STS Instructional Modules - Week 16 Evaluation

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Climate Change is the defining issue of our time and we are at a defining
moment. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising
sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate
change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale. Without drastic action
today, adapting to these impacts in the future will be more difficult and costly and
it includes both the global warming driven by human emissions of greenhouse
gases, and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns. Though there have
been previous periods of climatic change, since the mid-20th century the rate of
human impact on Earth's climate system and the global scale of that impact have
been unprecedented. In terms of the poster they are valid as they are more
resourceful or useful in creating a change in the world. These posters can be
mutually understand by people because it is a simple drawing with an picture or
image of stopping the climate change happening in our country and these
drawing symbolizes we need to focus on the things that we are forgetting which is
helping our environment and our nature and these drawings helps us realize what
we are lacking as a person and we are just letting our mother earth to be
destroyed, and we need to know the possibilities hazard or bad effect of climate
not just only in the mother earth and also to the livelihood of animals and also our
health. We need to unite as one and came up to solution that can prevent of
happening any disasters in our world not only climate change. There is an
example of supporting the ceasing the climate change or any disasters which is
the beauty pageant Miss Earth which focuses in protecting mother nature and
preventing any harm or risk that may come in ruining our natural resources and
climate change is one of their project in stopping it and it is an reliable
organization because all the phenomenon that is happening around the world
they are studying it to give an solution which is helpful for other countries which
are experiencing natural hazards such as typhoons, flooding, earthquake,
tsunami, hurricane and etc. These organization tends to help the mother earth
also with some creative posters like “beautiful cause, we will because we can and
many more” and it is much more interesting because they are conspiring to the
government who are designated in stopping the climate change to improve the
quality of our natural resources and these posters our helpful to call the people in
communicating them through drawings or posters around the world to unite as
one and stop these climate change. Many countries have been coming up with a
solution in preventing climate change such as mitigation which involves reducing
the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, either by
reducing sources of these gases for example, the burning of fossil fuels for
electricity, heat or transport or enhancing the “sinks” that accumulate and store
these gases such as the oceans, forests and soil. The goal of mitigation is to
avoid significant human interference with the climate system, and “stabilize
greenhouse gas levels in a timeframe sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt
naturally to climate change, ensure that food production is not threatened and to
enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner” and
Adaptation or adapting to life in a changing climate involves adjusting to actual or
expected future climate. The goal is to reduce our vulnerability to the harmful
effects of climate change like sea-level encroachment, more intense extreme
weather events or food insecurity. It also encompasses making the most of any
potential beneficial opportunities associated with climate change for example,
longer growing seasons or increased yields in some regions. Also, these kinds of
posters need to be broaden in order for us people to be alarm and we can do so
much things in preventing climate change such as Renewable energies changing
our main energy sources to clean and renewable energy. Solar, Wind,
Geothermal and biomass could be the solution, Sustainable transportation which
our transport methods must be aligned with environmental requirements and
reduce their carbon footprint. It is essential to rethink our transport methods from
the design stage towards eco-friendly transportation, Air pollution prevention
which methods exist to prevent, control and reduce air pollution, in particular by
reducing the consumption of fossil fuels, and limiting industry emissions and
waste, Waste Management & recycling wherein it is the simplest solution to
reduce waste is to adapt our production methods to our consumption patterns.
The recycling process must also be considered in our consumption habits, Sea
and Ocean preservation where oceans and seas are the largest storage of
greenhouse gases and are an exceptional support system for life on this planet.
Limiting overfishing, unsustainable development activities in coastal areas and
the consumption of environmentally friendly products is now essential, and
Circular economy where we utilize the 3 r's of circular economy (Reduce, Reuse
and Recycle) to significantly reduce our waste and avoid unnecessary production
of new items. In my opinion these posters and drawings are so helpful and useful
for us people in redirecting our steps in helping our mother earth with these
“because our micro effort will have an macro effect to help save our home and
our planet” and these posters is our micro effort that we can provide in the world
in stopping these climate change and because sometimes people are the ones
who destroying or punishing of mother earth because of undisciplined or immoral
actions, their vices and doing nothing and they do not care about what is
happening around the world and they just want to live peacefully and these
actions of people are the one who makes it worse and letting our mother earth to
die and demolished because at the end our mother earth is the one who will help
us to live peacefully because of so many benefits that we gets, so we need to
take actions and recalibrate our minds in helping our mother nature, we have to
be aware in our diverse surroundings and as human being we need to work
together as one so that we can achieve our goals which is stopping climate
change and any other disasters that may come. Therefore, as people we are the
source of the light of our mother nature because we are the ones who are
smarter and wise to other living things and we need to protect our mother earth,
not being the case of destroying of mother earth and these actions not only by
organizations or government we need to be involved in these types of actions
because these animals, plants and other natural resources we also need them in
our living in these earth and so we need to protect them and these actions such
as poster is greater thing in helping the mother earth and living things to have
peaceful lives so “ we have a single mission which is to protect and hand on the
planet to the next generation so stop climate change”.

