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Shane Porter

Professor Hugetz

ENGL 1301-04

September 23, 2020


Teaching is sharing knowledge and experience through different methods to help other

individuals learn and grow. With every career path someone chooses they are going to need a

certain set of skills that help them from day to day in that job. Teaching requires not only skills

such as knowing Math, English, and Social Studies or whatever course you may be teaching. It

also requires skills that cannot be learned in a classroom. As a teacher you must have excellent

communication skills so everyone of your students know what they are supposed to do. Another

skill that is necessary as a teacher is patience. Teacher must be patient, so they do not leave any

students behind. These skills are very helpful in the classroom, but they are also very helpful

with every day to day life.

Teachers hold a heavy responsibility in developing and helping the next generation. The journey

to becoming a teacher is a fairly long one as you are going to need a post high school degree and

you are going to need to develop very good people skills. Teachers must be able to inspire,

motivate, and help guide their students. Teachers should have the ability to adapt quickly so they

can help students who may not be understanding a certain way of teaching. The best teachers are

the ones who connect with their students and build relationships with them so they can teach
them not only how to become a better student but, how to become a better person also. Teaching

offers many different opportunities because unlike other jobs you get to choose which age group

you get to help teach. You can teach preschool which gives you the ability to teach children ages

between three and five or you can teach as high as college students and help young adults

graduate and go off into the real world.

The opportunity to find a job in the teaching field is very high. Teaching is a very big work field

with many job opportunities around the United States. The teaching field is not the highest

paying job around but as a teacher you have an opportunity to impact another person’s life. The

opportunity given to teachers to have a positive effect on a student live is an opportunity that you

cannot achieve in any other career path. Many teaching programs around the United States

requires students who want to become teachers to get classroom experience. Student teaching is

a common form of learning the ropes that helps the student shadow a teacher that helps with

gaining classroom experience.

Requirement’s to become a teacher vary from state to state but almost every state requires five

main things. Teachers must have a bachelor’s degree from a college or university. They must

pass all certification exams and complete the standard educator preparation course for each state.

You must complete state applications and you must complete fingerprinting test to ensure that

you do not have any kind of criminal history or past.

The salary for being a teacher has a lot of variables in it such as what level you teach, where you

teach and what you are teaching. The average high school teacher in the united states make
roughly around $60,000 a year. The best paid teachers or staff members can make upwards

towards $80,000 a year while the lowest paid teachers only make around $45,000 a year.

Although the average salaries vary from state to state for teaching when becoming a teacher, you

should factor in the cost of living in the area you are teaching. Teaching may not be the most

luxurious career choice or the highest paying job in the world, but it gives you an opportunity to

help others grow and learn. While teachers have pretty busy schedules during the school year

grading and creating assignments for their students, they also often have times off. During

holidays such as Christmas or thanksgiving teachers get time off which is nice. Teachers also get

summers of while their students are out of school. Many teachers get a second job or a part time

job in the summer to keep themselves busy or as another source of income. School plays a vital

part in everyone’s life as a kid and being a teacher give many people the opportunity to

positively impact the next generation. If you chose to go into the teaching field it is something

you must have a calling for and it must be something you want to do because as a teacher you

most likely will not be making the amount of money you should be making or the amount of

money someone else with your level of education is. This is not a bad thing though because as a

teacher you get to do something that nobody outside of the education career field gets to do, and

that is help teach and develop young minds on a daily basis.

"What Are The Requirements For A Career In Teaching And Education?". Collegechoice, 2020,
%20exam. Accessed 5 Oct 2020.

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