Method Teaching Sir Lasunra

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A.INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................2

B.BODY .................................................................................................................3

a. Competencies possessed by an efl teacher ..................................................... 3

b. The role of EFL teachers in education............................................................4

c. English teaching design model........................................................................9

C. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................13
D. BIBLIOGRAPHY...............................................................................................15


This article discusses competency standards and the role that an EFL teacher
should have in the context of education in Indonesia. The insights available on the
situation of the quality of EFL teachers in Indonesia, their good attitudes indicate the
language they teach, the styles and methods they use consciously. The findings from
the interview data indicate that EFL teachers must have a positive attitude towards the
English they teach, and teachers must apply language skills.


All forms of language teaching could be greatly improved if we had a better

understanding of the language learner and of the language learning process itself.

In an era when English is greatly increasing in importance, excelent EFL teachers

are needed to help achieve the national education curriculum goal.The suggestion that
the “good language teachers” might be doing something special or different that we
could all learn from. Good language teachers have, of course, an intuitive
understanding of language learning. Successful language teachers are often
committed to monitoring their own performance quite consciously they often want to
understand the language system. Using teaching strategies that are compatible with
student learning styles. should not be the sole approach to classroom instruction.
Good language teachers should always need to build on the teaching styles and
strategies that they currently use and to experiment with new other teaching methods.

Successful EFL teachers have respect for their students, taking time and effort
to prepare classes and mark assignments. They should not just throw a talk together 5
min before the teaching starts or skim through an essay that has taken a student many
hours and much effort to complete. Successful EFL teachers have a sense of humor
and are able to use this effectively in their teaching. Humor, both planned and
spontaneous, is an excellent additive to many learning environments. The positive

atmosphere created through the use of humor increases motivation, keeps the
learner’s attention and can reduce stress in both the learner and lecturer. Comedy can
be achieved in a variety of ways, including funny pictures, humorous anecdotes and
punchy jokes. More laughs are raised, however, if the witticisms are appropriate to
the subject being taught – random jokes used out of context can be worse than none at

In the Indonesian context, a good mastery of English will indeed help

accelerate the development of the country for two major reasons. First, the
development should be supported by the mastery of science and technology. To the
writer's observation, most of the books of science and technology are written in
English and much scientific information available on electronic media is also
presented in English. Second, English is one of the international languages used for
various international communication purposes trading, diplomacy, politics and
education. So a good mastery of English can be said to be a prerequisite for the
success of developing this country. Unfortunately, the teaching of English in
Indonesia has so far been unable to achieve its declared goals despite the many efforts
made to improve its quality. A layman's observation has indicated that secondary
school leavers who have learned this language for 6 years, with almost 900 hours of
school teaching, are unable to use this language for communication purposes. This
phenomenon can also be observed among university graduates and even among
faculty members.This situation should be improved in the context of decentralization
in which the probability of success might be greater due to greater freedom to meet
the students' needs. Under the school-based management, the teaching of English can
be designed in such a way as to meet the learning needs of the students. However, to
ensure that the school helps its students to learn English to reach a level of
performance publicly recognized, a `standard ' for English should be formulated. The
standard should be the main reference for benchmarking.


a. Competencies possessed by an EFL teacher

Teacher Competency Standards are several indicators that can be used as a

measure of the characteristics of teachers who are considered professionally
competent. Teacher competence is a combination of personal, scientific,
technological, social, and spiritual abilities that comprehensively form the
standard competencies of the teaching profession, which includes material
mastery, understanding of students, educational learning, personal development,
and professionalism.

The teacher is the most important component in the education system as a

whole that must get maximum attention. This figure will get a strategic spotlight
when talking about education problems, because teachers are always associated
with any component in the education system. Teachers have a very strategic role
in realizing the goals of national development, especially in the field of
education, so that they need to be developed as professional and dignified

A teacher must have four competencies, namely, Professional competence,

namely the skill of a teacher in implementing matters related to professionalism
which is seen in his ability to develop responsibility, carry out roles well, strive to
achieve educational goals, and carry out his role in classroom learning.

Pedagogic competence, namely mastering and understanding character and

identifying student learning potentials and difficulties. Teachers must also be able
to develop a curriculum so that they are able to make attractive learning designs
and make use of technology and information for educational purposes.

Social competence, namely the teacher's ability to interact with students, parents,
colleagues and the environment, either directly or indirectly. Personality
competence, namely the ability to be an example of a positive attitude.

