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We have been made to watch a low cardio exercise video for us to follow.

serves as a guide for us as well to include on our training program. Low cardio exercise
is a big help for my body to be in shape since it helps build my aerobic capacity. In turn,
my body is able to break down carbs and fats into energy, strengthen my slow-twitch
muscles and transport oxygen more effectively to my working muscles. As further
research I had made unto the exercise that I have been going through, I discovered that
low cardio exercise increases your ability to store glycogen, which are carbs in the liver
and muscle. In addition to this, once your glycogen stores have depleted, your body is
more efficient at metabolizing fat for fuel. Since I own a endomorph body type, low
cardio exercise is the type of exercise that my body needed to start with, before
proceeding to the much more intense one. I had my three sessions in doing my
exercise. I started with my warm up and stretching before proceeding to my low cardio
exercise. At first, I had a hard time in doing my exercise. It was maybe because of the
body that I have that prevents me on flexing my other muscles for the fat stored in there
is too much. My second session was a lot easier than I thought. Some exercise were
very fun to follow and I enjoyed in doing it so. I am starting to notice some improvement
on my body like starting to feel pain on my joints (which proves that the exercise has
been really working on the targeted part on my body) and my body became more
flexible in moving than before. Maybe if I will be consistent in my training program, some
bigger changes might take place in my body, and maybe in will keep on showing great
improvements. The third session was fun as well, and I am enjoying on the exercises. I
felt that fats have been burning on my body, considering that the exercise became more
intense. Low cardio workout has its own benefits as well. It strengthens your heart,
lungs, muscle and bones. Everything that you’d expect of a tough session. Since I am
an asthmatics person, this exercise is really helpful for my health. It will also calm the
nervous system and improve your blood circulation and increase blood flow. It burns
fats, and place less strain on joints, ligaments and tendons-and therefore reduce the
risk of injury. Low cardio training doesn’t discriminate-it’s suitable for everyone
regardless of which stage of your fitness journey you find yourself at.

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