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Construction and Building Materials 228 (2019) 116730

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Influence of marble waste as partial replacement of fine aggregates on

strength and drying shrinkage of concrete
Kirti Vardhan a,⇑, Rafat Siddique b, Shweta Goyal b
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India
Civil Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India

h i g h l i g h t s

 Utilization of waste marble as partial replacement of natural river sand.

 Maximum benefit in compressive strength was obtained at 40% replacement level.
 Drying shrinkage of concrete mixes decreased with addition of waste marble aggregates.
 A shrinkage prediction model incorporating proportion of waste marble is proposed with very high correlation coefficient.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the present study, the influence of using marble waste as fine aggregates in concrete is investigated.
Received 17 January 2019 The marble waste is used as partial replacement of natural river sand, with the replacement levels vary-
Received in revised form 5 August 2019 ing from 10 to 60%. The effect of using marble waste aggregates is investigated in terms of workability,
Accepted 14 August 2019
compressive strength, drying shrinkage and micro-structural properties of concrete. Test results indicate
that marble waste aggregates can be incorporated into concrete to improve its strength and shrinkage
properties. There is an improvement in compressive strength by 20% with the incorporation of marble
waste aggregates, with the corresponding decrease in drying shrinkage by 30%. Maximum benefit in
Waste marble
Drying shrinkage
terms of compressive strength and drying shrinkage was observed till 40% replacement level. Micro-
Compressive strength structural analysis also revealed densification of concrete matrix, which is attributed to refinement of
Microstructure pores due to physical and chemical changes in the concrete matrix. A comparison of observed shrinkage
strains with the predicted values obtained from the well-established prediction models confirm the
requirement for incorporation of an additional parameter based on the percentage of marble waste to
be adopted to predict the shrinkage values of such mixes accurately. Further, a multivariable regression
model is developed for the prediction of shrinkage strain of mixes containing marble waste aggregates.
The various parameters included in the prediction model are 28-day compressive strength, drying dura-
tion and proportion of marble waste used as fine aggregates. A high correlation coefficient (R2) obtained
between the experimental and predicted values indicate the effectiveness of the proposed model.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cement clinker. Now, the efforts have been extended to explore
the sustainable alternatives for natural aggregates.
Since the beginning of twentieth century, sincere efforts are Aggregates constitute nearly 70% of total mass of concrete and
being made to incorporate industrial by-products into concrete are obtained from natural quarries or river beds. Increase in con-
for sustainable development [1]. Initially, the focus of research struction activities to meet ever increasing needs of humanity have
was on the use of industrial by-products as cement replacement, led to uncontrolled exploitation of these natural resources for
so as to achieve the dual purpose of reduction in carbon footprint extracting aggregates. It is therefore necessary to explore some
and over-exploitation of natural resources required to produce alternative materials, which are generated as by-products and
are considered waste, as potential substitutes for natural aggre-
gates. The major requirements for the material to be used as fine
⇑ Corresponding author. aggregates is that it should be inert and should fall in the similar
E-mail address: (K. Vardhan).
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 K. Vardhan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 228 (2019) 116730