2. In my opinion, the Department of Disaster and Resilience(DDR) has been lacking

in terms of strengthening the planning, execution, and financing framework for
climate change, enhancing leadership and accountability through monitoring,
evaluation, and review of climate change policies and activities, building the
country’s capacity and managing change and solutioning and preventing the
climate change because government has always been have a low budget cost in
investing some tangible technologies or promoting the cease of climate change in
our country and their actions have not been that known or acknowledge yet to
people in taking the risk in protecting the mother earth, also as we all know in
government actions there is always involve money that is why the money is the
reason why they join in such an organization and also, that is the reason why the
actions of Department of Disaster and Resilience has been lacking in supporting
the climate change unlike, other organizations which is the beauty pageant Miss
Earth they are mostly focus on the problems or disaster that is happening around
our country and they are more investing and sharing their strength in terms of
money, effort, and passion in helping the country to stop climate change which
the government is lacking. There are several good, radical changes in the
proposed Department of Disaster Resilience (DDR). First and foremost, the
integration of agencies involved in disaster risk reduction and climate change
under one roof is the right way to go. The transfer and harmonization of the
powers and functions of agencies and offices such as the Office of Civil Defense
(OCD) of the Department of National Defense (DND), Climate Change Office of
the Climate Change Commission (CCC), the Mines and Geosciences Bureau of
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Health
Emergency Management Bureau of the Department of Health (DOH), the
Disaster Response Assistance and Management Bureau of the Department of
Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), and the Bureau of Fire Protection
(BFP) of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) are logical
and necessary from an organizational perspective. There are so many proposed
actions in terms of the climate change but none of it is effective in terms of
preventing it but sometimes, government agencies that are involve is making it
worse and that is the problem, in protecting our mother earth we need to have a
solidify plans and actions and also, people and other government agencies have
to do more in their actions as they are the future leaders and need to step up in
the pace in times of disasters. For example, in the Haiyan typhoon which is a
drastic moment for the Filipino people which affect them mentally and emotionally
the government made an action but there is no impact they cannot prevent or
protect the people in dying or in their livelihood because of the destroyed natural
resources and houses cause by these typhoon, the government itself need to
have a plan or solution ahead of time instead of just letting people to evacuate
which does not help them at all they need to have an evacuation center which
people are really safe and does not affect in the typhoon instead of after the
typhoon people will be mentally and emotionally trauma in the typhoon they need
to step up as future leaders in this era. Also the Department of Disaster and
Resilience needs to improve their government structure in coping up with climate
changes and unify with other organizations who wants to stop climate also, their
budgeting in terms of any disasters that may happen must be on point to help the
people in needs and examples of people who suffers from climate change is that
the environmental effects of climate change are broad and far reaching, effecting
oceans, ice, and weather. Changes may occur gradually or rapidly. Evidence for
these effects comes from studying climate change in the past, from modelling,
and from modern observations. Since the 1950s, droughts and heat waves have
appeared simultaneously with increasing frequency. Extremely wet or dry events
within the monsoon period have increased in India and East Asia. Various
mechanisms have been identified that might explain extreme weather in mid-
latitudes from the rapidly warming Arctic, such as the jet stream becoming more
erratic. The maximum rainfall and wind speed from hurricanes and typhoons is
likely increasing. Recent warming has driven many terrestrial and freshwater
species poleward and towards higher altitudes. Higher atmospheric CO2 levels
and an extended growing season have resulted in global greening, whereas
heatwaves and drought have reduced ecosystem productivity in some regions.
The future balance of these opposing effects is unclear. Climate change has
contributed to the expansion of drier climate zones, such as the expansion of
deserts in the subtropics. The size and speed of global warming is making abrupt
changes in ecosystems more likely. Overall, it is expected that climate change
will result in the extinction of many species and reduced diversity of ecosystems.
The oceans have heated more slowly than the land, but plants and animals in the
ocean have migrated towards the colder poles as fast as or faster than species
on land. Just as on land, heat waves in the ocean occur more frequently due to
climate change, with harmful effects found on a wide range of organisms such as
corals, kelp, and seabirds. Ocean acidification threatens damage to coral reefs,
fisheries, protected species, and other natural resources of value to society.