Students have a desire that it is easier for them to understand the lesson. This can
be done if the teacher has the ability to involve students in the learning process, is
able to treat them fairly and is able to distinguish the differences of each student.

able to master the field of knowledge being taught, and relate it to other subjects
and connect it to the real world, able to create, enrich and adapt teaching methods
that appeal to students.

b. The role of EFL teachers in education

According to Gerstner et al (1995), there are several roles that need to be

played by teachers.

1) Teacher as Coach

So far, teachers generally act as instructors who serve as suppliers of

information for students by pouring what they have into the heads of
students. Therefore, in the classroom the teacher must work from
planning, giving lectures, asking various questions to students, and taking
care of tests. Such a role should be abandoned in today's educational
praxis. According to Gerstner et al. (1995), the impression of teachers as
suppliers of knowledge needs to be thrown away. And the role of the
teacher as an instructor must be replaced by the role of the teacher as a
coach (coach). As trainers, teachers are tasked with helping students find
their own way of absorbing and understanding knowledge. The best
teachers are those who help students learn, just like a coach helps soccer
players, for example, who are competing in a learning game. Teachers as
trainers must be able to convince students to have learning tools, motivate
them to work hard, encourage them to work towards common goals and
help them to appreciate learning and appreciate knowledge. On the other
hand, teachers should not just order or even force students to learn.

The opinion of Gerstner et al is in line with Soedijarto's (1993: 83)
thinking which states that the role of teachers in education today must be
changed. Teachers should no longer act as lecturers and presenters of
information, but rather prioritize the ability to plan, manage and supervise
the learning process that involves learner participation, and increase
learners' motivation to study hard continuously.

In different languages, Amidjaja (1991) and Semiawan (1991) in

essence also suggest a change in the role of teachers in the same pattern.
Amidjaja (1991) in Semiawan and Soedijarto (1991: 40) states that as a
result of the development of science and technology, the role of the
teacher needs to be changed from teaching which emphasizes the
development of students' abilities in observation, analysis, and reasoning.
Meanwhile, Semiawan (1991) in Semiawan and Soedijarto (1991) implies
that teachers should not only emphasize the concept of APA being taught.
In other words, teachers need to provide process skills to their students.
Such a role is certainly no longer the role of an instructor, but rather the
role of a coach.

2) Teacher as Counselor

It is impossible for teachers to inspire and motivate students to learn

without first building a close relationship with them. Therefore, the
classroom situation must be made in such a way as to allow teachers to
build close relationships with their students. One alternative put forward
by Gerstner et al (1995) to overcome this problem is to create small
groups in schools. Each group is guided by one teacher. The ratio of six
students to one teacher is the ideal figure proposed by Gerstner et al.

By forming small groups like that the teacher can build a close
relationship with students. Communication between teachers and students

runs intensively, and teachers can do something like what a counselor
should do with patients to motivate students in learning.

3) Teacher as Learning Manager

Traditionally, teachers usually teach the same material at the same

time in the same class. The teacher arranges and prepares the material in a
structured manner and teaches it in the classroom. Teaching activities like
this are usually fun for both teachers and students; however, it does not
stimulate students' curiosity. Even teachers often feel they do not have
sufficient freedom and time to care for each student individually.
Therefore activities like this need to be changed.

The new role as an alternative role as above is the role of manager. In

this role, the teacher directs students to carry out several kinds of activities
at the same time. Some students can be directed to take advantage of the
available media or tools, some do group work activities, and some work
with tutors. In such a setting the teacher's job is to coordinate work,
related people, learning media, and students in a productive combination.

4) Teacher as Participant Teaching,

says Al Shanker in Gersmer (1995: 154) is "a lonely profession". Even

though the school is full of children and has a number of adult teachers
working under the same roof, the teacher turns out to spend most of the
time lonely. During their teaching hours, they are in a classroom isolated
from other life. The teacher only had time to exchange ideas with
colleagues for a very limited time. Unlike other professionals who are in
constant contact with each other either by telephone, fax, or through
meetings. Teachers usually isolate one from another.

Isolation of one teacher from another is very unfortunate in this day
and age. In today's modern economic world, the exchange of information
between workers and other parties is key to performance and
productivity. Especially in schools, whose main task is to distribute
information, and the goal is to produce human beings who are skilled,
intelligent and have noble character. Exchange of information between
teachers and between teachers and other parties is needed, especially to
improve the teaching and learning process in order to produce higher
quality graduates.