particle size range as specified for natural fine aggregates [2]. Some that the addition of mineral admixtures improves concrete pore
such materials that fall under this category and are tested for their structure, thereby affecting the magnitude of drying shrinkage
performance as partial replacement of fine aggregates are foundry [14,17]. Among various mineral admixtures, Mokarem et al.
sand, quarry dust, bottom ash, manufactured sand from granite, reported that mixtures containing fly ash exhibited greater drying
limestone etc. [2]. Marble waste has also shown its potential to shrinkage than those containing slag cement [14]. Kou et al.
be utilized as fine aggregates in concrete production. observed an average 15–20% lower shrinkage strain in mixes hav-
Marble powder is a waste generated by marble processing and ing fly ash [18]. Shariq et al. also reported that 20–60% addition of
quarrying industry [3]. Five leading countries in production of mar- GGBS leads to increase in shrinkage strain by 15–50% as compared
ble are China, India, Brazil, Turkey and Italy, in which India ranks sec- to the reference concrete without GGBS addition [19]. Yuan et al.
ond [4]. In India, Rajasthan is the richest state with regards to marble reported 20–35% reduction in shrinkage strain in mixtures contain-
deposits (1100 Million Tons), both in quality and quantity [5]. ing 60% volume replacement of cement with slag cement [20]. Li
Around 3600 marble mines, 1200 marble processing (gang-saws) et al. reported a reduction in ultimate shrinkage strain by 38% with
units and 400 Automatic Tiling Plants (Block cutters) are spread over 15% addition of granite dust as paste replacement [21].
16 Districts of Rajasthan. These units generate five to six million ton- It is also well ascertained that presence of aggregates play a sig-
nes of marble waste annually [6]. The application of marble waste as nificant role in reducing drying shrinkage [22]. Tanaka compared
a resource will not only reduce the environmental effects of the shrinkage of concrete, mortar and cement paste mixes and
disposing-off marble waste, but also lead to conserving natural reported least drying shrinkage of concrete, followed by mortar
resources, thereby paving way for sustainable development. and cement paste mixes [23]. The reduction in shrinkage was cred-
Different researchers have explored the use of this waste in con- ited to the presence of aggregates in concrete and mortar mixes
crete as replacement of either cement or fine aggregates, depending [23]. Further, the properties of aggregates also affect shrinkage
upon the particle size of the resultant by-product. However, being characteristics of mixes [23,24]. However, these parameters are
inert, it is reported to be more suitable as sand replacement [7]. not given much consideration in the studies. Kwan et al. attributed
Costa et al. examined the behaviour of concrete made by using mar- higher drying shrinkage of concrete containing granite aggregates
ble powder as both cement and sand replacement; and concluded to its elastic modulus and water absorption [16]. Zhang et al. also
that marble powder as sand replacement provided better concrete concluded that the characteristics of both fine aggregates and
performance than using marble waste as cement replacement [8]. coarse aggregates affect shrinkage properties of concrete [25].
Different researchers in recent years have investigated the strength Singh and Siddique reported that concrete mixtures incorporating
and durability properties of mortar or concrete mixes incorporating coal bottom ash as fine aggregate reduced drying shrinkage strains
marble waste as fine aggregates. Demirel substituted fine aggregates from 520 lm to 327 lm [26]. Khay et al. investigated the shrinkage
passing through 0.25 mm sieve with marble waste powder and of compacted sand with variation in aggregate type and compared
reported that the replacement was highly beneficial in improving it with the normal concrete [27]. They found that compacted sand
compressive strength and decreasing porosity of concrete [9]. concrete developed nearly 30% lesser shrinkage strain than ordi-
Gameiro investigated the performance of concrete produced by nary sand concrete.
using marble dust as replacement of sand and concluded that replac-
ing 20% sand by marble dust was effective in improving durability
2. Research Significance
performance of concrete, as indicated by improvement in water
absorption by capillary suction and carbonation resistance [10].
It is well established that the aggregate type and its size distri-
Kabeer and Vyas also suggested the optimum replacement level of
bution has a significant effect on drying shrinkage of concrete [28].
river sand by marble powder as 20% in mortar mixes [11].
However, shrinkage properties of concrete incorporating marble
Apart from the general strength and durability properties, dry-
waste as fine aggregates have not been well reported. The
ing shrinkage is an important parameter that governs overall integ-
researchers have contradictory views about the effect of incorpo-
rity and maintenance cost of a structure, and hence defining overall
rating marble aggregates as replacement to river sand. Khyaliya
performance of a structure [12,13]. Nowadays, drying shrinkage
et al. reported that the drying shrinkage of lean mortar mixes con-
requirements are even becoming integral part of project specifica-
taining marble as river sand replacement was equivalent to the
tions [13]. Drying shrinkage is defined as change in dimensions of
control mix till 50% replacement level, thereafter an increase in
concrete with time due to loss of moisture upon drying. With the
shrinkage strain by 70% was observed at 75% and 100% replace-
start of drying process, initially the water held free in the voids
ment levels [29]. However, Gameiro et al. concluded that the dry-
is lost, followed by the loss of adsorbed water that is held in very
ing shrinkage of marble aggregate concrete was lower than the
small capillaries of size <50 nm [14]. While the loss of free water
corresponding mix containing normal aggregates [10]. Moreover,
causes little to no shrinkage, loss of adsorbed water causes con-
no model is available for prediction of drying shrinkage of concrete
crete to shrink and produces tensile stresses, thus leading to drying
incorporating marble waste as fine aggregates in concrete. The pre-
shrinkage cracks in concrete [14]. It generally occurs when con-
sent study proposes two-fold objectives. Firstly, the research
crete is exposed to low relative humidity environment, due to
focuses on a better insight into the effect of incorporating marble
which the water that is present in the capillaries and is not phys-
waste as partial replacement of natural river sand on compressive
ically bound evaporates [15].This process induces internal relative
strength and drying shrinkage of concrete. Secondly, on the basis of
humidity gradient, which leads to the movement of water mole-
experimental results, a multi-regression model has been developed
cules from CSH gel into the empty capillaries and then out of con-
for the prediction of shrinkage strain of concrete incorporating
crete. Drying shrinkage is an everlasting process; however most of
marble waste as fine aggregates.
the cracking associated with it often appears within six months of
concrete casting [13]. The cracking so initiated affects the overall
durability of a structure and causes serviceability related problems. 3. Experimental programme
Major factors on which shrinkage of concrete depends include
properties of cementitious materials, water content, aggregate 3.1. Materials characteristics
type and aggregate content, curing conditions, geometry of mem-
ber etc [16]. The effect of type of cementitious materials on shrink- In the present study, Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) confirm-
age of resultant mix has been extensively reported. It is established ing to BIS:8112-2013 [30] (equivalent to ASTM C150 Type I [31])
K. Vardhan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 228 (2019) 116730 3

