Vocabulary Unit 2 Closeup

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Embrace: cover, squeeze, grip, hug (Abrazo)

Wipe out: kill; destroy, eliminate, exterminate (Limpiar)
Settlement: a place where people come to live and build their homes (Acentamiento)
Vine: a climbing plant (Enredadera)
Layer: a level on top of another level (Capa de corteza Terrestre)
Mud: wet and soft earth (Lodo)
To head: go towards (ir hacia)
Roughly: approximately, (in a forceful manner) (Aproximadamente)
Squash: a type of vegetable with solid yellow flesh and a hard skin (Calabazin)
Warfare: combat, armed conflict (Conflicto armado)
Fall apart: disintegrate, break down, fall to pieces (Caerse a pedasos)
Steep: sharply sloped (muy inclinado)
Downfall: the sudden failure of an organization (Caída)
Tile: a flat piece of baked clay that is used to cover a wall, floor or roof (Teja, valdosa)
Shake sb’s faith: make sb doubt what they believe (Hacer dudar a alguien de lo que cree)
Hoax: a trick sb uses to fool others (Broma)
Grave: a place where a dead person is buried (below ground) (Tumba)
Tomb: a place where a dead person is buried (above ground) (Tumba super ficial)
Pattern: design (Patron de diseño)
Bearing: a support, guide, or locating piece for a rotating mechanical part. (Balin)
Illness: sickness (enfermedad)
Site: location with a purpose (Lugar)
Bizarre: strange; weird (Extraño)
Summit: the top of a mountain (Cima)
Goggles: special glasses which protect your eyes (Gafas de skiar)
Rope: very thick strong string (lazo)
Occurrence: incident, event (incidente)
Make out: manage to see sth (Forma de prsibir)
Look into: study or try to find out sth, examine facts and information (Investigar)
Stick to: keep doing one particular thing and not change to anything else (apegarse a sus ideas)
Take in: trick, deceive (as a joke) (Engañar)
Pretend: feign, act as if (Suponer)
Sight: view (Vista)
Ribbon: a long narrow piece of material used to tie things or for decoration (Cinta)
Leak: give secret information to the public through the media (Filtrar)
Come across: find by chance (Encuentro de coincidencia)

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