to claims from fellow members of
viduals appear to be rational profit max- others (Geertz 1963; Dewey 1962; Davis
imizers - approximating the 'under- 1973;Lim & Gosling 1983).
socialized'model of human action I have Brieflyput, overseasChinesesocialstruc-
described above - economic activity is ture has a pattern of coupling and dec-
often stymied by lack of the interpersonal oupling that produces highly cohesive
trust required to delegate authority or groupsthat are sharplydelimitedfrom one
resourcesto others (see, e.g., Dewey 1962; another; thus trust is available but non-
Geertz1963;Davis 1973;D. Szanton1971). economic claims are illegitimate beyond
But if such problemsof trustare overcome, thesegroupboundaries.These mechanisms
the problemforecastby traditionaltheories of couplingand decoupling,that define the
does indeedcome to pass:the fledglingfirm boundariesof trust and social affiliation,
is often swamped by the claims of friends must become central matters for a theory
andrelativesfor favorsandsupport.As one of economicinstitutions.It would be a fair
abdicatedking in Bali told anthropologist generalization to say that across such
Clifford Geertz, firms 'turn into relief boundaries,economicactorsmayappearto
organizations rather than businesses' act as if following the undersocialized
(1963:123).That is, the welfareof the local model of action, and within them, as if
communityis put ahead of that of the busi- oversocialized- following the dictates of
ness as such. the group. But this way of viewing the
Certain groups, however, such as the mattershows that the fundamentalissue is
overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, con- not to get the right model of individual
sistentlyovercome both problems.Trustis action, but rather to understandproperly
available because the community is so how variations in social structure create
close-knitthat malfeasanceis not only dif- behaviorthat appearsto follow one model
ficultto conceal or execute, but often even or the other. The locus of explanation
hardto imagine. Many accountsthus indi- movesawayfrom the isolated individualto
cate that Chinese businessesextend credit, a largerandmoresocialframeof reference.
pool capitaland delegate authoritywithout Following out this logic, note that the
fearof defaultor deceit. How, then, do the argumentabout Chinese firmsimplies that
businessesavoid the second problem, that undersome conditions,it is possible to use

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connectionsof familyandfriendshipto dev- personalrelationsthan from the exigencies
elop efficient firms. But one may suspect of the market - they are, in effect, con-
that the consequentoverwhelmingimport- gealed social networks.
ance of trustin such firmsdrasticallylimits Economists studying these groups in
expansion even when it would be econ- developing countries, interpret them as
omicallyrewarding.How can such a limi- responsesto marketimperfections,arguing
tationbe overcome?In manycountriesthis thattheywill vanishas more 'sophisticated'
occurs as the result of alliancesof families marketsappear(e.g. Leff 1979). But when
into 'business groups'. This widespread economistscome upon them in advanced
phenomenongoes under many names: the economies, as in Japan, Korea, France,
old zaibatsuand their modem successorsin West Germany and others, they either
Japan; the chaebol in Korea, the grupos arguethat they are vestigialand will fade -
economicosin LatinAmerica, the 'twenty- as used to be arguedfor Japan, thoughthis
two families'of Pakistan,and on and on. is now increasinglyimplausible- or that
Thoughthere are analysesof suchgroups they arise in just those economic cir-
in particularcountriesand regions,we have cumstancesthat make them efficient. The
so far no sustained analysis of the phenom- argumentsfor developing and developed
enon as a whole, and little realizationthat economies alike are functionalist tauto-
thisis a centralaspectof modem capitalism. logiesthat avoidthe centraltasks of under-
The groupsvaryin size, structureand legal standing how such alliances can be
organization,andhave originatedin a num- constructedand why capitalisteconomies,
ber of different ways. One dimension of despite their great differences, rarely con-
variation, for example, is the extent to sist of single, unrelatedfirms.