was used for preparation of concrete mixes. The specific gravity of was varied from 10 to 60%, by weight, with an equal incremental
OPC was 3.10. increase of 10% in the mixes. Mix proportions of all mixes, along
Locally available natural river sand confirming to Zone III of BIS with the nomenclature, are provided in Table 3. The use of super-
383-1970 [32] (equivalent to ASTM C33-02a) [33] was used as fine plasticizer is avoided in the present study so as to reduce the num-
aggregates. Marble waste was collected from marble processing ber of variables affecting test results. The major focus of the study
industries situated in Makrana area of North India and was used is to investigate the effect of replacement of river sand by marble
as partial replacement of fine aggregates. The marble waste was waste on one-to-one basis.
generated by cutting of marble slabs into required shapes and sizes
using diamond wires. During this process, large amount of slurry
3.3. Specimen preparation and test method
consisting of fine marble particles mixed with water is generated.
The slurry is passed through several sedimentation tanks to sepa-
The test programme constituted of examining fresh properties,
rate coarser particles from the fine slurry. The marble waste used
compressive strength, drying shrinkage and micro-structural anal-
in the present study was obtained from the bottom of first sedi-
ysis of the mixes. Workability of the concrete mixes was measured
mentation tank which have marble particles of size suitable as fine
through the Slump test, conducted as per BIS 7320-1974 [46], and
aggregates. The obtained waste was dried in open, followed by
slump values obtained for the mixes are presented in Table 3.
oven drying to remove excess water. Crushed gravel with nominal
Cubes of 150 mm size were cast as per BIS 516-1959 [47] to
size of 10 mm and 20 mm was used as coarse aggregates. Regular
measure 28-day and 90-day compressive strength of the mixes.
tap water was used to prepare all mixes.
Prism specimens of size 75  75  285 mm were cast for the mea-
Chemical composition of cement, natural river sand and marble
surement of unrestrained drying shrinkage. With the three repli-
waste aggregates is presented in Table 1. Physical properties of
cates, a total of 42 cubes and 21 prisms were cast for the
both fine aggregates and coarse aggregates are listed in Table 2.
measurement of compressive strength and drying shrinkage,
It can be seen from the table that the water absorption of fine mar-
ble waste aggregates is lower than replaced natural sand. Several
After 24 h of casting, all the specimens were de-moulded and
other authors have also reported lower water absorption of marble
were water cured for the requisite days at temperature of
waste [10,22,34–36].
27 ± 2 °C. For compressive strength test, the specimens were taken
The chemical composition of marble waste shows that calcium
out of the curing tank at 28 days and 90 days, and were tested as
oxide and magnesium oxide content of marble waste is 28.7% and
per BIS 516-1959 [47]. Further, after conducting 28-day compres-
22.3% respectively, indicating that the waste comes from calcite-
sive strength tests, broken pieces were used to examine
type marble. It is further confirmed by the X-Ray Diffraction
microstructure of the resultant mixes by performing scanning elec-
(XRD) spectra of marble waste, represented in Fig. 1, which indi-
tron micrograph (SEM) analysis.
cates the presence of dolomite as the main crystalline mineral,
Drying shrinkage of hardened concrete was measured as per
along with small peaks of quartz and calcium carbonate. Loss of
ASTM C 157-2003 [48]. The unrestrained drying shrinkage test is
ignition (LOI) of marble waste is generally high. It can be attributed
based on monitoring the variation in length of a specimen from
to the loss of carbon dioxide due to dissolution of calcite (CaCO3)
the moment it is taken out of mould till its length stabilizes. The
and dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). Higher LOI of marble waste is also
unrestrained shrinkage test set-up is shown in Fig. 4. For drying
reported by researchers investigating effect of marble waste
shrinkage studies, initial comparator reading of the specimens
[3,29,34,37–44]. Also, SEM image of marble waste (Fig. 2) demon-
was taken after 24 h of casting with the help of dial gauge, by using
strate the angular shape of marble particles. The particle size dis-
length comparator instrument. After that, the prism specimens
tribution of both natural river sand aggregates and marble waste
were water cured for 28 days, followed by air drying for a period
aggregates is presented in Fig. 3. As can be seen from the figure,
of 9 months in the laboratory environment, with relative humidity
marble waste aggregates have larger proportion of finer aggregates
between 60 and 80%. The length comparator readings were taken
passing through 1.18 mm sieve as compared to natural river sand.
at several intervals during the drying period, which were used to
As can be seen from Table 2, the specific surface area of marble
calculate drying shrinkage strain as per ASTM C157-2003. During
waste aggregates is higher than that of natural river sand. These
the first month of drying, the shrinkage strain was measured at
finer aggregates will help in providing filler effect in concrete.
4, 7, 10, 14, 21 and 28 days of drying. In the subsequent months,
as shrinkage slowed down, drying shrinkage readings were taken
3.2. Mix proportions at 15 days interval and the specimens were monitored till the dry-
ing period of 9 months.
Control concrete mix was designed as per the guidelines of BIS
10262-2009 [45], with a target 28-day compressive strength of
35 MPa. The water-cement ratio of the control mix was kept as 4. Results and discussion
0.5. Further, in the subsequent mixes, marble waste was used as
partial replacement of natural river sand. The replacement level 4.1. Effect of marble waste as fine aggregates on workability (Slump

