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Due date/time: October 14, 2020

Course Code: EDUC 1A

Course Description: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

Lesson 5 : Learning Theories

Offline Activity #3

Instructions: Answer the following questions. (Note: You can research your answer from the internet but
please rephrase it and give the credits to the rightful owner of the line that you used in answering the questions
1. Define learning theories.
Ans. Learning theories are a set of principles that explain how a student can acquire, retain and recall
new information during learning.
2. What do you think is the function of learning theories to the teaching-learning process?
3. Who said what?
Match column A from column B. Write the letter of your answer in space provided before the
Column A Column B

D. 3.1. “The teacher must orient his work not on yesterday’s a. Sigmund Freud
development in the child but on tomorrow’s.”
F. 3.2.“Healthy children will not fear life if the their elders b.Urie bronfenbrenner
have integrity enough not to fear death.”
E. 3.3.“Right action tends to be defined in terms of general c. Jean Piaget
individual rights and standards that have been critically
examined and agreed upon by the whole society.”
C. 3.4.“The principal goal of education in the schools should d. Lev Vygotsky
be creating men and women who are capable of doing
new things, not simply repeating what other generations
have done.”
A. 3.5.“The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh e. Lawrence Kolberg
of its bulk above water.”
B. 3.6.“We as a nation need to be reeducated about the necessary f. Erik Erikson
and sufficient conditions for making human beings human.
We need to be reeducated not as parents – but as members g. Robert Havighurst
of the organizations, committees, boards – and, especially,
the informal networks that control our social institutions
and thereby determine the conditions of life for our families
and their children.”

C. Select one quotation from question number 3 and make a reflection about it. (Note: 2-3 paragraphs)

“Healthy children will not fear life if the their elders have integrity enough not to fear death.”

Good relationship with elders is what makes the children wants to feel and nurturing every
moment. Whatever the elders passes through their children, the beliefs, thoughts, and life
importance especially if the parents and children have a strong bond of relationship, children may
have the good values that they could get, the more they have the strong mindset about the life that
they have to understand.

Being molded with the parents or the elders may affect the moral values of the children. It is
important to always guide our children in every path and decision that they need to choose. Life is
not always there or existing forever, we should accept the truth that we pass and leave wherever we
are right now.

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