Harmful algae bloom enhanced by climate change and eutrophication cause
anoxia, disruption of food webs and massive large-scale mortality of marine life.
Coastal ecosystems are under stress, with almost half of wetlands having
disappeared because of climate change and other human impacts. As a person
who loves nature, I have a advice to our government to strengthen their
government plans and structure to prevent climate change such as protect and
restore key ecosystem which respect for nature is fundamental. Governments
must protect ecosystems key to the fight against climate change: rivers, wetlands,
oceans, forests, and mangroves absorb large quantities of carbon, slowing
warming. Mangroves also serve as a barrier against tropical storms, and
wetlands absorb excess water from floods, both extreme weather events
exacerbated by climate change. “Healing the natural system is the most feasible,
realistic and fair option, since it would benefit humanity and all species,” said
Florencia Ortúzar, an attorney with AIDA’s Climate Change Program. “In terms of
conservation and restoration, we’re in a race against time, and we’re already
beginning to witness alarming natural phenomena, like forests so degraded
they’re losing their ability to absorb carbon.” Support small agricultural producers
according to the FAO, the meat industry is responsible for 15 to 18 percent of all
greenhouse gas emissions, exceedingly even those of the transportation sector.
In addition, it is the most significant source of water use and contamination in the
world. Today, 80 percent of all agricultural production goes toward feeding
animals not people. The expansion of land for livestock, and the crops to feed
them, is the most significant cause of deforestation in the Amazon. Governments
can make a difference by supporting small local producers who, unlike large
factory farms, employ sustainable practices, care about land restoration, benefit
nearby communities, and make animals and crops more resilient to climate
change. It is less about everybody becoming vegetarians, but more about
supporting those who produce our food with a respect for nature. Promote green
energy Thirty-five percent of all global emissions come from energy production.
But as countries bet on more development, they are also betting on more energy
production. But as countries bet on more development, they are also betting on
more energy. While thermoelectric and hydroelectric energies were long
considered the cheapest options, technological developments have allowed us to
find better, cheaper, more efficient alternatives. With proper long-term planning,
nations can avoid old climate-aggravating energy sources (hydropower is not
green) and opt for small wind, solar, geothermal, oceanic, and other projects that
adapt to a place’s unique characteristics. “When thinking about energy, it’s best
to bet on a diversified matrix, prioritizing projects that are close to places where
people need energy, saving on losses and infrastructure,” Ortúzar explained. “We
must give absolute priority to the protection of nature. Every action, public policy,
or strategy should be analyzed with nature in mind, and the production of energy
is a good starting point.” Combat short-lived climate pollutants which Carbon
dioxide (CO2) is the most infamous greenhouse gas. Since it remains in the
atmosphere for centuries (even millennia), even if we stopped all its emissions
sources today, the effects of climate change would continue. The good news is
that other contaminants exist that contribute to climate change and only last a few
days or years in the atmosphere. They’re known as short-lived climate pollutants,
and they’re responsible for 30 to 45 percent of the emissions that cause global
warming. These pollutants include black carbon (soot), methane, ozone, and the
hydro fluorocarbons found in refrigerants. Their effective control, through national
policies and regulations, could accelerate the fight against climate change in the
short term. In addition, because they cause serious air pollution, measures to
mitigate them would directly benefit human health. Lastly, bet on adaptation, not
just mitigation in the fight against climate change, work aimed at reducing
emissions, stopping their effects, and diminishing future consequences is known
as mitigation. It is important. However, some communities are already
experiencing tragic consequences due to changes in climate over a short period
of time. So, we also must act to prevent catastrophes, increase resilience, and
reduce vulnerability, which is known as adaptation. Projects to mitigate emissions
are more attractive financially than those designed for adaptation, which are
generally focused on the most vulnerable communities. But it is important to give
adaptation the significance it deserves in recognition of the fact that the impacts
of climate change are already a grave reality for many. At this year’s COP,
representatives are discussing a “loss and damage” mechanism, referring to the
compensation that developed countries the main causes of climate change must
make to developing countries, which suffer significant losses due to adverse
climate effects, Ortúzar explained. Our governments must support these
discussions and commit to the effective use of resources, so all the world’s
people can be better prepared for, and help to prevent, greater changes to our
climate. Overall, the Department of Disaster and Resilience must really focus on
their core which is coping up and stopping the climate change not involving with
other issues of our country and these suggestions are very effective in
maintaining our surroundings green, clean and safe in order for us to prevent
climate change some people might not believe climate change but it is people
who are creating climate change simple instructions for the government might be
needed in stopping climate change from happening.

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