Table 1
The slump values of mixes are presented in Table 3. It can be
Chemical composition of cement, natural river sand and marble waste.
observed that workability of the mix decreases with the addition
Constituent (%) Cement Natural river sand Marble waste of marble waste. The decrease occurred in spite of the fact that
CaO 65.1 5.7 28.7 water absorption of marble waste was comparatively lesser than
SiO2 22.3 77.4 4.7 the water absorption of natural river sand.
Al2O3 5.93 8.4 0.2 Similar observations for the loss of workability with the addi-
Fe2O3 2.8 2.4 0.5
SO3 1.3 – –
tion of marble waste was made by several authors [35,36,49,50].
MgO 0.8 0.7 22.3 It is known that workability of concrete depends upon the charac-
K2O 0.4 0.02 0.05 teristics of the material used, the grading and shape of fine aggre-
Na2O 0.8 0.01 0.06 gates. In the present study, both marble waste aggregates and
LOI 2 – 43.7
natural river sand belonged to Zone III of BIS 383: 1970 [32]; how-
4 K. Vardhan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 228 (2019) 116730

Table 2
Physical properties of aggregates.

Property Fine aggregates Coarse aggregates

Natural river sand Marble waste 10 mm 20 mm
Specific gravity 2.49 2.88 2.65 2.63
Water absorption 2.1 1.1 1.4 1.38
Fineness modulus 2.6 2.23 6.18 6.99
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1510 1565 – –
Specific surface area (m2/g) 0.210 0.249 – –

Fig. 1. XRD spectra of marble powder.

Fig. 3. Particle size distribution of natural river sand and marble waste used as fine

workability [51], hence use of angular marble waste fine aggre-

gates led to decrease in workability. The addition of marble waste
aggregates in a concrete mix reportedly makes the mix highly
cohesive and less workable, thereby increasing the water demand
[41,52]. The combined effect of increased cohesiveness of the mix
and large surface area to be wetted led to loss of workability of the
mix containing marble waste as replacement of fine aggregates.
In the present study, the mixes having slump in the range of
80 ± 20 mm were considered so as to avoid the use of superplasti-
cizer for casting. Superplaticizer was avoided in the present study
so as to reduce the number of variables affecting the test results.
The major focus of the study was to investigate the effect of
replacement of river sand by marble waste on one-to-one basis.

Fig. 2. SEM image of marble powder.

