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Knowledge Flow

Study of the First Element-Hydrogen - Exercise 6(A)

Question 1
Justify the position of Hydrogen in the periodic table.

Solution 1
Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table. Its atomic number is 1, and it has
only one electron in its valence shell. So, it belongs to the first group and the first period
of the periodic table.

Question 2
Why does hydrogen show dual nature?

Solution 2
Hydrogen shows dual nature because it resembles the alkali metals of Group IA and the
halogens of Group VIIA.

Question 3
Compare hydrogen with alkali metals on basis of:
i. Ion formation
ii. Reducing power
iii. Reaction with oxygen
iv. Oxide formation

Solution 3
i. Each of them can form a cation by loss of an electron.
H → H+ + e-
Li →Li+ + e-
ii. Both alkali metals and hydrogen act as reducing agents.
CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O
CuO + Na → Cu + Na2O
iii. Hydrogen burns in oxygen to form its oxide. It burns with a pop sound.
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
Alkali metals also burn vigorously when heated in oxygen to form their respective
Lithium forms monoxide.
4Li + O2 → 2Li2O
iv. Hydrogen burns in oxygen to form its oxide. It burns with a pop sound.
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
Alkali metals also burn vigorously when heated in oxygen to form their respective
Lithium forms monoxide.
4Li + O2 → 2Li2O

Question 4
In what respect does hydrogen differ from:
i. alkali metals
ii. halogens?

Solution 4
i. Oxides of alkali metals are basic in nature, whereas the oxide of hydrogen H2O is a
neutral oxide.
ii. Hydrogen atom has only one shell, but halogens have two or more shells.

Question 5
Give the general group study of hydrogen with reference to
i. valence electrons
ii. burning
iii. reducing power

Solution 5
i. Hydrogen has one valence electron in its outermost orbit.
ii. Hydrogen burns in oxygen to form its oxide. It burns with a pop sound.
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O
iii. Hydrogen acts as a reducing agent.
CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O

Question 6
Why hydrogen was called 'inflammable air'?

Solution 6
Hydrogen was called inflammable air because of its combustible nature.
Question 7
State some sources of hydrogen.

Solution 7
In the free state, hydrogen is found in traces in the earth's crust and atmosphere.
In the combined state, plant and animal tissues are made of compounds of hydrogen
with carbon, oxygen and nitrogen.

Question 8
Compare hydrogen and halogens on the basis of:
i. physical state
ii. ion formation
iii. valency
iv. reaction with oxygen

Solution 8
i. Like halogens (fluorine and chlorine), hydrogen too is a gas.
ii. Both show a tendency to form anions because they are one electron short of the
nearest inert gas configuration.
H + e- → H-
Cl + e- →Cl-
iii. Both have valency 1.
iv. Hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form neutral oxide, H2O. Halogens react with
oxygen to form acidic oxides like Cl2O and Cl2O7.

Question 9
Which metal is preferred for preparation of hydrogen.
i. from water?
ii. from acid?

Solution 9
i. Reactive metals such as potassium, sodium and calcium.
ii. Magnesium, aluminium, zinc and iron.

Question 10
i. Write the reaction of steam with red hot iron.
ii. Why this reaction is considered as reversible reaction?
iii. How the reaction can proceed continuously?

Solution 10
i. 3Fe + 4H2O ⇋ Fe3O4 + 4H2
ii. The reaction is reversible because if hydrogen formed is not removed, then the iron
oxide formed is reduced back to iron.
iii. Because the reaction is a reversible reaction, equilibrium is attained at 700°C. At this
stage, the amount of reactants and products does not change.
Question 11
Explain the unique nature of zinc and aluminium. Give balanced equations to support
your explanation.

Solution 11
They react with acids and can even react with hot concentrated alkalis to form
hydrogen and a soluble salt.
Zn + 2NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2
2Al + 6NaOH→ 2Na2Al O3 + 3H2
Oxides and hydroxides of zinc and aluminium are amphoteric. They react with both
bases and acids to give salt and water.
ZnO + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2O
ZnO + 2NaOH →Na2ZnO2 + H2O

Question 12
Write balanced equations for the following:
i. Iron reacts with dil. HCl
ii. Zinc reacts with caustic soda solution
iii. Lead reacts with potassium hydroxide
iv. Aluminium reacts with fused sodium hydroxide

Solution 12
i. Fe +2 HC l → FeCl2 + H2
ii. Zn + 2NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2
iii. Pb + 2KOH → K2PbO2 + H2
iv. 2Al + 6NaOH→ 2Na2Al O3 + 3H2

Question 13
Write the balanced equations and give your observations when the following metals
i. Sodium with cold water
ii. Calcium with cold water
iii. Magnesium with boiling water
iv. Magnesium with steam

Solution 13
i. The reaction is highly exothermic and vigorous with the evolution of hydrogen.
2Na + 2H2O →2NaOH + H2
ii. Calcium sinks in water and the reaction is less vigorous.
Ca + 2H2O → Ca(OH)2 + H2
iii. Magnesium reacts slowly with boiling water and forms a base, magnesium
hydroxide, liberating hydrogen gas.
Mg + 2H2O →Mg(OH)2 + H2O
iv. Magnesium burns in steam with an intense white light liberating hydrogen gas and
white ash, i.e. magnesium oxide.
Mg + H2O → MgO + H2

Question 14
i. Under what conditions iron reacts with water.
ii. Give the balanced equation of the reaction.
iii. What is noticed if the products are not allowed to escape?

Solution 14
i. Iron is less reactive than zinc, but red hot iron reacts with steam,
forming triferric tetra-oxide and hydrogen gas.
ii. 3Fe + 4H2O ⇋ Fe3O4 + 4H2
iii. If the product formed, i.e. hydrogen is not removed, then the iron oxide formed is
reduced back to iron.

Question 15
From the knowledge of activity series, name a metal which shows the following
i. It reacts readily with cold water.
ii. It displaces hydrogen from hot water.
iii. It displaces hydrogen from dilute HCl.
iv. It forms a base which is insoluble in water.

Solution 15
i. Sodium
ii. Magnesium
iii. Zinc
iv. Calcium

Question 16
Complete the following word equations:
a. Sodium hydroxide + zinc → hydrogen + _________
b. Calcium + water → calcium hydroxide + _________

Solution 16
a. Sodium hydroxide + zinc → hydrogen + sodium zincate
b. Calcium + water → calcium hydroxide + hydrogen

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