The teacher's loneliness in carrying out his duties today can be

overcome by establishing team teaching. Team teaching in this new
perspective is different from what has been applied since other decades.

The older version of team teaching was formed with the aim of
helping teachers set schedules, increase planning time, and provide
additional skills to learners. Meanwhile, team teaching in this new
perspective was created as a new way to connect teachers with teachers
and teachers with students. It is through these connections that plans are
made to link the learning units to the appropriate teaching strategy. In
addition, special problems that befall certain students were also discussed
to find solutions.

The creation of team teaching in the new version contains many

benefits. First. each teacher feels responsible for the success of each
student; second, the obstacles that occur between teachers and teachers
and between teachers and students are overcome; and third, the teacher no
longer feels lonely.

Problems Teaching English in Schools it is well known that the

results of education today are still not satisfactory. In general, the level of

achievement of curriculum goals for all fields of study has not been
achieved well, including in the field of English. Quality of English
teaching results, especially in high school. still very far from expected. Of
the 4,000 high school students in eight provinces, only 4.5% have
succeeded in achieving the curriculum targets (Huda, 1988 in Wahab,

In terms of the teaching and learning process, based on observations

and experiences of teaching English in schools in general, it is also not
satisfactory. For most students, English is still considered a frightening,
annoying, boring specter, and so on. Many students scramble, skip, and
play alone when attending English lessons.

Without ignoring other causes, logically it can be assumed that the

lethargy in the teaching and learning process of English in schools is
caused by the teacher factor, because the teacher is the one who deals
directly with the management of the teaching and learning process. The
role of the teacher in the teaching and learning process, as stated by
Soedijarto (1993b: 121) greatly determines the quality of the learning
process which will ultimately lead to the quality of learning outcomes.

As teachers of other fields of study, still have more of a role as

masters or instructors who work to supply knowledge to learners. In
teaching reading, for example the teacher enters the classroom by first
greeting; followed by instructing the students to open the textbook of so
many pages; then asked some students to read aloud the reading passage
that the students did not necessarily understand. After that, the teacher
asks students to complete tasks to complete the reading passage.

They also work individually in the classroom. There is no work

relationship between one teacher and another. There is never a discussion

about the problems faced by students. Nor do the teachers try to plan
together the lesson materials to be given in grades 1, II, and III. Teachers
use textbooks on the market without first discussing what weaknesses are
in the book and how to overcome them. As a result, teachers often shift
responsibility to one another. If students fail in Class II, the Class I
teacher is considered the scapegoat.

The relationship between teachers and students today has not reached
the level of closeness that is expected. The teacher does not know the
students and some students do not even know the name of their teacher.

Teaching conditions like that may be the cause of the low quality of
the teaching and learning process, which then leads to learning failure. To
overcome this problem, new thoughts are needed that lead to improving
the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

c. English teaching design model

The emergence of new perspectives on the role of teachers as stated in the

front section raises the inspiration to suggest an alternative solution to the
problem of teaching English in schools. The role of the teacher, which has been
carried out, seems to need to be changed in such a way so that the learning
process can run more effectively. A new role as suggested by Gerstner et al
(1995), Soedijarto (1993). and Amidjaja (1991) need attention in order to
overcome this problem.

And by considering these things, the teaching design needs to be formulated

fundamentally starting from the formulation of objectives, materials, strategies,
and learning evaluation.

1) Learning objectives

The purpose of doing language teaching in general is to equip learners with
four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing skills (Stem,
1983). Likewise with teaching English in Indonesia. foreign language is done to
equip learners with these four language skills. However, there are certain
priorities that emphasize skills that suit the needs of learners.

Emphasize reading skills. This is reasonable because after graduating from

high school, students who continue to tertiary institutions are required to be able
to read various lecture literature in English. .

Such a background should be used as a reference for finding the purpose of

learning English in schools, especially those that are done through teaching
reading. In line with this thought, the purpose of learning to read English should
be directed so that students are accustomed and skilled at reading various kinds of
reading passages that contain scientific information.

2) Selection of Teaching Materials

 Material Resources

In accordance with the learning objectives, learning materials should be taken

and authentic materials. This authentic material is the material contained in
original documents written by native speakers. The writings contained in
encyclopedia, foreign newspapers, foreign magazines, and books written by
native speakers are examples and authentic materials that can be used as teaching
materials for teaching reading in English classes.

These materials have different readability gradations. Therefore, the

preparation also considers the level of readability ranging from simple to
complex. And usually the readings contained in encyclopedia tend to be simpler
than those found in foreign newspapers or magazines.