4.2. Effect of marble waste as fine aggregates on compressive strength

The 28-day and 90-day compressive strength of the mixes is

ever the grading curve of both the aggregates show that marble presented in Fig. 5. As can be seen from the figure, compressive
waste has large proportion of finer aggregates (<1.18 mm sieve strength of concrete increases with addition of marble waste
size) with larger specific surface area, which will require more aggregates in the mix till 40% replacement level, thereafter the
water to wet the surface of aggregates. As can be seen from Table 2, strength got stabilized. The 28-day compressive strength of the
specific surface of marble waste is 0.249 m2/g as compared to mixes increased by 9.7, 15.8, 21.1, 22.4, 21.3 and 20.2% respectively
0.210 m2/g for river sand. Large specific surface area of marble for M10, M20, M30, M40, M50 and M60 mixes, as compared to the
waste indicates that it will require more water to achieve required control mix. Similar observations of improvement in compressive
workability. The loss of workability with the addition of marble strength by using marble waste as fine aggregates has been made
waste can also be attributed to the angular shape of marble waste by various authors [6,7,9,35,36,38,41,53]. The compressive
aggregates (as shown in Fig. 2) and an increase in the surface area strength results clearly indicate that natural river sand can be
to be wetted, hence decreasing the workability. It is well estab- replaced by marble waste as fine aggregates to achieve better com-
lished that angular fine aggregates require more water for a given pressive strength of the mix.
K. Vardhan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 228 (2019) 116730 5

Table 3
Mix proportions and nomenclature of mixes.

Mix proportions (kg/m3)

Nomenclature Cement Fine aggregates Coarse aggregates Water Slump (mm)
Natural River Sand Marble waste 20 mm 10 mm
M0 372 621 0 707 472 186 100
M10 372 559 69 707 472 186 90
M20 372 497 138 707 472 186 85
M30 372 435 207 707 472 186 80
M40 372 373 275 707 472 186 70
M50 372 311 344 707 472 186 65
M60 372 249 413 707 472 186 60

attributed to better filler effect provided by marble waste, due to

presence of finer aggregates in the particle size range of
1.18 mm–300 l. Addition of marble waste as fine aggregates can
therefore refine the pore structure, thereby improving the micro-
structure of concrete matrix. The improved strength of mixes
incorporating fine marble waste aggregates can also be attributed
to lower water absorption of fine marble waste aggregates, indicat-
ing lesser pores on the concrete surface and stronger bond between
cement paste and the aggregates [51]. Along with this, the angular
sizes of marble waste aggregates helped in better bonding, due to
which it will require more paste in interstitial transition zone (ITZ)
of the resultant mix, which further improves bonding. Most of the
previous studies also suggest that more angular particles lead to
higher strength of the mix [54–61]. Also, at the chemical level,
marble aggregates improve binding ability of the mix. Although
marble is not a pozzolanic material, however reaction between cal-
cite present in marble and C3A of cement provides a compact struc-
ture and helps in improving binding. Munir et al. also reported that
calcite of marble waste reacts with C3A to form calcium carbo-
aluminate which is responsible for improving binding in concrete
matrix, leading to better compressive strength of the mix incorpo-
rating marble waste aggregates [38]. The improvement in strength
was observed at all testing ages from 7 days to 56 days. Bonavetti
et al. also discussed the improved binding of mixes with marble
Fig. 4. Unrestrained drying shrinkage test set-up. waste and attributed it to the compact structure of carbo-
aluminate, observed at 28 days of testing [62]. In the present study,
XRD analysis of marble waste shows the dominant peak of dolo-
The increase in compressive strength with the incorporation of mite, which has the capability of reacting with alkalies of cement
marble waste as partial replacement of natural river sand can be to form calcium carbonate.

M0 M10 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60
Compressive Strength (MPa)







28 90
Tesng Age (Days)

Fig. 5. Compressive strength of concrete mixes made by using marble waste aggregates.
6 K. Vardhan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 228 (2019) 116730

M0: (0% marble waste)

M20: (20% marble waste)

M40: (40% marble waste)

Fig. 6. SEM images of concrete mixes at the age of 28-day (CSH- Calcium silicate hydrate, CH- Calcium hydroxide, E- Ettringite, V- Voids).

The compressive strength became stable when the replacement hexagonal crystals, CSH has gel-like morphology, while ettringite
level is increased beyond 40%. It can be due to loss of workability of is identified with longer needles. From the figure, it can be seen
the mix with the addition of marble waste aggregates, leading to a that the major phases, i.e. C-S-H gel and CH remain almost the
very harsh mix at higher replacement levels, which could have same in all mixes, indicating that the incorporation of marble
adversely affected packing of the constituent materials. waste aggregates has insignificant influence on the hydration of
cement. Significant densification of the mix containing marble
4.3. Micro-structural analysis of mixes waste was confirmed from the SEM images, indicating the filler
effect of marble aggregates. Also, better spread of C-S-H was clearly
Fig. 6 shows the SEM images of various mixes incorporating visible in the mixes incorporating marble waste as fine aggregates.
marble waste as replacement of natural river sand at the age of Both these factors indicate better binding ability of mixes incorpo-
28 days. The major compounds were identified on the basis of their rating marble waste aggregates, thus leading to a dense and non-
well-established morphologies. For instance, CH is identified by porous micro structure. Better mechanical properties of the mix
K. Vardhan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 228 (2019) 116730 7

can be explained by filler effect provided by marble waste aggre-

gates and the densification of concrete matrix.