which these groups originated in a single Just as for firms and business groups, I
family group which then extended its arguethat whetherand how an industryis
domainthroughacquisitionor alliance, as organizedis a social construction.I use the
in Japanand Korea, or in the coalescence case of the electricalutility industryin the
of a numberof strongfamilyor othergroups UnitedStates from 1880to 1930.4We want
that began independentlyand laterjoined, to explainwhycertainplausiblealternatives
as is more the case in Latin America. But to the privateinvestorowned utilities now
whateverthe originand structure,it is com- dominant in the United States did not
mon for them to span a number of firms occur: e.g. public ownership, or private
and industries, and to coordinate their generationof electricpower by each home
investmentand productiondecisions,often and largeindustrialcompany,whichwould
througha bank that is formedthroughand have consignedutilities to a minor role.
closely identified with the group. Such We find a series of stages where the per-
groupshave a strong and sometimes dom- sonal networksof a few individualswere
inating role in the economies and polities crucial.From1880to 1892,ThomasEdison
of their countries. mobilized his considerable personal fol-
And despite the variationsin historyand lowing, includingsubstantialcapital from
structure,it is typicalfor such groupsto be the GermanEmpire, in a bitter struggleto
composedof participantswho are, to quote defeat bankerJ. P. Morgan'svision of an
one economist who has studied them, industryprovidingnot electricitybut gen-
'linked by relationsof interpersonaltrust, eratorsto homesand businessesto produce
on the basisof a similarpersonal,ethnic or their own electricityon site - the kind of
communalbackground'(Leff 1979:663).In systemthat, in the United States, became
some cases, tne network of personal conventionalfor home heating.
relations that initially builds the group Edison had alwayspreferredcentralsta-
becomes formalizedinto institutionalpat- tionsandthoughhe was finallyousted from
ternssuch as holdingcompaniesas in Nica- GeneralElectricandthe electricityindustry
ragua(Strachan1979)or patternsof mutual by J. P. Morganin 1892, the dominanceof
stockholdingas in Japan (Gerlach 1991). centralstationswas by then too entrenched
And then the shape of these institutions for even Morganto reverse.Note that Edi-
resultsmore from the originalstructureof son won this battlenot becausehis solution

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was the technologically correct one, but futureones can take; they become 'locked
rather because he was able to construct in'.5 Thus, economic problems and tech-
winningcoalitions of key actors. nologydo not call forth organizationalout-
One of Edison's main assistantsin this comesin some automaticandunconditional
battle was his personalsecretary,the Eng- way. Instead, these economic conditions
lishman Samuel Insull. In 1892, Insull restrict what the possibilities are. Then,
movedto Chicagoto take over a small,new individualand collective action, channeled
company, Chicago Edison, and brought throughexisting personalnetworks,deter-
with him a unique set of personal ties: to mine which possibility actuallyoccurs. So
financiers in Chicago, New York and even in identical economic and technical
London, to local political leaders, and to conditions, outcomes may differ dra-
inventors in both the United States and maticallyif social structuresare different.
Britain. Many of these had been forged Wherefirmsare, in some sense, 'calledfor'
as the result of his long association with by market conditions, they still may not
Edison. His combination of financialand arise if no group'ssocial structurecan sus-
technical expertise and political connec- tain them; inter-industry'groups' may or
tions allowed him to assemblecapital, pol- may not arise in favorable economic con-
itical favors and ways of operating that ditions, dependingon the structureof con-
other utility companies had found impos- nections among important families; and
sibleto implement,even thoughsome were industriesmay be configuredin quite dif-
well aware of their potential. That is, his ferentways, dependingon the shapesof the
achievementswere due to his politicaland interpersonalnetworks of leading actors.
entrepreneurialskills rather than to tech- There is thus, in this argument, a high
nologicalor organizationalinnovations. level of contingencyin the outcomes. This
A close studyof the way Insullorganized resemblessituationsin economic dynamics
ChicagoEdison, with the help of his exten- that are characterizedby multiple stable
sive connectionsand technicalskills, shows equilibriumpoints. Indeed, I believe that a
that the structure of the entire industry social constructionist account can help
derived from the initial organizational make such dynamic economic models of
decisionsin what would becomethe largest institutions more sophisticated. These
andmost successfulfirm.Insullalso shaped modelsare frustratingbecausethere is little
the industryby encouragingregulationby substantive way to resolve their under-
states (rather than by the federal or local determination.As in physical cases with
governments)and by developingthe hold- multiple equilibria, you can understand
ing companyform, that stabilizedrelations whichstate the systemhas reachedonly by
with local industry and with regulators. lookingat its history.But the contingencies
Soon, this network of firms, holding com- involvedin this historyare typicallyoutside
panies and regulatorscongealed. Personal the economicframework,and thusseem ad
networksstill mattered, but only those of hoc and unsatisfyingto economists;within
people central in the holding companies. a sociological framework, however, they
By the 1920s, the institutionalforms were can be given systematictreatment.
