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What is environmental justice

When I first heard environmental justice I thought of the obvious things like, pollution, littering,
deforestation and that kind of thing but I had no idea the reality of what environmental justice
really is. While enviormental justice includes all of those things there is one major part that I feel
like most of us don't think about as much as lets say pollution and that is the lower income
familys who have to deal with the burden of living next to a power plant or factory, the lower
income familys who have to deal with the treat of asima just because of the location of their
house. These are the injuctises that are happening all over the United States and no one is
doing anything about it. These familys are dealing with things that almost all of us don't have to
think about liek whether or not the water we have in the tap has led in it or if the paint on the
walls is made from led which can lead to led poisoning. Before we can try and save the planet
we need to try and save the people that are getting hurt and damaged.

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