4.4. Effect of marble waste as fine aggregates on drying shrinkage

Fig. 7 depicts the effect of addition of marble waste as partial

replacement of natural river sand on drying shrinkage strain till
270 days of drying period. The maximum drying shrinkage strain
at 270 days of drying is referred to as ultimate drying shrinkage
strain. From the figure, it can be observed that addition of marble
waste reduced drying shrinkage strain of the mixes at all drying
durations. The ultimate shrinkage strain of all mixes is well below
600  10─6 mm/mm, the value prescribed by ACI for concrete to be
used in structural elements [63]. The maximum value of drying
shrinkage was observed to be 478  10─6 mm/mm for the control
mix at 270 days of drying, which reduced gradually as the percent-
age of marble waste aggregates is increased. The ultimate drying
shrinkage strain observed for the mix having 60% marble waste
was 332  10─6 mm/mm. The ultimate shrinkage strain decreased Fig. 7. Shrinkage strain evolution with drying time for concrete mixes.
by 7.7, 16.7, 22.0, 25.2, 27.6 and 30.5% respectively for M10, M20,
M30, M40, M50 and M60 mixes, as compared to the control mix.
The reduction in drying shrinkage with the addition of marble Table 4
Ultimate shrinkage strain, shrinkagehalf-time and shrinkage rate of concrete mixes.
waste aggregates can be attributed to the pore refinement that
occurred due to particle shape and pore size distribution of marble Mix Ultimate shrinkage strain Shrinkage half- Shrinkage rate in
waste aggregates. The improvement in pore structure of concrete (l mm/mm) time (days) first phase

reduced evaporation of water through the capillary pores during M0 478 13.8 17.21
drying; hence lowers the drying shrinkage. Similar observation of M10 441 13.4 16.14
M20 398 13.6 14.92
reduced drying shrinkage in concrete containing marble dust, with
M30 373 13.8 13.43
a particular physical characteristics, was made by Gameiro et al. M40 358 14.0 12.57
[10]. Khyaliya et al. also observed that the drying shrinkage of mor- M50 346 14.1 12.21
tar mixes remained unaltered upto 50% substitution of river sand M60 332 14.1 12.07
with marble powder [29]. Further, it can be observed that the max-
imum improvement in drying shrinkage was acheived till 40%
replacement level, thereafter the rate of decrease of drying shrink- involving different factors related to the proportions and proper-
age lowered. It can be due to the adverse effect of loss of workabil- ties of constituent materials, environmental factors etc [19]. Many
ity on packing of concrete constituents. models have been proposed by various researchers to predict dry-
A close look at the shrinkage development curve plotted by ing shrinkage strain of ordinary Portland cement concrete. Some of
using the drying shrinkage test results of a mix indicate that the the models, which are easy to apply for the prediction of shrinkage
shrinkage development curve consists of two phases; shrinkage strain, are:
occurred at faster rate during the first phase, followed by a second
phase where the shrinkage rate slowed down. These two phases 1. ACI-209 Model [12,14]
could be observed for all mixes. The demarcation between the 2. Bazant B3 Model [14,64]
two phases was made by calculating the days when the shrinkage 3. CEB – FIB Model [14,19,27]
of the mix reached half of the ultimate shrinkage strain value. The 4. Gardner/Lockman Model [14,65]
shrinkage-half time of all the mixes is presented in Table 4 and it
was observed to be nearly equal to 14 days for all mixes. Therefore, The details of the models, along with the conditions of applica-
time till 14 days of drying was taken as first phase of shrinkage in bility, are presented in Table 5. As can be seen, the models are
which almost 50% of ultimate shrinkage took place. Further, aver- applicable only for ordinary cement concrete using conventional
age rate of shrinkage was calculated in the first phase, and is pre- materials. A comparison of the observed shrinkage strain with
sented in Table 4 for all mixes. It can be seen from the table, that the easily accessible and well recognized models (ACI 209 model
the shrinkage rate was maximum for the control mix. The shrink- and Bazant B3 model) was attempted and is presented in Fig. 8.
age rate decreased with the increase in percentage of marble waste The solid lines in the figure were drawn corresponding to the val-
aggregates. However, the shrinkage rate was found to be nearly ues obtained for the control mix. However, the curves will not vary
same for mixes having 40, 50 and 60% of marble waste as replace- much because the variable corresponding to percentage replace-
ment of natural river sand. Lower rate of shrinkage by using marble ment of fine aggregates is not considered in ACI 209 model and
waste aggregates indicates that the tensile stresses will take Bazant B3 model. From the figure, it can be concluded that the
greater time to develop in the mixes incorporating marble waste existing well-established models for normal concrete using con-
aggregates, hence reducing the chances of development of drying ventional materials did not fit well for the concrete using marble
shrinkage cracks in these mixes. waste as fine aggregates. It indicates that the shrinkage model
must incorporate a parameter based on percentage of marble
4.5. Shrinkage strain prediction model for concrete containing marble waste aggregates used in the mix, along with the parameter of
waste as fine aggregates compressive strength and days of curing.