in place, and the outcome that we now see Notice that such multiple equilibrium
in the industrywas alreadyvisible. models, even if underdetermined,are far
from the historicist argument that every
case is unique and anythingis possible. In
4. Discussion all my cases there are only a few major
In the case of the evolutionof an industry, possibilities.In the case of electricutilities,
as forthe developmentof firmsandbusiness for example, we see, in effect, three poss-
groups, stable economic institutionsbegin ible system equilibria- public ownership,
as accretions of activity patterns around privatedecentralizedgenerationof power,
personalnetworks. Their structurereflects or privatelyheld utilities.Whatwe argueis
that of the networks, and even when those even given the constraintsof the particular
are no longer in place, the institutionstake political, technical and economic
on a life of their own that limits the forms parametersin place in late 19th century

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America, other outcomes were unlikely, toricism. Such an agenda, I argue, is central
butanyof these three mighthave occurred. to the vitality of the new economic soci-
Individualand collectiveaction, channeled ology.
throughexisting networksof personal and
bility actuallydid occur. Acknowledgements
An importantpart of general arguments This paperwas presentedat a conferencespon-
aboutsuchmatterswouldbe to characterize soredby the Centrede Rechercheen Epistmo-
those circumstances under which there logie Appliqueof the Ecole Polytechnique,on
indeed are multiple equilibria, and net- 'The Economicsof Conventions', Paris, 27-28
March1991. It drawson my book-in-progress,
works of collective action may determine Societyand Economy: The Social Construction
outcomes;part of my argumentabout the of EconomicInstitutions,to be publishedby Har-
utilitieswas that lateron, once the industry vardUniversityPress.
form was locked in, the other possibilities
were foreclosed, and in those periods, less Received September1991
contingenttheoreticalaccountsmighthave FinalversionacceptedDecember 1991
Also centralto the projectis to formulate
some theoretical principles concerning Notes
social structurethat will cut across all the I Fora moredetailedhistoricalaccountof the
cases and offer some explanatorypower. economicargumentsof Durkheim& Weber,and
One such generalprincipleis that the level of the interactionsbetweeneconomistsand soci-
of networkfragmentationand cohesion, or ologistsover the courseof the twentiethcentury,
couplingand decoupling,is a major deter- see Granovetter(1990).
2 For elaborationson this theme, see Blaug
minantof outcomes.Thatwas centralin the
(1986)and Kirzner(1973).
discussionof malfeasance,in the argument 3 For a more detailed accountof the ups and
about the overseas Chinese and in the downsin the treatmentof entrepreneurshipby
discussionof -businessgroups. economists,see Granovetter(1991:Ch.4).
Such an argumentbearsalso on the case ' This section reports on collaborative
of electric utilities. If Samuel Insull, for originatedby PatrickMcGuireand joined later
example, had been socially located in a by me and MichaelSchwartz.
I The idea that institutions may become
tightly-knitnetworkof close associates, he
mightwell have found it impossibleto con- 'lockedin' despitethe possiblegreaterefficiency
structthe outcomeshe did. Instead, he had of otherconceivableformsis a generalizationof
the argument for lock-in of inefficient tech-
relatively weaker ties into several insti- nologiesby Paul David (1986) and BrianArthur
tutional spheres - financial, political and (1989). Their line of argumentparallelsthat in
technical- that were decoupled from one industrialorganizationon 'first-mover'advan-
another, and this was the reason for his tage.
success. The general principlemay be that
the actor whose network reaches into the
largest number of relevant institutional References
realmswill have an enormous advantage. Arthur,W. B. 1989. CompetingTechnologies
This may be a case of what I have called and Lock-Inby HistoricalEvents. Economic
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