Artifact Agenda For 10

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Date: 10/26/2020
Time: 9:00 AM (EAT)
Location: Zoom:**********
Facilitator: Melanie
Minute taker: Cynthia H
Present: Melanie & Cynthia (STEMM Social Worker)

Topic and Time Discussion Action/Next steps

Check-in 9:00am  How is everyone doing?

Brief items 9:10am  Connecting with the

Clinical Officer and Dana

Main event 9:30am  Long-term care plan for

child with Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy.
 What does a care plan for a
child is muscular dystrophy
look like?
 Review home visit policies
for SCV
 Anything else?
Evaluation 10:00am
How did this
meeting go?
Anywhere we
can improve?

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