4.5.1. Existing prediction models 4.5.2. Multi-regression model for shrinkage prediction
Shrinkage of concrete is an important parameter that may affect A multiple variable regression model was developed accounting
long term performance of a structure. It is a complex phenomenon for the effect of marble waste aggregate content, 28-day compres-
8 K. Vardhan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 228 (2019) 116730

Table 5
Details of shrinkage prediction model used for conventional concrete.

Prediction model Model description Range of applicability

ACI-209 Model [12,14] esh ðtÞ ¼ ðtt sh;0 Þ
e  Type I and Type III cement, having cement content in the range of 280–
35þðtt sh;0 Þ sh1
445 kg/m3.
 Predict shrinkage strain of normal and light weight concrete.
esh ðtÞ: shrinkage strain at time t
 Moist and steam curing conditions.
tsh;0 : time at start of drying (days)
 Slump: 70 mm.
esh1 : ultimate shrinkage strain (in/in)  Air content: <6%.
t: time (days)

Bazant B3 Model [14,64] esh ðtÞ ¼ esh1

h K h SðtÞ i 
Concrete having 28 days cylinder strength (f c ) in the range of 17–70 MPa
esh1 ¼ a1 a2 26ðwÞ2:1 ðf 0c Þ þ 270  Cement content in the range of 160–720 kg/m3.
3  Water-cement ratio: 0.30–0.85.
K h ¼ 1  h qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
tt sh;0  Aggregate-cement ratio: 2.5–13.5.
SðtÞ ¼ tanh T sh
esh ðtÞ: Shrinkage strain at time t (in/in).
esh1 : ultimate shrinkage strain (in/in).
w: water content (lb/ft3).
Kh: cross-section shape factor.
h: relative humidity (%).
t: age of concrete (days).
t0: age of concrete at beginning of shrinkage
S(t): time function for shrinkage.
CEB – FIB Model [14,19,27] esh ¼ es ðf cm ÞðbRH Þ  Ordinary concrete having 28-day cylinder strength in the range of 12–
es ðf cm Þ ¼ 160 þ 10bsc ð9  f cm =1450Þ 80 MPa.
bRH ¼ 1:55bARH  Cured at mean relative humidity of 40–100%.
bARH ¼ 1  ðRH=100Þ3  Cured at mean temperature of 5–30 °C.
ecso : drying shrinkage of Portland cement concrete.
es : drying shrinkage obtained from RH-shrinkage
fcm: 28-days compressive strength (psi).
bsc: coefficient based upon type of cement.
bRH: coefficient based on relative humidity
Gardner/Lockman Model esh ¼ eshu bðhÞbðtÞ
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  Plain cement concrete having maximum 28-day compressive strength of
[14,65] eshu ¼ 1000k 4350 f
0 106 70 MPa.
4  Water-cement ratio: 0.4–0.6
bðhÞ ¼ 1  1:18h 
ðtt sh;0 Þ
bðtÞ ¼ 106
ðtt sh;0 þ97ðV=SÞ0:5

eshu : ultimate shrinkage strain (in/in).
b(h): correction factor for humidity.
b(t): correction factor for time.
tc: drying age commenced (days)
t: age of concrete (days)

