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Data can be defined as a collection of raw facts, figures or information ​.

Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics concerned with collecting, organizing, and

interpreting data.

A ​variable​ is any characteristics, number, or quantity that can be measured or counted​.​ A variable
may also be called a​ data item​.

● A ​continuous variable​ is a numeric variable by which Observations can take any value
between a certain set of real numbers or ​ have an infinite number of possible values.
● A ​discrete variable ​is a numeric variable by which Observations can only take ​on a
certain number of values​.​ A discrete variable cannot take the value of a fraction .

A qualitative variable, also called a​ ​categorical variable,​ are​ ​variables​ ​that are ​not numerical​. It describes
A variable whose value varies by attributes, names or characteristics.
A ​quantitative variable​ is a variable which can have some numerical value i.e. it can be represented in

Primary data​ refers to the raw data or original data (data without fabrication or not tailored data)
which has just been collected from the source and has not gone any kind of statistical treatment like
sorting and tabulation. The term ​primary data​ may sometimes be used to refer to first hand

Secondary data

Data which has already been collected by someone, may be sorted, tabulated and has undergone a
statistical treatment. It is fabricated or tailored data.​Secondary data is data that is being reused.

​Population:.​In statistics, population refers to the total​ ​set​ of observations [collection of individuals,
objects, or events] ​that can be made.

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