 Material theme

The 1994 curriculum which adopts a meaningful approach has provided

opportunities for teachers to adjust to the teacher's new role. In the curriculum, as
stated by Huda (1994), English teachers are not bound by the use of textbooks
prepared by bureaucrats. Thus, teachers are free to determine their own material
to be presented to their students. The 1994 curriculum only asks teachers to teach
material according to predetermined themes. And each theme can be broken down
into topics.

With a defined material theme, the teacher can still give students the freedom
to choose topics (part of the theme) of interest as long as the topic is still in
accordance with the theme of the learning material. For example, in teaching
reading material on the theme of SPORTS, teachers can give freedom to students
either individually or in groups to find their own topics related to SPORT. A
group of students, for example, took a reading on the topic of SPORTS
CHARACTERS with the title, for example, MOHAMMAD ALl (famous boxer
figure), PELE (soccer figure), etc .; other groups take the topic of sports such as
SOCCER, TENNIS LAWN, TAKRAW, DLS; and other groups taking the topic
of names of sports organizations such as FIFA, WBA, WBO, etc. With such
freedom it is possible for students to be more eager to learn and trained to find the
information that they are interested in and need. And without realizing it, they
practice reading English discourse.

3) Learning strategies

In principle, the teacher's adjustment to a new role lies in the use of the
learning strategy that is carried out. The roles of trainers, counselors, learning
managers, and participants can be combined into learning strategies as described
in the following sections: The teacher introduces the theme of the material to be

given. The teacher leads the brainstorm to activate the schemata (background
knowledge that learners already have).

The teacher guides and provides opportunities for students to read about the top:
k-topics they choose in various references in the library, for example the
Americana Encyclopedia, Reader's Digests, or newspapers / magazines in

The teacher asks for reports to each individual or group of students about the
information they get from reading. Some information-seeking questions may need
to be given and posed to them so that they can be answered in a structured and
detailed manner. Likewise, an explanation of linguistic aspects that the learner
does not understand.

4) Evaluation

Evaluation activities are carried out in accordance with learning activities.

Because it is possible for students to study different discourses, the evaluation
material must also vary. The teacher can provide several kinds of reading passages
along with the questions that must be answered. And students are asked to choose
one or several reading passages that they are interested in. Thus there will be no
problem that certain students cannot work on evaluation questions on the grounds
that they have never studied them.

Learning activities like the one above will have a positive impact on the
learning atmosphere. The varied atmosphere with studying in the library brings its
own nuances that are not boring for learners. The freedom to choose topics
according to students' interests also provides their own comfort. And obtaining a
variety of important and interesting information from English books will also make
students like to read the sources of knowledge in English that they can find in the
library. Thus, the impression of English lessons as a 'scourge' that is frightening,

boring, and so on will disappear from the minds of students. On the other hand,
students will have higher motivation to learn English. And this motivation is a very
important factor in determining one's success in learning a foreign language.
Spolsky (1989: 148) states,

"The more motivation a learner has, the more he or she will spend learning an
aspect of a second language. And the more time spent learning any aspect of a
second language, the more will be learned."


The EFL teacher is the most important component in the overall education
system that must get maximum attention in the world of education. They must have a
competency standard against which a professionally competent expert is measured.
Good personal, scientific, social, spiritual skills, mastery of material, understanding
of students, and personality development. The competencies that must be possessed
are professional, pedagogical, and personal competences. The role of the teacher
according to Genster et al is a teacher as a trainer, a teacher as a counselor, a teacher
as a learning manager, a teacher as a participant. . The problem of teaching English in
schools is known to the public that the results of education today are still not
satisfactory. In general, the level of curriculum objectives for all fields of study has
not been achieved properly, including in the field of English. Quality of results in
English, especially in high school. still very far from expected. Of the 4,000 high
school students in eight provinces, only 4.5% have succeeded in achieving the
curriculum target (Huda, 1988 in Wahab, 1991).

The emergence of a new perspective on the role of the teacher that was put
forward at the front gave rise to inspiration to suggest an alternative management of
English problems in schools. The teacher's role that has been carried out seems to
need to be changed so that the learning process can run more effectively. A new role
was suggested by Gerstner et al (1995), Soedijarto (1993). and Amidjaja (1991) need

attention to overcome this problem. And by considering these things, compiling a
plan that needs to be formulated fundamentally starting from the formulation of
objectives, materials, strategies, and evaluation of learning


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