sive strength of concrete and drying time on drying shrinkage aggregates and shrinkage strain predicted as per the regression
strain of concrete. The model is developed with percentage of mar- model suggested in Eq. (1). The figure clearly indicates that the
ble waste varying from 10 to 60% of fine aggregates and drying values obtained by using developed models are able to predict
time till 270 days. The proposed model is: the drying shrinkage of mixes incorporating marble waste aggre-
gates with a great accuracy. The predicted curve fitted well with a
t R2 value of 0.994. The results indicate the reliability of the pro-
1950 15þt
esh ¼ 0:36
ð1Þ posed model to evaluate shrinkage strain of mixes incorporating
ð1 þ pÞ0:7 ðf cs Þ variable percentages of marble waste as fine aggregates. It further
suggests that an additional parameter based on the proportion of
where, esh = shrinkage strain at time t (micro-strain); marble waste used as fine aggregates should be adopted in the
existing models to predict drying shrinkage of such mixes
fc = 28-day compressive strength (MPa) of the mix. accurately.
p = proportion of marble waste used as fine aggregate in The efficiency of the proposed model was further investigated
concrete. by performing residual error percentage analysis. Residual error
t = drying time (days). percentage is calculated as follows [14]:

Fig. 9 gives a comparative graph between the experimental

shrinkage strain of concrete containing marble waste as fine

Predicted shrinkage strain  Experimental shrinkage strain

Residual Error ð%Þ ¼  100 ð2Þ
Experimental shrinkage strain
K. Vardhan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 228 (2019) 116730 9

Table 6 presents the value of residual error calculated by using

Eq. (2) for all mixes having marble waste as fine aggregates. The
sign of residual error indicates the ability of model to underesti-
mate or overestimate shrinkage. Negative value of residual error
strain indicates that the model underestimates shrinkage, while
positive residual error corresponds to over estimation of shrinkage
strain. The corresponding number indicates the percentage by
which the model underestimates/overestimates drying shrinkage
strain. From the table, it was observed that the higher residual
error occur during early drying age. With the increase in drying
time, the residual error decreases to a very small value. The per-
centage error for the prediction of long-term shrinkage strain by
the developed model is reduced to nearly 2%. It can, therefore, be
concluded that the proposed model can be used to evaluate shrink-
age strain of concrete mixes containing marble waste with reason-
able accuracy.

5. Conclusions

Fig. 8. Comparison between observed shrinkage data with established prediction Following conclusions can be drawn from the present study:

1. The inclusion of marble waste as fine aggregates in concrete has

great effect on the properties of resultant concrete. The worka-
bility of mixes decreased with the addition of marble waste
aggregates, owing to the larger specific surface area of marble
waste aggregates, angular shape of aggregates and increase in
cohesiveness of the mix.
2. Compressive strength of concrete mixes increased by adding
marble waste aggregates, with the maximum strength achieved
at 40% replacement level. Mixes incorporating marble waste
exhibited denser microstructure with better filler effect and
improvement in binding ability due to presence of calcium
carbo-aluminate phase.
3. Incorporation of marble waste as fine aggregates led to reduc-
tion in drying shrinkage strain of concrete mixes. During
270 days of drying duration, the ultimate shrinkage strain
reduced gradually from 478  106 mm/mm to
332  106 mm/mm as the percentage of marble waste is
increased from 10 to 60% of fine aggregates. The ultimate
shrinkage strain decreased by 7.7, 16.7, 22.0, 25.2, 27.6 and
Fig. 9. Comparison of shrinkage strain prediction by proposed model with 30.5% respectively for M10, M20, M30, M40, M50 and M60
experimental data. mixes, as compared to the control mix.

Table 6
Residual error for mixes containing marble waste as fine aggregates.

Drying time Residual error (%)

M10 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60
7 13.90 9.29 10.7 7.19 8.70 7.78
14 1.98 0.80 5.2 3.12 1.13 0.89
28 8.09 4.50 4.4 3.53 3.63 2.70
45 6.30 3.61 5.2 2.07 4.18 4.24
60 1.41 1.62 5.3 0.77 1.39 3.60
75 3.22 5.39 6.4 3.13 0.26 0.03
90 1.56 0.17 3.1 1.83 2.77 6.27
105 1.36 1.75 1.2 3.75 3.25 5.41
120 2.69 2.52 1.7 1.26 3.93 5.07
135 2.95 3.23 3.5 1.86 2.61 4.96
150 3.08 3.00 2.6 1.85 0.52 4.65
165 2.20 3.13 2.8 2.22 0.20 3.43
180 1.63 3.07 1.8 1.80 0.57 2.80
195 1.31 2.48 1.3 1.15 0.96 1.95
210 0.81 2.00 2.2 0.62 1.22 1.27
225 0.65 1.67 1.5 0.54 1.04 0.78
240 0.85 1.51 1.2 0.63 0.97 0.19
255 0.96 1.53 0.9 0.92 0.70 0.16
270 1.23 1.76 0.9 1.14 0.49 0.28
10 K. Vardhan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 228 (2019) 116730

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